Are not this Body

13 years, 1 month ago by Cruz Santa

All glories toSrila Prabhupada
All glories to you dear Maharaja

We continue to struggle to follow their instructions, we had some setbacks with our Sadhana, but we remain consistent in their realization starting 4:00 AM, at home 4 Principles, 16 rounds and the fixed service in the temple 4 days a week.

ASA - AGTSP who has given us this process!!!   Paoho

 We are going through some tests, Krishna wants us to make tha tare not this body. OnJuly 21at  6:40AM,which was my father   left the body.Just 20 hours  before was hospitalized  Because ofcomplications from alcoholism while trying to stop drinking many times,to no avail. My mother spent the whole night until he started to leave the body and told me that right then she prayed to Krishna ~"You who are the owner of all,you have the last word if you want to stay or leave that is your decision,but please that this is happening you can understand the need and need to bewith youtohelp himcome to you"~Thenhe leftthe body.

ASA - Boop!

Maharaja, I am not intelligent but Krishna has left me his mercy at all times and that has helped me put everything in their hands but because of my selfish desires I feel sad for their separation.  Some Vaisnavas were with us at this time Sri Radha Mother. gave us Tulsi of Vrindavan to prepare your body, decorated with Tilak We put caranamrta, and Kunti mala. Vidagdha Prabhu gave us Mother Ganges water and put in your body.

For administrative procedures had to watch over him overnight, were chanting the Maha Mantra all night, we read the Srimad Bhagavad Gita and Sri Srimad Isopanisad later in the morning during incineration we read again the Sri Isopanisad and sang some more. The atmosphere was very calming for me and as I say, I could feel the INFINITE MERCY of our beloved Krishna. Too much.

And even as Krishna gives to me is hard to detach, although his late father forgot a bit of God ... He was the first person who showed me Krishna and I am very grateful, even when I do various activities not so good, I know that Krishna does not forget the little we do to approach him ... so he prayed to maintain that was my father, forever in your service.

Dear  Maharaja  just  had  to  talk  about, and I apologize for distracting  from  their activities  with  these  things, please  apologize  for  any  offense.

Your aspiring servant
Bhaktin Cruz Santa

ASA - So, nice!   You are such a lucky girl to have such a nice father, mother, church.   How did you get so lucky!       Of course, your father has gone some place better.    You may get some news in some time where he is.  How he is.  What is his austerity.   But of course, as you have some relation to him still, he probably has relation to you, so your austerities for his benefit have effect.  Chant one round for his peace and advancement until Janmastami if you want to.  Thank you for such good news. and our best wishes to your mother and all family!!


13 years, 1 month ago by trivikrama das


Hare Krsna Gurudev

espero que usted se encuentre bien, esta carta tiene la intención de comentarle algunas realizaciones que he tenido últimamente con respecto al varna y asram. Despues de consultarle a varios devotos , hermanos espirituales y otros, he entendido en un cierto aspecto por que vivía en ansiedad, por anhelar algo que no era para este momento, es decir que siento la necesidad de estar acompañado de una devota, pero me siento incualificado debido a mi falta de carácter. Por eso pienso que Krsna desea que aun pueda desarrollar mi carácter a travez de un entrenamiento, ¿Qué piensa usted?

ASA - AGTSP  paoho. No podemos entende muy bien la ultima linea. Pero, claro, podemos mejorar nuestra caracter para pasar de Brahmacari Ashrama a Grhastha Ashrama.  Ashrama de Brahmacari es para formar caracter!!  Jaya Gurudeva!

yo pienso que una buena opción es tomar entrenamiento con S.S Dhanvantari Swami asistiendo al seminario el año entrante.
Por otro lado me gustaría confirmar algunas especulaciones que surgieron después de conversar con Abhimanyu prabhu,  discutimos acerca de mi varna, y nos dimos cuenta en base a hechos de mi infancia y de lo que el pudo ver cuando estuve a su cargo como brahmacari, que siempre me he visto dirigido por las instrucciones de una autoridad y me siento comodo ,  siento que soy activo y no proactivo es una de las cosas que nos dio pistas para esta especulación con prabhu Abhimanyu.
¿cuan importante es entender el varna y el asrama para el servicio devocional?

esperando su pronta respuesta
su eterno sirviente
Trivikrama das

ASA - Si no es un Paramahamsa, no sientas ni frio y calor, no esta apegado a respirar oxigeno, tiene que tomar refugio de Varna y Ashrama mas o menos para realizar su servicio y llegar al etapa de Paramahamsa.

Arjuna sigue Varna Ashrama al base de consejo de Krsna, no?

