Epistl-ie Challenged

1 day, 1 hour ago by chas d lind in Personal Sadhana Reports

January 20, 2025

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

pamho, AGtSP!

We received your correspondence, reminding us, that we too must keep in the loop. In this case we’re taking advantage of your world-famous blog, so on with the show!

ASA agtSP..... paoho. 🌴

Actually it’s been trying.

Just to get some dharmic activity since returning from Houston I jumped right into a Bhaktivedanta Institute residential service, and mundane bill coverage along with household and yard pruning, maintenance etcetera.

Though I guess all this is part of dharmic activity, I just feel that so much more effort should go with devotee association.

Then last week, after 2 try’s for Hari Nam, I finally scored on the 3rd attempt and did get some necessary Sadhu Sanga.

After dancing & singing [🐵

about KRSNA] in the streets, I was in ecstasy… though some Vaisnava’s there were puzzledly looking at me. Regardless, l felt much better, admittedly, the following day I had some intense myofascial convulsions, like leg cramps from hell.

Funny thing was I started laughing it hurt so much and I felt better… hope I’m not getting sadistic [masochistic?] in my old age.

On the social scale, I finished my japa early (that 2am start time just nails the chanting) and a quick visit to Facebook seeking the new devotee’s I met on Hari Nam.

I was hunting and pecking on the Ol’ laptop (Dell XPS is in the shop), and “Pop,” a pornography “rated advertisement was blatantly flung on my screen.

My Brahma Muhurta hours were “hurting.”

Then, later, you were posting on X about keeping our hearts clean and offerable to Shyamasundar Gopal.

So tricky Maya is!

My fear factor is actually rising now, for at my latter [years?], devotional service is important, and we know how the mind knows no limits of sense gratification.

The good thing is that we have such nice darshan of Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundar at the Temple and are getting more association with some very advanced Vaisnava’s! Sri Bhagavan is keeping us engaged where we may do the best, I have to never forget and always remember.

Apologize for my brevity, had limited editing time,

All glories to your service!

HpS/ASA -- We work on the World War II dictum that if first class will never get done, and second class will be too late, then third class is good enough.

Thank you for your powerful and valuable association. Please, by mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Nityananada, go on becoming a devotee on the level of Narada Muni. Eight PM, time for arati and KRSNA book!


respects to mataji and madan mohan das

Gadadhara Gosai das NVM

1 week, 1 day ago by gadadhara gosai das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Reporte anual

Hare krishna Gurudev, mis reverencias, Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!!

Aqui estamos en el invierno de Brihuega, con un sentimiento de agradecimiento por todo lo que a hecho por nosotros a lo largo de su estadia aqui en NVM. Le agradezco mucjo su regalo!!!.

Mi reporte es que estoy cantando 16 rondas minimas diarias. Mangala arati regular pero no todos los dias.

Chocolate y mates argentinos estan en la dieta diaria como un fuerte apego.

Este año hemos hecho alrededor de 15 reuniones en casa invitando a personas nuevas y devotos. Esperamos en 2025 intensificar el servicio.

deseo avanzar mas en la comprension y conexion espiritual.

Me siento conectado en la espiritualidad con Usted, prabhapada, nitay_Gauranga- Radha govinda Candra.

Pido siempre de sus bendiciones y misericordia para avanzar hacia el destino supremo goloka Vrindavana.

Sus sirviente eterno, gadadhara gosai das.

(Google traslate:)

Annual report Hare Krishna Gurudev, my obeisances, Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!! Here we are in the winter of Brihuega, with a feeling of gratitude for everything you have done for us throughout your stay here at NVM. My report is that I am chanting a minimum of 16 rounds daily. Mangala arati regular but not every day. Chocolate and Argentine mates are in the daily diet as a strong addiction. This year we have held around 15 meetings at home inviting new people and devotees. We hope to intensify the service in 2025. I wish to advance further in understanding and spiritual connection. I feel connected in spirituality with You, Prabhapada, nitay_Gauranga- Radha govinda Candra. I always ask for your blessings and mercy to advance towards the supreme destination goloka Vrindavana. His eternal servant, gadadhara gosai das.

HpS - thanks for all the nice association in nvm!!! push to eliminate chocolate [grains cooked by little devils]. but all these bad habits go away as we chant by effort more and more, better, better.

Jay Maharaj!!

1 week, 1 day ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj! PAMHO AGSTP!! All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!!

How are you?? Thank you for sharing that Radha Kunda experience, must be so blissful the atmosphere over there!

Well I’ll star replying from them very end of you reply to my previous letter. I’ve heard that statement from Prabhupada on a Instagram account, then I checked it on a website (https://srilaprabhupadalila.org/read/11218) and afterwards I heard Dhanvantari Swami mentioning something related, I really didn’t bookmark the YouTube class, what a pity, and I don’t quite remember which was it.

