Asking advise

Hare Krishna Gurumajaraja



I'm Divya Dristi dd from Cusco Perú I was using the name Manjary but now I prefer to write you directly 🙏.

I'm staying in Cusco now,My plan is to live here,I ve rented un appartment,with two rooms, I have the proyect to invite women devotees to leave with me,to give clases of puppetts,theater and kirtan,to children and teenagers ,in the same appartment in the leaving rooms.

The idea is to ask a cover money for the lessons so this money could be used to pay the rent and other expenses like services and bhoga,and much more, to be it susteinable.

The appartment has all services, wifi,kitchen,one toilet with hot water,located in a good location central city, actually in this building there are a liders institute for children and teenagers in the first floor,so its a good location.the last week Prabhu Dinabhandhu from vrindavan and his servant came to Cusco to preach CK and they stayed in this appartment they liked it and Prabhu Dinabhandhu gave me his blessiings for this proyect.


1._Which advises could you give me to make this plan work?

hps - the same always give. have you learned that yet? we smile as we ask.

2._Could you please help me to find two women devotees who would like to teach in Cusco and leave here? If they have experience teaching they can stay from one week to much more time.I could hellooo them.

HpS - Think laksmana or abhirama et al would 600 times better at that than us:

hope KRSNA sends people!!!

Thank you very much for your aswers.

Your servant

Divya Dristi dd.


hps - selfie attached.

Nadiya Godrume Nityananda Mahayana!

Remenbered Gurudeva:

Please accep my obeisances to your lotus feet eternally🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌷🌼🌻🌺🌹🌹🙏

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories To You my dear Gurumaharaja!🙏🌷🌼🌻🌺🌹🌷🌼🌻🌺🌹🌹

hps/as -agtsp... 🙂

For Sri Nityananda's appearance day, I was very inspired and did a dance to a very nice bhajan that was sung when the Pancha Tatwa deities were installed at ISKCON Mayapur: Nadiya Godrume.

The day I recorded was a hot day of more than 40 degrees !!! And it was Varaha Dvadasi. The next day was the appearance of Sri Nitya - Ananda!

Please I hope to please you with this offering to Sri Nityananda🙏, and it is also an offering to You who is the manifestation of Sri Nityananda's mercy.

Link de Youtube:

I hope you had a wonderful festival, as You say, "every year the festivals are more intense!" I think it is because we understand our Guru's mercy better.

Please forgive any offense and give me Your blessing to understand His mercy🙏🙏🙏

Please forgive any mistakes in my dance, in editing, in the camera. Although I am not a professional in doing any of this, I am just trying to do some service to give my bit to this wonderful sankirtan movement. And just by giving this bit, I feel extremely happy!!!!

Jay Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!!! Eternally grateful for accepting me in this adorable sankirtan movement 🙏❤ Trying to be eternally busy at the feet of You Gurumaharaja, of all of You:

J.P.Radha DD ,

Please accept obeisances from Franco ( who helped me with some words and ideas for better editing) and Gopal (12 years old)


It's a prasadam video😀 because before uploading it to youtube, I showed it to my deity Lord Nitya Ananda! (which Franco carved) I hope my Lord Nityananda can be pleased❤🙏

hps/as - 🐵 how many hours a month do you get out for public chanting?

thank you?

Ofrenda de Sri Vyasapuja

En este glorioso día de su Sri Vyasapuja, por favor permítame Glorificarlo:

Estuve meditando la mejor manera de expresar todo el Amor que siento a UD. Querido Gurudev, .. reflexionaba en el verso del Bhagavat Gita 7.1 "la Suprema personalidad de Dios dijo: ahora oye, ! Oh hijo de Prtha! cómo mediante de la práctica del yoga con plena Conciencia de mi, con la mente apegada a mi, podrás conocerme por completo, libre de dudas " querido Gurudev, dentro de todas las tribulaciones del mundo material y los ataques de Maya, entender que todo que Krishna hace y permite es bueno!!! no es fácil, pero, la plena Fe en ud el Devoto puro de Krishna que siempre está orando por nosotros para que Krishna nos dé la inteligencia para llegar a la vida espiritual, eternamente Feliz!!!

