words from the moon

Hare Krsna, Beloved Gurudeva:


I am writing on this special day of your Sri Vyasa puja.

HpS//ASA - Thank you!! Just looking at your letter Title we are reminded of a book by one respected author titled, "Moon Beams from a Larger Madness". We will now read these words from the moon.

As I said in the latino program.

First I am so grateful to Srila Prabhupada for His Iskcon for our ISkcon.

I have also realized that even our health is better just by following the 4 principles.

Even if we are not in a good consciousness we are devotees and still we have some knowledge.

Thinking about Trivikram d and your constant question on the whatsapp group that we share with Parasurama. Does anybody know why he did it? All of us have problems that we think that our problems are the worst.

Sometimes I feel kind of lost, but never alone. I know that I can call Palika for instance and she will be there as I will be there for her as well.

HpS - We have to hand Monkey and Piggy some tissue to wipe their eyes!

That is Iskcon, that is what you taught us.

To help each other, to treat each other like family.

Everything is association.

So my offering to You.

Is to take care of my spiritual life and life in general so that if any devotee friend or not needs me I will be prepare and ready to help.

I am not a pure devotee or anything even close to that, but I guess that my 21 years of been initiated will be worthy.

I have heard Sriman Radhika Raman's offering, he presented my thoughts and feelings as well, I presume that most devotees have been touched and identified with his offering. I can not even say the words. What am I going to do when you were not present. But then I realized that I am with parents more than ever after their departure. They will also live in my heart as well as you.

HpS - 🙂 You are in the Recovery Room, the operation is over!! Wake up! This is just a movie that we are all watching. 😃 Your father, mother, me, others are all sitting in the theater with Srila Prabhupada, like morons, eating popcorn and thinking that we are the characters on the screen. 😆

Every time you chant Hare Krsna, you are making progress.

HK//HK// KK HH.... . . HR/HR/RR HH!!!! We just made eternal progress.

Yes, separation is natural.

Friend has gone for boat trip to China, 1932, but we will wake up. Must wake up!!! Krsna needs us... 😠

I am deeply grateful for all the years of your association all the trips, gifts, lectures, pictures, everything.

I hope that we can come and visit you soon, maybe in dreams I dream about you and devotees from time to time, and is nice. As you once said dreams with the spiritual master are not ordinary.

I am going to pay attention to your calendar

Srila Prabhupada KI JAY

Srila Prabhupada KI JAY

Srila Prabhupada KI JAY

Happy Sri Vyasa puja HH Hanumatpresaka Swami KI JAYA

By the way Ulyses sends his respects we are getting another puppy soon Zeus another golden

My sister also sends her respects.

Thanks to everyone. I think, hope, Ulysses is joyed to have a little brother!

We are trying to find all the letters amongst the Birthday Greeetings.

Hope to see you soon

Trying to be your disciple


Thank you for your Moon Beams from a Larger Madness. Only when you become a madman (woe man) like Lord Caitanya can you understand Srimad Bhagavatam.

Become Guru of your circle of aquaintances.

Hare Krsna

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, por favor reciba mis respetuosas reverencias, muchas gracias por su respuesta a mi carta anterior.

En la carta usted me dice:

HpS - Hare Krsna. TlgaSP. pfanrh. No se mas de Vd. Tiene que ser fuerte en purificarte de sus apegos materiales. La purificacion es eterno.

si es muy fuerte.. rompiendo 4 principios.. entonces el pujari debe volver los silas a govardhana or rio gandaki, no?

Guru Maharaja, usted me dice "No se mas de usted", bueno, quizá yo no tenga las palabras adecuadas para expresarme hacia usted, perdóneme.

Con respecto a la Govardhan Sila y Salagrama Silas, trato de atenderlas lo mejor que puedo, y siempre les pido perdón si cometí alguna ofensa. 🙏

Siempre me refugio en Srila Prabhupada, las escrituras, Sus palabras y el servicio devocional, trato de hacerlo para mejorar como persona y aprender a ser un devoto, es una lucha a cada momento contra Maya.

Ya son tres años que vivo solo y me siento muy bien viviendo solo.

Estoy haciendo Sankirtan todos los días con Prabhu Adveita Takur, parece que haremos la Maratón de diciembre acá en Huancayo. Ese es el plan por el momento.

