Su santidad Hanumat Presaka Swami, JAY

12 years, 8 months ago by David Leyton
¡My most respectful obeisances to Sri Krishna Caytania!
¡My most respectful obeisances to Sri prabhupada! 
¡My most respectful obeisances to Hanumat Presaka Swami!
Thank you very much maharaj, ...I really appreciate you for having responded me. 
i'm very happy for you invitation, i'd like to go to BsAs
i'm working now but  I'll ask vacation.
Gaura purnima is on march??
HpS - ASA  Jaya Gauranga.   8 th March!
P.D: ASA - AGTSP  paoho   Cuales son "cobranzas"???   Interesante! Cobranzas: It is a medium for remember at client, for that they pay the product that buy.
 HpS - Accounting.   I think devotees from Chile, Arjuna Das, may go to BsAs for Gaura purnima?

estoy contando los dias!!!

12 years, 8 months ago by sarahii

NitayGouraPremanande!!!Querido y siempre recordado Gurudev,

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias,


                                                          me encuentro en Xalapa, en Sankirtam, y a la vez recogiendo los libros que quedaron de la Marathón de Diciembre, de igual manera será en Puebla, son muchos libros, y estoy sola,  pero, el acuerdo es devolverlos a México..... las Deidades .NitayGouraCandra me estan acompañando y con ellos voy a hacer un programa de prédica en casa del Dr. Kenneth en donde me estoy quedando, él invita a sus amigos y parientes, les enseño un poco de preparaciones vegetarianas consagradas a Krsna, luego clase de BG y un Kirtam, P. Daniel trae personas que está cultivando desde zonas alejadas de la ciudad, es increíble, Todos estan cantando los Santos Nombres!!!........Querido Gurudev sus discipulos en México estamos extáticos esperandolo, Ud. hace nuestra vida auspiciosa!!! solo faltan 28 días para tener la felicidad de verlo!!!


su inútil y torpe sirvienta

m. Jambavati d.d.

HpS - Jaya!   Madre Jambavati Devi Dasi, Ki Jaya.   Servienta de la Princesa de los osos!!!!     Muy bien oir de Vd.    Pienso  solo tiene que ser mas y mas connected con Krsna por la media transcendental de param atma.

BG. 10.11 & 12.

Nosotros ya llegams a Boise, Idaho.   Arati en 4 minutos y tambien progama en casa.      O.K.   Mas noticias.  Nos vemos solamente en dias!

1 chap/week of SB for children

12 years, 8 months ago by harsh_horse

hare krsna esteemed maharaj,
can we share such information on the blog?

Dear Devotees.

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We have started a group (SmallChildren_Bhagavatam@yaho<wbr></wbr><wbr><wbr><wbr><wbr>) for parents with children under six years. Every week we are doing a chapter from the Srimad Bhagavatam starting from the first canto. Several talented parents from all over the world are contributing material each week for our children. 

If you have children in that age group and are interested in joining, please let me know. I will add you to the group or you can send me a request through the group. Please explain how old are  your children.
Your servant
Aruddha dd


HpS  -  Jaya!    AGTSP    Super.     Sukadeva Goswami heard the Bhagavatam in the womb.  Of course, he was as much as 15 years old also??



12 years, 8 months ago by Yasodwa

Hare Krishna Gurudeva <img alt="smiley" height="20" src="" title="smiley" width="20" />

....devo confesar que NUNCA habia escrito en un parece practico y muy util, estuve leyendo algunas cartas y hay cosas que yo tambien pienso y vivo como las demás personaaas!!! NO soy la única rara en este mundo jajajajaja

Muchas gracias por responder mi reporte que le envie. Me olvide contarle algo: estoy estudiando con la madre Hare Krishna danza BharataNatyam...y descubri algo...tengo mala memoria, no recuerdo los pasos...pero me agrada ese tipo de danza porque siento que me da mucha fuerza,saca mi caracter y personalidad.

