Muy recordado Gurudev

9 years, 5 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido y recordadp Gurudev please acepte mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto  
HpS - ASA - TLGASP, "Pies de loco"

Espero haya pasado hermosa fiestas de Radhastami, Govardhana puja y la desparicion de Srila prabhupada.k este mes de kartika tan auspicioso nos mantenga siempre entusiastas y felices en conciencia de Krsna. Lei sus rptas a los coments of kardama and Devahuto.very thanks. Estoy tratando de conectarme a japa joe desde el cel pero aun no puedo.

Pense k mis cartas a si correo nunca le alegra que si.esperare sus respuestas.

Tengo la misericordia de sonar muy seguido con Usted.como 2veces x da instrucciones y me inspira mucho.

Mediteichp en la conversacion con Usted la ultima vez en bs as. y quiero k sepa que lo k mas quiero en mo vida es seguir Sus instrucciones.

estoy tratando de conocerme mas a mi misma, entender porque este u otro apego,asi no lo molesto con mis estupideces. tenemos el veda base en la compu y es maravilloso! El caitanya caritrtamrta nunca pude leerlo y ahora que puedo me inpira tanto! Estoy muy ocupada con gopal y la colecta . a veces quedo exhausta pero las activudades espirituales me renuevan tanto.gopalito me ensena muy amoroso. pienso k podria tener mas hijos, me encanta ser mama pero como le dije no tendria mas solo por el dolor tan fuerte al tenerlos.

no soy tan valiente.
HpS - ASA - Pues, de Prabhupada, posible no es que Vd no es "tan valiente", pero es "basante inteligente". Puede ser Tia y Tio a mucho. Hay muchos en el mundo buscando buen Tio y Tia.

Cuando recien nacio gopal estaba tan cansada que debia rondas pero para reciperar la deuda cada dia cantaba como treinta .un dia cante 64 y me di cuenta que en realidad hay mucho tiempo para cantar!

HpS - ASA - Wow! Santa Jalpa prati jalpa!!

Hace poco tambien cante 41 solo necesitaba inspiracion.ahora estoy cantando 22. 18 +2 Franco y gopal +2 mi madre y padre, ellos hicieron mucho por mi. Y x el agradeciemiento stoy cantando por ellos. Franco esta muy bien,canta sus rondas.a veces hace mangalartil conmigo y gaura artik juntos.

Cocina a krsna balarama.administra la economia del hogar y esta cultivando verduras y flores para las deidades.le hace un florero hermoso a krsna todos los very beautiful ver crecer las flores y plantas.

Con respecto al yatra supe que la madre de madre sushila tubo ACV.ella me inspira mucjo y cuando supimos nos dio mucha pena. esuy activa siempre cocinaba para los programas ye dio un consejo para mi servicio: constancia y humildad. nosotros no vamos a los programas. Son solo dos veces al mes, pero en casa tratamos de celebrar las fiestas y esperamos poder hacer programas en nuestra propio hogar.

hace poco fui sola a celebrar govardhana puja con los devotos y pude ver a la madre y esta en silla de ruedas. hable con ella y me dijo k ra dificil de aceptarlo. ella no es iniciada su nombre is edith. pensaba que si deja el cuerpo puede volver a nacer en vrndavan para terminar de purificarse, tomar inicuacion y volver con krsna porque tengo entendido k un devoto no iniciado no puede volver con krsna verdad?

ASA - Aqui hay muy buen enlace: todo el diagolo.

Siempre pienso k me gustaria estudiar con usted el bhakti vaibhava. debe ser maravilloso. Puedo hacerlo aunque no haya sacado el titulo bakti sastri?

HpS - Es deficil. Bh. Sastri es bueno tambien!

Espero tener mejor internet para podr estudiar con Usted. Very thanks por su deseo de venir a cordoba ahora somos mas hermanos aqui yamuna, ambarish,vrsabanu. pero lo malo es que cada uno esta en diferentes ciudades y nunca nos vemos. jamuna ya termina el ciclo de facultad y espera visitarnos. Gurudev parece que mi asociacion con Usted a partir de ahora sera mas en separacion a traves de sus instrucciones. solo podre verlo en el ratha yatra. no puedo ir a bs as.y tampoco a la casa de  p. Param.este ano queremos sacar los documentos y vamos a trarar de colectar en verano para eso. pero Id siempre esta en mi corazon y tengo su asociacion en mis suenos.solo espero que en esta vida pueda complacerlo y que podamos con franco y gopal a nuestro verdadero hogar goloka vrndavan! Su discipula que lo recuerda siempre y tiene presente toda la misericordiosa asociacion que Ud me dio en peru y donde pude tenerla:Japa- prati-jalpa Radha.

