DTC Tuesday - 26 July

13 years, 1 month ago by hps

D  I A R Y
of a
Traveling Creature


Tue/26-July     -     Lima, Peru
AGTSP      paoho    Here we are in Miraflores, in Lima.  It is cold and overcast.   Our flight was delayed SIX HOURS yesterday, from Santiago to Lima, but we got a lot work done!
Now we are here and worked all morning on the formatting for Dr. Bandhyopadyay's  book and planning for the NIOS Symposium that we will do before we return to the USA on th 31st (August).

Got 16-rounds done.              Gotta chant more!                 Ekadasi!

Health's cool.   In Choseeka should be better weather.  Go there tommorrow.

O.K.              A lot happening!               Gotta chant HK/R  and then prioritize on that basis.     You can't do it all!       

Full morning and evening program, related to the V.E.D.A.S. work, NIOS work.                     Thank you so much devotees in Chile.    So much intense Sankirtana.          Ooof!         Hope we can keep it up!

The Light of the Bhagavata.

Cuerámaro, México.

13 years, 1 month ago by sarahii

Hare Krishna Guru Mahraja. Soy Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi. (no recuerdo mi contraseña del blog)

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!.

Estimado Guru Maharaja.

Estoy en Cueramaro con el curos Bhakti Sastri. Vamos en el capítulo 14 del BG, y tengo que preparar un curso del Upadesamrta.

Tengo 12 alumnos, y estan progresando mucho con el estudio y formación como devotos. Yo tambiénn estoy aprendiendo mucho.

Espero que Su visita por Santiago de Chile este muy bien.

Luego del curso de Bhakti Sastri, me quedaré en México haciendo Sankirtan para viajar a India.

Esperando que estas noticias le agraden.

Me despido.

Muchas gracias por Su eterna misericordia.

Priya Sakhi DD

HpS - ASA ---  Super.   TlgaSP     Si, estamos pensando en que pasa con Vd?    Somos su servientes eternos!    Muy bien con su programa de oir y cantar.  Claro, pienso esta aprendiendo much ensenar a otros.
No, va a India!!!

Va a Vrndavna/Mayapura!    Ho!   Ho!    Ho!
Si, nuestra visita a Chile ha pasado tambien super.     Mucho ayuda de Pancha tattva, Abhimanyu, Prahlada Das et al.   Buen asociacion con Ananta-gauranga, Amara, todos!                            Ya son 3.3AM, entonces, bano, Puja para Hanuman, ultima detalles de arrelegar el equpaje y estamos en ruta......  ! ! ! !

Santiago a Lima   -    Sri Sri Gaura Nita a Senor Jagannatha!!!!!!
Cuantos alumnos en todo hay en Cuera?    Cuanto dura el curso??

Sarahi Report

13 years, 1 month ago by sarahii

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!!

All Glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!!!!!!!!!!!

All Glories to you!!!!!!

HpS - ASA -  Some little, little, glories to us!

Dear Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances, we are still in Cueramaro, in the Bhakti Sastri course, Priya Sakhi matayi is our teacher in this course. We are trying to wake up earlier than normal, we are chanting our japa rounds, taking part in Mangala  Artic, doing service and studying the Bhagavad Gita.

ASA - This will certainly interest Maya-devi!  She will be pleased to offer you more advanced tests now.  Jo!  Jo!

These last days have been in a lot of introspection and anxiety due to the tests Krishna gives us to work our defect, we have inside our heart like enuy, false ego, and lack of humility.

Each one af us has a lot of internal work, but I still can’t understand why  it’s so difficult to over pass or transcend all these things, Gurudeva  I pray for your causeless mercy so I can overpass these anxietities and be able to help you serve and please Srila Prabhupada.

Your servent   Bhaktin Sarahi

ASA - Because these are not ordinary tests.   This game with Maya is for eternal prizes. Whatever 10-centavos you win you will have to invest again and again and again and ........
.....  it is 3.22AM, Monday.   We leave to the airport to fly to Peru at 4.30AM.   Up at 2AM we've been packing, after one month in Chile.   Our only aim is to go back to Goloka and take everybody that we can with us.     There is so much work to do there.       Yes, humility is the biggest austerity.  But Jayananda Prabhu told us that it doesn't mean to be artificially small.   It means to find our actual position, abilities and use them for Krsna.  And then we can be honestly proud that we DID SOMETHING for Krsna.   Like a little girl helping her mother make cookies her father's birthday!