En la carta anterior le mencione que viaje a Lima por que mi madre había dejado el cuerpo. Sankirtan para mí familia y amistades. Estuve tres días en Lima y de ahí regrese a continuar con el Sankirtan en Huancayo.

Acá en Huancayo hago servicio en el Centro Cultural de Madre Laksmirani (discípula de Su Santidad Jayapataka Swami). El programa es todos los sábados a las 6 y 30 pm.

Mi servicio consiste en ayudar en la cocina, la limpieza del centro cultural, hago la puja a las Deidades y doy la clase de Bhagavad-Gita los días que me toca, coordinando con el Prabhu Ram Bhagavad (También discípulo de Su Santidad Jayapataka Swami).

A los programas del Centro Cultural vienen de 25 a 30 personas, entre invitados y devotos.

Prabhu Rupa Gosay, Prabhu Mahayana y otros devotos vienen a visitarnos (dos o tres veces al año).

Aquí le envió algunas fotos del centro cultural y los programas.

Espero que se encuentre bien Guru Maharaja, y perdone mis ofensas por no comunicarme seguido y de la manera apropiada con usted, lo siento. Voy a tratar de mejorar en ese aspecto. Que el Señor Nrsimha lo proteja siempre. 🙏

Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Dasa

HpS - ASA ---- Muchas gracias.

Su vida es muy ejemplar para millones de personas.

Sin duda!!

Tenemos aue siempre recordar los prioridades y continuar en el kaos de Kali yuga, no?

Entonces va a ser resultados.

vamos a pasar la misericoridia que estamos recibiendo a otros!!

Reporte personal Yasoda Devi Dasi NVM

Hare Krishna muy querido Gurumaharaja 🙏🏻 

Por favor acepte mis sinceras reverencias 🙏🏻 

Todas las glorias siempre a nuestro salvador Srila Prabhupada 🙏🏻 

Todas las noches leo sus respuestas en el monkey warrior y en el programa de gotomeeting lo veo estático y radiante (es mi visión externa) PERO recuerdo cuando yo era profesora: me dolían las piernas, estaba mal del riñón, había dormido poco, mi tía estaba agonizando... Y frente a mis alumnos yo siempre estaba sonriendo, cantando "feliz" entusiasta...los niños no tenían que sentirse afectados por mis problemas personales insignificantes...por eso me atrevo a preguntarle Cómo está su salud? Mejor? El corazón? Su pecho le duele aún?

No puedo dejar de recordarlo en Nueva Vrajamandala, en todo lado lo veo caminando, escucho la melodía de su quena, su voz, sus pasos...tenerlo con nosotros fue un sueño hecho realidad para mí... GRACIAS 🙏🏻

Yo sigo acá, limpiando la hospedería de NVM, seguimos en la mini pequeña habitación cuidando intentando atender a nuestro Gopal (en realidad creo que Gopal nos cuida) escuchando a los devotos cantar Hare Krishna todo el santo día (pienso que es una protección de cierta forma, porque los acompaño cantando, como un loro) atendiendo al devoto de 92 años Ambaris (es mi karma, antes cuidé a mí abuela y tí@s ancianos) y por misericordia tomando dharsan de los más hermosos de todos los planetas RADHA GOVINDA CANDRA 💖 

Terminé de leer el libro Las glorias y pasatiempos de Srimati Radharani (un néctar sublime espiritual) y por instrucción de mi esposo también empecé a leer el Srimad Bhagavatam (dice que primero debo leer el SB antes de los pasatiempos de Radhe)

Con el recuerdo de usted en mi corazón, su discípula de tercera clase Yasoda Devi Dasi 🙏🏻

HpSwami ASA - Please, agtSP, send again with translate.google.com.

Could read about half.

Was great.

We are all teachers if we just go out anyway at all.


Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja 🙏🏻

Reverencias a sus pies de loto🙏🏻

Jay Srila Prabhupada 🙏🏻

En el tiempo que usted compartió con nosotros tantos días estáticos en la hermosa NVM, tuvimos la visita de 18 herman@s espirituales: 10 extranjeros y 8 locales.

Del total 10 se quedaron alojados en NVM realizando diversos servicios de mucha ayuda para la finca y algunos alojados en hospedería.

