Canciones devocionales - PMD

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisance

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

While we were traveling back to La Perla from Chosica you gave me one of your most beautiful instructions: “compose songs based on the songs of the Acaryas.” You said that this instruction was the instruction that Srila Prabhupada gave to George Harrison. Later in the Blog you guided me more on how to carry out this activity.

The detail you gave me is that you can change things like “a lotus flower” to “a rose” and not omit the details.

I shared with you two songs that I had created, but neither convinces me in terms of the type of music I compose. I also feel that for it to be musically attractive enough, it would need help from other musicians.

I feel that there are many things that people will not understand and on the other hand several poems are long and it is difficult to maintain that length for a pop song that is around 2 to 3 minutes, generally in a song like this the lyrics are short and a lot of repetition.

I honestly think it would be more attractive to take the essence of the poems and then adapt it into a song that is attractive to many people, both musically and poetically.

HpS-ASA = AgtSP!.... Seems that shorter songs with repetition of basic phrases is also something that the Acharay's do, no? Some of their songs are long Ballads eg.

The shorter songs can fit together as a cycle, that deal with the different aspects of the same idea gradually. SB does that in 18,000 verses and many stories, no?

It is difficult to generate rhymes having already created lyrics. I think that if I compose a poem based on the poem and the Vedic conclusions it would be more effective, parts would be omitted but the central idea would be preserved.

ASA - Yes.

The core concepts are maintained, but it is presented in a way that is easy for most people to understand.

I know that this is distorting the instruction, but I have composed in this more simplified way that I propose and I consider that it can have a better effect for the preaching.

But to follow your instruction, I can do a side project in which I translate the songs in a literal, but musically attractive way with the help of other people.

Your servant

Piyari Mohan das

ASA - Hear their songs then write your own song. Of course, KRSNA is very involved with everybodies songs.

How are your relations with everyone in the Temple and community in terms of the violence and chaos that your mind created a few months ago???

JBS: The prodigal daughter

5 months, 3 weeks ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I have been under a lot of pressure and tension because of work. Being responsible in my work gives me more classrooms and brought me to the point of being on the verge of surmenage.

I'm waiting for June to end so I can free myself from the workload for the second half of the year.

Despite Prabhu Baladeva's visit, the situation in the administration in Peru is the same. That doesn't motivate me at all. And since I work weekends I can't go to the temple. I'm going to mass every Sunday. I just have to cross the street.

4P / 16R ok

I maintain an association with Palika dd

I promise to be more present in the morning programs. 

I treasure every moment in association with you and the good devotees that is what keeps me still in iskcon

Your eternal Servant


HpS/ASA - Thank you for your lucid comments. AgtSP. Paoho.

Do other people in your position have to work so much?

One basic analysis is that 10-hours/week is all we need to keep body and soul together for helping Lord Caitanya's mission.

Thank you again.

Any comments on ASA publications?

Urgente: Propuesta de Programa de Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami en España.

5 months, 3 weeks ago by Yulisa Yugala in Calendar Development

Hk pamho querido Guru Maharaja, aunque aun no está terminado, es un primer borrador del cronograma de actividades, falta coordinar con Prabhu Jayanta, Maharaja Yadunanada y otros.

HpS - Many, agtSP, thanks to you and everyone. We just talked with Yudu Swami for 30-minutes. If you look at you will see our suggestion to visit India (Vrndavana/Manipur) from about 17th September to 8th October with Maharaja and ourselves traveling together.

Then we have full time in Spain with no exterior travel.

Yes, coordinating with Jayanta Das!! 👍

No quería postergar un primer avance, el ritmo de aquí es diferente al ritmo de Perú y de Yugala. También le envío el equipo que esta coordinando la venida sus invitados. Este grupo siempre está en comunicación con los encargados de esas áreas.

Comité de estadía de HpS en NVM (del 10 setiembre al 3 de diciembre)

Tarangaksi Devi: Asram de devotos

Yasoda Devi Dasi: Información a invitados sobre estadía en NVM

Yugala Kisora Dasi: Servicios de programas de Gurudeva.

Propuesta de programa de Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami en España.

