Ayurveda Food Groups

asa[e] Ayurveda; Food Groups

Ānantesvara Dāsa (Vaidya Ananda Yadav): Hare Krishna Maharaj, Dandavat Pranam. 

During night metabolism is low, yogurt by nature is heavy becomes difficult for body to digest it. It increases the Khapa in body and does effect brain.  Friut combined with yogurt becomes very heavy to digest. Ayurveda considers yoghurt or curd to be one of the heaviest foods. It takes longer to digest. Whereas fruits require very little time In Your system (one hour or more) to be digested.

Modern science says: Yogurt contains plenty of bacteria which will act on the sugar present in fruits. This results in toxins, cold, allergies. You can avoid this problem by using unflavored yogurt at room temperature and mix in honey (which contains live bacteria Lactobacillus Kunkeei that is compatible with yoghurt), cinnamon or raisins (dried fruit) instead of fresh fruit.

If you want to feel light and energized after eating, then Ayurveda offers wisdom about which foods play well with others.

👉Certain combinations will promote optimum digestion and nutrient absorption. 

👉Others, are indigestible, leading to gas and bloating, and ultimately becoming toxins in the system. 

☘️Fruit breaks down quickly and should be consumed alone on an empty stomach. 

☘️Starches require an alkaline environment

☘️proteins require an acidic environment.

The enzymes required for each will neutralize or cancel each other out, leading to neither being digested well.

Fruit: eat on its own, 1 hour before other foods or 2 hours after a meal. When we combine fruits with other foods, the fructose is not burned as energy but stored as fat.  

☘️Melons cannot be mixed with any other fruit or food. 

☘️Bananas are best alone and become toxic when mixed with milk or yogurt. 

☘️Keep acid fruits together and sweet with sweet. 

☘️Low sugar fruits like berries are easiest to combine and can be added to yogurt. But.. it’s best to eat ur fruit alone or leave it alone.


“He who uses takra daily does not suffer from diseases, and diseases cured by takra do not recur; just as amrita (divine nector) is for the gods, takra is to humans.” Bhavaprakasha Chpt 6.7

[2/20, 5:35 PM] Ānantesvara Dāsa (Vaidya Ananda Yadav): 👆Buttermilk is best for you

[2/20, 5:43 PM] Ānantesvara Dāsa (Vaidya Ananda Yadav): 1 part yogurt mixed with 4 parts of water.

How to make Takra:


Relacions with Other Religions

Hare Krishna Gurudeva 


I have a question:

How should our relationship be with practitioners of other religions such as Christians, Jews, etc?

If they invite us to their ceremonies, how should our behavior be?

Thank you very much 

Your servant 

Piyari Mohan das 

HpS/ASA -- HK/HR.... thank you for your letter. these are very nice questions. we had, have, these questions.

First, i would say that in the conclusion, i never met a better christian than srila prabhupada. remember listening to his voice coming over the loudspeaker in the kitchen as we cooked the 6.45am offering for radha gokulanands.

he said, 'lord jesus christ, prophet muhammad, they did such good preaching work'.

by that time i had associated with srila prabhupada a great deal by very intensely studying his KRSNA book. i had seen the standard that he required from his disciples, managers.

i had a pretty good basis in direct investigation of christ through my church, churches, personal experiences.

I knew that srila prabhupada was not concerned with trying to get cheap followers, that he spoke his mind about different religions even if it was not popular.

so, our attitude towards christ and christians and islam is respectful to the point of life and death and beyond.

bh v. th says that if we are i the place of worship of some other faith, church, at the time of worship, we should think, 'the same God that I worship is being worshipped here, now. by seeing the adoration of these devotees of my Lord, i can learn things to improve my worship, yet because i do not belong to this tradition formally, i may not be participating in all of the details of this ritual'.

i think that Vatican II has basically the same perspective, so that the pope and cardinals and others my visit a hare krsna temple. they may sing and clap, but not dance. 🙂

maybe someone comes to ISKCON and participates, but does not take Harinama Diksa, 1st Initiation, and then feels that ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada, will always be in His heart, and in the heart of Krist, but this person should return to or formally become baptised in another tradition, islam, jehovah's witnesses, LDS...

maybe they have come to realize srila prabhupada as a vartmana pradarshika guru. guru who shows the way. always venerable. expect jesus to enhance their relationship with ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada, but become and remain matriculated in their Jesus Christ university and get their PhD.


After 1st or 2nd or 3rd [sannyasa] initiation, is it o.k. to leave and take diksa, be baptised in another line?

i don't know. lord caitanya took initiation from isvara puri, a vaisnava, but then took sannyasa from kesava bharati.

i think that the answer to this question would need to be taken directly from srila prabhupada. we might only be able to guide a student, our student, in the process of talking about it directly with srila prabhupada.


good night!!

see you in Mangala arati.

if anyone else asks this question i will tell them to ask you and you can show them this essay etc.

ASA - Bhaktivedanta Library

1 month, 1 week ago by hps in Special Category B

ASA [E], bv library, tlc

"And out of all songs, what song do you think is the best?" Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked. Ramananda replied that any song which describes the pastimes of Radha and Krsna is the best song. The conditioned soul is captivated by sex. All literary works of fiction -- dramas, novels and so on -- describe love between men and women. Since people are so attracted to this kind of literature, Krsna appeared in this material world and displayed His transcendental loving affairs with the gopis. There is an immense literature dealing with the loving exchanges between the gopis and Krsna, and anyone who takes shelter of this literature, or of the stories about Radha and Krsna, can enjoy actual happiness. In Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.33.36) it is said that the Lord displayed His pastimes in Vrndavana in order to reveal His actual life. Any intelligent person who tries to understand the pastimes of Radha and Krsna is most fortunate. The songs that tell of those pastimes are the greatest songs in the world.