Todos muy entusiastas y dispuestos a dar todo por el Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada y HpS 🙏🏻

El 100% quedó conforme con la organización del Equipo HpS en alojamiento, coordinación y prasadam. Algunos manifestaron el deseo de participar en otros servicios más variados (una de las debilidades en NVM, la monotonía, por ello muchos jóvenes se retiran) Otro punto interesante es cuando les pregunté: Se quedarían a vivir en NVM? 15 dijeron que NO (por trabajo, temas personales, servicio etc) y sólo 1 dijo que POSIBLEMENTE.

Me parece que sigue siendo un problema en ISKCON el CUIDADO DE DEVOTOS.

Gracias por permitirme servir a sus discípulos brindando información y coordinación de alojamiento durante su inolvidable visita Gurumaharaja 🙏🏻 🧡 Perdone mis ofensas y mediocridad por favor 🙏🏻

Permítame hacerle una pregunta para callar mi mente por favor: Limpiar la hospedería de NVM es realmente un servicio devocional? Confieso que utilizo mi imaginación pensando "tengo que limpiar bien todo porque Radha Govinda Chandra van a pasear por acá y traen sus invitados a la hospedería" 🤷🏻‍♀️ luego mi mente materialista me dice que en realidad me están explotando porque podría ganar mucho dinero si trabajo para los karmis 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🙄

Inútil mente

Yasoda Devi Dasi 🐩🐕

(Aún lloro cuando lo recuerdo, perdón... vuelva pronto por favor,. VUELVE A NVM por piedad🙏🏻)


Translate.google.com, agtSP, would not translate the whole Post!

Maybe too long.

Please send with English translation. 💪💪💪

...Reverences to his lotus feet🙏🏻 Jay Srila Prabhupada 🙏🏻 In the time that you shared with us so many static days in the beautiful NVM, we had the visit of 18 spiritual brothers: 10 foreigners and 8 locals. Of the total, 10 were housed in NVM performing various very helpful services for the farm and some were housed in a guesthouse. All very enthusiastic and willing to give everything for the Sankirtan of Srila Prabhupada and HpS 🙏🏻 100% were satisfied with the organization of the HpS Team in accommodation, coordination and prasadam. Some expressed the desire to participate in other more varied services (one of the weaknesses in NVM, the monotony, which is why many young people leave). Another interesting point is when I asked them: Would you stay to live in NVM? 15 said NO (for work, personal issues, service, etc.) and only 1 said POSSIBLY. It seems to me that CARE OF DEVOTEES is still a problem in ISKCON. Thank you for allowing me to serve your disciples by providing information and accommodation coordination during your unforgettable visit Gurumaharaja 🙏🏻 🧡 Please forgive my offenses and mediocrity

HpSwami-ASA - AgtSP. Has been wonderful foe us.

We are always staying at Iskcon NVM.

It is doorway to Vaikuntha.

Do you get our Twitter posts?

Thank you.

The hospitality was astonishing.

Deity worship.


😊 😊 .😊

Answering your questions and general update

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

So nice to hear from you and to be connected through this blog platform once again. Though I feel like I’m with you in the morning program and I have the great fortune of following your activities on Facebook and Twitter. But It’s always like a bolt of lightning when receiving your personal messages. A reminder of the ultimate goal of life and a clear picture of where I am at, simultaneously. There’s quite a gap. It’s encouraging and humbling in one shot. 

Yes, the community here in general is like an upside down and distorted version of what I think real community might be. And no one knows each other, it’s true. Everyone in their own isolated box of comfort, “pleasures” and miseries. Reminds me of that quote: “most people are living out quiet lives of desperation”…while saying: “I'm doing good”. 

HpS///ASA - AgtSP. Paoho. T. S. Elliot.

We long for village life and more association with devotees but at the same time are dealing with our own rugged individualist tendencies and contaminations.

HpS - That's the American Way, no? John Wayne, James Bond.

Despite all of that I find many moments throughout the day of clarity and connection to you. Started a Japa call for a few new Bhaktas: Braxton, Connor and Jack. They join almost every morning at some point in a two and half hour long duration. Getting most of my rounds in before breakfast and before the baby terror wakes up. Yamuna is advancing though but we can’t tell if she’s a great devotee or a great demon sometimes ha ha..

