*KDPC* Invitación al Yatra de Monterrey

4 years, 10 months ago by gadadhara_gosai in Other

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes y respetuosas reverencias

Esperamos se encuentre bien y estamos escribiendo para darle seguimiento a nuestra invitación al yatra de Monterrey, le damos este informe de avances del proyecto.

Tenemos diferentes áreas desarrolladas que tenemos años trabajando y requerimos su guía y su consejo para este proyecto, se está desarrollando un espacio para retiros espirituales con tecnología de permacultura el cual cuenta con un equipo de trabajo, estamos haciendo huertos, baños secos, sistemas de captación de agua y paneles solares así como también una estufa ecológica que funcione con bio-combustible. Este proyecto tiene como fin crear un modelo de vivienda para poder practicar vida espiritual y vivir en la bondad con la naturaleza.

Hicimos un estudio de vastu sastra para ubicar cada área de la propiedad y se aproveche de la mejor manera posible, estamos trabajando con ingenieros devotos egresados del TEC de Monterrey para el desarrollo de las biotecnologías.

Queremos organizar eventos de prédica ya que la tendencia va muy fuerte en el área de la ecología y la espiritualidad juntos.

Por otra parte tenemos el proyecto del hostal, restaurante y centro de prédica tenemos actividades todos los miércoles actualmente se tiene un grupo de personas interesadas y participamos como facilitadores del espacio, prasadam y tratamos de apoyar la misión de Srila Prabhupada con un proyecto de vida con la familia.

Estamos abiertos a realizar el programa en las fechas que usted disponga según su itinerario por supuesto ofrecemos cubrir los gastos del pasaje para su visita así que en este correo podemos recibir un link para la compra de vuelos ([email protected])

tu sirviente Gadadhar Gosai das

HpS - AGTSP Thank you for the news. So much! We tried to take what we can digest! We will try to get to Mexico, (Monterre), but right now the Karuna Virus is blocking everything!

(KPC)News from the holy Dham(s)

4 years, 10 months ago by Nick Delffs in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Dear Gurudev, please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Enjoyed reading the KD very much.

We are in Vrindavan Dham now sick as a mangy dog. We had a very uplifting experience in Mayapur at the ILS a couple weeks ago. I’m wanting (in the spirit of the name that you gave us) to be a good messenger and bring some of these gems back to Boise unspoiled. Highlight for us was The Power of Japa class given by mother Devaki Devi Dasi. All of our problems are because of our inattentive chanting! She has a great German/Australian accent and has written some incredible books that we are starting to scratch the surface of. Just read this from her book entitled Sheltering Relationships:

“As a result of catching our selves doing the wrong thing, we will regret, repent and lament. Crying out to Krishna for help. We will beg him to enter our heart to kill this demoniac tendency. Ultimately, only Krishna can kill this Aghasura demon, who resides in our heart causing cruelty, violence and trouble to others out of envy. Lord Nrsimhadev is very expert in performing heart surgery with his sharp nails. All we have to do is urgently request him to do so. Our problem is that we hang on to our envy within our heart, hoping that it will give us some tasty fruits. We do not want to let go of it. Instead we embrace and protect it, thinking it will offer us some enjoyment and satisfaction. We cling on to it. However, we seriously pray to Krishna to remove it, lamenting: ‘Oh, Krishna when will the day come when I can finally let go of it all’ Then krishna will reciprocate and do what’s required”.

We are missing Boise. Boise feels like the Shire (lord of the rings ref.) and we are in the depths of Mordor. But the spontaneous and sincere kirtans and nice classes here are pulling us through. Gratitude is also keeping us somewhat sane. Trying to stay engaged here and not be a selfish tourist caught in the externals. The youth taking selfie's, the air pollution and trash..trying to see all of this as motivation to become a devotee and to get serious about spiritual life but at the same time not just seek liberation. Trying to get out of the fruitive mind set. 

In regards to your question: Who? Is the mime that said: “I stopped trying to be interesting and started to be interested” I asked my Neihbor (who I heard this from) and looked on the web but could not find a name. I realized I should verify my sources before publishing. My apologies, Maharaja. I will let you know if I find and I’ll be more careful about publishing “hear say”.

HpS - No, its great!

We are very much looking forward to your visit to Boise(the shire) We are like simple hobbit people and you are our beloved Wizard lol:) 

Thank you for initiating me into this wonderful Krishna conscious movement. I want to learn how to clap on beat in Srila Prabhupada’s band. With the four principals of freedom from animal life and 16 quality rounds, FMP and reading Prabhupada’s transcendental books everyday it looks there is hope for even me!  

Trying to be your servant,

Nitisara das

P.S. Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra came to us in Ekacharka! But we do not feel at all qualified to take care of them. What should we do?

HpS - Bring Them back. They are 80% merciful. You ar 20% pure!!!! Total = 100%

We talked with Srinivasa, Radhika, Anantarupa, did a ton of research and we are coming on Wednesday. He says you are in the Safe House, so we may only see each other from a distance on Wednesday but even that is O.K.

