Hare Krishna! (From Hawaii)

12 years, 9 months ago by Reb 'Revati'

Hare Krishna! Please accept my most humble obeisances and All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Dear Hanumatpresaka Maharaja,

My name is Rebecca Vinson. I currently live in Honolulu, Hawaii and am a member of the New Navadwipa community. I have recently taken the association of one of your disciples, Bhakta Adrian, and I wanted to introduce myself. (I'm also wondering, since we've talked about marriage, is it important for us to have the same guru? I am also aspiring for initiation one day..)

I was born in South Korea with the name Choi, Kyung-Ah, but grew up in Virginia with my adopted parents who re-named me "Rebecca," and kept my birth name as my middle name. I lived in Hawaii for one year in 2001, then moved to South Dakota for about 5 years, and have lived in Hawaii since 2006. My mother, for now, works at the university in the school of business (where I also work), and my father is an Episcopalian pastor. He just recently received a new job in Pennsylvania, and they are leaving Hawaii the same day as Adrian and I are. I started going to the temple in the Spring of 2008 and really loved it. I quit school for a semester and was just working a little here and there. I immediately started chanting, reading Srila Prabhupada's books and doing service. Some of the devotees at that time decided to call me by Revati on Lord Balarama's appearance day that same year, so sometimes I am referred to by that name, too. Now, I am the "unofficial" secretary of New Navadwipa and do whatever little service here and there that I can do. I was going to attend another semester of school here at the university in the Spring, but my plans have recently been changed!

Because my parents were leaving, they gave me the option of leaving as well, but since Adrian and I have been together, and we are in a committed relationship, I wanted to go with him back to Utah. My parents agreed to my proposition, somewhat reluctantly, but they did. We've recently purchased our tickets to leave the morning after Honolulu's Ratha-Yatra festival and arrive in Salt Lake City the morning of the 18th. We also have arranged a place for us to stay upon arrival, and although I still have a few doubts and insecurities about the matter, I am trying to surrender to Krishna as much as possible because there's nothing I can do. Our immediate plans are still up in the air, but we plan to begin looking for work and attending the temple regularly to do service. Adrian is also trying to encourage me (and himself) to chant 16 rounds daily, which is really good for me because I have such a hard time! Adrian also mentioned to me that you'll be in Boise at the end of the month, so we are thinking to try to come out and see you. He is hankering for your association and I am also looking forward to having your association!

I have one other question about home deities. Is it okay to have Them before creating a space for Them, or should you create a nice place and then welcome Them to your home?

I hope this meets you in good health and thank you so much for you association!
your aspiring servant,
reb :)

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!   AgtSP!     Paoho.   So nice to hear from you, Rebecca!   Your biography is very nice, but where will it go from here!  (Smile)            I grew up in Episcopal church.  When I actually heard Srila Prabhupada talking about our Lord Jesus Christ while he was in Berkeley I realized that I had never met a better Christian to follow than Srila Prabhupada.

Yes, it is not so good to live together without being married. It is almos guarnteed you will fall into illicit sexual relations.   Ooooof!      Chant Hare Krsna and pray to Krsna to give you a nice solution to the problem. He can do that.

It is very natural for a girl to follow her husbands religious perspective. Very satisfying for her, him, the children, even the other family members. Doesn't mean she gives up her own individual relation with God, but some natural psycho social environment.

Yes, you can have pictures, statues of Krsna and His associates immediately. For formally installed deities then we have to be second intiated. Offer them incense, flowers, lamp, food, and nice fragrant oil in a regular schedule. Can be very simple. Even once a week. This will take all the passion out of marriage and the couple then feels very satisified and servants of Radha and Krsna!

O.K. More news!

Jaya Prabhupada!!!! Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Gurudev!!! Yasasvini D. D.

12 years, 9 months ago by Yamila Sandivara
Disculpe Gurudev, no pude Escribirle antes para Su Vyasapuja. Pero en resumen: agradecer a Srila Prabhupada por regalar de forma desinteresada este conocimiento; y a Usted Gurudev por seguir las instrucciones de Su maestro.
Estoy en bolivia estudiando psicologia; y dando mis examenes, pero bien, Gurudev!! yo cantar 64 rondas, hace meses y eso muy bueno.
HpS - ASA -  INcreible.  Y estudiante!!!
Aqui la vida es como mas natural <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a38.gif" title="" />es lindo me gusta, puedo ver las montan~as cada dia y llueve mucho.
Gracias Gurudev <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/36.gif" title="" />: por Su Humilde Ejemplo aprendo cada dia sobre mi verdadera naturaleza. 

<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/60.gif" title="" />
HpS - ASA - La unica diferencia entre Senor Caitanya y un loco comun es el tipo de locuria!

sravanam kirtanam visnoh smaranam...

12 years, 9 months ago by GauraLilaDas

Dearest Maharaja


Hare Krsna! how is everything Maharaja? I hope your health is well.

ASA - AGTSP   paohoh  HpSwami was run over by a garbage truck this morning so we are answering, Tom Brown (Monkey).  We think he will be O.K.   He's got Rubber Soul.

