
1 year, 4 months ago by i8themaha in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaja!!

Please accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

So when I was coming back to Dallas last month after being at RVC, I ran into one of my neighbors, Padayatra.

I was thinking it would be a great opportunity for him, and he agreed to go for a week!

What a excellent week full of reading, hearing, and chanting all day!!

They do daily harinam, plus readings on top of the FMS and FES!!

It's all completely estatic!

I was thinking to maybe stay here until I drive up to Tennessee for your program. What day should I get there? The 13th? The 14th??

HpS - Aaaah! AgtSP Paoho. I didn't know if you were coming! Now we are in RichMond. Very strng work! Gotta be careful not to have a heart attack.

We will fly back with Subal Das on Thursday the 13th and he will stay with us until Sunday. He will be staying in the Ashrama with us. It will be nice if you can come, but if it is too hard then come for the 16th September program.

Now we leave for Nagara sankirtan!

After your program in Tennessee, I'll come back to Dallas, finalize everything, and then head back to RVC.

Thanks for your guidance! I don't think I would have ever "given up" my apartment or job. But it was so easy to do by your mercy.

I keep remembering:

Om anjana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya / caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

You've really turned on the light for me and are cutting through the strong ropes of my material attachment!!

Oh also I've been distributing more books, like to the finance guy at a car dealership and a family in a car stuck in traffic!!



Srimad Bhagavad Gita ki jaya!!

Jaya Guru Maharaja!!

Your servant,

Jaya Hari Das

HpS / ASA - Jaya!!! When do you start with RVC? What is the program? How long does it last.

cc verse 15.9 ** Purport of Ekadashi

1 year, 4 months ago by upendra1 in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Maharaja and dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Maharaja thank you for catching my incorrect statement. The purport to text 15.9 of Adi lila, last sentence says "It is strictly forbidden for one to accept any kind of grain on Ekadashi, even if it is offered to Lord Vishnu".

BUT, when I was writing my handwritten notes, I wrote the sentence, but I miss the word accept, so when I was reviewing my notes today in morning just before the start of class. I said this sentence does not make sense. Hence, I insert the word to give instead of accept, it is my mistake not to go back and refer to original sentence of the purport od adi lila 15.9. I was under pressure of time so I did not go back to compare my notes with purport of verse 15.9

I request Maharaja and devotees to forgive me for my inattentiveness in preparing my notes. I will try to be more attentive while preparing my notes. Thank you. Hare Krishna.


Upendra dasa

HpS - Thank you! AgtSP!!! Gradually we build a nice structure of ideas, that is our Krsna conscious intelligence. It is based on SB verses. They are connected by our logic. It all becomes more and more fine, so that nothing can sneak in and bewilder us.

No class this Saturday and on the 15th we can work out your LoB presentation!

Cada día mejorando

1 year, 4 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las glorias a srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudev comienzo mi reporte explicando qué mi sadhana diario es bueno, pero siempre es importante mejorar detalles, cada día analizo en que estuve desconcentrada al siguiente día lo mejoró, si me cuesta más de lo debido busco alternativas para aplicar.

Sigo con la lectura diarias a las devotas saludando, ayudando en sus preguntas, es una hermosa predica

sigo mis estudio de Pada Patma y estudiente oyente de los demás cursos que da LAD, seguimos distribuyendo dulces una vez a la semana cada vez más personas queriendo tomando su sugerencia de hablar de krishna, a otras saludar con un hare krishna según la recepción qué tenga.

Le comento que hace un tiempo compre flores en macetas y estas las ofrezco al altar estoy muy contentA por que son muy bellas y dan mucho botones , además de tener albaca y orégano

Por último mi hermana Francisca vendrá a Lima desde el 4 al 9de Julio con mi sobrino y su esposo muy contentA porque después de 3 años los veré otra vez.

Con las enseñas de Srila Prabhupada sus consejos y bendiciones para mejorar mi calidad de servicio son primordial para mi vida espiritual

Se despide su humilde sirviente Raman Reti Devi Dasi


All glories to Goura Nitay

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Gurudev, I start my report by explaining that my daily sadhana is good, but it is always important to improve details, every day I analyze what I was not focused on, the next day it improved, if it costs me more than I should, I look for alternatives to apply.

I continue with the daily reading to the devotees greeting, helping with their questions, it is a beautiful preaching

I continue my study of Pada Patma and listener student of the other courses that LAD gives, we continue distributing sweets once a week more and more people wanting to take their suggestion to talk about krishna, others greet with a hare krishna according to the reception what they have .

I tell you that some time ago I bought flowers in pots and I offer them to the altar. I am very happy because they are very beautiful and give a lot of buds, as well as having basil and oregano

Finally, my sister Francisca will come to Lima from July 4 to 9 with my nephew and her husband, very happy because after 3 years I will see them again.

With Srila Prabhupada's teachings, his advice and his blessings to improve my quality of service are essential for my spiritual life.

