Thank you for the letter and here is a general report

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja, please accept our obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Thank you so much for this wonderful letter and these illustrations. The Alfred North Whitehead quote is something I want to remember everyday. So grateful to have you in our lives. And we feel very fortunate to have you approve/bless Madhavi’s name as well and to read your kind words for her in the letter. 

HpS/ASA - Tom Brown, Monkey, agtSP, does most of the handwritten letters! 🐵

The grand plan is to keep Radha Bankibhihari happy and taken care of. Make friends and good association here. Do this and do it fully until another opportunity comes on its own accord. And then someday maybe go on tour again but this time with devotees and yes bring the Lordships with us! 

HpS - Super! Prabhupada recommended Gaura Nitai for traveling.

Anadi will be home schooling Yamuna and Madhavi with Mother Arudha’s books and her personal guidance. 

HpS - Super. If it happens, a nice step is Collective Home Schooling, where up to five families work together to have one or people be full time teachers.

I’ve been asked to take over the temple president role here and have been talking with Radhika Ramana Prabhu quite a bit. Not a huge change because Anadi and I have essentially been sharing that responsibility for a few years now but still it feels like a big weight and a great challenge. I’ve been laughing with Krishna about it and have had some arguments too. I just never could imagine that I would have a responsibility like this. 

HpS/ASA - Get everything written down by the principal participants. Fix it for a certain time eg. six months, one year, then review the contract after that time? Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.

Going to have our second movie night at the temple in March. Going to show Brother Sun Sister Moon a movie about Saint Francis. Then we will start showing the Diary of A Traveling Creature movies each month starting in April. 

HpS/ASA - What night? Friday night?

I would like to visit you in Houston in the Spring. Is that okay?

HpS - Our plan is to get ready to board the airplane to Vaikuntha (hell) with notice of one breath. 78-year old body!!! but general consensus is that is practical to plan being based in Houston ISKCON until Janmasatami = August.

11-18 March = Nashville. Especially talking about visiting again around Janmastami time for a big North American festival in Nashville ISKCON.

Always happy to have your corporal association.

Been listening to the SB classes in Houston almost everyday and corresponding with Jaya Hari Prabhu so I’ve been receiving lots of mercy in that regard and it’s been empowering projects here in Boise. I eagerly await your classes each week and they inspire our Krishna Lounge talks and everything else. 

Thank you, Gurumaharaja! Oh and thank you for the donation🙏🏻

Your aspiring servant, 

Nitisara Das 

P.S. here is an animation/puppet show that someone made for a song of mine. The song is about Love in separation with God. He wants to keep working with me so as I develop my own Sankirtan I can engage him in more krishna consciousness subject matter.

HpS - We will look at it a little later!!!

Now... 4.10PM... and packing up to go to the Temple by 4.30PM to be available for and Sadhu sanga, then 6-6.40PM make the Sunday Love Feast lecture presentation.

As usual, (ISKCON Houston).

Thank you!!!

Respects to everyone!!

Krsna has a career plan for all of us, no?

Maybe over several lifetimes!

Who might you be in the Mahabharata in you next life???

HK Maharaj!

1 week, 6 days ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

PAMHO AGTSP! All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!!

HK Maharaj how are you!?

hps - asa - apparently, more blind and deaf each week.

heart is o. k.

dementia is not too bad.

self realization is going nicely. more and more chance to directly purify our self, atma, by japa, vaidhi bhakti.

Where are you? how’s your health doing? I’m sorry to ask this, I haven’t been reading any news about you lately.

hps - are posting here on the blog, twitter,, [iskcon-houston].

maybe asa-carnaval?

i think you may be the third biggest fool in the universe, no? 😆😆😆😆😆

Here I’ve been experiencing certain difficulties in my spiritual life,

hps/asa - same here. same for radharani. 👍

having trouble with the 4 principles, and well my health hasn’t been going all that well, I’m getting this feeling of like pre nausea regularly. It’s more of an emotional thing caused by this situation with my daughter I’m dealing with. My ex partner blocked all communications with my family so we couldn’t talked to my daughter in months, and now it’s going to be 4 months since I don’t see her. I’m so sad some times.

hps - try nicely, not dog hard, then take it as KRSNA's arrangement and be assured that He is a better friend and criminal court judge than us.

