STA teresa de avila ;)

13 years ago by bhaktina teresa

  TLGSP!!!! aceppt my humble obeisances,¿how are you? if i´m from argentina buenos aires,oh the natural life to me is the temple maharaja, iwould love to live in the temple but  i have to finish studying uuuuuuuuu...i feel that my home is here with gaura nitai and srila prabhupada to make service in the temple is different  from that in my house, leads me to a spiritual progress very mere or at least what happens to me in my, yes maharaja i was read "las moradas de sta teresa de avila" "sta teresita de liseux" sta teresa de los andes(chile) i like i have many books and i love a san francisco he was a saint person!!!! maharaja i feel confidence in you since the day i had met you, can you tell me what  can i do now some service? My dear maharaja once again accept my humble obeisances and forgiveme my trespasses

                                                       HARIBOL!   teresa


ASA - TlgaSP.  Cual Santa Teresa es Vd. Mataji?    Es bueno leer el SB y otros y hacer contrastes con los Santos Kristianos y enviando sus escritos para publicacion en diferente revistas.


Otro carta hoy dia de Candrarekha dd, la misma comentario, que el templo no es para todos, todo el templo.  P'pada dijo el templo es para los Sannyasis, pero claro e super obtener la asociacin de ellos por pasando fines de semana, dias santos en el templo como podemos tomar apoyo de la programa mas formal!!!  Jaya!      Como podemos distinguir Vd. de todos las otras Santa Teresas.   Somos burros, monos, puercos, mayavadi sannyasis, cientificos.    Ayuda nos!

mi reporte.........

13 years ago by Jambavan Ram Das



HpS - ASA - Senor Jambavan Rama!    AGTSP   pfanrhhhh.  Estamos pensando mucho en que ha pasado con Vd?



ASA -  Su Su Super!   Si todos los Grhastha hace como esto va a ser Vaikuntha el mundo material.  Muchas Gracias!


ASA - Y la musica y distrbtn de Prasadam???   Y su pasion en la C.Krsna??

Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaja :)

13 years ago by Candrarekha Devi Dasi

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


first of all I hope you're well and your activities well too.

In this report I can tell, I'm sing 16 rounds of japa, I am following the 4 regulative principles, doing my service garlands for the altar on Tuesdays,reading, Krsna book for of night and upadesamrita.

Again, return to college fter 2 weeks of vacation of winter.

This time, after taking first initiation has been very special, my life is very calm.

I have some questions for you maharaja!!

1. My question is that most of the time, I see that a deity of Lord Hanuman is adored by devotees  for "men", women can  service do to Lord Hanuman  as a protector of us, as well as protecting of he to sita ??  devotees "Woman" can worship the Lord Hanuman too?

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP   paoho.  very nice to hear from you!  5.33AM 8/26.  We have to pack to go to the airport to fly to Cusco!   Hanuman. Yes, it seems very correct that ladies, Sita devi are offering respects to Hanuman. Yet, he is a Brahmacari so I guess it has to be done very strictly in the association of Srila Prabhupada.

2. With respect to accept our nature, and search our ashram, how we balance this, both materially and spiritually. an example:

I have a 25 years old, I'm already 3 years in university, missing 2 years more to complete my profession, took 3 years practicing bhakti yoga, and I want to study hard in Krsna consciousness, , but not  it's my nature to live in an ashram, you think there is a right age to make married life? or is it better to live one time in an ashram to be more stable in the spiritual life? ashram is also necessary for to women?

HpS - I think that if you go on with this Yoga of Japa everything as initiated devotee for at least one more year it will become clear.   For ladies it is not so necessary to stay in the Temple, but our home should be an Ashrama. It is natural for lady's Ashrama to be the home with Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Cousin. . .     Of course, these can be Spiritual Brother, Sister etc.   Continue chanting and your Ashrama will be come more clear.   1st initiation = I am devotee.   2nd initation = I am Brahman lady, Ksatriya lady ...

3. when a person is not nice to us in their actions toward others and toward yourself, you can keep your good works, and distance ourselves from them, these associations? or is offensive to  away from devotees, who in this case are complex associations?

