Jaya Radhe Jaya Krishna Jaya Vrindavana! M Puri das from buenos aires

13 years, 6 months ago by Madhavendra Puri das


Hare Krishna gurudeva!! long time not writing you...

ASA Monkey/Piggy - AGTSP   pamho.  Yeah!   Long time!  Demon...

i m fine, 

ASA Monkey/Piggy - Well that's good to hear. HpS gets in all this anxiety thinking about his students when he hears too much or too little from them.  You gotta learn the art of saying just the right amount to people in just the right way. Well, we also are demons, so I guess we can't be too critical of others! 

following 4 principles without problems, japa not in it best moment, not allways good chanting, with some problems to get up early also, very tired low energy,

ASA Monkey/Piggy - It's a matter of priorities. Don't we know. We are not the Supreme Friends (bhotarama yajna tapasyam...).   Gotta do our work as pro-por-tioned by The Boss and then let The Boss do at least 85% of the work. 

 but by krishnas mercy very much ocupated in service at the present, happy in that way.....with my wife we are giving mantra yoga meditation seminars at the temple,

ASA Monkey/Piggy - Wow!   Super!   "Om mani padme hum!" Hare Krsna Hare Rama!" Super!

last week like 15 new people chant 1 round in the mala for the first time,

ASA Monkey/Piggy - Super! Blooper!     We did like the same kind of seminar at Ricardo Palma University and it was also Super.  We made "Minute Malas". 25-beads each, and then put them in packages with little explanation and they sold like pancakes... boom!

very much intrested people...also givin ayurveda nd cookin courses in some yoga centers, in the houses of some people, doin some bhaktivriksa programs, ..i also continue giving yoga clases,etc.....i gave up last month an office job i take this year that was with my family, it  was not beein very good for my  health, now much more relieved in that way....

Prepearin to travel to india also ,the 21 of october , i think we will arrive like 23 to vrindavana...yr gonna be there at that time,no? is it posible to travel to manipur with you also?

ASA Monkey/Piggy - You gotta look at the Calendar link in the KDh for our Calendar.   Think we come back from Bombay to Vraja about then!    We will put news about Manipur in the next Kapi Dhvaja. You have to contact the Temple President there and about staying, visiting etc.   We will do a light of the Bhagavata symposium and try to see all the Kartika purnima Rasa-lila. If you get permission to stay then you have to get tickets.   Ho!   Ho!   Ho!     We got ours from www.makemytrip.com -

Here is our letter to them:

President -radha carana das manipur <[email protected]>

GBC Regional Secretary - ekanatha das manipur <[email protected]>

Our Good Friend - ajit das <[email protected]>


Esteemed Radha-carana Prabhu, Ekanatha Prabhu, Ajita Prabhu's et al,

Srila Prabhupada, Srila Bhakti-svarupa Damodara Swami, Manipuri Vaisnava Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jai!

How are you?

We have just returned from three months in South America. Many places there are just like Manipur and the preaching in Manipur would help then a lot.

Ajita was so kind to go there and they still talk about the visit so much.

We are in USA for two weeks then Europe then India and Manipura.

We have out tickets to visit for the same dates, 8th-15th of November.

We can send more details in the next few days, but our idea is to get as much mercy and education from your good selves as we can and to offer our Symposium on Light of the Bhagavata, Cultivation of the Human Spirit.


[ ] Is the book translated into Manipuri language?


We have the files for the art, 20-40MB so we can do a nice art exhibition, seminars on specific topics and very nice movies!


I am telling devotees who want to visit to contact these addresses directly to make arrangements. We will help as much as we can also to arrange things but we are 63-years old so cannot do as much as before.


We want to help with the Sankirtana of Sri Sri Radha Govinda-candra and spread it all over the world.


Please let us know if these are good plans.

Your servants,

Hanumatpresaka Swami

Anjana Suta Academy

Like 10 days ago prabhu syamakunda from peru, was visitin me at my home , and he was with a radha govinda deities with him, that he could not take care of them, he gave them to me , to take care of them , they re not officialy instalated deities,but i feel they re realy present, i put them in the altar with gopala, jaganatha ,baladev nd subhadra nd the p tattva.... do you think i could/should  worship radha krishna deities?..      

