Hare Krsna / Hare Rama !

12 years, 9 months ago by Candrarekha Devi Dasi

All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai


Dear guru maharaja<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/37.gif" title="" />

I hope you are very good, like your health, and your activities too!

My report this month is as follows:

- chant my 16 rounds is ok

-  krsna book reading in the night

-  4 Principles regulative is ok

- Return next week, my service again garlands for the temple<img alt="yes" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.gif" title="yes" />

- And 3 more days, I have my university holidays<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/22.gif" title="" />

Gurudeva, this last time, in my life were born very strange interests,  is very strong in my heart, has touched me very often meet people who are devout and, not devout,  Attitudes a little strange, maybe depression, a mental health problem, silent, introverted.<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/15.gif" title="" />

and causes me a great attraction, observe, their gestures, their attitudes, but, not mockery, or any bad intension of me, is the opposite, My attraction  know that happens, with these people, is a need that arises in my wanting to help, in non-devotees is perhaps easier to reach them, but, with the devotees, as I can understand what I'm feeling, like being able to help, how to get closer, to know this side of these souls, Perhaps it is also dangerous, but never before had this feeling, i not understand what my paramatma, he is indicating.<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a11.gif" title="" /><img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/06.gif" title="" />

lately, in my life, strange things very are happening, and my material condition, fails to detect what Krishna wants

I do not understand!!<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/06.gif" title="" />

Dear Gurudeva thank you very much for your time to read this report and your question, for prabhu amara gouranga das, in the previous report, he is well with your family, and this dictate, classes a few days in the temple too!!!!<img alt="wink" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/wink_smile.gif" title="wink" />

Please accept again my most humble obeisances, and excuse my bad English please!

your eternal servant

Candrarekha Devi Dasi<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/38.gif" title="" />

(Santiago- Chile)

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!   TlgaSP   Pfanrh. Yes, as we advance in devocional service we pass through different subtle levels of Maya and Krsna. That is described as we go on reading Srimad Bhagavatam. So, if you look in your KRSNA book reading carefully and your related Japa carefully you should see how to relate to these sublte words, ISKCON.

Hare Krsna Maharaj - Study Reporting - II

12 years, 9 months ago by Gopal C Biswas

Hare Krsna Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    Regarding to my previous letter.

    Senses should be utilize in the service of lord only.

    1. Krsna is just like the sun, and maya is just like darkness.
    2. Anger can be controlle but We cannot stop.

    Below are the Personalities in Sloka 1:
    1. Pariksit Maharaja
    2. Sukadeva Gosvami
    3. Srila Rupa Gosvami
    4. Jagai and Madhai
    5. Nityananda Prabhu
    6. Hanuman
    7. Arjuna
    8. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
    9. Prahlada Maharaja
    10. Chota Haridasa
    11. Sri Jagadananda Pandita
    12. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
    13. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

    Please let me know if this is not the answer of question, asked in the previous later.
    So that i read again and will elaborate in detail again .

    i will KEEP writing, because this is the only way to feel, i am with Maharaj.

Your aspiring servant,
Gopal Biswas

HpS - ASA - AGTSP.   paoho.   As far as we can tell you are 75% insane. That is alright. Most people in the material world are 85% insane. To be Formally Initiated in ISKCON you must be only 50% insane. You are making progress very rapidly.   1) You list of persons in the first verse is very nice.   Thank you, yet we wanted the list for the Preface and their order from top to bottom with Krsna on the top.  Can you please send that list, our lord?

Sadhana Report - ASA Méx (December)

12 years, 9 months ago by asa mexico

All  glories  to  Srila  Prabhupada!
All  glories  to  you  Guru  Maharaja  wanted!

Dear  Gurudeva, Please  accept o ur  humble obeisances!

 On Sunday December 11th, we celebrate the monthly Sadhana in Mexico Mandir, was a program very  beautiful, although  many  Vaisnava are  in  Sankirtan  Traveler, participating in the Prabhupada  Marathon, so could not attend, we have the presence of his servants Jambavan D., Jayadeva Goswami D., and Sarahi Bhaktin who attended the temple, while his servants Gopi Radha DD and Bhaktin Cruz Santa, made ​​the Sadhana program from home.