HpS - Hmmmm. Por la misericordia de Krsna podemos obtener oportunidad encontrar corporealmente! Gracias sus noticias. Lea el diagalo entre Radha y The Bee?

URGENT! I Congreso Latinoamericano de Educación en ISKCON IV

9 years, 5 months ago by in Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaj,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


In our weekly meeting with brahminical comité to the Congress we have discussed the GENERAL MISSION and the KEY OBJETIVES.

We want to know your opinion and We want to know if you can add something that we have overlooked:




  • Creating effective networks among educators in ISKCON.
  • To inform and encourage audience participation in the educational activities of ISKCON.
  • To publicize and share different current educational proposals of ISKCON or those that could serve the congregation of ISKCON.
  • To present perspectives and definitions about the concept of education in ISKCON.
  • To establish a communication system with the Ministry of  ISKCON Education through a representative or a  committee of representatives.
  • To set date, place and objectives of the Second Latin American Congress of Education ISKCON.
  • To identify strengths and challenges we face in the current  Hispanic ISKCON  education and elaborate  practical proposals for implementation.

On the other hand, after this review, we will begin to send a detailed document to our speakers, with these objetives and the mission et al, and we will specify there how long should be every conference. So, according your experience, what is better? To give different timings to different speakers according their relevance? We should to have an avarage  timetothe conferences? Which is the better average?

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Well, yes, you can certainly allocate time depending on which topics and presenters you think need more time. You can even have a round-table discussion at the end with several presenters so that the audience can have more time with the specific presenters as they require.
Thank you so much. Please send us the preliminary registration information as soon as possible! We want to come!

Thank your very much for your attention and time guru maharaj.

Your aspirant to eternal servant

Jagad Guru Das

DTC Su(2)

9 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC


A G T S P !
Paoh ..o'......   Here we are in NGD Temple room above the garage. It is very nice. Radha Natabara are about four feet tall. We are a little mareado, naseaus, maybe because the time changed by one hour last night, we have gone from near freezing to very warm, to nearr freezing!

Ha! Ha!    Hare!  What do you expect. Brother Ass is only human.
Thank you for the nice letters. Arjuna asks what is knoweable, in the BG, and Krsna answers by describing the Supersoul. Everything else is changing. If we are doing something, Sankirtan, and it is not in a happy relation with the Supersoul then we will feel like it is building castles in the air.

Hari Bolo! Chant Hare Krsna and stay in touch with the Chariot Driver, no?!!!
O.K. 6.30PM. Time to go downstairs and see what is happening.
Talked with about 7-devotees about Sankirtan today on the telephone. Trying to contact Etasa about Chicago program.

'0'  Monkey / Piggy
We are happy when we can Chant Hare Krsna and Dance with Krsna!


Todas las glorias a srila prabhupada

Porfavor acepte mis sinceras y respetuosas reverencias, querido gurudeva, aquí nadiya reportándose, mangala artik, 16 rondas, 4 principios y lectura del nityananda cartamrta “el señor nityananda rompe la danda de sannyasa del señor caitnya mahaprabhu”, servicio en la cocina del puyari, cada dia aprendo a cambiar a sus señorias radha madana vihari, ya se hacer turbantes <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />, acostamos los lunes, los miércoles levantamos a la deidad con p. gadai, eso hace que me levante a las 2 am y pueda cantar unas 8 rondas como me gustaría despertar todos los días, jeje para poner ese habito en mi vida y también estamos publicando resultados de sankirtana de chosica.

Aquí  con nuevos cambios en chosica, ahora le cuento que tenemos presidente p. kesava das es el nuevo presidente, y justo cuando hubo elecciones en peru el prabhuyi también entró como presidente al templo,  el ambiente se torna como si fuera pasar algo muy maravilloso en el movimiento, los devotos se sienten muy entusiasmados, en las fiestas de domingos el prasadam general es gratuita, y eso hace que la gente venga más seguido entre devotos y personas de afuera,  intento hacer un poco de sankirtana en el templo a la gente que viene.

