Respuestas a preguntas de Maharaja

4 years, 7 months ago by haroldfsc in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaja HPS


mis respuestas y reverencias Gurudev

HpS - Willie, Margot & Harold, no???

Harold: yes it’s me your eternal servant!!!

HpS- What have you done since then?

Harold: To Many things Gurudev but nothing interesting... maya maya and a little more maya

HpS- I suspect your father has gone to "his reward"???

Harold: Not yet Gurudev Krishna wants him here more time and I am happy with that

HpS- I remember you so well. Mexico you studied medicine and were afraid to go down the cliff to look at the dead body, no?

Harold: Yes you are sooo right

HpS - What kind of deity worship you do?

Harold: well I now you will be a little upset but the only way to change this is that you give me the mercy of Guru protection other wise it’s not negotiable (even if this carries my own death) I am Worshiping Krishna Balaram, Gour Nitai, and also Jagannatha,Balaram and Subadra and two more Murty if I tell you wich one maybe you will kill me...

HpS - Maybe They will kill you. Ja! Ja! JaRey

... the standard is :wake up at 7 am then bathing , inciense, candle and food With Tulsi leaves , chanting and then at 10 pm go to his bed.... this is being for almost 20 years.

HpS - They must have taken notice of your presence by this time. Very nice, but get up earlier!

I know its not correct because I am not a full devotee.... but understand me if you take it away you will kill me ... so please

Thanks Maharaj Is my hope you are well and strong

Hare Krishna


Harold Schofield

HpS - You are cool dude, Dr. Schofield. Advance. Advance. Advance. Read the Kapi Dhvaja, News in WWW.JayaRama.US

Hare Krsna Maharaj

4 years, 7 months ago by lakshmi108 in Other

We have not been able to answer this letter because of our work shedule and because of our stupidity. Please send again following the protocol at www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA -0-0-0- No hemos podido responder esta carta por nuestra horario de trabajo y por nuestra estupidez. Por favor envíe nuevamente siguiendo el protocolo en www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA

Hare Krsna dear Maharaj.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please Accept my Humble Obeisances.

Thank you again, for always giving me the perfect answer. I very much value your responses :)) YOu asked about the Kapi Dhvaja. I have tried to join some months ago but somehow the computer was doing this and that and somehow I couldn't get through. But I just tried now and submitted my interest so hopefully I will be accepted and then receive these emails. It is very exciting. I can't wait. I have also subscribed to the KK Bindu emails. They are quite nice as well.

Bheemsen is fine, playing games as usual. Everyone in family is well. Doing their own thing. My sister is working a lot now too. My uncle (we call him Ata) is also doing good. Working at Govindas. What can we do? In this world we must work, otherwise we are not able to survive. After working at Govindas I truly understand why our parents are always insistent on us getting proper qualifications. ALthough working for Krsna in such a way is nice, we can serve Krsna in other stable, more proficient ways, isn't it? We can dovetail our true passions and give the results to Krsna. I have been trying to do more art while I'm at home and I've been making block prints. I made a Lord Jagannath block print and I'll be stamping him everywhere now :))) If i practice more, perhaps I can even help design the deities outfits and backdrop. I have given 2 devotee friends sets of Jagannath paintings and they both loved it. It's nice to give such gifts.

I have just bought a camera. I've been using film but it's a little expensive to do all the time so I decided to buy a digital camera. I've really enjoyed photography so I'm excited for this. Although it is an expense but I think it will be beneficial in the long run. Also I am planning to buy my own car very soon. THen it will be easier to travel everywhere without having to borrow my mother's car.

Soon online study will begin. All my friends have said it's more difficult than face to face learning but let's see how it will go. I'll be studying design. I've just enrolled in my units today. Right now I just want to see where the wind will blow me.

Also, I've been hanging out with my high school friends lately. They are good people. Actually, they came to our house on Ekadasi and I fed them Prasadam. I offered it to Krsna and they were nicely inquisitive and very accepting. One of them even wants to join Harinam. But due to this pandemic, that has been paused. I feel that when I was going to temple and Harinam, I was mroe situated with chanting. Now i'm very slack. PLease give me some mercy. I know you already are always doing so. But please give me the strength to chant and be sincere.

Thank you a hundred times dear Maharaj. Thank you for reading my messages always. I may ramble on sometimes but you are still listening. I wish you may visit as soon as this is all over.

I wish your health is great. I follow you on twitter and sometimes you may say you have a headache. Please keep well. Otherwise, i love your tweets. they are awesome!!!!

JAII Gauranga

Your servant,



4 years, 7 months ago by cynthia in Other

We have not been able to answer this letter because of our work shedule and because of our stupidity. Please send again following the protocol at www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA -0-0-0- No hemos podido responder esta carta por nuestra horario de trabajo y por nuestra estupidez. Por favor envíe nuevamente siguiendo el protocolo en www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA

Hare Krishna dear master Hanumatt Presaka. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada Swami !!!

I am writing to you specifically. Would I have time, maybe? I have an ongoing thesis on ecology and arts. And I want to be able to have some questions in a very academic place, perhaps, and I speak very bad English. It's possible? ... I am doing some interviews with different people in this world. And, of course, I would like to know, your perception in a formal interview. It is somewhat complex to address this around here, but Jagad Guru told me that it is fine here. The questions have theoretical support.Is it possible by this means that I can answer them? there are thirteen questions with some theoretical support...I know it's difficult but I can do a first four for it ...and then more according to your answer.