13 years, 1 month ago by jaynityananda

sāhaḿ bhagavato nūnaḿ

vañcitā māyayā dṛḍham

yat tvāḿ vimuktidaḿ prāpya

na mumukṣeya bandhanāt

My lord, surely I have been solidly cheated by the insurmountable illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for in spite of having obtained your association, which gives liberation from material bondage, I did not seek such liberation. (SB 3.23.57)

Dear Maharaj,

It seems that all good intentions and resolutions always go in vain when i express them, so i better not express them any more. Still, increasing satisfaction is there after i started playing the game again cautiously, in stead of standing on the sideline for what seemed to be a too long time.


a big bellow full of air.

Richard van Dijck (the netherlands)

Esteemed  Big Bellow Full of Air,
AGTSP.   pamho. It is so, so, nice to hear from you again. I remember that we met in Radha-desa and you had been doing so much service in austerity there for some time for Radha Gopinatha.   Yes, patience is very important.  Upadesamrta Text Three, but enthusiasm is more important. So, great you are finding enthusiasm in Bhakti-yoga.  Don't worry too much if you go up and down sometimes. Better to keep moving!!!!!    Where are you now???

Introducing Camila

13 years, 1 month ago by Bhaktin Camila R.

Dear Maharaj, please accept my humble obeisances.

My name is Camila and i'm from Chile, it's the first time that i write to you...you're in Chile now, but I was in New York for 20 days, so I wasn't in the temple when you got there(now i'm here), I saw you the last sunday, but Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday I couldn't go to Valparaiso, so I just had the opportunity to see you on Friday, and saturday. I couldn't talk to you these days 'cause you were very busy, and any free time was for your resting, and i'm not angry, I know that I will see you any other time, but I wanted to "show me" ...cause now I know that I want to serve you all my life, you inspired me. The first time I knew about you was in your Vyasa Puja, my heart knew it, but my mind no, now I know, please accept me like your disciple...it will be the most beautiful thing that ever happens to me.

Sorry about my English,  I hope that you can understand everything that i wrote in this letter.



HARIBOOOOL!!!!!! <img alt="laugh" height="20" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.gif" title="laugh" width="20" /><img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/38.gif" title="" width="18" />

HpSwami - Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!       In our present stage we have to be little bit careful of our "heart".      It still has so many material desires, seeds, sprouts, from hundreds and millions of lifetimes.  On the other hand spiritual life, bhakti yoga, is sentiment from the beginning and also at the end. So, it is nice to for us to meet you!   But let us start with the conclusion that Prabhupada, Lord Caitanya and Radha and Krsna are very important to be accepted as our Masters. Really, we can only get to know each other well in terms of Srila Prabhupada.
So, nice to meet you.
Why were you in New York?
Which books of Srila Prabhupada are you reading?

Reporte mensual de Sadhana - ASA México

13 years, 1 month ago by Cruz Santa

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias!

El pasado domingo 10 de Julio, celebramos el programa mensual de Sadhana en México Mandir,  fue un programa muy hermoso  y el programa de Mangal Aratika reunió a varios Vaisnavas, entre ellos a sus sirvientes  Angada D, Jayadeva Goswami D. Jambavan D. Acompañado de su prometida Kamalakshi D.D.,  Lalita Gopi D.D. acompañada de su familia al igual que  Asta Sakhi D.D acompañada por Prabhu Manasa  y  Bhaktin Cruz Santa acompañada por Bhakta Erick,  finalizamos el maravilloso programa una magnifica clase  dada por Prabhu Maha Phala.

Por otro lado varios Vaisnavas se encuentran en Cueramaro por lo que realizaron el programa desde ahí, ellos son Sacinandana D. Bramacary, Priya Sakhi DD y y Bhaktin Sarahi. Mientras que Bhaktin Zareth realizó el programa desde su casa.

Estamos tratando de mantener este  modesto esfuerzo, inspirados por la gran misericordia que usted derrama sobre nosotros, decididos a tomar refugio de su auspiciosa asociación, ejemplo e inspiración.

Muchas Gracias

Sus sirvientes

ASA - HpS      TlgaSP    Pfanrh    Desculpa la demurra responder, pero estamos super, super, satisfecho oir de estas cosas tan super.   Solamente por Sadhana podemos ir a Vaikuntha y ser miembros eternos del Sankirtana de Srila Prabhupada.  O.K?
Estamos tratando organizar cosas para las problemas de salud de Jambavati tambiene.   Esperamos oir de Tungavidya DD en Radha Kunda!         De Sadhana proviene super inteligencia para Sankirtana.   Ya son 4.45PM en Santiago.  Abajo la Fiesta de Domingo comienza a las 5.00PM.   Tenemos que banar y descendir!   Esperamos como 200 devotoos.  Fuerte congregacion y Sankirtana. B'caris.
Manana vamos a Lima temprano.
Espero super, super, inspiracion para todos resultado de sus esfuerzas de Sadhana!!!