Tendremos ratha yatra el 9 de noviembre con maharaj praladananda swami, una gran oportunidad para salir con libros, gurudeva los libros de srila prabhupada me está salvando la vida y yo quiero ser agradecida entregando a otros este conocimiento tan puro y perfecto, soy tan débil de entusiasmo que necesito de un grupo de sankirtana para poder realizarlo y que mejor salir con los devotos en el ratha yatra. P. Gadai muy feliz con sus silas, el las adora y son su propia vida.

En este tiempo aqui en chosica experimentando diferenctes servicios me he podido dar cuenta de que yo quiero servir a Srila Prabhupada en su sankirtana como ; Distribución de libros, harinam, food for live, y otros programas de predica, guru maharaj, no me veo estar en un templo toda mi vida, yo quiero salir a afuera a dar a otros lo que me dio  srila prabhupada, y siento que la predica  es lo que me llena y me hace muy feliz, agradesco a krsna y a ud. por darme un buen esposo que le gusta la predica y que siempre me está enseñando con su ejemplo mi vida ya no tiene sentido si no puedo hacer harinama sankirtana, estoy como un leon encerrado con ganas de salir a la jungla.

Gurudeva me entraron muchas dudas respecto a;

1°¿El matrimonio de isckon también dura hasta en goloka vrndavana? Sabiendo que en los vaikuntas hay parejas de esposos que sirven a krsna pero no hay lujuria.

HpS - Pienso normalmente ser esposa en ISKCON, mundo material, no significa ser pareja en el mundo espiritual. Ser mujer aqui no siginfica ser mujer alla. Pero un relacion muy intenso, mas que pareja aqui, entre los jivas quienes fueron pareja aqui eg. dos perritos de Krsna.

2° ¿Cómo saber si es maya o es krsna cuándo hay problemas en un lugar?

HpS - Tiene que consultar con Krsna, Brahmanas y Escripturas Vedicas. Canta Hare Krsna muy bien (Dios, Krsna), ver la situation de los consejos de Srila Prabhupada en su 100 tomos de libros, y hablar con 6-buen devotos como neecesita! 

3° Gurudeva una vez ud. Me dijo que el matrimnio es una formalidad, que significa eso.

HpS - Es un citacion. La boda es una formalidad, pero no sin significado. El matrimonio es un relacion mas subtil. O.K?

 Muchas gracias por su paciencia su hija, nadiya n. d.       

Los chicos en casa:

HPS - Si, los fotos son muy bien. Muy buena suerte con la Rathayatra. No solamente vender libros a la gente pere despues cultivando ellos y convertiendo a sankirtaneros mismos, no?


9 years, 6 months ago by kitri das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja ! AGTSP accept my respectful obeisances.

Thanks for answering and telling me that inspiring story about jayananda maharaja.

Here things are okey, trying to create or insert myself in the sadhana cart.
 But, I always have had a problem with my wrath, like from my very childhood(use to hit girls in the school, and grab knifes when people tried to scared me or chastise me, like that, violent reactions, not as much as others fortunately) so i think this things are still being manifest on my daily life, specially in my mind, sometimes i feel the desire to disobey or respond in a crazy way to my mentors, or to kill to create disorder to hurt people that i have envy of or i dont like their behaviour, like that, and this is slightly decreasing due to Krishna and the mantra i think, but sometimes it drives me crazy. I just wanted to tell you so you can know me , and now i feel i bit better that i ve wrote it down, and of course, I hope some advices.
KKS visited us a few days ago and stood for some good time, was pure nectar his association, Many devotees, he included, told me you first take care of the shop nicely, then start to come for books with us.
I memorized 2 more slokas, 2.2:2.7, but still there are many more, but my reading is not very good though.

Thanks for that beutiful verse in the Bg. 10.9.5 really inspiring.
I noticed, The deites are very mercyfull here. I was up and down, like always,( and i guess it must be because of my big problem, lack of sincerity with myself and others) but they are a constant source of mercy ,so I felt much better these days, like remembering my first Krishna Consciousness experiences and all the devotees that helped me, instruct me, i always remember them but when the realization comes is different. My praying has decreased a bit in terms of lenght and intensity and that's the consequence of a non enthusiatic sadhana. So slowly I feel like raising again in the battle. 