ASA - M/P - We asked HpS and he said that if you are following Srila Prabhupada then it's O.K. because Jayananda made the point that Srila Prabhupada says in his BG that everyone should worship the forms of RK and SR et al, and Tamal Krsna Maharaja said that Jayananda was correct!   

MPD - Also, we re planin with some devotees to celebrate radhastami at my home, nd we were thinkin in doing an abishekam, is that recomendated for radhastami?  it could be done an abishekam to a deitie that is not oficialy instalated? or that is some kind of instalation of the deitie?

hope yr fine gurudev, sorry to much questions, hope to see you in vraja...

ys, madhavendra puri das

M/P - Wow it's 3.49AM  Gotta jump in the Lake!   Seems that you can bath Them in water with nice Kirtan and SB prayers but not milk etc and that would be O.K. for the first time.

DTC Friday/2

13 years, 6 months ago by hps

of a
Traveling Creature


Tom Brown (MONKEY)
Jagamohana Ashrama
Issaquah, Washington, USA

Hare Krsna Prabhus, AGTSP   paoho and bw.    Here we are, Monkey/Piggy with HpSwami, Uncle Gismo et al, in Pandava's Ashrama in Issaquah, Washington.  There are lots and lots and lots of green trees, pine forest that go up and up and up.   There are bears and wolves and Puma-tigers in the forest. It is crisp and cool here. We did a program at Hari-vilasa Prabhu's ISKCON Templ last night. It was pretty cool, Ganesha, BG 10.8 and Prabhupada, the Person Bhagavata. Also, HpS met his brother and sister for the first time since like 1978. That was a lot of emotional stress for everybody by golly - the meeting of two cultures, but it was really cool and everyone benefitted so much.
The human race is making progress.

Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!

Oscar Natars + Rodrigo Otero, Ki Jai!

Hari-vilasa ISKCON Seattle, Ki Jai!

HpSwami's eyeballs are dying. This is probably the last tour he will take like this. 25-letters yesterday. 25-phone calls after getting back in the USA. There is no time to be to generous with anyone!  Just have to make the offer of Krsna to everyone and then it is up to them to make the choice , no?

We got back late so there was no chance to read the Blog.  Now we will do it.

We got out 25-rounds done from yesterday.

Mangala-arati is 5.30AM here.  According to The World Clock, sunrise is 6.30 here and sunset is 7.45. That means that Brahma-moo-hurta is 5-5.45 AM. Gotta be up and at 'em by 4.30AM, no?  Gotta have your bath and Tilak and be doing Kirtan by 5.00AM if you want to get a passing score with the ISKCON-ASA school of Bhakti Yoga and get a PhD from Lord Caitanya!

O.K. Let's look at five letters from the Blog!

Kirtaniya sada Harih!!

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!

13 years, 6 months ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros


Hare Krishna querido Gurudeva

ASA - Hare Krsna Rodrigo Heranandez!   TlgaSP   Muy bien oir de Vd.  Su vida es tan interesante!

Mil disculpas. Mi computador estuvo con algunos problemas. Este 10 de agosto yo envié un mail a usted a disciples yahoo, pero parece que no recibió mi carta.

ASA - HpS     -     Si, si!  Que dijo?

Después de su visita a Chile he estado haciendo muchas cosas. Estoy trabajando en proyectos en periodismo y literatura. Buscando cómo encontrar  el dinero para hacer proyectos. No es fácil vender proyectos.

También buscando alguna devota para tomar asociación.

Muchas gracias por toda su asociación durante su visita a Chile. Muchas gracias! Estoy muy feliz de aprender a hacer servicio para usted. Por favor disculpe todos los errores y ofensas.

Muchas gracias por su bolsita de Japa que usted me regaló, es un tesoro para mí. Es una joya!

En Chile siguen los problemas con la educación. Todo el mundo sale a las calles. Al principio son actos pacíficos, pero siempre terminan en violencia y represión de la policia. Las cosas no están bien en Chile.