Us the KDPC (Priority Code in the Kapi Dhvaja to get immediate attention!), not the abbreviation. Thik you did really good in the Dhama!!!!!

Kapi Dhvaja Mar 11

4 years, 10 months ago by Patrak das in Other

Hare Krsna!!!!

Feliz Goura Purnima!!!!!

EL KAPI DHVAJA YA ESTA DISPONIBLE EN... https://www.facebook.com/groups/166681160058275/


10.20AM   !!!!!  Este boletín es nuestra batería quincenal para sobrevivir en este mundo material!!!!

Estamos en nuestra cueva en cuarentena por este gran virus!!! nos sirve de introspección y para terminar trabajos incompletos….

Tenemos que combatir a nuestros 3 mounstros : MIEDO, ODIO y DUDA!!!!


equipo de traductores

ASA - SUper GRacias a PAtraka DAs! !!

Govardana⛰ --Sonu Shamdasani interview in Cba-

4 years, 10 months ago by Victoria in Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias 🌺

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada 🌼

Todas las glorias a usted 🌷

It's been a while since I wrote this letter but I didn't send it. Sorry for my poor communication.

Thank you very much for your visit, for your dedication, patience and love. A wave of enthusiasm came to hear your classes, to have your association. Thank you

I know I have a lot to improve and sometimes I feel that I am getting further and further away from the goal. These last years have been very big tests and changes ... As life is. I feel that everything shows me that one must become more and more serious, because nothing is easy, nor will it be at the time of death

Today, more than ever, I find meaning and joy in knowing that Krsna promises that every advance one makes is not lost. I feel that I have not advanced for a long time, even that I am going backwards… but I know that they are clouds that cover the consciousness and sadden.

Yesterday I found these two interview videos with Sonu Shamdasani that the Jungians of Cordoba made during the time he was here. They say they will publish the third part soon.



Thank you 🙏🏻

Su humilde sirvienta,

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

HpS - Jaya!!!! We will write a letter to him and Bernardo Nantes now! Thank you. One who does good my friend is never over come by evil.

We are struggling to get the LOB readings onto Youtube.com so, many obstacles. They will stay, I think for 3-months before they are automatically erased, so we can work on them while we are in Argentina!!!!

We look for tickets now. Yesterday found the best tickets but robot would not accept reservation.

!"GOVARDHANA"! Thanks Gurudeva!!

4 years, 10 months ago by Gopi Radha Devi Dasi in Other

Hare Krishna, dear Gurudeva. Pamho, AGTSP!

Thank you very much for your support and response to my previous letter.

All we can do is accept and tolerate whatever corresponds to us by karma.

HpS - No, no, no!!! If you are chanting 16-nice rounds a day and following 2-principles strictly then what happens to you is not "Karma". Even if it is Karma it is now under the control of Radharani not Durga! So, see what happens to you! Draupadi had to see what was happening to her and her husband(s) and try to be very, very, very Enthusiastic do join Krsna's drama!!!

There is nothing else to do and say. If you surrender to the supreme lord he will know how to proceed before the problems. They are difficult days, but they could be worse.

HpS - You could have five husbands!!!

I am helping in the edition of one of the books of SS Bhakti Tirtha Swami and in reading he speaks precisely of suffering. He explains that we have to suffer for the karma of other lives and for the offenses (aparadha). Vaishava-aparadha, guru-aparadha, dhama-aparadha, nama-aparadha and seva-aparadha. Even if we are engaged in devotional activities, such offenses cause us to suffer imbalances and stagnations. But these challenges help us increase our meditation on God, Krishna.

I can only see in all this, the divine intervention of the Supreme Lord.

We know you are coming to Mexico for June, we would like to know how can we serve you during your visit?

HpS - It is a plan!! Arrive Houston end of May, then Education Symposium first weekend. So we could slip away to Mexico!! During that time!!

Prabhu Vidagdha sends you greetings and is very grateful to you for your support always.

Gopi Radha DD

HpS - We also had very nice exchange of letters with H. H. Guruprasada Swami about this situation. If we are Temple President, Project Manager, Head Donkey, we should never act independently in administration without Brahminical consultation. We don't have that authority, no?

Rodrigo 1 year departure ceremony + bonus track (KDPC)

4 years, 10 months ago by Carlos Rold in Other

Hare Krishna dear Maharaja!


I hope you are better of that chest pain and headache and stomach pain...

Friday February 14th was the family ceremony for Rodrigo remembering 1 year since his departure from this world. They invited us to the catholic ritual in the same church of nuns.