Miss the devotees so much, Indian association makes me crazy sometimes , I had to put a sign on the shoes place because it is tradition for them to take any shoe if its for a second( generally they use it to go to the toilete, so when they come out it is MUCI), but I completely hate that I cannot tolerate it . there a few new, south american devotees though cool people. 

This a happy month anyway, for my birthday(4nov) I'll sing for damodar ! I'm happy for that God's gift .
I miss your sanga as well. Waiting for your shelter, wondering if you;ve received the recommendations from the temple president.

Anyway, thanks for your time, Hare Krishna Maharaja AGTSP<PAOHO 

Aspiring to be your servant, Camilo.

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna. Somebody has problem with anger, somebody else with sex, somebody else with political power.... Karma. Some weeds have short roots and we get them our quickly. Others look small on top but actually have very, very deep roots and really may take one more life to completely eradicate them, no?
In Vrndavana only Krsna and Balarama kill demons.

Nice mantra. We see that in the KRSNA book. Only Krsna and Balarama kill demons. Others chant, "Hare Krsna! Hare Rama!", and pray to Krsna and Balarama to save them, adjust the situation. Of course, sometimes Krsna and Balarama GRAB our intelligence and use us to use violence to adjust a situation, but afterwards no body has a bad taste!

Go on with your Self-realization! Krsna is trying to do amazing things in the material world!

Hare Krishna!!

9 years, 6 months ago by Bhaktin Belen S. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear gurudeva,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Pamho!

Thank you for your answer! I think you are already a pure devotee :D . At the GBC Statement on the Position of Srila Prabhupada it say that if we strictly follow the pure devotee, then we are also pure devotee.

When you said   ladies sentiment can be good Bhakti but has to be kept pure by some masculine intelligence, that masculine intelligence could be the spiritual master? isn't it?

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!    Well, a man or a woman can become spiritual master. BG 9.21. So a masculine spiritual master could serve to keep feminine disciple intelligence regulated, but also a father, husband, brother or adult son. It is just like we need water, so feminine intelligence needs this shelter. 
SB 1.7.42 also gives some perspective. Of course, it says, "women as a class", and does not address personal differences in nature. Also, as soon as we become devotees we realize that this body, male or female, is a machine and then from the 1,000 times more potent devotional platform we can use it properly, even miraculously if Krsna wants.

I think I’m fire also, like you. Somebody told me that. So now I understand why I've always been moving and investigating in my whole life.

Thank you for your advice about improving my japa. I will implement it.

I always wanted to ask you about dreams. How much value have we give to our dreams? What they meaning? What they are?

HpS - They are like things you see when you are awake. What significance do we attach to those things? If it is raining, what significance do we attach to it? Subtle world is real just like the gross world but has different laws just like fire and water are both real but have different laws. Evaluate everthing by association with good devotees, people; Prabhupada's books;  and Japa, Kirtan, no?
They say that Pravbhupada said that dreams about the Spiritual Master and Krsna are not ordinary.

On the other hand, I sent to my guru maharaja your respects and he told me that I offer you his thanks and respects also. What I’m doing with him is help with the marketing of his project "Soul Tools" through audiovisual design (videos, flyers, etc) and managing the facebook pages of this projects, with other disciples of him. I have many ideas to marketing but I'm trying to get the footage to start to do them. I’m planning also bring here one of his projects named "Mantra Project" ( to encourage people to chant the holy name, chanting the maha mantra to uplift our conscience and uplift the world. But I'm just starting to write the ideas and thinking how I will carry out it. In Mexico, my siblings did it at the Ratha Yatra Festival at first and they told me that it was amazing. Anyway they keep on doing it once a week.. I'm really excited about this project and I really want to do it here.   

There are some pictures of his visiting to Buenos Aires, below below.

I really miss japa joe, but 6.30 am for me is impossible.. I get out of my work at 5 am, so at 6.30 I'm already dreaming with who knows what..

All my respects for you! 
your servant,


HpS - AGTSP. Now we are Mangala arati, NOD, Japa, one hour later for daylight saving's time.
Thank you! Better to die chanting HK!!!!!