(Del 10 de setiembre al 3 de diciembre)


Martes 10 de setiembre: Recepción de bienvenida.

Miércoles 11 de setiembre: Radhasthami. Clase por Hanumatpresaka Swami. (Por Confirmar)

Sábado 14 de setiembre: Ekadasi

Domingo 15 de setiembre se rompe Ekadasi 8 - 11:26 AM

                             Advenimiento de Sri Vamanadeva.

                             Advenimiento de Srila Jiva Goswami.

Lunes 16 setiembre: Advenimiento de Srila Bhativinoda Thakura.

Martes 17 de setiembre: Partida de Srila Haridas Thakura. Clase Srimad Bhagavatam por Hanumatpresaka Swami. (Por confirmar)

Miércoles 18 de setiembre: 5 PM. Trasmisión de película en el Aula “El diario de una criatura viajera - el viaje definitivo - Episodio 3/España.

                                            Toma de Sannyasi de Srila Prabhupada.

Sábado 21 de setiembre: Ratha Yatha en Madrid.

Martes 24 de setiembre: Llegada de Srila Prabhupada a América.

                                            5 PM Trasmisión de película en el Aula “El diario de una criatura viajera - el viaje definitivo - Episodio 1/Perú.

Jueves 26 de setiembre (fecha por confirmar): Trasmisión de película en la Iglesia de Brihuega.

Sábado 28 de setiembre: Ekadasi

Programa en la vaquería “Cumpleaños de la vaquita” con Damodara Priya

Domingo 29 de setiembre se rompe Ekadasi 8:11 - 11:27 AM.



Octubre (fecha por confirmar): Programa en la universidad Complutense de Madrid. (Previa coordinación con P. Jayanta.)

Sábado 5 octubre: Reunión en casa de Gadhadara. Clase de Hanumatpresaka Swami.

Lunes 9 octubre: Durga Puja.

                             Fiesta de madre tierra en el huerto de Prittu.

Jueves 10 octubre: Programa turístico Brihuega: tumbas y cuevas

Sábado 12 octubre: Día de la hispanidad fiesta en Brihuega. (Descubrimiento de América)

Advenimiento de Sri Madhvacarya.

Domingo 13 octubre: Ekadasi.

Lunes 14 octubre: Rompe Ekadasi 8:28 - 11:29 AM.

                             Partida de Ragunatha das Goswami

                             Partida de Ragunatha Bhatta Goswami

                             Partida de Krsna das Kaviraja Goswami

Jueves 17 octubre: Laksmi puja.

                             Partida de Murari Gupta.

                             Mes de Damodara

Sábado 19 octubre: Harinama en Madrid.

Domingo 20 de octubre: Japa y caminata en el Jardín Real en Atocha.

Programa en Madrid a las 12 PM. Clase por Hanumatpresaka Swami.

Lunes 21 de octubre: Partida de Srila Narottama das Thakura.

Jueves 24 de octubre: Advenimiento del Radha Kuntha - Bahulastami. Paseo de las murthis en la piscina.

Sábado 26 de octubre: Visita a museo “El Prado en Madrid”.

Domingo de 27 octubre: Ekadasi.

Lunes 28 de octubre: Rompe Ekadasi 10:03 - 10:33 AM.

Miércoles 30 de octubre: Reunión de hermanos espirituales.



Sábado 02 de noviembre: Govardhana puja

Martes 05 de noviembre: Partida de Srila Prabhupada ayuno hasta medio día.

Sábado 09 de noviembre: “Gopasthami” Fiesta en la vaquería

Martes 12 de noviembre: Ekadasi.

                                            Partida de Gaura Kisora Dasa Babaji ayuno hasta medio día.

Miércoles 13 noviembre: Rompe Ekadasi 07:59 - 08:33 AM.

Miércoles 15 noviembre: Tulasi - Saligrama Vivaha

                                            Final de Damodara vrata y Caturmasya.

Miércoles 16 noviembre: Reunión en casa de Gadhadara.

Miércoles 20 noviembre: Película ASA en el aula.

Sábado 23 de noviembre: Harinama en Alcalá de Henares

Martes 26 noviembre: Ekadasi.