Very boring ceremony... but after, Rodrigo's family invited all the people (Rodrigo's friends, family, etc.) to their home and offered vegetarian food to share. Lakshmi Radha DD, Arjuna Das and Carlos, they shared with family and friends in both ceremonies. Once all the people installed in the house, we started to read aloud, like a declamation, some poems of Rodrigo's last book ("Visions, Dreams and Mantras", is a master piece, really), and also remembering stories with Rodrigo. Another friends and family also shared their feelings and rememberings. Was a very nice moment. Before we go, family gave us a box full of books about Krishna (part of Rodrigo's personal collection). We still missing him. I send a selfie with the family and another selfie alone.


DR. SAMARESH ON WIKIPEDIA: Maharaja, please forgive me. My wikipedia account still blocked (and also my mind). And really I don't understand why, I only know that I've done something wrong in the process, but don't know what.

There is an article about Hanumatpresaka Swami and I think if we find that person who created and upload this article, maybe could help us. Maybe some devotee who reads this letter could know who is that person. Here it goes:



ABOUT YOUR LETTER "ISKCON Management Santiago": Yesterday I translated it and shared with some chilean congregation devotees through Whatsapp. Here it goes:


Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Por favor acepten nuestras humildes reverencias.

Secretarios del GBC, Presidentes, cocineros, expertos, extraños, Brahmanas, jóvenes, mujeres y otros nos han preguntado sobre la situación administrativa en Chile.

Nuestra opinión debe ser entendida en perspectiva.

Hemos visto esto en las relaciones de las Gopis con Krishna. Está en "El Libro de Krishna" en el siguiente enlace: https://vedabase.io/en/library/kb/21/#bb91143 (la edición en español del libro "Krishna, La Suprema Personalidad de Dios" aún no está disponible en Vedabase.io) "Las Gopīs en Vṛndāvana lo recordaron y comenzaron a hablar entre ellas ... ". ("El Libro de Krishna", Capítulo 21 "Las Gopis son Atraídas por la Flauta").

Primero, eran buenas ciudadanas de la aldea de Nanda Maharaja: las vacas ordeñadas, regateaban el precio del yogur, pagaban sus impuestos. Entonces, todos deberíamos ser buenos ciudadanos de ISKCON como institución, apoyar a nuestro GBC, no esperar más del 75% de perfección de ninguna institución en Kali-yuga y luego,

segundo, ellas tenían amigas confidenciales con quienes hablaban de Krishna. Entonces, nosotros en Santiago hablamos a puertas cerradas con el Presidente, GBC, cocineros, Matajis con sus hijos/esposos, etc. Todos son de nuestro agrado. A veces Krishna nos empujará a empujar a nuestros amigos fuera del tráfico si han sido negligentes, pero eso es superficial y es señal de amistad (ej. Dhurva y los Yaksas).

Finalmente, cada una de ellas tenía su propia relación individual, personal, con Krishna. Entonces, a menos que usted tenga una relación directa (a través de tantos medios transparentes) con Srila Prabhupada como su Acharya personal en ISKCON, sentimos que tiene un progreso fundamental que hacer. En algún momento, usted estableció una relación con Srila Prabhupada donde decidió que incluso si todos sus amigos en ISKCON, en el Templo y en la Administración Global se volvieran locos, usted nunca dejaría de servir a Srila Prabhupada, por ejemplo, ¿las 16 rondas entusiastas y los 4 principios regulativos son un compromiso estrictamente personal con Él?

Nuestra naturaleza es Brahmana, Brahmana, Brahmana, Sudra; desde la perspectiva general hasta los detalles exactos.

Ahora nuestra opinión como Sannyasis, con lo que sabemos, es que Sripad Amara Das debería consultar con Brahmanas, Gurus, Sannyasis, familia, líderes y luego sugerir a alguien como Vicepresidente para servir en el cargo con él durante unos tres meses; y entonces si las cosas van funcionando básicamente bien, esa persona debería convertirse en el nuevo Presidente de Templo y Supervisor Zonal.

Después de un año todos pueden reconsiderar la situación.

Escriba lo que se espera lograr durante los tres siguientes meses y hasta un año, haga que ese documento lo firmen varios líderes y lo publiquen públicamente.

Entonces, Srila Amara Das y todos los líderes, deberían guiarnos con el ejemplo tomando Sannyasa, saliendo de los engranajes administrativos después de unos años y salvando a 25 generaciones de sus antepasados.

Como somos Sannyasis dentro de la institución, queremos ser libres para publicar cualquier discusión política y administrativa que tengamos aquí en este blog y así esté disponible para los amigos y enemigos inteligentes de la Anjana Suta Academy.

Tu turno.

HpSwami / ASA

Publicación original en inglés: https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/10887/

(if some devotee could improve this translation... please! si algún devot@ puede mejorar la traducción... por favor!)

HpS - ASA ---- AGTSP! Despues de algo de esfuerzo communicar hay muy buen respuesta del Amara-gauranga Das en https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/10934/


Thank you so much for everything. FMP is so nice and powerfull. Please, forgive my mistakes and faults, I'm so dumb.

Your aspiring servant,

Carlos Rold

HpS - Thank you!!!! We are trying to buy tickets for Chile right now!!