ASA - Can we be both?? 🐵

I’ve been giving talks every Thursday on Vaisesika Prabhu’s new book: The Four Questions. And then every Friday Anadi and I have been doing a class on Nectar Of Instruction using your Tava Pache Pache for Power point inspiration and discussion points. People have been engaged. Thank you for this commentary and for inspiring us to do this. 

Govardhana Puja was really deep and not a huge turn out but a quality crowd. I’m still working on our hill and making artful signage in yellow, red and the perfect green. I almost don’t want to finish it because then it could come to life and then I would really have to surrender! Ha ha and yes making it higher and charging people to commit transcendental suicide off of it is a good idea! Some wild preaching that would be. 

There is so much more I want to tell you but I don’t want to be too long winded. 

Thank you, Maharaja for everything and for remembering me. Been feeling a new level of conviction about this process and it appears Krishna is taking many things away from me to keep me out of trouble. It is all due to your mercy and kindness. 

Your aspiring servant, 

Nitisara Das

P.S. I’ve invited Balabhadra Prabhu and his good wife to our house for pizza on the 14th of December. Thank you for this great idea and chance to rekindle our relationship. Pizza prasadam can do amazing things..Jaya!

HpS - Wonderful! Wonderful. So, often these chasms between devotees are just misunderstandings, no? 🍕

🍕 ... 🍕...

Thank you.

We are packing to leave at 4.30PM for a home program.

Really have a full program here in Richmond.

Pretty constant chest moans now. Little higher pitch. Key of C-major. 😄

Yet, pulse is pretty regular and strong.

Hare Krsna.

We all must be ready to go, catch the magic carpet, take our place on the great mandala, as it passes through our brief moment of time, but also, continue to see practical plans developing from our Kirtan, no.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna...

See you all soon.

Fotos y Videos de Visita a Sri Radha Kunda y Nueva Vrajamandala

Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

¡Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada, Todas las Glorias al Guru Parampara

Todas las glorias a Sri Vrndavan Dham!

Orando porque que la energía de su cuerpo sea favorable a su Sankirtan. Le agradecemos de todo corazón por su incansable servicio a nuestro Divino Fundador-Acarya, gracias por su ejemplo y guía que alimentan nuestro entusiasmo.🌻 Felizmente, le seguimos en Twitter, el blog y por la misericordia de varios devotos, estamos tratando de seguirle y seguirle tanto como es posible. 🦆🦆

En visitas previas a esta gira como Richmond: Rama Krsna Andana Prabhu, ha sido el corresponsal principal y en Houston, Unmada-vidhayini mataji es quien siempre comparte fotos y videos, Jaya-Hari Prabhu es también un colaborador muy activo además de múltiples devotos que le han visitado como Gopi Radha DD, Candra mukhi DD, Janardana Das, Sugopi Devi entre muchos otros.

En España: Yugala Kisora Dasi, es la corresponsal de cabecera, Bhaktin Maite, Carlos Rold, Deva Vrata Das, Jayanta Das y otros vaisnavas colaboran activamente enviando fotos y videos.

Durante su visita a Sri Radha Kunda, Gaura Gadadhara Devi Dasi fue la corresponsal principal, transmitió para vuestros seguidores la mayor parte de las clases, Manjuali Devi Dasi y Bipin-bhari prabhu también contribuyeron activamente; Fotografías de todos ellos además de Gadadhara Gosai Das y Deva Vrata Prabhu nos trasladaban a su divina presencia. Les estamos muy muy MUY agradecidos. 🙇🙇

Todo el contenido está en la página de Facebook (ASA Carnaval) y paulatinamente estamos subiendo estos contenidos al canal de youtube. Por ahora, comparto los enlaces a youtube de las visitas más recientes. (España continúa siendo actualizado)

Visita a Sri Radha Kunda 2024


Visita a Nueva Vrajamandala 2024


Aquí algunas de las fotos de la visita a Sri Vrndavan Dham (Enviadas por diferentes colaboradores, ya mencionados) https://photos.app.goo.gl/rzf3cmczRTY8oDHE9

Muchas gracias por mantenernos conectados con usted y este trascendental movimiento de Sankirtana de Srila Prabhupada. 🙏🏼 Oro sinceramente a nuestro misericordioso Señor, me permita tener eternamente vuestra misericordiosa asociación. 

