My humble obeisances

10 years, 6 months ago by Candrarekha Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to sri sri gaura nitai

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


Dear Gurudeva!

Always praying to Krishna, you find yourself very well in your service, and your health.

This time I want to ask some questions

In this world, we find it hard to be really honest, we are full of errors and difficulties, and I think personally being devotees, we have the advantage that we want to enhance awareness and interest us for a better life.

Being fallen as we are, we can help people who are devotees who want to improve, but somehow or another, your lifestyle, work ou any coisa impedes this progress?

How I can help, what is the best way to preach, without them being further away from Krsna or feel a pressure?
If I do not feel qualified to guide these people, I should only pray to Krishna, and Krishna is asked to reveal more in their hearts and who come more to the instructions of Srila Prabhupada?
and whats is happening with a person who has knowledge of all that Srila Prabhupada explains, and yet not follow their philosophy?


Thanks for reading my questions Gurudeva, Please accept my most humble obeisances again and excuse my bad English too ...

Ever hope In This Life, I Can serve In A Good Way to you.
your aspiring servant
Candrarekha Devi Dasi
( Santiago- Chile)
            HpS - ASA - Jaya!  AGTSP.  paoho. I can't understand your question in exact detail. I think is best to write in both Spanish and English and then we can follow better, but from what I understand is very good question.
Basically these questions are answered so nicely in Texts 7 and 8 of Upadesamrta.
There are two kinds of third class devotees, kanishta adhikaris, those who want to advance and those who do not. If a third class devotee is willing to take instructions from Prabhupada and the books, then we should do the austerity of associating with them and giving them advice so that they are animated to advance. Basically we can really help people depending on our own level of advancement. An ambulance medic can get someone so that they are stable for 20-minutes and rush them to a real doctor in the hospital. 
So we have to advance.
If someone does not listen to our intelligence and not even scripture and acharya then we have to let Krsna preach to them through the external energy etc.
If anybody asks this in the future I will tell them to ask you for the answer.
-[;D} =

try to follow your steps

10 years, 6 months ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble obeisances 

Dear Gurudev

I'm in the service to give educational programs for the comunity on New Nilacal Mandir, I send my plan for education develoment in Guadalajara, I visit other devotees of Aguascalientes city where there are a Bhakti Vriksa Program, and try to take good asociation with devotees of Durango, Uruapan, Queretaro, and Leon.

Try to be a devotee, chanting good rounds and taking properly association. it's hard to be an representative of S. Prabhupada or exalted devotees like you but we need start, and  now we take help of good friends that are try to preaching in some pleaces.

On Aguascalientes we make a festival on the public park, and on Uruapan study with the devotees how to do for stay on the devotional path (reading and studing Prabhupada books, chanting properly with asosiation, start on mangalarti every day, take comon sense)

I keep the program of the records about the new devotees and making presentation for kids, studens and general people, we take participation on sanga programs and siksa program, of Congregational ministry.

On MED I send a mail for devotees of chile with plan of education.

Thanks a lot for your good example and mercy, your crew member Aniruddha Krishna Das

           HpS - AGTSP. Very nice news. If you continue like this all the contamination in you heart will disappear and your dormant love for Krsna, and your eternal service will reawaken. You will see Krsna even in this body. I hope you are in touch with Bhakta Rodrigo en Chile. He is member of surrealist community in Chile and has nice preaching platform with them. It has many people looking for the 'real' essence of life.

Sankirtan/Temple Activity Reports

10 years, 6 months ago by Jagamohan in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna, mi querido Gurudeva Hanumat Presaka Maharaja todas las Glorias a Srla Prabhupada.

Mis actividades en el Templo siguen como de costumbre llego normalmente al Guru Puja y realizo diferentes servicios y estoy viviendo fuera. Los Hariboogies no estamos

encontrando locales para hacer conciertos, pero escribi a SS Indradiumna Swami y no pude comunicarme con el para asistir a sus festivales.

He sacado un billete para la India y estare 3 meses con Isvara Prabhu en su casa de Mayapur en febrero.

Su humilde sirviente Jagamohan

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna!!!   TlgaSP.   Muy feliz comunicar con Vd. Nosotros tambien estamos en India 9 Feb - 1 Marzo. Puede ver en los detalles. 16-23 feb en Mayapura.

Mangala arati para Srila Prabhupada y Krsna en casa cada dia!   Volver a casa!

De regreso en casa...

10 years, 6 months ago by Juliananda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna! Todas las glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada y a usted. Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias a sus divinos pies de loto.

    HpS - ASA - Pies de Manzana.

Estimado Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja. Aqui le escribe Bhaktina Juliana de regreso en casa. La maraton ha sido bastante favorable, se logró recaudar una buena cantidad de laksmi para la construcción del templo en Sri Govardhana.

            HpS - SUper...