I am reading NOI this morning and I felt like I had a decent question in regard to the 3rd verse where Prabhupada purports with reference to the words of Prahlada Maharaja (SB 5.7.23) and within that Prahlada-vani, he mentions worshipping the deity (arcanam vandanam). So my question is, within the harinama-sankirtana movement, to what extent should we place emphasis on deity worship? I personally have a lot of attachment and attraction to deity worship, and sometimes I get vibes from devotees that minimize the importance of it. Of course I'm aware of the importance of preaching and etc... but I'm just curious if you have any thoughts on the topic.

ASA - Sankirtana and Deity worship must go on side by side like two rails of the railroad track but because it is Kali yuga the Sankirtana should lead. We can approach Krsna more easily through His Holy Names, so we should do Diety worship to increase our facility to do hearing and chanting, but NOI 7-8, the more we chant better the more we become attached to the darsana and worshp of the Form of the Lord, But end of NOI 1, hrdayete radha krsna sarvada sevibe!

A Snnyasi may do manasa puja of the Form more and a rich Grhastha may to more pompous external worship! That's what we think in a blink for you to drink or dump in the sink. (Smile)

thanks a million for all of your association through skype ;D

ys, Gauralila Dasa

Hare Krsna Maharaj

12 years, 9 months ago by Gopal C Biswas

Hare Krsna Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

   Sorry Maharaj, i forgot to answer the below (Question or comments have collected from last letters).

    1. HpS - ASA -   What are the requirements for 1st initiation?

Maharaj, Below are the minimum requirement for 1st initiation by my 'Shiksa Gurus' :
        - 16 rounds of chanting for 4 years without break.  
        - Following 4 regulative principles for 4
           years without break.
        - Participating in Different temple activities - Book distribution, arrangement of programs,
          attending Lectures on reguler basic in temple, Fund collection, Making life membership etc. All
          these should be under guidence of temple/local 'Shiksa Guru'.
        - Every day hearing and reading compulsary.

         Please guide me if there is something i need to follow.

Your aspiring servant,
Gopal Biswas

HpS - Jaya!    Letter of recomendation from ISKCON administrative authority. Temple President for example. Then six months as Aspirant to get practical idea of relationship etc. with prospective ISKCON Diksa guru.


12 years, 9 months ago by Gopal C Biswas

Hare Krsna Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    Sorry Maharaj, i was not able to write letters from 23 Dec 2011. But now i have come back and will
    continue to write. Actually Book distribution Marathan is going on so i took off for a week to
    distribute Big Books. Have got certificate for distributing Big Books by H H Loknath Swami Maharaj.

    Below is the updated list, as you have adviced, now i have added my name but i was confused while
    adding my name. i was thinking where i have to add your name in this list?

    List from Preface.
    1. Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
    2. Radha and Krsna
    3. Gopis
    4. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
    5. six Gosvamis — Sri Rupa, Sanatana, Bhatta Raghunatha, Sri Jiva, Gopala Bhatta and Dasa
    6. Srila Narottama dasa
    7. Gaudiya Vaisnavas or Bengali Vaisnavas
    8. Gopal Biswas

     Please correct or teach me.

Your aspiring servant,
Gopal Biswas

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!  Big Books Ki Jai!!!!!         I think Srila Prabhupada would like to be situated at maybe 7.5. He might be little disturbed at being listed as more than God.    Haw!    Haw!  Haw!

Reporte 2011 - Btn. Catherine Cl.

12 years, 9 months ago by Catherine Naty Cl


Hare Krishna, querido Maharaja, escribe Btn Catherine Claudio,  de Miraflores - Peru, para ofrecer mi reporte.  Como está Ud.? Como está su salud?

 1- Fué capaz de seguir los catro principios regulativos estrictamente este año? Si no fue así de algunos detalles generales.

     Si, así es... Estrictamente.

2- Fué capaz de cantar 16 buenas rondas todos los días? También, si no fué así, de algunos detalles generales.

     Si, en general si, aunque siempre intentando que sean buenas rondas! En detalle general, cuando en algún momento no pudo culminar la Japa, lo retomo al siguiente día.

3- Quien es su autoridad de Sankirtana, administrativa en ISKCON? Puede ser el presidente del templo local, tenemos que tener una conexión practica con ISKCON.

      Prabhu Gita Govinda das, a quien me reporto constantemente.

4- Alguna otra breve noticia para HPS y Srila Prabhupada?

 Si, querido Maharaja:

*BVB: continuaremos clases de SB con madre Yugala por Skype, ya que mañana parte a Chile.

*Familia: a Krishna gracias, todos sanos y tranquilos.

*Universidad: obtuve buenas calificaciones en la promoción, en general quede en 4to puesto  de Cirugía I y 2do en Pediatría de los estudiantes del presente semestre, por lo que me inspiro para entregarle mis resultados y esforzarme más para poder ofrecerle el primero en el siguiente semestre.

 Esperando Krishna continue derrammando sus bendiciones una y otra vez sobre ud.

S.h.Sirviente, Btn. Catherine.

HpS - ASA -   Reverencias a Vd!     Increible. Para conocer a Krsna ayuda mucho, no?  Entonces la vida tiene sentido. Podemos apreciar cirugia es para el coche, pero el conductor tambien necesita su ayuda!!!!  Muy bien. Nos vemos en Marzo!!!!   Muy, muy bien!!!!!   Hari Bolo!