no tengo mucha internet, pero, tengo mis antiguas clases de Sankirtan, cuando habían reuniones de Sankirtaneros en Perú, me tropeze con una hermosa carta de un Maestro Espiritual a su Discípulo, la carta decía así: " conozco tu miseria, las luchas y tribulaciones de tu alma, las diferencias y las enfermedades de tu cuerpo sé de tu vilesa, de tus pecados y te digo lo mismo: Dame tu Corazón, Amame como eres .. si esperas ser un angel para abandonarte al Amor no me amarás nunca, aún si eres vil en la práctica del deber y la virtud, si vuelves a caer en aquellas culpas que quisieras no cometer más, no te permito de no amarme, Amame como eres, quiero el amor de tu pobre corazón, no esperes ser perfecto no me amarás nunca.. acaso no podría hacer de cada gramo de arena un angel radiante de purezas de nobleza y amor?

deja que te ame quiero tu corazón, ciertamente que deseo con el tiempo transformarte! pero, ahora te amo como eres, quiero que de los harapos subas con un gran grito: Krishna te Amo!! quiero únicamente el canto de tu corazón, no necesito ni tu ciencia ni tu talento, una sola cosa me importa "verte trabajar con Amor por Dios" . hoy estoy ante las puertas de tu corazón como un mendigo, llamo y espero, apúrate a abrirme. no llegues tu miseria, si conocieras perfectamente tu indigencia moririas de dolor, lo que me heriría el corazón sería el verte dudar y no tenerme confianza, quiero que pienses en mi a cada hora del día y de la noche, quiero que hagas la acción más insignificante sólo por amor, cuento contigo para darme alegría, no te preocupes por poseer virtudes te daré las mías, cuando tengas que sufrir te daré fuerzas... pero, recuerda: Amame como eres, cualquier cosa que suceda, no esperes ser santo para abandonarte al Amor no me amarás nunca! vamos, vamos, cantando, cantando Krishna!!!

Gracias eternas querido y Amado Gurudev, por el amor que nos está dando, que es la fuerza para seguir adelante en mi torpe e inútil vida!!!

Su insignificante sirvienta

M. Jambavati dd


On this glorious day of your Sri Vyasapuja, please allow me to Glorify you:

I was meditating on the best way to express all the Love I feel for you. Dear Gurudev, .. I was reflecting on the verse of Bhagavat Gita 7.1 "The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Now hear, O son of Prtha! How through the practice of yoga with full Consciousness of me, with the mind attached to me, you will be able to know me completely, free of doubts" Dear Gurudev, within all the tribulations of the material world and the attacks of Maya, understanding that everything that Krishna does and allows is good!!! is not easy, but, full Faith in you, the pure Devotee of Krishna who is always praying for us so that Krishna gives us the intelligence to reach the spiritual life, eternally Happy!!!

HpS - we already have that life! just have to get back to it, today, no?

I don't have much internet, but I have my old Sankirtan classes, when there were meetings of Sankirtaners in Peru, I came across a beautiful letter from a Spiritual Master to his Disciple, the letter said like this: "I know your misery, the struggles and tribulations of your soul, the differences and illnesses of your body, I know of your vileness, of your sins and I tell you the same: Give me your Heart, Love me as you are... if you expect to be an angel to abandon yourself to Love you will never love me, even if you are vile in the practice of duty and virtue, if you fall again into those faults that you would like not to commit anymore, I will not allow you to not love me, Love me as you are, I want the love of your poor heart, do not expect to be perfect you will never love me... could I not make of each gram of sand a radiant angel of purity of nobility and love?

Let me love you, I want your heart, I certainly wish to transform you with time! But, now I love you ... You are, I want you to rise from the rags with a great cry: Krishna I love you!! I only want the song of your heart, I do not need your science or your talent, only one thing matters to me "to see you work with Love for God". Today I am at the doors of your heart like a beggar, I knock and wait, hurry to open for me. Do not let your misery come, if you knew perfectly your indigence you would die of pain, what would hurt my heart would be to see you doubt and not trust me, I want you to think of me every hour of the day and night, I want you to do the most insignificant action only for love, I count on you to give me joy, do not worry about possessing virtues I will give you mine, when you have to suffer I will give you strength... but, remember: Love me as you are, whatever happens, do not wait to be a saint to abandon yourself to Love you will never love me! Come on, come on, singing, singing Krishna!!!

Eternal thanks dear and Beloved Gurudev, for the love you are giving us, which is the strength to continue forward in my clumsy and useless life!!!

Your insignificant servant

M. Jambavati dd

HpS - Great letter. Seems like Lord Caitanya talking to Sarva bhauma Bhattachary!!!