Muy reconfortada por haber sido parte de la misión de Srila Prabhupada pudiendo distribuir sus libros! Muchas austeridades para el cuerpo y la mente pero valieron la pena todas y cada una. No tengo intenciones de contradecirlo Maharaja, pero me tomo muy por sorpresa lo q menciono acerca de mi iniciación. La verdad no me siento lista, ni creo jamás estare lista para merecerla. De todas maneras lo recibí con una profunda alegría. En el momento q leí su carta me encontraba haciendo servicio con las madres Rukmini Paty y Andrea, discípulas suyas también en El templo en Santiago. Les comente esto y ellas me alentaron mucho. Me hablaron de muchos pasatiempos suyos junto con sus discípulos de ahí. Fue muy nectáreo ese servicio al lado de mis hermanas espirituales. Me despido, deseo se encuentre muy bien de salud y le envio mis más afectuosas y respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto. Su insignificante aspirante a sirviente, Bhaktina Juliana

             HpS - Prabhupada dijo que la iniciacion no es algo muy extraordinario. Si estamos siguiendo todo, entonces no hay razon no tomar inicacion del Acharya. Rondas, principios, programa de la manana, un tipo de sankirtana en ISKCON para uno ano, y una carta de recommendacion del Presidente del Templo.


Muy bueno oir de Rukmini pati y Andrea. Espero que ellos estan adelantando bien tambien. Yo tambien quiere adelantar!!!!

Manipur Visit

10 years, 6 months ago by hps in Calendar Development
On Friday, October 25, 2013 1:16 AM, Mukta Okram wrote:
All glories to Guruji and Gouranga
Sripad Maharaja Ki Jay
Please accept our humble obeisances to Guru Maharaja's padmacharan that in the last meeting of the initiated bhaktas of Thoubal ISKCON decided to request our Guruji for coming Manipur on the 23rd  and leaving Imphal on 27th Feb. 2014 if Guruji can adjust the programmes. Our family will purchase the Air tickets of Guruji's to and fro ( Kolkata-Imphal and back). Moreh ISKCON Bhaktas requested this time also for coming Moreh and Mayanmar but this time we could not arrange like the same programme of previous year. We will concentrated only Guru Pujah, Interaction, Freequent Nam krtan with Guruji, question and answer and mainly hearing of Gurujis lectures on Bhagavat and Geeta etc. Please suggest something for our bhaktas and mandir and any specific programme to be taken up during Gurujis Manipur Visit. As previous year a team of 35-40 in a but will visit Mayapur, leaving Thoubal on the 28th Feb. 2014.
We could not invite Guruji directly from America, so when Guruji  is in Mayapur pleae spare 5 days for the simple and poor bhaktas of Thoubal as mentioned from 23-27 Feb. 2014. We are waiting eagerly Guruji's positive response for purchasing Air Tickets and other arrangements like finishing of Gurujis Ashram (Room). If possible, please mentioned the name, flight etc.
Yours fallen servant
Jamunesvara Das
14 November 2013 - HpSwami wrote:
Esteemed Jamunesvara Das, Hari-das Das et al,
Hare Krsna. AGTSP!!!   paoho....   Thank you so, so much for your letters and even thinking of us. You mentioned that you were having some illness and could not go to your office. This has passed? Of course, such diseases are excellent opportunity to judge our developed consciousness and preparation for death.
I also have been out of station from the 15th of October until just last week. We had to go to Texas for a North-american Symposium on Educational Development. We were one of the principal organizers and our daily work-load was intense.
Now we are back at our Base in Tennessee and everyone agrees that it will take us until end of January to apply all the results we got from the three weeks in Texas.
We feel Krsna wants us to continue with these management responsibilities until January 12th 2014. That is the 10th anniversary of NIOS, our educational corporation, trust. After that we will be more free to write and just travel as we like.
Please, don't give up on writing personal letters from everyone even if we are a little late to respond.
Of course, the Blog - is always the best place to communicate because then so many more people can hear the glories of Sri Dhama Manipur!
You are all very, very cruel! We want so much to visit Manipur. We love Manipur. We even think of just throwing all these other responsibilities to the side and flying there, BUT...  ...
. . .     ..0'......        We are trapped!        [Maybe this is how Sita-devi feels!]
This visit to India is very short.
Only three weeks and the real center is the ISKCON Leadership Sanga (ILS) meetings from 16-23rd February. We arrive a week before that and then we have very fixed work for NIOS with Dr. Samaresh and Rabindra-bharati University in Kolkatta. After the ILS we would just go to visit Sri Vrndavan dhama with Nitai-gaurasundara Das, the President of NIOS. We have not been to Vrndavan for almost two years!
So, what to do?
Maybe we could come to Manipur for one day from Kolkatta.    Ha! Ha! Hare!   
In any case we are never, never separated if we want to be connected as long as we are chanting Hare Krsna as dictated by Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya.
Mother Saci is one of the MOST intimate associates of Lord Caitanya yet she was not able to see Him for 24-years. They communicated soul to sould, by dreams, by letters and packets of Prasadam!
So, what do Radha Govinda say?
How is Ekanatha, Partha-sarathi, Sadhu bushana, Vana-mali... ? Are any of them coming to Kolkatta, Mayapura, Vraja.. during our visit?
We wait for your letter and our response should be much faster. We are at our Base until 25 December. Then we will be in South America (just like Manipur) until 29th January.


10 years, 6 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

paoho / bw. . .  at any moment we can go. once we surrender to KRSNA He's all we know.

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