Carta publica a mi guru y comunidad vaisnava.

1 year ago by Nadiya Nivasi Dasi in Other

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Hare krishna Gurumaharaj, acepte mis sinceras y respetuosas reverencias.

Escribo esta carta pidiendo disculpas a Usted y a la comunidad vaisnava por haber generado mucha incertidumbre, especulaciones e infamia hacia mi persona, pido perdón de corazón empezando por srila prabhupada, Usted y a todos los devotos por generar ansiedad.

Usted ha sido muy amable y comprensivo conmigo que se ha comunicado conmigo personalmente y con mis dos hermanos espirituales mayores que siempre me protegieron como verdadera familia y amigos de verdad.

Y he declarado mi verdad ante usted.

1. Intenté en conocer al devoto Milan Rai por 3 meses y luego tuve la decisión firme de rechazar el matrimonio con El.

2. Nunca he recibido ningun tipo de dinero de parte de El.

3. Jamas El me ha presentado a su familia para un compromiso de matrimonio.

4. Jamas me he reunido con el devoto Milan fisicamente.

5. No he roto ninguno de los 4 principios fisicamente despues de mi separación desde hace 2 años y he estado cantando mis 16 rondas y haciendo puyari en templo de san borja y templo de brasil como un año y medio.

5. Usted sabe los detalles donde estoy y con quienes estoy y que estoy haciendo, y hasta el dia de hoy mis 4 principios estan intactos y mis 16 rondas.

6. No estoy tratando de defenderme en redes sociales y dando explicaciones a los devotos de donde estoy y que estoy haciendo y con quienes estoy por mi protección y porque sé la idiosincracia de Perú sobre los chismes y juzgar a un devoto. Y tambien porque es un mes muy auspicioso donde no pretendo pelear con los devotos ni generar vaisnava aparadha, y porque no es mi naturaleza ser vengativa apesar de las cosas que ha hecho el devoto Milan.

7. Mi verdad solo he informado a las autoridades de perú y de brasil y a usted y hermanos mayores.

8. Y ahora tambien pido perdón al devoto Milan por haberle rechazado su propuesta de matrimonio, pero es mi libre albedrio decir No. Y le deseo de todo corazon que avance en su vida espiritual y material que le vaya muy bien.

Querido Gurmaharaj me postro ante sus pies y le pido perdón por haberle causado tantos problemas, de corazon le pido perdón, esto me ha enseñado en no confiar mucho en las personas y me está acercando más a krishna, solo deseo refugiarme mas en krishna y en srila prabhupada y usted, y con mas fuerza seguiré en conciencia de krishna, jamas quiero abandonar su refugio de sus pies de loto, y todo lo que me está pasando lo tomo como una purificación y karma.

Gracias por su tiempo y energía en preocuparse por mi.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi.


All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna, Guru-maharaj, please accept my sincere and respectful obeisances.

I write this letter apologizing to you and the Vaisnava community for having generated a lot of uncertainty, speculation and infamy towards me, I apologize from the bottom of my heart starting with Srila Prabhupada, you and all the devotees for generating anxiety.

You have been very kind and understanding to me that you have communicated with me personally and with my two older godbrother and godsister who always protected me like true family and true friends.

And I have declared my truth before you.

1. I tried to meet the devotee Milan Rai for 3 months and then I had a firm decision to reject marriage with Him.

2. I have never received any kind of money from Him.

3. He has never introduced me to his family for a marriage commitment.

4. I have never met the devotee Milan physically.

5. I have not broken any of the 4 principles physically after my separation for 2 years and I have been chanting my 16 rounds and doing pujari in San Borja temple and Brazil temple for about a year and a half.

5. You know the details of where I am and who I am with and what I am doing, and to this day my 4 principles are intact and my 16 rounds.

6. I am not trying to defend myself on social networks and giving explanations to the devotees about where I am and what I am doing and who I am with for my protection, and because I know the idiosyncrasy of Peru about gossip and judging a devotee. And also because it is a very auspicious month where I do not intend to fight with the devotees or generate Vaisnava aparadha, and because it is not my nature to be vengeful despite the things that the devotee Milan has done.

7. My truth is that I have only informed the authorities of Peru and Brazil and you and my older brothers.

8. And now I also apologize to the devout Milan for having rejected his marriage proposal, but it is my free will to say No. And I wish him with all my heart that he advances in his spiritual and material life and that he does very well.