Her humble servant Raman Reti Devi Dasi bids farewell

HpS - AgtSP!! paoho. So, nice. If there are nice devotees all over the world like this, by Srila Prabhupada's mercy, then how can there not be a change in the selfish nature of us all? Everyone become happy knowing that they have a nice, powerful friend and learning to be humble and looking for service.

Thank you.

What kind of sweets?

Muy urgente - Pada Yatra 2023

Hk pamho Jay Gurudeva!!!!!

Al fin pude cambiar exitosamente mi contraseña.

Aunque todavía con dolor en el cuerpo por el accidente del carro, salimos muy contentos casi todos los días a distribuir libros, por lo general Krsna tiene cada día un hermoso pasatiempo. Una vez estaba muy cansada ya era de noche, no pasaba ningún carro, varios esperábamos, un buen rato en el paradero, Krsna envió el bus más lujoso en el que viajé, subimos varios era una movilidad privada que trasporta al personal del banco y estaba vacío, el tipo deseaba ganarse unas monedas, justo me dejaba muy cerca de casa y nos cobró lo mínimo.

Estoy contenta porque falta muy poco para el Pada Yatra que será en Lima, Ud. participó en dos de ellos, las deidades que salen son las que estoy cuidando a diario. Ellas desean salir, quieren una gran fiesta, muchos devotos desean participar.

A pesar que Perú está muy polarizado en el plano político y administrativo en ISKCON, como si eso no fuera poco, ahora a nivel de grupos más pequeños, es decir “todos contra todos”, por ello, prefiero no pertenecer a ningún bando, sólo al de la prédica de Srila Prabhupada.

Me alegra retomar este servicio de Pada Yatra, El grupo bhakti yoga, bajo la autoridad de ISKCON Wilson, aceptaron muy entusiastas ayudar en el servicio, en su local se iniciará la fiesta y terminará en el parque concurrido cercano al local. Esperamos que todos los vecinos de Jesús María, disfruten del canto de los santos nombres y captar nuevos devotos. Varios de los integrantes del grupo son sadhaneros, fijos en rondas, adoran el altar de sacrificio y al maestro espiritual, estudian el sastra, siempre consultando a brahmanas por buen consejo, muy activos en la predica, evitan prajalpa, debido a ello me siento a gusto con ellos y las cosas están fluyendo.

Como Ud. es nuestro maestro le reportaré todos los pormenores de este evento, los desafíos y demás, por lo pronto le adjunto el afiche. Y también le enviaré el reporte económico, hasta el momento, el único de mis hermanos espirituales Visala Das es el primer donante, estamos muy agradecidos con él, siempre nos apoya en la buenas y en las malas, para mi es como un hermano de sangre. Entonces, queda muy poco tiempo. Por ello, una vez más le pedimos sus bendiciones para complacer al Señor Jaganatha con este sacrificio, para que aparta los obstáculos de ego falso que puedan ser amenazas para el éxito de cualquier programa de prédica. 

Todos debemos apoyarnos entre todos y juntos servir incondicionalmente a un propósito supremo.

En muy poco tiempo se realiza este evento, por ello urge sus bendiciones sin ellas estamos perdidos. Por favor denos su misericordia.

Jay Jagannatha!!!

Pada yatra 2023 Ki Jay!!!

Jay Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga!!!

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kisora Dasi (El león que desea saltar a Goloka)


Hk pamho Jay Gurudeva!!!!!

I was finally able to successfully change my password.

Although we still have pain in our bodies from the car accident, we go out very happy almost every day to distribute books, usually Krsna has a beautiful pastime every day. Once I was very tired, it was already night, no car passed by, several of us waited, a long time at the whereabouts, Krsna sent the most luxurious bus in which I traveled, several of us got on, it was a private vehicle that transports the bank staff and it was empty, the guy wanted to earn a few coins, he just dropped me off very close to home and charged us the minimum.

I am happy because there is very little left for the Pada Yatra that will be in Lima, you participated in two of them, the deities that come out are the ones that I am taking care of daily. They want to go out, they want a big party, many devotees want to participate.

Despite the fact that Peru is very polarized at the political and administrative level in ISKCON, as if that were not enough, now at the level of smaller groups, that is, "all against all", for this reason, I prefer not to belong to any side, just to that of Srila Prabhupada's preaching.

I am happy to resume this Pada Yatra service, The bhakti yoga group, under the authority of ISKCON Wilson, very enthusiastically agreed to help in the service, the party will start at their venue and end in the busy park near the venue. We hope that all the neighbors of Jesús María enjoy the chanting of the holy names and attract new devotees. Several of the members of the group are sadhaners, fixed in rounds, worship the sacrificial altar and the spiritual master, study the sastra, always consulting brahmanas for good advice, very active in preaching, avoid prajalpa, due to this I feel at I like them and things are flowing.