Estoy trabajando en la Revista Utsaha 2. Espero todo salga bien.

Gurudeva, usted pidió una biografía y tres fotos. Aquí van! 

Jaya Srila Prabhupada! Jaya Hanumatpresaka Swami!

Pd: Mañana domingo tenemos reunión de ASA Chile!

Este es mi reporte!

Su humilde aspirante a sirviente,
Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández Piceros

HpS - ASA  -  TlgaSP  Pero eso es especificamente para Aspirantes Formal.  Nosotros somos aun Amigos Informales, no?    Es muy bromistos todas estas formalidades, pero es util.   Voy a guardar su Biodata en Un Sitio Especial.  Esperamos mas noticias.  Necesita una Jefe de Rama para "ASA Chile". Quien es?

Rodrigo Hernández Piceros


Rodrigo Hernández Piceros was born in Santiago, Chile (October 12, 1974). He is a poet, cultural manager, journalist and Bachelor of Social Communication.

He is a member of the Chilean Surrealist Group “Derrame”, comprising poets and painters. With them, he has organized a series of local and international events, including several poetry readings, book launches, performances, exhibitions.

His first book, "Perseverance of the dream', was published in November 2006 under Editions Derrame editorial. Part of his poetry has been translated into French, ducht and English too. His poems have been published in magazines and catalogs from France, Colombia, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Chile.

As a journalist during 2002-2003 he was a collaborator in the communication area in the Direction for the Chilean Community Abroad (DICOEX) of the State Department. Also, in 2003 he works as a journalist for the magazine “Volantín” and the DICOEX Newsletter.

Hernandez Piceros is currently working on a book of poems, a book about Joaquín Edwards Bello, and a book with interviews to Gurus from ISKCON.

For almost 4 last years he has been practicing bhakti yoga in ISKCON Chile. He is also the editor for the Utsaha Magazine of the Arjuna Suta Academy Chile.

He hopes, one day, to become a initiated disciple of HH Hanumatpresaka Swami.

Guru-carana-kamala bhaja man ! . From Chile! HARIBOOOL!

13 years, 6 months ago by Bhaktin Camila R.

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay!!!<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" />

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" />

Camila R. , 18 años, estudiante de sociología, CHILE.

(hoy, escribiré en español. je je ) 

Por favor acepte mis más sinceras y humildes reverencias.
Querido Maharaj: me está sucediendo algo muy "controversial" o complicado, lo que ocurre es que el otro año no quiero estudiar, ya que la carrera en la cual estoy no me hace sentir feliz, no me satisface, y no creo que esa sea mi profesión futura. He conversado con mis padres sobre abandonarla, y asumieron que el otro año no voy a estar en la universidad, siento que estoy como en una "crisis" porque la verdad es que no sé a qué quiero dedicarme, profesionalmente hablando, el resto de mi vida, entonces es un tema importante para mí. He pensando en asistir al seminario que está en brasil, dado por Dhanvantari Swami(JAYA!) , lo ansío mucho, creo que sería una oportunidad inmensa para mi crecimiento espiritual, y también creo que aclararía demasiado mi mente con respecto a la vida "material",  me ayudaría a reforzar mi fé y conocimiento sobre Krishna. Pero, quiero saber qué opina usted respecto a todo esto...¿está bien que me vaya? . 

Ahora estoy muy bien, me he inscrito en el curso de el Néctar de la Devoción y el Néctar de la Instrucción, creo que todo marchará perfecto. <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/04.gif" title="" />
Estoy leyendo las lilas del Señor Jagannatha<img alt="smiley" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif" title="smiley" />, siempre he sentido una conexión con él, desde que llegué al templo, es como si tuviese mi corazón, me emociona mucho leer sobre los pasatiempos que han tenido grandes devotos relacionados con él...en verdad es maravilloso, es MUY misericordioso...he estado al borde de las lágrimas leyendo, es muy emocionante...por el Señor Jagannatha siento algo hermoso, y creo que es casi incomprensible para mi persona. 