Dear Gurmaharaj, I prostrate myself at your feet and ask for your forgiveness for having caused you so many problems. I sincerely ask for your forgiveness. This has taught me not to trust people too much and is bringing me closer to Krishna. I only wish to take more refuge in Krishna and in Srila Prabhupada and you, and with greater force I will continue in Krishna consciousness, I never want to leave the refuge of your lotus feet, and everything that is happening to me I take as purification and karma.

Thank you for his time and energy in caring about me.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi.

HpS - ASA -- Thank you! AgtSP. Paoho..... You may see the letter from Milan Ji also posted here. Also, this has of course also brought us to contact Mathuresa Das in trying to contact the National Council in Peru. We did not know that formal complaints were filed in terms of these dealings. That was a mistake on the part of the National Council and Mathuresa Das apologized very sincerely and will try to help us in being in better contact with the Council.

He mentioned some of the documents submitted, and actions taken, and comments, made, but that is something that we can discuss in our more focused group.

A basic principal seems to have been that from the vey beginning we were not able to give some general advice in developing these relations. We apologize as we may have made these mistakes.

Is Kali yuga and women, children and old men are especially unprotected, but the good thing is that Krsna personally, personally, takes charge of our protection because this is the situation, and that protection is 16/4! Fight, fight, fight to chant nice rounds and follow four principles strictly physically, verbally and mentally!

Jaya. Thank you.

Hope to get more of your association.

An Apology

1 year ago by milan in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna, Dear Guru Maharaj ji ,

Hare Krishna, everyone,

HpS, AGTSP! Thank you for your letter and work in this area.

As I know, the etiquette would be for you to address me as, 'Maharaja' and not "Guru Maharaja", although as far as I am concerned, I am just trying to be your servant by mercy of Guru and Gauranga.

In the past few weeks, our community, particularly the Peruvian ISKCON community, has experienced a period of tension and chaos. Unfortunately, a similar situation unfolded within my own community and family. As Many of you are likely aware of the circumstances surrounding the affairs of Mata Nadia Nivasi Devi Dasi from Lima, Peru, and myself, Milan Rai, from Puri, India.

This personal matter escalated into a tense situation due to emotional instability on both sides, preventing any meaningful conversation. Consequently, contacts were blocked, and the issue became public, impacting not only the individuals involved but also many members of our community. It is regrettable that our immature decisions dragged many of you unintentionally into our personal situation. Your valuable time and energy were invested in resolving our personal problems, leading to unpleasant questioning sessions for some.

The involvement of others in our private matter is regrettable, and we acknowledge the negative consequences of our actions. The damage has been done to both sides, causing mental, spiritual, and psychological distress over the past three weeks. At this point, both of us seek peace and healing for ourselves. The immature behavior on both sides even stressed Guru Maharaj ji, and this unfortunate situation unfolded during the auspicious month of Damodar, which is truly regrettable.

Reflecting on the trouble caused, we recognize our fault and feel a deep sense of guilt. In light of this, we believe it is necessary to publicly apologize to everyone who was inadvertently drawn into this situation, who invested their time, and who experienced stress due to our personal issues.

Therefore, on behalf of both of us, I, Milan Rai, extend my sincere apologies to everyone affected by this situation. And It is crucial to emphasize that I harbor no hatred towards Mata Nadia, and I sincerely hope that she finds herself in a better state of mind now.

With humility and remorse,

Milan Rai

HpS // ASA - Thank you so much. We can only endorse your sentiments in so many ways. Srila Prabhupada directly echoes the comment that we should not always be disturbed by failures because they can be the stepping stones to ultimate success.

There is also a comment from Srimati Nadiya. So we will look to that.

Of course, this Blog is a place for further discussion on the general points involved, and as we might be able to help with details we can move into private discussions with proper association.

Japa FMP

Hare Krsna, beloved Gurudeva, AGTSP PAMHO

My favorite Japa bead is My own Japa. Ir keeps me connected with the holy mames.

Happy Diwali Gurudeva


Chandramukhi dd

HpS//ASA - Yet, agtSP, are there some that are spectacularly interesting???


[FMS dhirodatta ] My Favorite Bead Karuna Sakti Devi Dasi

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis humildes y rendidas reverencias.

¡Todas las Glorias sean a nuestro muy misericordioso Fundador- Acarya, quien acepto tantas austeridades para salvar a tantas almas de la terrible condición en la que voluntariamente ingresamos! 🙇

y ¡todas las glorias a sus fieles discípulos!