ASA - Madhyaman adhikari loves God, avoids the demons, makes friends with the devotees and preaches to the innocent.  When we are Uttama adhikaris then we can see everyone as devotee, but in this stage we avoid the demons. If a devotee is 50% demon we avoid that 50%, but if that 50% WANTS to change, if it is willing to accept the instructions of the spiritual master and the scriptures, then we do austerity of associating with them and helping them.

Well, thank you for your time reading this letter.

I understand if you can not answer all my questions!  :)

sorry my bad English too.

HpS - ASA -  Is nice.  Helps me a lot.     Let's do few more letters!

Your humble servant

Candrarekha Devi Dasi

(Santiago - Chile)

ASA México - Reporte de Sadhana Agosto

13 years ago by Cruz Santa

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias!

El pasado domingo 7 de Agosto, celebramos el programa mensual de Sadhana en México Mandir,

ASA -   TlgaSP!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! !     !        pfanrhhhhr.      Muy bien!  4.13AM 26 Agosto.  Desculpa la demurra.  Las tres Klesas del mundo material y nuestra imadureza.   Requiere much fuerza responder a estas super cartas despues de tan mucho trabajo cada dia, pero estamos mejorando.   Super su Sadhana.  Y una carta de Asta sakhi dd de programas de Cine y todo!!   Super, Super, Super  Esperamos ser mas puro como Vds. y particpar mas!

fue un programa muy hermoso  y el programa de Mangal Aratika reunió a varios Vaisnavas que regresaban de Cueramaro, entre ellos a sus sirvientes  Asta Sakhi D.D acompañada por Prabhu Manasa  y  Bhaktin Cruz Santa acompañada por Bhakta Erick, Además Jambavan D. Acompañado de su prometida Kamalakshi D.D. y  Sacinandana D. Bramacary, estos últimos realizando servicio en el Altar. Finalizamos con una hermosa clase acerca del S.B canto 10.

ASA - Moo y Bien.   Tiene que concocer, aprender, el significado de Gruv astakam, Sansara davanala, palabra por palabra.  Entonce su mangala arati mas fuerte y puede ver los gandharvas volando en el aire entre dos meces!!

Estamos tratando de mantener este  modesto esfuerzo, inspirados por la gran misericordia que usted derrama sobre nosotros, decididos a tomar refugio de su auspiciosa asociación, ejemplo e inspiración.

Muchas Gracias

Sus sirvientes

ASA - AGTSP   no es pequeno, ni grande.  Es apropriado de su posicioan.  Por que no un formulario como cada uno puede hacer su reportaje cada reunion a que hora esta realizando mangala arati, cada dia, y cuantos rondas tiene completa antes de Mangala arati!

DTC Friday/26

13 years ago by hps

Diary of a Travelin Creature.
Hare Krsna. Dudes.   AGTSP   pfanrh.  Aqui estamos escriviendo esta por la luz se la luna.   We are writinng this by the moonshine.  No electricity here.
We are sorry we didn't answer the Branch reports int he last KDh.   Aqui son respuesta a los Reportajes de Ramas de la ultima KDh desxulpa.


Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaj
Please accept our humble obeisances <img src="" style="margin: 0pt 0.2ex; vertical-align: middle;" />

How are you? how about your health? It's nice to write you and tell you that yesterday it was a great day. 12 hours Kirtan at temple. Despite it was a rainy day there was many people singing the Lord's Names. <img src="" style="margin: 0pt 0.2ex; vertical-align: middle;" />
Also, we had a meeting yesterday at Arjuna's appartment. We talked about the steps to follow now in order to create the Centro Cultural ASA Chile. We discussed about what legal form is the most convinient for our purposes. As we talked in our last meeting the main purposes of our Cultural Centre will be -at least at the begining - organizing conferences and publishing books, bulletins, magazines, etc.

Arjuna will be in charge of all the legal formalities in the municipality, Rodrigo Hernandez will be in charge of Department of Publications and Nadia Villar is creating a departament of Translations with the help of another devotee. Rodrigo will contact some foundations and companies in order to get some sponsorship and laksmi through donations and advertising sale. Om Kesavaya will help him in this task.