He estado un poco mal de salud, he tenido problemas en los pulmones, aunque sólo ha sido un resfrío fuerte, nada grave <img alt="cheeky" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tounge_smile.gif" style="font-size: 13px;" title="cheeky" />

Bueno, Maharaj, espero que esté muy bien de salud, que todo marche excelente! 

Muchas gracias por haber leído esta carta, me siento muy feliz de poder escribirle, creo que hace que mi existencia sea aún mejor en conciencia de Krishna, gracias por su eterna misericordia. 

Su aspirante a sirvienta, Bhaktin Camila R. 


ASA - TlgaSP     pfanrh.    Jaya!      Muy bien su carta.     1) Pienso cuando estamos joven en vida espiritual es muy deficil eligir una profession.  Primero iniciacion es, "Yo soy serviente de Krsna", "Yo voy a trabjar para el Banco de Roma". Pero cual es mi trabajo, no se.  Eso es mas o menos cuando llegamos a segunda iniciacion. Y eso no es basado solamente en nuestra psico-fisico naturaleza. Es basado tambien en nuestra naturaleza eterno tambien, mas o menos.

Entonces, mantener flexibilidad. Probar diferentes cosas pero no espera una perspectivo profundo hast llegando a la conprehension que significa segunda inciacion.

2) Usualmente para la mayoria de devotos quienes son Chicas, sus servicios son muy bien relacionado con posicion de sus padres, esposos y/o hijos madura. Cuerpo femenina es muy devocional, en esta perspectio, acuerdo de los VEDAS. Entonces, su asociacion va a ser un elemento muy importante en elegir su crera.

3) No se, y no puedo concoer los detalles de su situacion en terminos de esta tema especifica.  Canakhya Pandita dijo que exito viene de buen consejo y buen consejo viene de muchos consejeros.  Entonces necesita desarrolla el habito y tambien el ambiente de muchas consejeros.   Habla con personas quien ha tomado el curse de Dhanvantari Swami et al!

Hable bien con los autoridades del templo, no hacer cosas capricioso, pero tambien tiene deber desarrollla su propio vida espiritual en co-operation con Templo, Brahmanas, amigos, familia...

Hare Krrishna beloved Gurudeva!! greetings from Buenos Aires temple!Happy (belated) Janmastami !! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

13 years, 6 months ago by radhamm

Hare Krishna beloved Gurudeva,

Happy  (belated) Janmastami !! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

AGSP!! Please accept my humble obeisances onto your lotus feet!  Hope you´re great,healthy and happy! Gurumaharaja, we´re in so auspicious celebrations such as Janmastami which her e in Buenos Aires temple was just amazing,. During these auspicious celebrations(and always) all my thoughts and service I offer to You Gurudevt,these Greetings  should arrived to You  few days ago before but all of us were so busy in service and organization for the Janmastami Mahotsava festival... so extactic ...For myself more´n´ more service for  Sri Sri Gaura Nitay...My ashrama leader Madre Vrndavana Bhiharini had to pull me out from service...because I got 3 days in roll sleeping 2 hours...non stop..she´s  so lovely! actually I dind´t want to sleep and loose all the nectar of being asociated with such great vaisnavas...I think that  is losing time going to sleep, or ciesta... anyway she got a good point and argument!

Last night took place a beautiful and so meangful  Janmastami Festival here in Buenos Aires temple...a huge festival we´ve been hard working for it..And .for the first time in ISCKON  Argentina after more  then 35 years the ladies(brahmanes) were in charge of the abhishek...which was simply incredible, I was so happy, could´t believe that I was there...we´ve had a huuuuuuuge crowd of devotees...Then our special guest Aravinda das prabhu(mexico) gave a nice class and at midnight  an extactic kirtan!  My service here at pujari is getting more and more amazing....For Janmastami and previous days lots of things  to be prepared..such as abhishek and temple and altar decoration! Janmastami here in Buenos Aires were absolutely gorgeous! 