Miércoles 27 noviembre: Rompe Ekadasi 08:14 - 10:46 AM.

Sábado 30 de noviembre: Reunión ASA



Martes 03 de diciembre: Viaja Hanumatpresaka Swami a EEUU



Las clases las programa Maharaja Yadunandana, estuvo de viaje, hay infinidad de reuniones con líderes de Madrid este fin de semana y recién estará libre la próxima semana. Estaba esperando esa coordinación con él, por eso no le mandaba aún la propuesta del cronograma de actividades.

En las próximas semana le informaremos de la actualización del cronograma.

Mil disculpas por la demora.

Su muy torpe sirvienta: Yugala Kisora Dasi.

Request for visiting Manipur

5 months, 3 weeks ago by sadhubhusandas@bsds in Calendar Development

Current ASA Calendar


10th - HpS: >> to Madrid with Yadu Swami. Return ticket = 3rd December.

Maybe.... Go to India during Madrid stay. What do you think? Just go and stay in Manipur???


Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you Maharaja.

Maharaja, we, even if fools, are always ready to serve you in Manipur. We have very humble and simple facilities, but you have been always merciful to us by happily accepting whatever simple things we have offered to you during your stays in Manipur. I, on behalf of ISKCON Manipur devotees, am really thanking you from the core of my heart for your love for all of us in Manipur.

Maharaja, please come and stay in Manipur for 1 month or 2 months or 1 year or as par Maharaja desires. Please bless all of us by your physical presence in Manipur. We are ready to humbly offer to and for tickets for Spain and India, and bear the other required additional expenses too.

Your humble servant

Sadhubhusan das

ISKCON Manipur

HpS/ASA - AgtSP, paoho. AgtHH BSDM.

your letter makes me very sad. it is very heartbreaking that you offer us such hospitality. we do not deserve to visit such a celestial place or people as manipur and manipura vaisnava. yet we want to.

we can generate some funds for the trip, but would have to have a care taker to accompany us.

political situation is manageable?

Nectar Of Devotion seminar?

🌠 We just talked with Yadunandana Swami. He is very, very close friend in ISKCON. He is from Spain. Disciple of Satsvarupa Swami. Regional administrator in Spain. Academic. BI/BsdM mood all the way.

We will go from USA to Spain with him 10th September. Then he must go to teach in Vrndavana 19th - 26th.

So we could travel together and then after he teaches in Vrndavana we could go to Manipur together.

He wants some place to write essays from the SB.

Is Manipura good for that?

He would naturally be fantastic cultural ambassador of Manipur in the West.

Stay one/two weeks?

Then back to Spain for Rama vijayotsava on October 12th.

What do you think?

I would like to stay for ever in Manipur.

Maybe we have to die to do that.

Invitation to participate in "The Late Morning Program With Namarasa"

Hare Krishna Gurudev,



I'm writing to you now as PR or Media Producer of "The Late Morning Program With Namarasa". In spanish is "Productor Periodístico". Getting interviews for the show.

The host is Namarasa Prabhu, a sincere ISKCON devotee who likes to cover interesting topics inside the Krishna Consciousness movement. 

He wants to invite you to his podcast "The Late Morning Program With Namarasa". So, of course, his question is what he needs to do to get you to his house in New Jersey (10 minutes from ISKCON Towaco, NJ temple) before you travel to Spain, in your stop in John F. Kennedy International Airport. 

Could we have a short online pre-interview to discuss what main topics can be covered in the conversation to broadcast? My first proposals have been Carl Jung and his contact points with our philosophy, your approaches to the Jungian community as an area to explore more for ISKCON devotees in the future of preaching, Psychology in our movement, etc. But it depends a lot on this first interview.

The show

This podcast program has over 150 episodes and is called the #1 Hare Krishna Podcast. His audience is probably the largest in its kind and is the most active in social media in years in a row.

For example, your disciple, Radhika Raman Das, was interviewed last month (picture attached, Namarasa is on the left there). 

His wife is the kirtaniya, Tulsi Harrison, his father-in-law is one ISKCON Guru, Kripamoya Maharaja, his sister-in-law is the kirtaniya Jahnavi Harrison. All of them appeared already in the show too.