Tiene que buscar unos buenos, exitoso Grhasthas y toman ellos como Ashrama Gurus, como Drona-acharya era Astra guru para los Pandavas.

O.K. Esperamos noticias de sus investigaciones de Ashrama gurus!!!  3.45AM Vamos a bano y Puja de  H A N U M A N  y Mangala-arati y mas cartas!!!!   Adelante.  Busca unos Ashrama gurus! 

Hare Krishna!!

13 years, 1 month ago by danielfrozero

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


I hope that you well
I'm here in Krishna consciousness trying to improve every day.
I want to say I have two children, one 8 years and one of 4 years (Luciano and Facundo).
They live with their mother, and I am separate from it 4 years ago.
As she is not devoted, children do not have a 100% Vaishnava education.
For my part, when they come to my house, I give them prasadam, reading together the pastimes of Sri Krishna, and the Bhagavat Gita, and go to the temple on Sundays. Over time, they are increasingly integrated into the consciousness of Krishna and that inspires me, and I think Krishna is very pleased about that.
Last week we met at the home of Madhavendra and Yasoda, and it was nice to have them and the association of devotees.
The rounds are better, 16 fixed, although sometimes the mind escapes, but is always the hand that puts in place again.

I can not evenget up as early as I wanted, 5:30 AM to sing a few rounds and go to work.
Now with more peaceful times the Bhagavat Gita and study the books of Srila Prabhupada more closely.

Sorry if the letter is very long
Please accept my obeisances and forgive my sins

your aspirant

Bhakta Daniel  

ASA- Hare Krsna, Bhakta Daniel.  AGTSP.   It is very nice to meet you.   Have we every had physical meeting?    Your efforts seem very great.  As we go on like this we become pleasing to everyone. Both devotees and non-devotees!   Even people who hate us, love to hate us!       As you struggle to get up for the Brahma-muhurta, 96-48 minutes before dawn, and chant Hare Krsna, you will discover that it is natural and that you get more work done better at your job and everything improves.  It is the best time to chant Hare Krsna. 


DTC Tuesday (Aug/2)

13 years, 1 month ago by hps


Here we are. AgtSP.
In the temple room in Lima, Peru.
Yesterday, was a run in madness.
Through the Anjana Suta Zoo.
Letters to Brussells.
Letters to Rome.
Fone Kalls to India.
   Won't you please go back Home!

Just click on the button that says.
Chant "Hare, Hare".
And by the mercy of Vaisnava.
You are at once on your way!

Programa de Cultivo Espiritual en Quillota, Chile.

13 years, 1 month ago by Vanamali Dasi

<img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" />Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitai <img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" />

<img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" />Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada<img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" />

Querido Gurumaharaja:

  Mis mas respetuosas reverencias. Lamento no haber escrito antes mis reportes <img alt="frown" src="" title="frown" />.  16 rondas, 4 principios. Servicio : Cocinar a las deidades en la ofrenda para la mañana los dias domingos, y programa de cultivo espiritual en Quillota, los cuales me dan mucho entusiasmo en mi vida espiritual<img alt="" src="" title="" />. Estudiando Bhakti Sastri con Prabhu Patraka, se aprende mucho<img alt="" src="" title="" />.  

Actualmente tengo 2 trabajos, en 2 colegios, uno en Valparaiso y otro en Quillota. Trabajo con niños, algunos con autismo, deficit auditivo y trastornos especifico del lenguaje.

En Quillota, hace un poco mas de un mes que comenzamos a realizar un programa de cultivo espiritual, debido a que en dicha ciudad no hay templo ni centro de predica<img alt="blush" src="" title="blush" />. En este programa participa Patricia Escuti ( la devotita que yo le presente en el programa de la Universidad Federico Santa Maria) , que es profesora de Lenguaje en el Colegio donde yo trabajo y su hija Catalina.

Por ciertas casualidades del destino (arreglos de Krishna) ella dio conmigo a traves de una pagina de facebook de Iskcon Valparaiso, y ella me vio en fotos, y me contacto en diciembre del año pasado<img alt="smiley" src="" title="smiley" />. Ella se mostro muy interesada y seria al seguir el proceso, leyendo de manera entusiasta libros como Krishna Book, Volver a Nacer, Karma La Justicia Infalible, etc<img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="laugh" src="" title="laugh" />. Ahora esta leyendo el Bhagavad Gita,y tiene mucho entusiasmo en su vida espiritual<img alt="" src="" title="" />. Debido a que el centro de predica mas cercano se encuentra a aproximadamente una hora y cuarto en bus, es  muy dificil  para ella viajar para asistir de manera regular a los programas que se hacen en Viña del Mar<img alt="frown" src="" title="frown" />. Asi que este es el motivo por el cual se tomo la iniciativa de hacer el programa de cultivo espiritual<img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" />. Ella tiene mucho deseo de tener su servicio fijo y tener asociacion de los devotos<img alt="smiley" src="" title="smiley" />. 

