
13 years ago by harsh_horse

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

Srila prabhupada ki  jay.

i have been in 5 years in KC, but have real trouble in arranging for prasadam. I dont have enough cooking skills or cook.

many times i have skipped meal as it was not prasad and slept empty or half stomach. this lead to inability to wake up at monring program and inability to perform work / devotion activities

my question : can my intiation  not be done if i have sincere reason of not able to get prasdam? even though i chant 16 rounds, follow 4 rules and read Books?

M/P - P-nut butter and Bananas!       Popcorn and p-nuts!     Hot milk!


13 years ago by candra108_mukhi



WE hope this meets U in very good health ¡¡¡¡¡¡

On Tuesday 30th Saint Rose from Lima celebration ‘s day we had a very nice meeting on Patraka’s asram with almost all the members of V.E.D.A.S. We really missed Tattva vit Gaura das ‘ association¡¡¡¡¡¡

We discussed very interesting points for our sankirtan…

First of all we are changing our name. This is a suggestion from our mentor HH Hanumatpresaka Swami (V.E.D.A.S. is becoming NIMSAR).  This is how it is known nowadays NAIMSARANYA.

Also HH Hanumatpresaka Swami and Patraka das B continue working with our relationship with CEMUL (Multicultural center).

M/P - HpS   wrote to them and as yet no response.   He asked Tandavika, Nios Secretary to scan NIOS statutes to send to CEMUL and he said he would!  HpS will call CEMUL

We are also considering admitting new members for V.E.D.A.S – NIMSAR

Answering a very nice invitation from Rodrigo (chile) M Yugala is going to write an article for the newspaper UTSAHA.

M/P - She has asked Abhirama, and he ageed, to scan last VEDAS articel in Sattva Journal and send to her!    Big Sankirtana

All of us are starting our second semester (Bhakti sastri and Bhakti vaibhava)

Our board has changed a little bit. Our president is still Patraka das B, also our treasurer is M Ananga manjari (She is going to present more elaborated financial reports) and the new secretary is Candramukhi dd

M/P - Do you know her?    We have heard that she has eyes and ears everywhere, that she gets reports from even her dog and that she leaves no thought secret!

Our meeting was really nice and ends with a very nice lunch cooked by Patraka’s mom J

Our sankirtan is really good Yugala kishore dasi has traveled to BOLIVIA in order to DISTRIBUTE BOOKS to all …… jay she has gone to a very nice marathon with Aravinda prabhu and all

M/P - Ye anilo prema dhana...

WE had a very nice Radhastami festival with the presence of HH Bhakti Busan Swami Maharaja. All our group participated.

There were more than 270 preparations for Radharani and Her devotees.

We are attaching some pictures….there U can see us in action jajaja

M/P -   Prabhupada said in one letter that Radharani is a little girl, cowherd girl.  She can't cover Her feet when She works.  That is for Mother Yasoda!

This is the minute for our last meeting but on Friday 9th (Srila Bhaktivinoda thakur appearance) we are going to have a meeting in chosica through web ex jayyyyyyyyy 

Thanks for your association

Your eternal servants


M/P - See you tommorrow.  Like w said in the DTC HpS, Brother Ass is recovering from food distubance.   He feel better now.   11.33PM


13 years ago by candra108_mukhi

Hare Krsna 

M/Piggy -  AGTSP!    Paoho.    Test successful!     Fire for effect!      Pedal to the Metal!

B.Natalia reporting

13 years ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

I will make a report every ekadasi, to be more regular in my comunication.

My sadhana this last week was difficult because it is my first week studying again (I was in holidays). I wanted to take less courses, but my parents didn't like the idea, so I have lot to do again.

Two days a week I arrive home 10.40pm. So this week is like a transition, it was weak in term of sadhana, but still 16 rounds and 4 reg.

MP - !!!!

At home they are very caring of me, but I am influenced by the ambiance aroung me. I feel the devotional creeper in my heart is affected, and it is very sad because even if my family is so nice, I feel their association makes me weaker,

M/P - Grrrrr! Try to improve, but even Krsna hankers for Vraja when He is in Mathura!

because when I am with devotees everything becomes easy.

The enthusiasm is there, but at home is like covered. And I become attracted to share the same activities with them, and my spiritual practices become "impractical".

M/P - If can keep 16/4 and full morning an evening program (even though simple) you are safe and you are giving them mercy!

I don't feel less attracted to be devotee, but I feel separation of being living with devotees. My brother is now devotee, and our relationship is very nice, but he need streng from me, and I dont' have much now.

I will endeavor better this week to make a good next report!!!

M/P - Bhaktin Natalia - Tigressa del Infierno! The Karmis run in terror and hide in their holes when she is there! She prowls her own house looking for Maya in the eyes of anyone to tear out their hearts and eat their brains!

In sankirtan: I was doing sankirtan with b.Maria, but with her books, so I don't kwon how many. I am doing less sankirtan, but still periodically I have the oportunity to go. My brother is also doing little everyday while coming back form the school. Now Maria and Yugala are in Bolivia, completly absorbed in sankirtan.