Here you can find more about it:

[The Namarasa Podcast -



Thank you, Guru Maharaja. We await your response, and if is possible to you, to begin making arrangements for the logistics and other details.

Hare Krishna

HpS/ASA - He should talk with Subal sakha Das: I'll whatsapp his number, about a schedule or tele conference.

jung x bh, siddhanta!!!

Chosika flash and an offering to you

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Jayananda Prabhu! All glories to you! 

Thank you so much for all of the links to the songs and the lyrics. It’s been a great source of inspiration and study. Deeper perspective and illuminations on songs I already knew(or thought I knew) and then songs I hadn’t heard before like PPM’s hymn and PS’s wedding song!!

Susan Boyle (bolo) was a real shocker and very inspired by her down to earth/realness and sincerity, particularly in that TV show setting. Reminds me that amazing artists and musicians are everywhere and connected to the source(Krsna). Also, you have inspired me to dive deeper into Phil Ochs. He definitely takes the observer roll in his writing to great heights and has so much sincerity/depth. 

Also, really appreciated the It’s a Beautiful Day song you played in class yesterday about Time. It was an exciting answer to prabhu’s question. Relating all of these songs to our teachings is very enlivening for us because I always knew there was something there in them before meeting devotees and now I am beginning to see more of the full picture as a listener but also as a writer my self.

Music and writing has always been a call and response type of thing for me. Hearing fully with one pointed attention then responding. Responding like it could be my last breath informed by the mood of the call. Kirtan. This is what I love and have always loved and you are helping me understand more and more. Got a long row to hoe though!

Maharaja, here is a link to a music video and song I wrote. It’s pretty silly but has some meaning perhaps. There is some really nice puppetry we got from Lokantha Prabhu that is featured.

hps/asa - great/ like 7.5/10! hard to hear the lyrics. instru. loud for us.

abraham lincoln on power.

lord acton.

run the quotes as visuals??

Actually Maharaja, this whole album that’s coming out in July is dedicated to you and is my offering to you. The music and the album art. Sound and form. But I would say it’s only 20 percent Krishna conscious maybe (lyrically and also Maha manta and Nitai Gauranga made it into a few songs).

60 percent spiritual preservative and maybe 20 percent just karmi music lol. Any amount of the depth in it is because of you and Parampara. I’m pretty happy with how it all came together.

About 4 years of writing, producing and praying to God to allow it to happen and that it may have some worth. Always a little nervous that it was “over-endeavoring for mundane things that are very difficult to obtain”.

Lastly, morning program is going very well.

Sometimes it’s just me and Madhava Prabhu but later in the week and weekends we’ve been having a couple new devotees and the new devotees who live here now. Dina Tarani and Dayalu Prabhus. They are in their early 20s but have so many talents and strengths to offer our community. Kalakantha Prabhu and Radhika Ramana Prabhu have both had instructed me to mentor Dayalu prabhu. It’s very challenging and purifying but have been having really good classes and discussions in the mornings. Class every morning! With rotating schedule thanks to Anadi TP. Also, I have been taking more and more guidance from Madhava Prabhu here(our head Pujari). That relationship is expanding with the help of your last letter guiding me to NOI text 5.

Thank you Maharaja, I could write you a novel but am trying to keep it short and more frequent. It’s so wonderful to hear your classes everyday (past and present). Thank you. 

Please pray that Aja doesn’t forget about Krishna in the onslaught of teenage years. He’s having a very rough time to say the least.

HpS - Canakhya Pandita writes like, every young man's years from 18-25 are his greatest battle with his senses, but whatever he can win from the war are his greatest assets for the rest of his life. 😄

Best wishes to him and hope we can even be of some inspiration.

All the best with your travels to Huston and celebrations of Jayananda Prabhu and Lord Nrsingha Dev installation !! 

Your aspiring servant, 

Nitisara das 

P.S. There will be vinyl records, tapes and CDs made and it will be available on all streaming platforms. When I get the physical copies we will be doing more of a formal offering to our deities, Prabhupada and you. In the liner note credits it is dedicated to you and an old songwriting friend that left his body last year. Here is the album art: 

asa- good art. a picture of you after biting a lemon?