 The exhibition of CINEASA Mex, at the base Bhakti Vriksha, was postponed until January at the request of the leaders of the database. We will inform in this regard.

Continue to strive to improve our participation, inspired by
the great mercy you poured out on us, we are determined to take refuge in his auspicious partnership, example and inspiration.


His servants
ASA México

HpS - ASA  - -   Srila Prabhupada has given us a lantern and a map. We just have to use them. You are doing that, but of course each month let us report our Sadhana for the previous month. Unless we are keeping full morning and evening programs we should not call ourselves Regular Members of ASA. . . .  It is a great honor to be a Regular Member of any Branch of Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON, but some of us use the Title even though we are not Regular Members. Let us not deceive ourselves or others.

Citrak Resumen SB Canto 2° Capítulo 8°

12 years, 9 months ago by Citrak Das

Hare Krishna Gurudev: TLGSP!!! Aquí le envío mi resumen del SB. Canto 2° Capítulo 8°. Muchas gracias por ocuparme es el estudio de esta Escritura tan querida a los Vaisnavas!!! Espero que se encuentre bien. Por favor acepte mis reverencias y perdone todas mis ofensas.

      Su aspirante a sirviente. Citrak Das

Srimad Bhagavatam Segundo Canto Capítulo Octavo


En este capítulo Maharaja Pariksit, que deseaba conocer la explicación que Narada dio sobre las cualidades del Señor (t.1), glorifica al Srimad Bhagavatam, y le plantea la Sukadeva Goswami una gran cantidad de preguntas:


A. Respecto del Bhagavatam el rey afirmo que:


  • Quería escuchar dicha obra para poder fijar su mente en Krishna, y de ese modo estar libre de toda contaminación material al abandonar el cuerpo (t.3)
  • El Señor Krishna se manifiesta en los corazones de aquellos que escuchan seriamente y regularmente el Bhagavatam (t.4)
  • El Bhagavatam que es la encarnación sonora del Señor Krishna, entra en el corazón del devoto, se sienta en la flor de loto de su relación amorosa, y limpia todo lo material; lujuria, ira, anhelo (t.5). Cuando el corazón del devoto se purifica, debido al servicio devocional, nunca abandona los pies de loto del Señor, pues en ello siente su completa satisfacción (t.6)



B. Respectos de las preguntas el rey quería saber sobre lo siguiente:


  • Las narraciones acerca del Señor, pues son auspiciosas para todos (t.1)
  • La diferencia entre el cuerpo y el alma, y modo que alma adquiere el cuerpo (t.7)
  • La diferencia entre el cuerpo del Supremo, y el cuerpo de la entidades vivientes comunes (t.8)
  • El aspecto Paramatma del Señor, y Su relación con las energías (t.10)
  • La posición de los planetas respecto del virat-purusa (t.11)
  • La naturaleza del tiempo, y el tiempo transcurrido entre la creación y aniquilación de la manifestación cósmica, y el tiempo que dura la vida de las distintas entidades vivientes (t.12,13) 
  • La relación entre la entidad viviente, las modalidades materiales, el resultado de la acción, y la elevación o degradación del ser (t.14)
  • La creación de los planetas, las estrellas, etcétera (t.15)
  • El espacio interior y exterior del universo, las castas, el carácter de las grandes almas (t.16)
  • La duración de las yugas, y las actividades de las encarnaciones del Señor (t.17)
  • Los distintos principios religiosos y los deberes de la sociedad humana (t.18)
  • Los principios elementales de la creación, su número, causas, y desarrollo, como así también el servicio devocional y los poderes místicos (t.19)
  • Las opulencias de los grandes místicos y su comprensión última, la forma en que místico se liberan del cuerpo sutil, el conocimiento básico de los Vedas (t.20)
  • El proceso por el cual surgen, se mantienen, y se aniquilan los seres vivientes, las ventajas y desventajas de la ejecución de servicio devocional, y los principios de la religiosidad, complacencia sensorial, desarrollo económico (t.21)
  • La forma en que las entidades vivientes que están fundidas en el cuerpo del Señor se manifiestan, cómo aparecen los infieles, y el tipo de existencia de las almas liberadas (t.22)


Por último el rey[1]glorifica a Sukadeva Goswami (t.25), y le pide que responsa sus preguntas (t.24), entonces Sukadeva complacido con el tema de las preguntas, comenzó a responder, afirmando que la ciencia de la Personalidad de Dios[2], fue hablada primero por el propio Señor a Brahma cuando ésta había acabado de nacer.   