I will be more carefull with my sankirtan results in order to report them to you as a little service. I also can make a general report of the book I previously gave, to make a little offering to you ( promise for my next report!)

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Your servant, b. Natalia
(can I write a little personal letter in order to ask a personal aspect about my futur plans?)

M/P - Yes, HpS looks at the Yahoo Disciple, Aspirant address each Thursday! 

SATTVA reporting

13 years ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna
Please accept our humble obeisances
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

1. We had our first meeting in our new place, at the library of Magdalena. The group consisted of Prabhu Abhiram, Prabhu Jagat Pavitram, Juan, Lourdes, Luis and Natalia. We discussed many points, and we took prasadam together. The meeting will be every Wednesday at 6:30pm.

ASA - <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /> <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="21" />   Kirtan, Discussion based on Prabhupada's boooks, Kirtan, Prasadam!!!

2. Points discussed:
Tasks delegation:

-Prabhu Abhirama- Managing director(he is leading our efforts, and most of our activities)
-Walter León- Executive Director (he is supporting actively according his its disposal)
-Lourdes- Directorof institutional image (she will help to do the public presentation)
-Jagat Pavitram das- CommunicationsDirector (he will manage the correspondence with contacts, some aspects of our communication as a group, and the technical aspects during the events)
-Juan- Logistics Manager(he will help with prasadam, and other aspects of the organization of the events)
-Luis- Director of interagency communications(he will helps us to develop other interesting programs with interested institutions)
-Natalia- Broadcast director(she will be in charge of the facebook, some publicity, the reports, and the sankirtan table during the events)

ASA - <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /> <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="21" />    But it is all Directors.   Ha!        Ha!          Haw!    Ray!            Gotta get some down to earth Sudras who are looking for Directors!         (And Vaisyas and Brahmanas).   Sounds like Rajas rather than Sattva.  <img alt="smiley" height="20" src="" title="smiley" width="20" />        But very very much headed in the right direction very quickly so that it can lead many, many people!


            -We should make accounting of each activity to have a record of our performance. We would like to have a clear idea of our investment and achievements,

ASA - <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /> <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="21" />   Oink!!!       Oinnk!!!!!    Whoop!         Whoop!     This ASA Blog wants to hear your Goop!

to make a better feedback, and to improve our way to get and to use our resources. It will be also necessary to make our institution legally accredited.

ASA - <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /> <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="21" />              -                   Whatever six business men agree to do is automatically legal!   <img alt="smiley" height="20" src="" title="smiley" width="20" />      <img alt="smiley" height="20" src="" title="smiley" width="20" />                      <img alt="smiley" height="20" src="" title="smiley" width="20" /> 

            - Prabhu Jagat Pavitram das proposed to take inspiration of the bhakti vriksa program in order to develop a 40min study session every meeting. We can take the LOB, Prabhupada biography, NOI, and teaching of Lord Caitanya, and study them with the bhakti vriksa system (with topics and questions to be discussed). The idea would be to be able to make a good study program that could be open to others.

           -We will make a notebook with notes about every meeting, and also everyone will make a personal report of sadhana and service there. In that way it will be easier to make our sadhana report the next time.

            -We made our first meeting with prasadam (a vanilla cake!), every week one member is in charge of that. We did not our kirtan before and after our discussion,

<img alt="smiley" height="20" src="" title="smiley" width="20" /> !!!!!!     M/P

so today can be the opportunity. The ambiance with music, good discussion and association, and prasadam will be very auspicious for Magdalena’s library.

More details about our new ideas in our next report!

Hare Krsna,
Your servants SATTVA

M/P    SUper    Super...   But Mangala arati don't fail me now!!!!


13 years ago by harsh_horse

Hare krsna Mahraj

dandvat pranam, AGTSP, PAMHO,

 every thing is connected to Krsna

like chanting, four rules, book reading, cooking, working, family raising etc.(putting Krsna in centre)

if everything is on absolute why we  prioritze them in our daily life? why still we have priorities in services?

ASA - <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" />   BG start of chapter seven .... bhumir,apo, 'nalo, vayu....BHINNA PRAKRTEH...    bhinna means "separated energies".   So Krsna has different energies and we have to relate to them differently.    In the material worlds we have to make distinctions in terms of our psycho fisical conditioning what is best for connecting it to Krsna.   Maybe conditioned by female body it is best chant Hare Krsna, cook and help people in baby bodies be devotees.   In male body it is best chant Hare Krsna and discuss maps with other male gorillas for devocional service.

In the spiritual world the varieties of service are dictated purely by the internal potency and our own spiritual nature!

why just we take one activity and make more intense in relation to Krsna?

ASA - <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" />  Yes, yes, we can must do that.   But is we try we discover that in our stage (and even in liberated stage)   focusing on one activity automatically leads to include others.   If you want to make sweet rice you automatically start to include sugar, milk.     Japa leads us to want to chant in front of the Deities! 



ASA - <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /> <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="21" />  Monkey Piggy     Tennessee!     Thank you!