I’m kind of tired of feeling this way. At least I’ve kept my rounds almost alive, couldn’t continue chanting the 16 because of my health condition, but at least I chant a minimum of 6.

I trying to do my best in other areas of my life, such as in playing sports or workout, I kept doing Hatha Yoga almost every day and started freestyle roller skating, which is helping me on losing weight.

I’m now in Buenos Aires, here I began attending to an English conversation club, where I can talk to English native speakers regularly and locals as well, and I’ve done some friends there, which I find to be a great thing.

I would really love to get my life back to normal, or better than normal.

Could you please give me any advice on this?

hps//asa - above... smile...

we put the japa as priority. KRSNA never punishes us for the time it takes for 16 sincere rounds.

Well thank you Maharaj for being there for me!



hps - send some pictures [of your self]

Anandamaya Dasi

Todas las glorias para Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias

Querido Guru Maharaj este año no escribí mi reporte anual pero todo está muy bien en mi sadhana👍. prabhu Hari Cakra está viviendo en Monterrey y el domingo pasado nos visitó prabhu Deena Bandhu la sala de predica del Restaurante contó historias muy lindas sobre Vrndavan, buena audiencia y convivencia. También ese día mi hijo mayor Jay salió muy entusiasta a sankirtan con Gadadhar fue un buen resultado.

Quería preguntarle si es apto para los principios (no intoxicación) el consumo de CBD cannabidiol pure oil (cannabis sativa) en casos de tratamiento médico como en mi caso la epilepsia estoy buscando opciones naturales de tratar mi caso neurológico.

Nueva Govardhan se encuentra bien Nandita se encuentra muy bien cuidada🐄

, también recibimos a una devota mayor para vivir a una casa de nuestro hogar entonces tenemos vecinos devotos jeje todos los días la madre Krishna tattva lee Krishna book con mi hijo mayor Jay Govinda, es una buena vida en el campo en conciencia de Krishna.

No deseo quitarle mas su valioso tiempo así que me despido su sirviente Anandamaya Devi dasi


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept our humble obeisances

Dear Guru Maharaj, this year I did not write my annual report, but everything is going very well in my sadhana👍. Prabhu Hari Cakra is living in Monterrey and last Sunday Prabhu Deena Bandhu visited us in the preaching room of the Restaurant and told very nice stories about Vrndavan, good audience and conviviality. Also that day my eldest son Jay went out very enthusiastically to sankirtan with Gadadhar, it was a good result.

I wanted to ask you if it is suitable for the principles (not intoxication) to consume CBD cannabidiol pure oil (cannabis sativa) in cases of medical treatment such as epilepsy in my case. I am looking for natural options to treat my neurological case.

HpS - I don't know. will ask raman reti devi dasi if she has any information about this.

your sankirtan sounds great. material happiness and distress is flicker and superficial. sankirtan is the reawakening of the particular abilities of the individual soul. eg i am a cow... mooo.

New Govardhan is doing well Nandita is very well taken care of🐄, we also received an older devotee to live one house away from our home so we have devotee neighbors hehe every day mother Krishna tattva reads Krishna book with my eldest son Jay Govinda, it is a good life in the countryside in Krishna consciousness.

I do not wish to take up any more of your valuable time so I say goodbye your servant Anandamaya Devi dasi

hps - thank you. you make our heart happy.

Again, Japa Reflections

1 week, 6 days ago by balabhadra dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Dear Siksha Guru Maharaja,

please kindly accept my most humble obeisances;

all glories to his divine grace, Srila Prabhupada;

all glories to your good self, for your selfless devotion to Srila Prabhupada;

hps - we have selfish desires.

all glories to all the devotees of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


There is so much I would like to share; so many realizations that have come into my mind which I haven't always been able to write down, as they come to me particularly during my japa period. Sometimes I reflect on my life: the names of the places and faces I once knew so long ago. What was the meaning of it all? What have I done with my life that was so meaningful? What will be my fate? My life is lived, and now all that remains is preparing myself for the next and final chapter of my life. Thoughts like these constantly come and go in my mind, instead of my attentively crying out to Krishna to mercifully engage me in His devotional service: such nonsense japa I have.

