DTC Tuesday/27

12 years, 9 months ago by hps

AGTSP   paoho.  We got a head ache.  1.54PM  (2 x 54 = 108).  Just finished answer all the letters in the Blog.  They are nice. (And are going to get nicer).

We are in Franklin, Tennessee at Tandavika's home. It is cold and dark outside, but warm inside. We are on the second story, the trees are dancing nicely in the wind. Brother Ass is dreaming of lunch.   We have been fighting with the Labor Saving Devices this morning but after a lot of labor got our tickets from Houston to Miami. Working on the other programs.

This evening we are going back to Murfrees boro, Nitai-gaurasundara's home. It is nice there.  It is nice here.  Maybe the whole world is nice when you are under the shelter of a good King!

Maybe we can do some thing nice for the nice King, by the mercy of the Nice Princess and Her Friends, such as our Gurus.

O.K.  Look for Prasadam and talk with Harsh Prabhu!

haribol !!!!!

12 years, 9 months ago by angela

todas las gloriasa srila prabhupada,

acepte usted mis humildes reverencias guru maharaja.

oh??? usted no se acuerda de mi , pero bueno seguro recordara a este ser cuando la vea el año que viene y nos visite en Bolivia -La Paz lo espearemos con ancias y alegria , ahora somos felices cantando nuestras 16 rondas y siguiendo los principios me doy cuenta que en este mundo cuesta madurar y crecer no es facil y lo unico que te ayuda es no alejarte de la asociacion  de devotitos y no dejar de cantar hare krsna y asi estamos creciendo y aferrandonos mas al cantar de los santos nombresdel señor , gracias gurudeva sin usted no encontrariamos el camino GRACIASSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! LO QUEREMOS MUCHO!!!

SU ASPIRANTE A DICIPULA ANGELA<img alt="smiley" height="20" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif" title="smiley" width="20" />

HpS - Jaya!   TlgaSP   Tiene 4 cabezas?    Donde vive?   Como podemos recordar a Vd??? Estamos encontrando en el aeropuerto?

Vyasa Puja offering

12 years, 9 months ago by Kamagayatri

The Boise devotees had a nice Vyasa Puja gathering yesterday at Srinivasa Acharya's house (we attended via speakerphone due to family Christmas obligations).  This is the offering I wrote.  Hare Krsna and we look forward to your visit!

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I feel regret for not being able to attend your Boise Vyasa on the auspicious day of Jesus' appearance day.  I will always remember the deep connection and experiences you had with Jesus before you came to Krsna consciousness and the realizations you had that helped you give your life to Prabhupada's movement.  I felt when I first came to Krsna Consciousness extremely encouraged to deepen my relationship with God by your example.  I had never met someoneone that embodied God/Krsna consciousness so whole heartedly with vaco (speech), your interactions with others, and how you respect and take advantage of every opportunity to serve each day.  Thankyou for teaching us how Krsna comes in the form of time.

I, on the other hand, feel very much like the street dogs in India barking, not knowing truly how to interact.  Guru Maharaj, you and the humble Vaisnavas have been merciful to this person with a street dog mentality by humbly giving me shelter in the form of service and association, as well as food that truly feeds the soul in the form of the Holy Name.  Right now Maharaj, I promise to not take advantage of this shelter and food by "holding onto the rope" as you say and following my vows.  When I take advantage of what you emphasise: Mangal Arati, Bhakti Sastri and Bhakti Vaibava study, I have experienced time and time again that it is easier to hold onto the rope making the waves of material existence a little more bearable. 

My offering is to continue reading these study guides and books as well as balancing my service, rounds, and grihastha duties as a wife and mother.  Steadiness will be the key word to remember as well as atyahara prayasas ca, enthusiasm and patience due to your mercy and the merciful Boise Vaisnavas that now surround us.

Thankyou Maharaj, on your Vyasa Puja, for your shining example and merciful shelter.  Your dedication to your Guru Maharaj is a bright shining star guiding us all.

Your servants,

Kamagayatri dd, Nick, and Aja Narayana

HpS -  Jaya!!!!!!       You can have 15,000 million valient Kings in this world but that doesn't replace the love of one Mother.   Thank you Mataji.  Take care of "all of the babies" in your family!


