Reporte HK!!!

10 years, 3 months ago by Linda Janeth in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas Las Glorias a Usted GuruMaharaja


Primero que nada espero que se encuentre bien de salud al recibir el presente reporte Gurudeva.

Seguimos con 4 principios estables y 16 rondas aunque no muy entuciastas, Maharaja no se que me pasa pero ultimamente me da mucho sueño estoy en plena ignorancia y no me siento bien. Habia encontradó un empleo pero solo estube 2 días porque salia muy tarde y no tenia tiempo de hacer casi nada, ni de estar con mi hijo, de nuevo estamos en la busqueda de empleo.

Acá en Uruapan están las cosas muy pesadas debido al crimen organizado al parecer el gobierno ya quiere terminar con todo, la ciudad esta llena de policias federales y soldados, es peligroso salir de noche, pero los enfrentamientos más feos son en las orillas y comunidades cercanas.  Por favor le ruego sus bendiciones para que todo termine lo más rápido posible.

Seguimos en el centro de predica con los programas normales, tenemos el servicio estable de preparar el boga para el programa del domingo.

Hemos descuidado un poco la lectura, pero nos propucimos reanudarla precisamente desde hoy. Gurudeva no me gusta la actitud que estoy tomando, me siento estancada ¿Qué puedo hacer? :(

Por favor Disculpe nuestras ofensas

Su caida aspirante a sirviente 

Bhaktin Linda Janeth

HpS - AGTSP - There is no "magic" solution. You just have to do your best to put your Japa first, four principles second, nice morning [brahma-muhurta] program third and then help the Sankirtan movement as you can.

Do your best to fight THE WITCH and then depend on Krsna.

Of course, this all becomes very easy if you get good association. Physically visit devotees, more important do service with them, even if it is something that doesn't require physical association all the time. Call on the phone.

O.K. Waiting for more news.

Saranagati Dasi Mexico DF

10 years, 3 months ago by sarahii in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Todas las Glorias a Sri Caitania Mahaprabhu!!!

Todas las Glorias a Usted!!!

Querido Gurudeva por favor hacepte mis reverencias, le escribo para reportarle de mis actividades como siempre lo ago mes con mes,

sigo viviendo en el templo de Mexico DF, cantando 16 rondas diariamente, cuatro principios  y asistiendo al programa de mangalartic regular mente, sigo con mis servicios regulares en la cocina de la deidad y ahora retomando el servicio a Sri Nitai Caitanya Candra y Srila Prabhupada, pero con ahora la sorpresa de la visita del Señor Jagannatha, Madre Lalita Gopi DD los trajo consigo de Vrndavan Dham, pero quiero pedir su permiso y bendiciones para poder adorarlos ya que usted mismo nos ha dicho que Jagannatha es para devotos que tienen segunda iniciacion <img alt="ceño" height="23" src="" title="ceño" width="23" />, Gurudeva a mi en lo personal me gusta mucho la adoracion a la deidad y me gustaria en algun momento poder tener su permiso y bendiciones para poder hacerlo mas formalmente, esto lo he comentado con mis autoridades en el templo y ellos me han dicho que cuando Usted considere oportuno estara bien tomar este gran compromiso con Usted y Krishna, es por eso que oro a Krishna y a Usted para que me den las instrucciones necesarias para culificarme para este gran paso en la vida espiritual, Gurudeva estoy totalmente rendida a sus instrucciones, por favor permitame aferrarme a Sus pies y a los pies de Loto de Srila Prabhupada.

Con Respecto a el viaje a España le he escrito a P. Lokanatha en Barcelona ahun estoy esperando su respuesta para poder comprar el tiket de avion esperando el arreglo perfecto de Krishna <img alt="rubor" height="23" src="" title="rubor" width="23" />

Por favor Gurudeva perdone todas las ofensas que pueda cometer en el intento de servir a los Devotos y a Srila Prabhupada

Su aspirante a sirviente Saranagati DD.

HpS - ASA - Jaya! AGTSP. Paoho. Nos vemos Gaura-purnima en Mexico?

Second initiation is just like first initiation but we have to be fixed in our Sadhana like a Lady or a Gentleman. Do you want to always live like a formal example for new people? When they come to the Temple they have to see formal examples of how to follow the culture. Jayananda Das was like an Avatar or some such thing but he was doing Sudra service and so his Brahmana thread was black from auto mobile grease. For him second initiation was not necessary.

en separación de su santa asociación.

10 years, 3 months ago by Victoria in Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, pfamh ___o_

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Queria darle las gracias por su visita, por todo su tiempo y dedicacion. Por su paciencia e infinita inspiracion.