Sabe, ya me canse de YO decidir mi vida, todo lo que he hecho o "solucionado" a mi manera...ME HA SALIDO MAL <img alt="frown" height="20" src="" title="frown" width="20" />...asi que ahora mejor que decida Krishna!...ME RINDO (no se cuanto tiempo me dure este pensamiento,...pero ahorita me rindo) Por primera vez voy a hacer caso, cantare mis rondas y me dedicaré al servicio que me han dado (Gracias Krishna por el maravilloso servicio <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" />)

Me faltan muy poquitas hojas para terminar de leer el Mahabharata.....Krishna! mi vida no es la misma desde que empecé a leer ese libro...veo todo distinto ahora...MUCHAS de mis preguntas fueron respondidas cuando Yudhistira le hace tantas preguntas al abuelo Bhisma. Siento que conosco mas a Krishna.

...creo que la filosofía y Krishna son PERFECTOS...los imperfectos somos nosotros, el ego nos nubla y confunde.

Hare Krishna

Que el Señor Nrishimha lo protega siempre Gurudeva !!

HpS - ASA -- Jaya!   Muy buenas noticas, pero no nombre!!!    Muchas gracias su carta Prabhu, Mataji.   Su filosofia es lo que cuenta.  Hare Krsna.  Estoy siguiendo el processor entonce lo que pasa es arregla de Krsna y voy a participar!


12 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta.PabloA.B
My most respectful obeisances to Sri Sri Goura-Nitay,  Srila Prabhupa and You Guru Maharaja...
Gradually I've been trying to get back to doing things as they Srila Prabhupada instructed us, I am reading "The Science of Self Realization," trying to improve certain aspects that I have deeply rooted in my character and I would love to be improved so that my service and my relationship with others is better, today I was in the class of  Bhakti Vasudeva Swami , talked about what was the reason that Krishna shared with Arjuna the most secret of secrets, a confidencial information;  of all kind of intelligence that existed and how that could hinder our spiritual path and how to balance our life between material and spiritual things.
I hope to give you good news soon,  about my spiritual life and my service to Srila Prabhupada and you will be better every day.
trying to serve, Bhakta Pablo, Santiago-Chile
HpS - Jaya!       Krsna sends us just the austerities we need.  We have to accept them properly, healthiley.

Purpose of Life and Goals of family life.

12 years, 8 months ago by harsh_horse

hare krsna maharaj. :) with a smile.....
AGTSP, PAMHO, we wonder why some how we feel very easy to reveal and take instruction, sarcasm from you....
anyways continuing with the concept of asrama guru. we think while writing
1. we may disturb you  2. we represent that class of kaliyuga who is convinced about purpose of life but very very unsure of path and process to attain it..
here we go

we found one book : 

The Four Goals of Family Life: The Ancient Fourfold Path to Happiness in Marriage Relationships [Hardcover]

Jagannathesvari Devidasi

she is your god sister, you might be knowing her....
in her book she has given many reference to SB, BG and prabhupada letters... like story of maharaja puranjana/ then karadam muni.. its going from this topic to that topic.. pysoclogy of man , women, duties etc..

we were thinking of reading SB in  way that what ever she quotes, we study that section completely to understand context.-i know in this process we can not expect help  any one else to help also. we have to do it [ this is what we think]..

as you are more closer to super soul than this buffalo, do you think that at this stage we need to understand goal of family life properly ? 

we ultimately want to take sannyas thats our desire , it may be 9 years or less, but some time we just want to give to our real self less beloved[GOD] and serve his mission.. though every living entity is his parts and parcel..we can serve him in any condition... but somehow we think we can do it easily in sannyas asrama..

i am sorry that we disturb you with these matters, we want to discuss philosophy with you  like we do In PdP class. but can not it ... we can not see that much in andh koop,



pig/monkey/swan/rat/scientist/american-sannyasi/lotus-and-other-flowers -     A G T S P ! ! !     Try her book out.  Read a little if you like and then try reading some of the references.   Sounds like a lot of work.   Sounds like it might be nice for a few days, but if Krsna wants it will be a nice path for you.   Try it out, but get some little Japa vrata fixed.  Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Hare . .. . !   Get some association of local devotees in India!!    Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!!  Now we enjoy playing some Kirtana and Japa... it is 8.53PM     We write DTC...