Hope you get 600% help in your Sankirtan and all of your efforts to give the greatest good to everyone!!

What's next for you!?

Krsna uses you as a tool!

What's next!

Hope you have perfect association with Lima Yatra and everyone!!!!!


Hare Krishna, todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y al movimiento de Sankirtan difundido por las almas devotas.

Muy querido S.S. Hanumat Presaka Swami, usted inspira la alegría que mana del corazón. Le saludo con gran entusiasmo.

He dedicado para usted la difusión de las glorias de una alimentación ayurvédica. Además de participar en el Simposio Internacional La Ecología y Lo Sagrado, en el que, por inspiración de los devotos, hablé sobre alimentación en la modalidad de la bondad (Bg. 17.8); fui invitado a participar en entrevista con el Comité de Médicos para la Medicina Responsable, y hablé brevemente del ayuno y de las glorias de Ekadashi.

También dedico un pequeño rol administrativo la Asociación Civil Nueva Govardhana (vista aérea), para la procuración de fondos.

Mis servicios son limitados, pero ruego Su misericordia para continuar a Sus pies de loto, para corregir mis errores y servir mejor a sus sirvientes.

Sinceramente, Guna Vira Das.



Hare Krishna, all glories to Srila Prabhupada and the Sankirtan movement spread by devoted souls.

Very dear H.H. Hanumat Presaka Swami, you inspire the joy that flows from the heart. I greet you with great enthusiasm.

hps//asa - we have fresh grown local oranges to offer to KRSNA!

thank you you letter, news from monta rey!

I have dedicated to you the spread of the glories of an Ayurvedic diet. In addition to participating in the International Symposium on Ecology and the Sacred, in which, inspired by the devotees, I spoke about food in the form of goodness (Bg. 17.8); I was invited to participate in an interview with the Physicians' Committee for Responsible Medicine, and I spoke briefly about fasting and the glories of Ekadashi.

I also dedicate a small administrative role in the NGO Nueva Govardhana (aerial sight), for the procurement of funds.

My services are limited, but I beg Your mercy to continue at Your lotus feet, to correct my mistakes, and to better serve Your servants.

Sincerely, Guna Vira Das.

hps - we think of you often and are glad to hear of you all. letter from ananda mayi devi dasi.


there is a 6000 acre iskcon devotees project just starting here in texas.

everything is big in texas!!

fruit trees.

🍍.. 🍍.. . . 🍇

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do you follow us on Twitter?

An Offering for you

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you on this day of your appearance

om ajñāna-timirāndhasya


cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena

tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ

“I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, who with the torchlight of knowledge has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the darkness of ignorance.”

      yad yad ācarati śreṣṭhas

      tat tad evetaro janaḥ

      sa yat pramāṇaṁ kurute

      lokas tad anuvartate

'Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.'

Every time I remember your activities, always aimed at continuing Srila Prabhupada's wishes to spread Krsna's consciousness.

Thanks to your great effort to share your life through videos and publications, which introduce us to the method that Srila Prabhupad brought to us in a practical way.

You have turned your life into a great offering to SP

Just as srila prabhupad says in the light of the bhagavata(12): Because a person who is spiritually advanced accepts any adverse condition of life as the mercy of the Lord, he is completely eligible to enter into the spiritual kingdom. Even though a person takes to the devotional service of the Supreme Lord, he may sometimes become diseased, impoverished, or disappointed by life's events. A true devotee of the Lord always considers these sufferings to be due to past sinful activities, and thus without becoming disturbed he patiently awaits the mercy of the Supreme Lord. 

All the time adversities put us to the test, and your exemplary life motivates us to continue on the way to Krishna.

We can't thank you enough for all that you share with us, simply thank you very much.

praying that my life will be useful to your service: AniruddhaKrsna Das.

HpS - You are an inspiration to us.

You give life to so many people.

Srila Prabhupada is working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working, working to make us transcendental servants, again!!!

Thank you.


Maraton de Diciembre

PAmho tlgasp. Hice el maraton d Diciembre fue expectacular lo q se puede hacer por la gracia de Srila Prabhupada y el Parampara. Resultados.

Bhagavat Gitas 79

Pequeños 150.

Espero que se encuentre en buena salud. Sankirtan ki Jaya!!!!

Su sirviente adiras dasa

HpS//ASA - 😃 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃

Because of a book distributor we got Srila Prabhupada's KRSNA book and met KRSNA!

Thank you.