Gurudeva, oramos sinceramente a nuestros Señores Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva y Srimati Subhadra, le otorguen plena protección. Se de antemano que así es, porque usted esta entregado al servicio de Srila Prabhupada, pero orar sinceramente es lo único que podemos hacer desde nuestra limitada condición. 🙏

Hoy escribo porque durante FMS, usted dijo que enviáramos una foto de nuestra cuenta “dhirodatta” después de la lectura del NOD, cuando usted hizo la petición de una foto inmediatamente pensé en una de mis cuentas, ella es ciertamente particular (para mi), es la sexta de mis cuentas, en su cara frontal y posterior se le dibuja una “ V ” y tiene una textura muy peculiar.  (Envió fotos de ella)

Por otra parte, le comento que ayer sábado, me tocaba liderar el kirtan durante FMS y tuve que arrastrarme con determinación a Mangala aratika, porque desde hace días estamos sufriendo uno de los más fuertes dolores de cabeza que este cuerpo ha experimentado, pero vuestra asociación y la de los vaisnavas nos motivaron para intentar. Por favor disculpe nuestras ofensas y mala conciencia. 🙇

Más tarde leí su respuesta a la carta de Laksmana Agraja Prabhu... me sentí avergonzada, por solo pensar en mí, mientras que usted hace toda clase de esfuerzos por incluirnos en el trascendental ejército de Srila Prabhupada. Oramos porque su dedo se encuentre mejor. Gracias por su majestuoso ejemplo, es por su misericordia que seguimos vivos y en la lucha, hasta que nuestro Caballeroso Señor decida otra cosa.

Muchas gracias por todo Gurudeva, si me lo permite, en otro momento escribiré sobre mis intentos de sankirtan, tal como me lo solicito. Por ahora, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias, cariño, respeto y admiración.

Siempre a sus órdenes

Su aspirante a discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi 

HpS - AgtSP. I don't think that we are as austere as you! We don't control our impulses for comfort for this body as well as we should eg. sometimes eating grains at night.

Let us look at you bead!!!!!


It is amazing! I think Brijavasis call that an 'eye'. It think it is were a branch, twig, is starting to come out, no?

Hare Krsna!!

Now we pack.

We leave for Houston in less than one day.

Soon we leave for Nabadvip with Nimai??

we are still alive!!

Hare Krsna, Dear Gurumaharaja. Pamho. AGTSP.

Here reporting you his servant Vrajendra kumara das from Mayapur dham.

We continue to live here with my wife Amala Sundari DD since you came and gave us the pleasure of serving You and the team to film the movie.

The rounds and saddhana have become more fixed since I need the mercy of the Supreme Lord day by day to survive in the dham, support my family, work with iskcon online and with my export company😅

. ( Circumstances have become me more Nista)

My wife and I are fine, it seems that Mr. Gauranga finally gave us a permanent place to live in the Dhan, we plan to travel in the summer but return for work

Dear Guru Maharaja, I have read your reports and calendar and I would very much like to be able to serve you when you come to India in June if we are still alive, excuse me for not writing to you but I was these two years trying to establish the foundations to grow my family and I focused on work.

please help me! Give me your mercy and give me a service, what can I do for you?

Your Servants Vrajendra Kumara das y Amala Sundari DD

HpS - Very nice to hear from you! Hope you can always see any stability in youe Ashrama as the mercy of Krsna, like a raft in the tumultuous ocean!

Like Sudama Vipra.

More news of your Sankirtan in Mayapura!

We think we will be based in Houston for three months then probably return to Nashville for Gaura purnima. After that 1. we may stay here, 2. we may go to spain and 3. we may, may, may go to Vrndavana after some time in Spain.

Hari Bolo! More Sankirtan news as it comes.

Thank you.


Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja



Thank you very much for your prompt response, if it would be ok for the following Saturday, (December 2), after Romapada Swami's Light of the Bhagavata seminar.

Dear Gurumaharaja, then the program would have the following detail:

Virtual Class With His HH Hanumatpresaka Swami


Date: December 2, 2023

Today: 6:00 p.m. Mexico

       7:00 p.m Peru/Colombia

       8:00 pm. Argentina/Chile

Dear Gurumaharaja, please, could you pronounce the topic? We would appreciate it.

Again thank you very much for his Mercy, may Lord Sri Krishna shower his blessings on you.

Hare Krishna

Your useless would-be servant

Govardhana das

HpS - AgtSP paoho. Thank you!!! On our paper and electronic calendar. Sunday 2 December 6PM Houston Time.

Why not, "The Yoga Ladder - What level are you on and how to go to next? How to help others move up?"