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[1]A pesar de que Pariksit Maharaja estaba ayunando, no se sentía agotado, porque escuchaba el mensaje de la Personalidad de Dios de labios de Sukadeva Goswami (t.26)

[2]La ciencia de la Personalidad de Dios es el Srimad Bhagavatam, y el mismo esta de conformidad textual con los Vedas, de hecho es una escritura védica complementaria (t.28)

 HpS - ASA - Srila Prabhupada es como una ventana que pasa la vista del mundo exterior, con luz del sol, jardines, bosques, animales, pajaros . . .    Su SB es ventana al mundo espiritual por la media de su maestro . . .    y ya vd esta comenzando ser un parte de esta telescopo tan fida digno como Narada Muni, Vyasadeva . . .


12 years, 9 months ago by candra108_mukhi

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:

AGTSP, pamho

umm these days were like a nightmareeeeeee. I was doing my service but I can tell with not a proper mood....I was kind of angry I can not even describe it. I feel so ashmed....

HpS - ASA - - AGTSP  paoho.  Kill 'em all and let the Gopis sort 'em out!

SO many problems....... in pujari ALL the devotees were or sick, or problems with their family, babies KRSNA it seems that the only person who can not have the right to say Heyyyy I have problems, work,a family too, But no Candramukhi do not have the right to say no... buuuu

HpS - Patram, puspam, toyam, phalam...   Krsna just wants a kind word.  A gentle smile if that's all you have.

Then I just remembered your advices CHANT HARE KRSNA HARE RAMA then U will have the answer :)

So I just calm down and chant.... I called P rupanuga I am on vacations now... so I can go and see him to talk about this CEMUL_ VEDAS thing.....

I am worried for NIMSAR... we did not give U any report since so long..... I am really discouraged.... I have many questions also...when is going to be the Bhakti sastri examination for our students??? Do we have to wit until U are here in order to solve our problems??? why we can not do anything if U are not here to guide us ?? why we can not work as a group????

Yugala and I were thinking about Gitajayanti......and we organized a small program well practically she did almost everything... because I had to work....... she gave her BV class in wilson the smaranam of Arjuna.... Krsna has left and Arjuna was remembering Krsna's instructions they recite Catur sloki I just organize the thing and gave the idea....

well I will put all my effort in this CEMUL thing our  preaching is really important....

we will wait for U.. until march but I hope we can work together again....

But in order to be a good part of the group  I have to be well first..... mangal arti, SB, good rounds, and everything will be OK .......

Thanks for always being there U are our inspiration day by day yesterday I had a terrible day and then I turned on my lap top and there it was your invitation for BV jayyyyyyyyyyy hearing U madhu manjari, upendra, namacarya etc was really nice :)

OK let's work hope to listen to U tomorrow :)


Your eternal servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA --- Jaya!   I get so contaminated.  I was reading from CC and Lord Caitanya, Srila Prabhupada commenting that the first thing to get contaminated is our Smaranam.  We can chant, we can hear, but not with contemplation. Our heart is either dead like an automobile tire or perturbed with the life airs in motion. So we have to chant, chant, chant. Do our Japa at the best time. Get back in the habit. It is offensive to take more service than we can do.  Mother Yasoda is the big-doer, not us! 

Why rotate your service. Let someone else do it one week each month?

Hare Krsna Maharaj - Small doubt

12 years, 9 months ago by Gopal C Biswas

Hare Krsna Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    Thank you Maharaj, As you advised,  will take only Mahaprasadam sweets butin honorable way.

    Regarding to previous letter.

    As i have started NOI, from Sloka 1.

    I need a small clarity from this line -
    "List all the persons or groups of people mentioned in the Preface from Krsn down to us!".

    You mean to say from NOI Sloka 1?   

HpS -  Jaya AGTSP   pamho.   No, in the Preface.  No internet for a few days, so now we have to  catch up!

     i will KEEP writing, because this is the only way to feel, i am with Maharaj.

Your aspiring servant,
Gopal Biswas