Well, thanks for all your advice, I haven’t been frequenting the Iskcon Buenos Aires Temple a lot, since I’m feeling like being a bit alone due to all that legal situation I’ve been going through, though I started attending to the Iskcon Philly’s Online program! Wow! was so nice, I felt so much better afterwards. So the virtual things has been some kind of success, because I also started making some grupal video calls with some friends devotees from around the world that I haven’t seen in a while.

I never imagined that in this time of struggle I would get all of that and beside certain guidance on what path to take with my relationships.

I’ve been deepening my knowledge on productivity, as I told you I’ve been journaling, and in the past days I had the chance to review my journal inputs. I found it’s a way to do some sort of self analysis, and well try to correct myself.

I was reflecting the other day on the piece of advice You gave me: open yourself to others with confidence. So how can we strengthen that confidence in order to always know till what point we can share things with others?

hps - agtsp! by trying different intelligent contact with people and seeing the result.

Maharaj thank you for supporting me all these years, sometimes I feel one of this letters is going to be the last one and well, I want to tell you that I’ve always appreciated you, you have been of great inspiration and guidance, and I wish we could someday see each other in some other place.

thank you again for everything,


hps 🐵 !!!

Jagat Pavitram Report

1 week, 1 day ago by jagat pavitram in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my obeisances

This year I have been studying and advancing the audio-visual project “Stories of the Universe”, I have not yet decided if this project should be within an ISKCON program, or if it is better for it to be an independent program, in the meantime I will continue to seek advice from senior devotees. Since August it has been difficult to maintain a standard in my spiritual life since the Huawei 5G project in Peru is a challenge for all staff, however now the pressure is easing and I am now trying to seek spiritual stability.

I constantly visit the ISKCON Miraflores temple, I live alone and I am focused on professional work and the editing of the Stories of the Universe project.

Thank you very much Guru Maharaj for your dedication and time for us,

Jagat Pavitrasm das


hps//asa - always chant hk//hr, 16 rounds, 4 principles, brahma muhurta arati, kirtan, sb!!! sankirtan with srila prabhupada's iskcon... !!

Sadhana Update

1 week, 2 days ago by balabhadra dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; all glories to Srila Prabhupada;

all glories to your good self for your exemplary service to Prabhupada and Krishna.

I trust that you are doing nicely in your devotional service as always, in spite of your own health challenges.

I'm assuming that you are aware of a serious injury I had recently incurred from a fall, resulting in a broken right shoulder. Be it suffice to say that my right arm is in a sling, therefore I am writing this letter using my left hand.

Otherwise it would be a couple of months before I write anything at all. The fall took a toll on my daily sadhana routine. I was 2 days behind with my rounds, but I'm all caught up now, and thus far I am able to finish my rounds early as before. I myself am not holding any morning or evening classes, but I'm slowly getting back into the routine of listening to live classes from Hawaii every morning and some evenings.

My wife is doing very modest arotiks each morning and evening, and at times we are still reading at night from the CC: that is, if I'm not too exhausted from the pain and injury.

Seeing myself so helpless and dependent on my wife for assistance with some of the most daily functions of life makes me think of how the conditioned souls have to face the realities of old age, as death comes closer and closer. It is a very humbling and scary situation, to be boldly confronted with such sheer pain and helplessness.

When I was in the emergency room writhing in agonizing pain, I found myself reflecting on how we are eternal spirit souls; on how we all have karma to go thru as part of our purification; and on the need to have some pessimistic view of material existence, if we want to be free from all miseries of material life.

Such reflections really do help me to maintain some peace of mind in the mist of much pain. Of course, realizing such truths would be more inspiring and beneficial than mere recollections of verses. But still, there is some genuine relief in just knowing that there is transcendental knowledge that I have devoted my life to.

I know that you understand these things much more than me, so I will not disturb you by further dallying with such shallow rhetoric.

I pray that Krishna finds favor with my devotional efforts. If you continue to bestow your kindness and mercy upon us, then I can feel confident that Krishna's mercy is a given.

Yls, Bbd🙏

hps//asa👵 🐒 🐖 -- yes, agtSP, we got notified from couple of devotees about your scrimmage with the floor, and checked in about follow up.

yes, we were flopping around with pain-kirtan after a double molar extraction and found we could chant and dance ourselves out of the pain!!



hero 🏅 - still getting 16 rounds done.

if we go on like this,

step by step.

we are guaranteed to become preachers

on the level of narada muni.

we many monkeys admire you. we follow your example!

more news!!

hk//hr = radha krsna rama engage us in your sankirtan!! !


1 week, 5 days ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Rama-narayana Das writes,

"It, sex desire, is so strong, all my spiritual crises in which I have wanted to stop being a devotee have been caused by my sexual desire, in fact these last few days I have gone through another similar crisis, but again I have regained spiritual sanity."

ASA - It is adi-rasa, fundamental mellow.

Have you tried reading the Rasa lila descriptions from the KRSNA book when the material reflection attracts?