As you are our teacher, I will report all the details of this event, the challenges and so on, for now I am attaching the poster. And I will also send you the economic report, so far, the only one of my spiritual brothers Visala Das is the first donor, we are very grateful to him, he always supports us through thick and thin, for me he is like a blood brother . So, there is very little time left. Therefore, we once again ask for his blessings to please Lord Jaganatha with this sacrifice, so that it removes the obstacles of false ego that can be threats to the success of any preaching program.

We must all support each other and together unconditionally serve a higher purpose.

In a very short time this event takes place, so his blessings are urgently needed without them we are lost. Please give us his mercy.

Jay Jagannatha!!!

Pada yatra 2023 Ki Jay!!!

Jay Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!!!

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kisora Dasi (The lion who wishes to jump to Goloka)

HpS/ASA - 😁 Thank you very much! AgtSP!!!!! You must be the Most Fallen, because you are getting Lord Caitanya's mercy in the very first group! Go on improving your spiritual life.

Go on.


Send reports, yes!

ASA Visiting Houston?

1 year, 4 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

On Whatsapp, HpS to N. A. Das in Houston after NAD posted the dates of Romapada Swami presening LoB seminar in Houston in November, Thanksgiving:

Super (not supper). Thank you so much. 23 November (of 2023) is Thanksgiving Day.

We have had little dialog with Maharaja about LoB and would like to work more with him. Very seriously hoping we can come to Texas those days. Any service for us?

NAD: Hare Krsna Hanumat Presak Swami, 

I have forwarded your message to Saranga Thakur Prabhu (Temple President). He told me that he will follow up with you. 


Copy to Saranga Thakur Prabhu

HpS - Thank you! I had much longer talk with Maharaja and still would like to come. Was thinking of texting President Saranga Das, but is nicer that you have done it.

Now we are in Richmond for a week.

First trip out after returning to Nashville few months ago.

We have only been able to do it because Subal Das came to get us and will take us back.


Where is Krsna? Where is Radha?

1 year, 4 months ago by hps in Special Category B

asa[e] Food for Thought

From our Radha-kunda Whatsapp Group:

[7/7, 12:09 AM] Krsna Das: Yesterday I was present in Srila Prabhupada's room in Vrindavan and a special anecdote happened, I like to share🙏

I was chanting Japa in Srila Prabhupada's house, in the next room where there is a murti writing a letter....

After a while an initiated devotee around 60 came and sat on the corner near the almirah.

After sometimes he was chanting Japa, while his his other hand went on the Whatsapp mobile and his sound of Mahamantra was coming intermittently to me...

I just noticed and went on in my business.

Even if nowadays there are so many restrictions in S.P. room, no-one up to now dared to speak to a senior Iskcon devotee...not even the Vrajabasi lady Chokidar normally quite active....if one do not follow the restrictions.

At my surprise after 10 minute the devotee was absorbed in the mobile and Japa visibly...a very sweet girl around 10 years old came near, nicely dressed (not in sari but in devotional clothes) with tilak on the forehead and for a while she was standing near him watching...

Then she spoke in a nice Hindi something like this" aap kya kar rahe hain ( IN English I will tell as more easy for me:"

 *what are you doing....are you chanting Japa or doing mobile?*

The embarrassed devotee watched her saying:" *I am doing both* !🤗" and again composed himself.

The girl smiled at him saying....ohh are you are doing both! and rebuked softly: *either you chant, either you do mobile!* 

...then with a peaceful and happy face she paid pranam to Srila Prabhupada 's murti and left the room.

The devotee first thing immediately closed the flip cover and kept his mobile in the kurta, then after a few Japa mantra left the room!

I do not know... but it looked very mystic to me, how this educated and innocent girl came from nothing and disappeared after giving siksa?

....as the place is transcendental I felt Srila Prabhupada" s hand behind it.

🙏Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

HpS Posted: As we remember Balavanta told us that when he was Temple President and pioneering the temple in Atlanta, USA, they had organized a big program for the days that Srila Prabhupada was visiting.

Part of it was a fire sacrfice, and they had  promoted and advertised it as a first time the USA for this 'ancient, powerful and mystical Vedic ritual'.

There was a big crowd there in the Temple. There was a representative from the Mayor's office and a news channel was recording it on camera, but . . . they didn't really know what they were doing and kept making more and more mistakes.

He said that at one point they were even going to put the coconut into the fire.

During this Srila Prabhupada was getting more and more irritated and chastising everyone more and more until Balavanta Das was in complete panic.

Then the boy, Bhakti Leroy or some thing, whom they had arranged to fan Srila Prabhupada in a completly innocent way said, "Oh, it's alright Srila Prabhupada, just chant 'Hare Krsna'".

When Balavanta heard this he thought, "That's it.

That's it.

Now fire is going to come from Srila Prabhupada's eyes and right on publich television he is going to burn me, the boy, the audience and everyone to ashes."

Srila Prabhupada turned and looked at the boy with intense, narrow gaze and Bh. Leroy just smiled back at Srila Prabhupada and . . . Srila Prabhupada looked away and put his hand in his bead bag and started chanting Japa with leveled intensity.

Who was that little boy?