Dear and beloved Gurudeva,on this aupicious day of Srila Prabhupada´s Vyasa puja...i offer all my heart ,body, and service onto your lotus feet..without You I couldn´t be on such extactic service here...Prabhupada has given me bhakti bijam, but with your mercy it is posible to adavance in bhakti, You´re a perfect example of disciple so dedicated, surrendered, simple, humble... a bonafide spiritual master who helps Your diciples   and everyone to go forward to go Back to Godhead!Today  before Govinda aratik I´ve got the mercy to bathe Prabhupada´s murti... We´ll have a light celebration today here only for us(residents) then next Aug. 28th a huge Fesitval There´s nothing more sublime then spiritual life, saddhana, arcana vigraha. Mangala arakti, sadhu sanga...Thank You soooooooooooo much,bleoved  Gurudeva!! harinama Sankirtana Yagña ki jay!

Srila Prabhupada ki jay!! HPS ki jay! Hare Krishna, beloved Gurudeva!

Your humble and eternal servant, Radha Madana Manohara dd


ASA - Jaya!   AGTSP!  Thank you so much for your letter.  Festivl in Peru was also ectatic.   We did more service better than we have ever done before.   I think all of ISKCON is advanzing and now we will begin to see the results.  Many problems come that have to be resolved, with every step of advancement.
Please just continue on the path you are on now and all the ignorance in our situation, and that we need will come simply and naturally!   Thank you for your report!




13 years, 6 months ago by Kristina Donoso

        Hare Krishna Maestro, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias!!

 <!-- descanso -.>

 Gracias por responderme  tan pronto y hacerme sentir  que tengo un maestro fidedigno.

 Esta semana tuvimos la  compañía del Maestro Deena Bandu  recibimos mucho néctar!! Me bautizó con Krishnita eso me gustó mucho (tengo mucho ego falso).

 Si yo soy  la devota  Con el restaurante GOPAL, LA PAZ   y  Con el niño  tan bueno, es mi hijo adoptivo y es una larga      historia  de amor, los problemas que tuve en Lima se derivan de esa historia y todo lo que tuve que hacer para que

No lo robaran en España. Perdone que le cuente problemas personales, pero con todo esto siento que Krishna me

Tiro de los cabellos y me ha llevado a su lado casi a la fuerza y me ha hecho comprometerme sin dejarme elección.

Estoy sufriendo mucho por todo lo que pasó en Lima y porque sin querer cometí ofensas a los devotos de Lima que

 me ayudaron tanto y me dieron todo su apoyo. Ahora ya tengo el fallo del  Tribunal  Superior de Cataluña en donde

se prueba mi inocencia está legalizado  por el  APOSTILLE  de La HAYA  y quiero hacerlo llegar a Lima por medio de P. Maturesh para que sea oficial y no hayan mas confusiones.

Los devotos de Perú  están muy enfadados conmigo  y eso me duele mucho, mucho, mucho sobre todo P. Advaita, el ha sido como mi maestro y se jugó por mí en Lima, me dio todo su apoyo y me cuidó.  Querido Maestro Hanumatpresaka yo veo en P. Advaita a Krisna, es eso malo?  Estoy ofendiendo a Krishna? <!-- descanso -.> 

         Gracias por ayudarme a servir mas a Krishna!

          Su más humilde sirvienta!!

          Que Krishna lo bendiga siempre!!

           Kristina Donoso (Krishnita)

HpS  -  ASA >   AGTSP   pfanrh.  Muy bien oir de Vd.   Si, Dina bandhu Prabhu, es devoto fuerte!   Lo conosco para muchas anos.    Ya tiene que ser conocido como Krishnita "Dasi", no? <img alt="smiley" height="20" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif" title="smiley" width="20" />

No los detalles de todo lo que pasa en Lima, pero como Laskmana Prabhu me dijo por su salida si autorizacion la Madre Ganga o unos tiene que ocupar un abogado y pagar una multa muy fuerte.

Es un hecho?

Rama dijo a Laksmana in el "Ramayana", que no hay ninguna error que podemos realizar que no podemos "correct", corejir.  Solamente tiene que comenzar el processo y Krsna ayuda mucho!

Adelante con todo su buen servicio!