I have been reading "VASIHNAVA KE?" by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati. It is very powerful poetry, which I confess scares the hell out me, because it forces me to look very deeply into my own character and behavior. My false ego really takes a beating by reading this book. My mind tries to defend itself with excuses of why I choose to distance myself from the local community of devotees. I want to be honest with myself, and yet this book only seems to show me where I am failing. I just want to be peaceful in my daily practice of devotional service.

asa = mukti?

I needed to share these things, and there is no one close enough for me to share them with.

In the interest of brevity I am obliged to end here. Please kindly forgive me for disturbing you with my foolishness. I wish I could be a better example of a Vaishnava. I want with all my heart to be a better example, but there is so much sinful karma in my life that obstructs me from being exemplary. The last verse of the Sri Isopanishad tells the story of my plight in struggling to be a sincere devotee.

My japa is steady, and it is my greatest saving grace through all of my challenges and calamities. My reading is helpful in spite of my failing brain. My wife is incredibly supportive, in spite of my failures. No books are going out at present until I can resume with my other worldly affairs. And with this much having been said, I will close here, hoping for your special kindness and causeless mercy. If I am at all fortunate, I may yet come to a place where I can surrender in a way that is proper and fitting.

Your lowly, servant,

Balabhadra dasa

HpS - how, hare krsna, is your surgery recovering??

Gandharva das (bis)

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja



Indira Sakti dd and I are studying. I am doing a master's degree in Cultural Management and she is doing a bachelor's degree in Strategic and Innovative Design. Personally, studies are giving us tools to use in many fields, both professional, personal and devotional. I study online at a Spanish university and of course it is demanding, which is very good for me.

HpS/ASA - AgtSP. Sounds very interesting. 😃

Was this what Goebels was doing for Hitler ! 😆

Motive is so important.

Strangely, we just received a letter about the administrative situation in Peru and you were mentioned in it as a very inspiring person in the devotee's history.

Personally, we are always going through problems in the ISKCON, institutional managment.

AS we said, we heard from Prabhhupada's lips when one reporter asked him in Berkeley if there were problems in his temples, and Srila Prabhupdaa answered that this is the material world. There are problems everywhere.

That has given us great perspective.

GBC people that I know themselves give the GBC, ISKCON adminnistrative institution, about 3 out of 5 on the scale from bad to good.

Personally I think that is pretty good, very good, for Kali yuga.

Myself and other Sannyasis I know comment that there are problems but we do not think that we could do any better and are really thankful for what anyone can do and try to help from our situation in the institution.

Bottom line - I take ISKCON as Srila Prabhupada's institution. I try to help. Too old to do projects but give advice as approached.

Expect perfection in my administrative relationship with Srila Prabhupada, able to make friendships in the Institution and again, deal with the public institution with appreciation that this is Kali yuga, SB 1.17, and try to be friends with people in these admnistrative posts more than primarily institutional.

Just some thoughts

I am chanting again, studying Bhakti Vaibhava with Param Padam das and reconnecting with the few and sincere friends that I have. I cannot play hide and seek with Krsna for long because I always lose (happily). Now, I try to do things in a hygienic, internal way and without much parafernalia (in every sense). We are worshiping our Gauracandra and Nityananda deities (JBS and Sri Nrsimha are asleep for the moment). I am sorry I cannot do much more for you and Srila Prabhupada, but this is what I can do for now. My actual service is to hear and chant. In these two years, you have always been there and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I hope to hear from you soon and pray that your health continues to improve

Gandharva das

HPS - You two are heroes! Thank you!! Where do you live???


Any pictures?

Meditation and Annual Report

3 weeks, 2 days ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, PamhO, AGtSP

We were thinking for us to give us an identity whom we can follow. Just like in your case , you mediate on "Hanumat" as servant of "Hanumat Presak" and then got inspiration from them initiated things like Kapi-Dhavja, Anjana Suta.

Our name is Hayagriva Avatar Das, now we dont have enough information from Srila Prabhupada books about Hayagriva Avatar.

So, how should we meditate on our identity?

HpS/ASA - AgtSP!!! Start with the general principle of Hayagriva Avatar. What kind of relation does he have to ISKCON, Sankirtan, Krsna, in general.

Then more precise focus may come!!

We somehow believe Identity will make us our sadhana better.

HpS - Seems like one essential aspect.

we have submitted our report of 2024 on

all we can think our entity as given in image

HpS - Thank you. We will look for it!!!