Bhaktina Diana

12 years, 6 months ago by dianita lalita in Other

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las Glorias a HanumatPresaka Swami!

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Querido Maharaja: 

¿Como esta Usted? ¿Como esta su salud?

HpS - Hay noticias en el DTC!

Falta muuuuy poco para Su visita, aqui estamos todos super felices y organizando todo para Usted, es muy emocionante ver a los devotos tan deseosos por complacerLo!!!!

Tratando de seguir con Sus instrucciones respecto a mi servicio en la recepcion del Templo, y eternamente agradecida y emocionada por sus consejos, muuuuuucha misericordia para ésta humilde sirvienta!!!!!!!!!!!

Ansiosa por servirLo a Usted, y mediante Su misericordioso intermedio a Sri Sri Radha Krishna.

pd. le envio un regalo de parte de GastonStone, uno de sus dibujos, a mi entender el maaaaas lindo, espero que le guste!!!

Por favor disculpe mis ofensas

Tratando de alcanzar el polvo de Sus pies de loto, Su Sirvienta Bhaktina Diana.<img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /> 

 HpS - Jaya!      Nos vemos pronto!   Aparece como buen dibujo....

Thesis from IIT Bombay

12 years, 6 months ago by harsh_horse in Other

Hare Krsna Maharaj, AGTSP, PAMHO.

Hope you had nice travel to Mexico. We understand that your health is giving you some discomfort. It pinches us to think any thing negative about you.

We have chosen our Field of work as Emotional Intelligence a branch of psychology[ we were able to consult only chaitya guru before finalising it].

HpS - ASA - AGTSP   Paoho    See the DTC.    Sounds like great topic.

We hope our huge effort[from mundane platform] can contribute some thing on absoute platform. We may be of any use even though small to Krsna, Srila Prabhupada and you.

We had vision or dream that we would request Prof Huber Robinson to be there in our thesis defense [ at least two years away]. We want work of NIOS to be known to academic world asap.

Is there any forum of NIOS also as Hps-d6 is forum for ASA ?

HpS - No, we are still a new organization. If Krsna wants more people will get involved. We are not opposed to closing NIOS and working with others, but so far there has not been that option.

Please send us more details of your Thesis little by little.

we dont want to disturb you , simultaneously we want to talk to you. seems its ABAT... we need to have purified knowledge and intelligence the right balance. thank you for letting this horse let run after you... hope we are able to rein the horse properly under you direction...

we would give our sadhana update one day after kapi dhavaja.


Bhakta Harsh---
this is the name you gave us to u on 20-feb-2011. japa joe session... till then every body called us Harsh Prabhu or Hrash Pradhan... nice to know that we can do some bhakti.....

horse pranam


Quick Question! - Utah

12 years, 6 months ago by Reb 'Revati' in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaja!!!

Please accept my most humble obeisances and All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!

How are you doing??? I have been meaning to write you the last few days, but just haven't really found a good time... also, this message is more on behalf of another devotee here in Spanish Fork temple. He is from Peru and is wondering if there is a Back To Godhead published in Spanish? I thought you might know something about this, so if you have any information about it, could you please let me know???

I will write more to you later and let you know more! I hope you are well and happy.

Thank you!

Hare Krishna!

your aspiring servant,

reb :)

HpS - ASA -  Jaya   AGTSP    Just arrived in Mexico.   No, there is no BTG in Spanish!!!

---Added Filter---

12 years, 7 months ago by pnd in Other

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hey, Maya-pura Prahlada Das, can we get some system to Tag the Letters: Personal Sadhana Reports, Sankirtana/Temple Activity Reports, Hot Topics, Calendar Development?

Done. From now on all letters will have to be assigned to one or more categories which will allow to filter them.

I added also DTC as it doesn't neccessary be one of previously mentioned categories.

Please let me know if I should add/rename/remove any categories.

Your servant Prahlada-nrsmha das (, soon Mayapur)

HpS - ASA -   Jaya!    AGTSP   Paoho.    Thank you.   We give it a try.  Of course, Orangutangs are sceptical of changes in their cages.