El programa se realiza todos los dias Martes, desde las 2 pm en su departamento. Consiste basicamente, en prasadam
( hora de almuerzo), cantar canciones devocionales y entender su significado, <img alt="" src="" title="" />clase del Bhagavad gita, preguntas y comentarios<img alt="" src="" title="" />. Hasta el momento se han revisado los siguientes capitulos:
1) Cap. 9. Texto 26. (21 junio, 2011)
2) Cap. 4. Texto 34. (28 junio, 2011)
3) Cap. 5. Texto 15. (5 julio, 2011)
4) Cap. 12. Texto 1. (12 julio, 2011)
5) Cap. 18. Texto 66. (26 julio, 2011)
En el programa de hoy 26 de Julio, dia de Ekadasi, se  cantaron y revisaron las canciones de Sri Guru Astaka y Tulasi. Ademas de recitar el Sisasktaka y su significado, las 8 oraciones que dejo el señor Caitanya<img alt="heart" src="" title="heart" />. Se canto Jaya Radha Madhava y revisamos el texto 66 del capitulo 18 del Bhagavad Gita.<img alt="heart" src="" title="heart" /> 


Su visita a Chile ha sido una gran misericordia en estas tierras invernales-infernales de hielo<img alt="" src="" title="" />. Muchas gracias por su visita, nos inspira mucho.<img alt="laugh" src="" title="laugh" /><img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" />

Mis mas sinceras reverencias y respetos,<img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" />

Para servirle, su tonta sirvienta,

Vanamali Dasi<img alt="" src="" title="" />

pd: Mi padre lleva una semana sin tomar alcohol!!! gracias por sus bendiciones!!<img alt="laugh" src="" title="laugh" />

pd2: Se adjuntan fotos del programa de Hoy


ASA -  Wow!    TlgaSP!      pfanrh.      Vds son mas fuerte que Super Perro!    Tiene que ser muy cuidado, por que si sigues de esta manera, muy pronto Rupa-manjari va a decir a Srila Prabhupada llevar Vd. en regresa a Vrndavana para ayudar con los grandes desafios de servicio a Nandanandana alla!
No, espera nada sino una futuro auspiciouso.     Su programa va a expander.   Krsna va a enviar mas y mas personas sinceros.

Por que no tiene un Noche de Cine Espiritual a veces!     Lea el Lux de la Bhagavata!?


13 years, 1 month ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA

I am paul of the Parikrama, from Spain.

ASA - AGTSP   paoho.  For our readers let us note that we were on the Vraja-mandala Parikrama many years ago with Pablo from Spain who wrot this letter. He was a Green Beret in the Spanish military, tow truck driver. Married Vriginia and has a nice son, but he and Virginia are separated now. We hope they learn to resolve that problem and co-operate for the benefit of Varuna, their nice son!!!! Pablo (Paul) is very nice person.

I hope all do well in every way.
I have no time to write, not by chance but because I have lived and still live bad times. Everything is crossing my path and I am not responding to the task.
Now I'm trying to get out of the commitment that I was took with the the judges and many other nonsense.
I have spent almost a year without seeing Varuna and I hardly talk to me, I know he loves me but is very angry with me because I am not at her side ...
Here I am Maharaja, being silly. All I want is to walk and not looking back ... or go without looking.
I'm trying to get organized again, especially inside, but every day I have less faith in me ... I believe in Krsna Maharaja, I does not feel hatred with Krsna or the devotes, really, just that I'm not giving the size for these circumstances, I imagine that the sun will rise again for me, if I try.
Just want to tell you not to worry about me Maharaja, I know You do. Do not do it, please.
Now I know  is Imposible to see You this days, I hope will can see You in another time, and hope to have enough strength to go to see You without dying of shame in the attempt.
It's a shame that I has not written before.
At Your feet Maharaja.
Hare Krishna. 


ASA - Hey!  Wake up soldier!!!!     You got a human body and a lot of assets.  Main thing is who are your associates?   Do you have any or do you live alone in the woods?               When one reporter asked Srila Prabhupada ini Berkeley, San Francisco, in 1975, "What will happen to your movement when you die?", we heard from Srila Prabhupada's own lips, the reply that he would never die, he would live forever in his books.
So take Srila Prabhupada's association every day. Just open the book before you eat and read one page, one para graph!!
Report the results soldier!!

5.48AM R(9)!