12 years, 9 months ago by Bhakta David Vinces

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Dear Maharaja Hanumatpresaka Swami,

In this important day, please let me offer my humble homage to You. Dear, dear Maharaja, the book “the Hunter and the Wise” says: “A pure devotee of Krishna doesn’t have material desires and he is not interested in the so call erudition and philanthropic work without God consciousness.” And You are a bona fide Guru of the chain of disciple succession, You have been very merciful in accepting me as Your aspiring, for teaching by Your example, for teaching me what is a civilized being truly, because I was in a dark well and You help me to get out, I have a firm faith on You. Gaurangera bhakta gane jane jane sakti dhare. The meaning of this song is that the devotees of the Lord Krishna are very powerful and all of them can deliver the whole world. Thank You Maharaja for giving me Your association, I’m quite fool and fallen, please give me a chance to reach someday Your lotus feet and to be able of being a good disciple worth of You.

Trying to serve You

B. David Vinces

HpS -   AGTSP   After much time we hear from you.  Thank you for your association.  How is your family?

Ofrenda Vyasa Puja HPS!

12 years, 9 months ago by Bhaktina Romi

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Nitai Gauranga

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a usted!

Acepte por favor, mis humildes reverencias...

Estimado Guru Maharaja:

     En un día tan especial como éste el mundo tuvo la fortuna de celebrar su advenimiento, el que favorece a todos por igual, con tan sólo acercarse para recibir su incontable misericordia con la que nos baña a todas las almas condicionadas.
Quiero decirle en esta celebración tan especial para mí, que es usted quien me apoya sinceramente siempre que lo necesito. Sus palabras son como medicina que alivia mi condicionada alma.    

Soy muy feliz de haber podido conocerlo y servirlo. Disculpe mis interminables ofenzas y gracias por siempre ayudarme.
Me siento muy afortunada de contar con sus palabras de guía. Estaré rendida por siempre a sus sagrados pies de loto, quienes me guían a KRSNA. Sé que las relaciones entre un Guru y sus discípulos no son casuales y es por eso que le agradezco a KRSNA todos los días por haberme dado su misericordia por medio de Usted.


Con mucho cariño trascendental, para servirlo siempre...

                                                     -Bna Romi-

RAdhe Syam!!!!

HpS - Romi!     TlgaSP    Tenemos ofrenda hermosa de Bna Rashmin tambien.  Aparece que hay muchas Damas Estimadas Persias llegando a los pies de lot de Srila Prabhupada.  Esperamos verse pronto.  Para Gaura purnima!

The rope ladder

12 years, 9 months ago by Rashmin dd

Dear Maharaj.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

All glories to you on this most auspicious day of your appearance :)

Long long ago, I fell in to a well that seemed almost bottomless. The opening was so tiny, like a star in a dark sky.

Anyways, I wasn't alone- a beautiful woman lived there and she was ready to give me everything I wanted. So the years passed and I got all my desires fulfilled, still I always looked up at that shiny star, remembering the life I was starting to miss. 

Finally one day, I noticed something I had not seen there before: a rope ladder. It was bronze, and it looked like it had helped many out of the well in the past. And it was leading up, to that tiny star. I walked towards it, grabbed one rung. It was soft and gave me inspiration to see the light again. What was the sun like? What was that warmth like? I had forgotten but wanted to remember again. 

And so the journey began- one rung after another. It was exhilerating! As I kept climbing, I noticed that the ladder had little green creepers intertwined on its ropes- I wanted to see more!

Suddenly, I felt something grab my legs. I looked down only to see that beautiful woman's face look up at me with a mixture of surprise and sadness.

Where are you going, she said. 

To the star, I replied.

Don't leave me here. I can give you a better star, she supplicated.

I know this star. I came from there and there is no other star like it, I replied.

Turning around I resumed my flight but she still held on, adding some weight and discomfort to my ascend. It was difficult, almost painful but I knew that the end would be worth it. 

The rope held steady and did not break. It was strong like the wind and it almost pulled me on its own.

The tiny star kept getting bigger and bigger. So much was going through my mind. What would I do? What would say? Who would I see? I was almost there. And she kept pulling.

20 more rungs! 17. 13. 9. The breeze was warm. And the light golden.  5. 4. Were those voices?  3. They were laughing. 2. And a flute playing? 1...

the end?

your aspiring servant,

Bhaktin Rashmin

HpS - Jaya!   AgtSP!   paoho  Sounds like a Persian story!   So nice.  Take Maya with you.  She deserves a break!   She does such nice, thankless service!!!   We have your beads and new name in an envelope and ready to mail to Madhavendra Puri Prabhu.     Rashmin: Hello.     Krsna: Hi, how ya been?