  1. ¿How is it possible to link ethics and aesthetics for the promotion of an ecological conscience through the different manifestations of art? He tenido alguna respuesta de esto en una clase en Santiago. Gracias.
  2. Pointin to Pythagoras, when he talks about the music of the spheres and an aesthetic canon of absolute beauty related to perfect harmony; ¿What do you think of music as an inseparable part of the arithmetic and harmony of nature?

----As for the criterion of modern architecture, we have the representative of the so-called «machine of inhabiting», Le Corbusier who; “I was dazzled by the then new machines: especially automobiles and airplanes, considering those that had practical and functional designs as a model for an architecture whose beauty was based on practicality and functionality; rationalism. But baroque architecture is distinguished because the buildings do not appear stable and inert, but full of movement. Thus in the baroque, everything acquires a dynamic rhythm, adjusting to aesthetic parameters based on musical movement and spatial illusion. ”----

  1. ¿Do you consider that considering space in motion, as Baroque architecture does, would allow for an architecture that, by imitating the movement of nature and its aesthetics, is more respectful of it? Why?
  2. Is it possible to recreate a space that allows a greater awareness of ecology and nature in humanity with architecture.

Thanks Guru Maharaja... My reverences.

Jaya Gurudev! Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!

4 years, 7 months ago by Julieta Corzo Fillmore in Other

We have not been able to answer this letter because of our work shedule and because of our stupidity. Please send again following the protocol at www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA -0-0-0- No hemos podido responder esta carta por nuestra horario de trabajo y por nuestra estupidez. Por favor envíe nuevamente siguiendo el protocolo en www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA

Jaya Sri Sri Nitay Gourasundar!

Gloria al movimiento de Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu y Sus asociados eternos!

Gloria a Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudev, por favor acepte mis reverencias y respetos a Sus Santos Pies. Espero que se encuentre bien.

Antes que nada quería pedirle disculpas por cualquier ofensa que haya cometido en el FMP y espero que los hermanos también sepan disculparme si les generé alguna ansiedad, de ninguna manera era mi intención, sólo estaba ansiosa por saber su opinión en referencia a lo que le pregunté. Gracias por su respuesta!!!!!

Seguimos en Buenos Aires intentando hacer algo bueno con esta vida. Intentando ser tan tolerante, compasiva y comprensiva como lo fue Srila Prabhupada con ustedes y como lo es Usted,Gurudev, con nosotros. No es fácil, pero lo intentamos cada día.

Sigo cantando las 16 rondas, con ofensas, claro y siguiendo los principios estrictamente. Gayatri Mantras, 80 %...Que Sus Señorías nos disculpen las ofensas.

Seguimos adorando a Nitay Gourasundar cada día y agradeciendo el poder hacer éste servicio.

No es fácil éste mundo pero no nos damos por vencidos, intentamos cultivar un buen carácter, aumentar nuestra autoestima, sonreír cada día y hacernos responsables de todo lo que Krishna nos pone en el camino, eso nos permite madurar y seguir avanzando sin miedo.

Intentamos también cultivar buenas amistades, sinceras pero no neuróticas!! Hahaha!!! recuerdo que usted nos dijo que hay gente buena en éste mundo y así es!!! y también estamos sanando el vínculo familiar que está muy dañado a través de distintas terapias, hermosa experiencia. Pero el amor siempre triunfa, estoy absolutamente convencida de eso.

Gracias Gurudev por su asociación y dedicación para que podamos avanzar en este sendero del bhakti. Sus palabras y actividades siempre nos inspiran y nos llegan al corazón.

Que El Señor Krishna lo cuide siempre de cerquita.

Jahnava Devi dasi, ya.

Hare Krishna!!!💖

Pd. Intenté subir fotos de Nitay Gourasundar pero no fue posible.

Jay Gurudeva

4 years, 7 months ago by muraridas in Other

We have not been able to answer this letter because of our work shedule and because of our stupidity. Please send again following the protocol at www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA -0-0-0- No hemos podido responder esta carta por nuestra horario de trabajo y por nuestra estupidez. Por favor envíe nuevamente siguiendo el protocolo en www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA

Hare Krishna Gurudeva pamho


nuestras oraciones son para que usted esté aquí un poco más

el mundo le necesita en sus peores momentos

sin su luz

Kali Yuga Nos destrozará

su sirviente

murari dasa

Answer Guru Maharaja’s Birthday Letter

4 years, 7 months ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Other

We have not been able to answer this letter because of our work shedule and because of our stupidity. Please send again following the protocol at www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA -0-0-0- No hemos podido responder esta carta por nuestra horario de trabajo y por nuestra estupidez. Por favor envíe nuevamente siguiendo el protocolo en www.JayaRama.US/kd/lte.htm HpS - ASA

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, All Glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, All Glories to you, please accept my humble obeisances;

My current body birthday is July 27, 1984, I’m becoming a yoguini by your causless mercy, Thank You so much Guru Maharaja for Your time, patience and answering my questions, I have many, I would like, one day to became a pure devotee and I know that would happen only by Your and Krishna’s Mercy, so I beg for it, I’m also advancing in asanas and pranayama practice, Thank You so much for Your asociación, I am attending morning program in GoToMeeting , and by Your mercy, I am understanding things I haven’t before, tomorrow I’m giving Bhagavad Gita Class, through Iskcon Chile, please give me Your blessings 🙏🏼,

Thank You so Much,

Your servant,

Dhanistha devi dasi