The first projects for this ASA Branch will be publishing Utsaha II and organizing the LOB simposium in Federico Santa María University. We think that good dates would be May, September, October or November. May be in November it would be great, because Ratha Yatra is in that month and would be very auspicious count on your visit.

Because we are still inspired by your last visit, we send you a link with some photos of conferences and programs. Thank you very much! <img src="" style="margin: 0pt 0.2ex; vertical-align: middle;" />

Expecting your answer and trying to serve you <img src="" style="margin: 0pt 0.2ex; vertical-align: middle;" /><img src="" style="margin: 0pt 0.2ex; vertical-align: middle;" />

ASA Branch Chile (we are still discussing about the name <img src="" style="margin: 0pt 0.2ex; vertical-align: middle;" />)

ASA - Such a nice letter. SOrry we could not ahnswer sooner.  We have to get more organized and more austere!      We have a first bulletin tranlsted by the Department of Translation. We try to read it.   If Santa Universidad is still in strike then maybe organize some other venue and invite the students to an alternative education.
We hope you send you next report.  Getting up early.  Doing Deity service in the Temple is very important for Arjuna and the Brahmanas, no?!   What is the suggested content of Uasaha II?    What does the NOI say is Utssaha??

Hare Krsna


Dear Gurudeva we are waiting for U like the peacok in the LOB this sunday 14th in Miraflores- peru.

The NOI II course headed by HpS will start after janmastami, You just have to pay something minimum for the handouts.The conference will be in English and Spanish, all the sessions will be recorded as well.

In Janmastami is the Big Premiere: Radha Madana bihari THE MOVIE. from Oscar Natters and Rodrigo Ottero, they are already famous in the 3 worlds for all their service.Also there will be the deliver of the Diplomas from Bhakti sastri 2010 the Diplomas had already come from India

The Bhakti Vaibhava test will be on August 17 at 11:00amEach tutor will evaluate their students after this date. En Janmastami we will present the biodatas and by the Radhastami the rest with open book Y el 8 de Agosto empieza el Segundo Semestre del BhS con el BG.Candramukhi dd will check the 25 short questions.

We continue with the legalization of VEDAS this time LAD will investigate all the things related to the municipallity and Patraka Das will investigate with Walter León. We are still accepting proposals for our new name, the only proposal until now is NIMSA, the current name of Naimisaranya

The conversations with Yadhunanda Swami are advancing little by little. It seems that V.E.D.A.S. is the only hope for the education in ISKCON

Trying to touch your lotus feet

Your servants


 ASA - SUper Report.  Thank you so much!!!   The NOI II Seminar is delayed. We have to get our work more organized and set practical deadlines for our selves. Seems that this is very hard work, but the center is always to work with Srila Prabhupada's standard.  Book distribution is the most important program.  That is why should be studying BhSastr etceter!  More response and commentary in the next Kapi Dhavaja iin just two days.  Thank you.  Please excuse our offenses!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj

13 years ago by Gadai

Todas las Glorias al Sankirtan eterno de Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, por favor reciba mis humildes reverencias,  solo para agradecerle por todo lo que hace por nosotros, va ser inolvidable el festibal de Balarama que se tubo acá en La Paz,  y los programas que hubo de la Luz del Bhagavatam,  y aunque no estuvimos en Cochabamba me imagino que todo fue un Nectar.

Muchas gracias por darnos tanta misericordia, solo deseo servirlo haciendo Sankirtan por el resto de mi vida, muchas gracias guru Maharaj y que Krsna lo proteja mucho....<img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /><img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /><img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" />.

Muy Pronto Sankirtan en Perú con Prabhu Janardana y probablemente Prabhu Tattva Vit.

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj.

Gadai Gauranga Das


HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna.   Experimento que Vd. esta advanzzndo muy bien en Bondad y todo.  Esta movimento es un MILAGRO!!!!   Podemos convertir mas piados que Indra, el rey del cielo!

Entonces podemos utilizar esta inteligencia advanzada para servir a Krsna.

Super buena suerte con su meta de hacer Sankirtana, vida tras vida en los peise de loto de Srila Prabhuada!