Tambien queria compartir una entrevista a Claudio Naranjo, reconocido psiquiatra chileno. En la entrevista habla, entre otras cosas, acerca de la necesidad actual de educar espiritualmente a las personas. Rodrigo de Chile comento que el Sr Naranjo es una eminencia en Chile. Pienso que seria muy interesante que el pueda conocerlo a usted. Link de la nota:

Tambien queria mostrarle un video que la madre Urmila recomendo sobre una escuela primaria en Franco da Rocha, Brasil. Quizas se pueda conectar con Goloka Education y trabajar en conjunto.

Espero que la informacion sea de su intres. Muchas gracias

quien quiere servirlo

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

  HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Thank you for the information. We followed the links and looked at them. I think it is best if you keep them and then as Goloka Education and NIOS advance a little more you can see how they fit in and inform us. Thank you for your and Ambarisa Das' association. We are thinking of you all and after meeting everyone in Mayapura I think we will have much more defined picture of what is happening for all of us in terms of exact service in Nitai-Gauranga Sankirtan.

a poem...

10 years, 3 months ago by chas d lind in Hot Topics

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka,

please accept my humble obeisances, All  Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Have made a poem offering, inspired by your request. Have no real experience in poem writing, so please excuse my crudeness. Was fun to do, but took some polish to get it at least tolerable.

Wiil keep in contact as time permits, we have so much to do before Houston and we even pushed the move date to the 1st of June. Though Subhra will be there in March and April for meetings. We cna get more specifics if you like.

All glories to your service,

your servant in training,


V r i n d a v a n a

Land of Holy Basil, blooming in bliss

may we receive your gentle kiss?

Strife and turmoil in this life of no trust

 we hold your sacred soil,  praying to roll in the dust.


Land of Holy Basil, sweet flowers and subtle perfume,

may we blossom and swoon with you ?

Forever and more, seems we’ve been in a bad dream,

release us from this spinning scene; bring us to your fields of green.


                     Land of Holy Basil, with rivers, hills, trees and cows,                         

may we sing to the Maidens who tend the dairy now?

We suffer in a realm so stagnant and stale,

  please dear Maidens share us the nectar from your pail.


Land of Holy Basil, there are sounds of a flute so clear,

may we ask, is it the Boy of Blue … filling our ears?

His song enraptures, captured, we’re now His prize,

 Oh Land of Holy Basil, now we smile with tears in our eyes.

HpS - ASA --- Jaya! ! ! !   AgtSP. Very nice. A moments vacation to Vrndavana Dhama. We certainly hope to hear more, more.

Vyasapuja offering

10 years, 3 months ago by Bhakta David II in Special Category B

Vyasapuja offering

Hare Krsna Hanumatpresaka Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you.

I mentioned in my previous post the vyasapuja ceremony we held for you in Denver.  It was very nice.

I very much appreciated how you connected aspects of japa with the homunculus.  I never knew that japa engages the largest sensory areas of the brain in such a way, and that is a practical scientific way to show that japa helps to fix the mind on the names in many ways.

I think it is very valuable how you connect the intellectual and philosophic with the spiritual to make it practical for some to begin to see the spiritual reality from the sankhya platform, so that they may further see beyond it.

As far as I have seen, you have mastered the art of preaching according to time, place, and circumstance.  At colleges, it is Sankhya only and strictly.  At large gatherings including those new to the movement, you preach to what their hearts can accept.  And to close gatherings of devotees, we may hear the mercy of deeper realizations.

I feel very blessed and eternally lucky to have had your personal association and the chance to serve you.  You are indeed the ocean of mercy, and ecstatic prema emanates from you, that is how it feels being in your presence.  As far as this fallen soul is concerned, you are the savior of mankind.

I do not feel qualified to serve you or to do anything good, but somehow or other, by your mercy, I hope that I can someday help people become Krishna conscious -- starting with myself, by your mercy only. I would not be where I am now or as fixed in my mangala arati and service without your mercy and inspiration, but I can only try to express my gratitude.  I met you when I just began recovering from a traumatic experience where I could not eat and nearly left my body.  I am much better now and hope to continue to improve, that is the mercy of guru.

Hoping to remain at your lotus feet to become less fallen,
Bhakta David II

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. We see your descriptions of our qualities as things we should aspire for and maybe manfesting a little now by Srila Prabhupada's mercy.

Thank you.

We hope you are successful in find how the Sadhana can make your ability to follow 4 principles and 16 rounds everlastingly y.