Esperando ser de utilidad. Siempre a sus órdenes.

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi 🙇

ASA Carnaval

(Equipo coordinador de ASA Carnaval - Isvari Radha Devi Dasi | Abhinandan Das | Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi)


Hare Krsna! Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, All Glories to Guru Parampara

All Glories to Sri Vrndavan Dham!

Praying that your body energy is favorable to your Sankirtan. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your tireless service to our Divine Founder-Acarya, thank you for your example and guidance that fuel our enthusiasm.🌻 Happily, we follow you on Twitter, the blog and by the mercy of several devotees, we are trying to follow you and follow you as much as possible. 🦆🦆

In previous visits to this tour, such as Richmond: Rama Krsna Andana Prabhu has been the main correspondent and in Houston, Unmada-vidhayini mataji is the one who always shares photos and videos, Jaya-Hari Prabhu is also a very active collaborator in addition to multiple devotees who have visited him such as Gopi Radha DD, Candra mukhi DD, Janardana Das, Sugopi Devi among many others.

In Spain: Yugala Kisora ​​Dasi is the main correspondent, Bhaktin Maite, Carlos Rold, Deva Vrata Das, Jayanta Das and other Vaisnavas actively collaborate by sending photos and videos.

During her visit to Sri Radha Kunda, Gaura Gadadhara Devi Dasi was the main correspondent, she transmitted most of the classes for your followers, Manjuali Devi Dasi and Bipin-bhari prabhu also actively contributed; Photos of all of them, as well as Gadadhara Gosai Das and Deva Vrata Prabhu, transported us to their divine presence. We are very, very, VERY grateful to them. 🙇🙇

All the content is on the Facebook page (ASA Carnaval) and we are gradually uploading this content to the YouTube channel. For now, I am sharing the YouTube links of the most recent visits. (Spain continues to be updated)

Visit to Sri Radha Kunda 2024


Visit to New Vrajamandala 2024


Here are some of the photos from the visit to Sri Vrndavan Dham (Sent by different collaborators, already mentioned) https://photos.app.goo.gl/rzf3cmczRTY8oDHE9

Thank you very much for keeping us connected with you and this transcendental Sankirtana movement of Srila Prabhupada. 🙏🏼 I sincerely pray to our merciful Lord, to allow me to have your merciful association eternally.

Hoping to be of use. Always at your service.

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi 🙇

ASA Carnival

(ASA Carnival Coordinating Team - Isvari Radha Devi Dasi | Abhinandan Das | Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi)


HPS/ASA - Hare Krisheema!

The electricity died in our wing of the Castle yesterday and we had to decamp in the dark to another room.

It is fine.



Yet, we tried to write a comment to this first class Blog post without our portable keyboard and after 15-minutes of writing we lost the whole thing!

Now we got into our old room and they are trying to fix the electrical failure and got the portable keyboard and are writing again.


First, I guess we 🐵 🐷 🐀 want to thank all the participants who are broadcasting the ASA Carnival Media.

We feel our activities may be contaminating people rather than helping them, but... by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, maybe all of us can act like dancing dogs in his traveling circus and do useful things for the King 👑 of Vaikuntha!

Abhinandana Das - How is your Brahma-muhurta? Sankirtan? Leading a local band?

Srila Prabhupada has made us all GBC Secretaries of our Bead Bags for a minimum of 16-rounds/day, no?

In general, we apologize that commenting on and posting Blog posts is slow, but in part it is our bodies age and situation and otherwise our insincerity.

In one week now we are back in the USA.

We are quite conscious that at any moment war can come to our own neighborhood with global weapons in the hands of many unstable people.

Maybe no more internet, so do our Sankirtan locally. Die and continue with our Sankirtan in the original ISKCON (New Braja Mandala) just like we are doing now!!?


Our health is great. Of course, our body is old 70% non-functional sensually and mentally, but our intellect seems to be improving.


Lectures Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.

Public program at the Municipality on the 30th.

Every day now, packing for trip to USA, Richmond, Nashville, Houston...


4:00PM. - A few more Blog letters, then bath and Temple Room?