TLC 32: Conclusion

ASA reading includes TLC. . . daily.

This is the Conclusion.

What is an ASA bibliography of this great literature of Hare Krsna, Gurvastakam 4 pastimes?

From CC, KRSNA book, SB, Vrndavan Dhama Mahimamrta [?]?


Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja 🙏🏻

Reverencias a sus pies de loto🙏🏻

Jay Srila Prabhupada 🙏🏻

En el tiempo que usted compartió con nosotros tantos días estáticos en la hermosa NVM, tuvimos la visita de 18 herman@s espirituales: 10 extranjeros y 8 locales.

Del total 10 se quedaron alojados en NVM realizando diversos servicios de mucha ayuda para la finca y algunos alojados en hospedería.

Todos muy entusiastas y dispuestos a dar todo por el Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada y HpS 🙏🏻

El 100% quedó conforme con la organización del Equipo HpS en alojamiento, coordinación y prasadam. Algunos manifestaron el deseo de participar en otros servicios más variados (una de las debilidades en NVM, la monotonía, por ello muchos jóvenes se retiran) Otro punto interesante es cuando les pregunté: Se quedarían a vivir en NVM? 15 dijeron que NO (por trabajo, temas personales, servicio etc) y sólo 1 dijo que POSIBLEMENTE.

Me parece que sigue siendo un problema en ISKCON el CUIDADO DE DEVOTOS.

Gracias por permitirme servir a sus discípulos brindando información y coordinación de alojamiento durante su inolvidable visita Gurumaharaja 🙏🏻 🧡 Perdone mis ofensas y mediocridad por favor 🙏🏻

Permítame hacerle una pregunta para callar mi mente por favor: Limpiar la hospedería de NVM es realmente un servicio devocional? Confieso que utilizo mi imaginación pensando "tengo que limpiar bien todo porque Radha Govinda Chandra van a pasear por acá y traen sus invitados a la hospedería" 🤷🏻‍♀️ luego mi mente materialista me dice que en realidad me están explotando porque podría ganar mucho dinero si trabajo para los karmis 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🙄

Inútil mente

Yasoda Devi Dasi 🐩🐕

(Aún lloro cuando lo recuerdo, perdón... vuelva pronto por favor,. VUELVE A NVM por piedad🙏🏻)


Translate.google.com, agtSP, would not translate the whole Post!

Maybe too long.

Please send with English translation. 💪💪💪

...Reverences to his lotus feet🙏🏻 Jay Srila Prabhupada 🙏🏻 In the time that you shared with us so many static days in the beautiful NVM, we had the visit of 18 spiritual brothers: 10 foreigners and 8 locals. Of the total, 10 were housed in NVM performing various very helpful services for the farm and some were housed in a guesthouse. All very enthusiastic and willing to give everything for the Sankirtan of Srila Prabhupada and HpS 🙏🏻 100% were satisfied with the organization of the HpS Team in accommodation, coordination and prasadam. Some expressed the desire to participate in other more varied services (one of the weaknesses in NVM, the monotony, which is why many young people leave). Another interesting point is when I asked them: Would you stay to live in NVM? 15 said NO (for work, personal issues, service, etc.) and only 1 said POSSIBLY. It seems to me that CARE OF DEVOTEES is still a problem in ISKCON. Thank you for allowing me to serve your disciples by providing information and accommodation coordination during your unforgettable visit Gurumaharaja 🙏🏻 🧡 Please forgive my offenses and mediocrity

HpSwami-ASA - AgtSP. Has been wonderful foe us.

We are always staying at Iskcon NVM.

It is doorway to Vaikuntha.

Do you get our Twitter posts?

Thank you.

The hospitality was astonishing.

Deity worship.


😊 😊 .😊

Worship Govardhana Sila?

2 months, 2 weeks ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category B


[12/4, 1:27 AM] Tungavidya Devi Dasi: This is Tungavidya and Aindavi. Here Aindavi speaking- 

Gurudeva, I'm leaving today Radhakund going back to Houston. It's been a wonderful enlightin time here. During the past 3 months I've been doing seva for Giriraj at the sangam (a flower mala everyday) and doing seva for Giriraj at Tungavidya mataji's house. I have become very attached to Him. I have visited some Vrajavasi sadhu's house and they have told me that they can give me one Govardhana Shila only if I get the permission of my gurudeva. So here I'm asking for your permission, please let me know if it's possible.

[12/4, 1:28 AM] Tungavidya Devi Dasi: I'm begging for your causeless mercy to worship Govardhan 🙏

HpS-ASA - AgtSP, first serve Giriraja in Nila-madhava Dhama as you are serving Him now.

Then get His permission to serve Him directly.

Respondiendo a su carta

3 months, 2 weeks ago by Nadiya Nivasi Dasi in Special Category B

Hare Krsna, Guru maharaj.

Porfavor acepte Nuestras humildes reverencias.

Respondiendo a la carta anterior, Actualmente no tengo un Yatra específico en Iskcon, soy un devoto externo que vive fuera de los templos, y hace su vida espiritual en casa. No quiero dar detalles de mi vida material por mi protección.

Tengo mucha asociación de devotos de Iskcon y visito regularmente templo de iskcon.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpSwami ASA - Super.

Give some service to local Temple, donations, butter rice money smiles.

Introduced to poor Temple President.
