Jaya Nrisimhadeva!

12 years, 8 months ago by sriradhedd in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaja,


I see. When and what number can i call You on?

I don't want to disturb You for a long time.

Thank you.

Your insignificant servant,

Sri Radhe dd

HpS -  Jaya!   AGTSP   paoho.   I guess we can publish in the DCT on this Blog the number as soon as we get to Radha-desa.  Also nice to talk to your good husband, no?   Jaya!


12 years, 8 months ago by sriradhedd in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thanks for your answer.
Of course i will send You mahaprasadam and photos. I hope somebody will go to Radhadesh from Simhachalam.
I would be happy if we could talk to each other a bit.
We go to Germany on 4 and come back on 6 in the evening, during this time i will not check my e-mails but if You have a little time on 7 it would be nice to me.
Usually do You talk to the devotees on skype, Maharaja?

Many thanks.

Your servant,
Sri Radhe dd

HpS - AGTSP  paoho  Is better if you have like a cell phone connection!!!

Rasa-mandali devi dasi

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I can't remember where you are now. South America perharps? You seem to be in many places at once.

HpS - ASA   -   AGTSP    paoho.   We are in Ferrenafe, Peru, with fan roaring and sill be bitten three diferent places by one determined mosquito.   Takes the blood. Shares with a female and produces more mosquitos!  Hare Krsna!!

In regards to your reply from last post, Yogendra and I started reading about Devahuti and Kardama muni. We found out some interesting things. In one of Prabhupada's purports, it is described what the roles of a husband and wife are. Something about one taking care of household affairs and another controlling some sense gratification. I have a difficult time remembering things I read. But we're slowly moving along with the pastime.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!   We remember things within the heart when we actually have to apply them!

Our Toronto Ratha Yatra is on the 14 and 15 of July. It would be so nice to have you here and all the devotees would appreciate your visit very much. 

ASA - Drat!   That is exactly in the middle of our visit to Houston.  Planned for two months now!!!

Also, Yogendra and I would like to ask for your blessings and your permission if we can get married in September. To be exact, the 15 of September. We have been taking some guidance and advice from Mother Praharana dd who is a god sister of yours and is part of the Grihastha vision team. She's very kind and super amazing. We trust her words and has experienced a lot in her life. You are invited to the wedding, of course!!

HpS - ASA  -   Jaya!   Please go ahead as necessary.  It is on our calendar!

I will keep this short. 17 rounds, 4 regs, some reading( I really need to regulate it), some sankirtan (althought any kind of preaching counts- as I have been told), temple seva.

Please forgive any offenses I have comitted.

Your aspiring servant,

Rasa-mandali dd

HpS - ASA --  Very nice...   Will you be doing puppet shows soon?


12 years, 8 months ago by brian tellez in Other

Su santidad gracias pero la verdad leer su humilde respuesta me ha hecho tener el  sentimiento de q realmente quiero q ud sea mi guru

no pense q fuera a sentir eso pero cuando lei lo de Tattua ( me imagino q es el peruano, hice sankirtan con el en la maraton de bolivia el año pasado y es un nectar )

me di cuenta q no seria igual si uds furan mi siksa, senti mucha tristeza, esto era lo q queria saber si en realidad me sintiera igual sirviendo a alguno de los dos, pero Su Santidad de corazon quiero servirlo, deme la oportunidad de ser su discipulo;

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!  TlgaSP!!!      Senor, Brian, muy bien oir de Vd otra vez!    Es hecho que soy aun luchando con la modalidad de ignorancia.  Dormiendo mas que es 100% necesario.   Pelicula de pequeno Krsna etc.   Entre Narottama Das Thakura y Visvanatha Cakravarti hay, como yo entiendo, tres generaciones de Diksa gurus, pero ninguna fue un "Sampradaya Acharya".  No es decir no fueron bueno devotos, pero no fueron peronsas en el nivel de Srila Prabhupada. Muy bien yo, Jayapataka Maharaja, Prahladananda Swami, muchos, puede ser al minimo buen enlace con Vd y Srila Prabhupada. Puede ser Siksa gurus a limite de su comprehension.
Primero iniciacion es primero incicaion.  Despues 2nd, 3rd, 4th . . . .
Somos listos servir como podemos.
Basicamente si esta cantando 16-rondas entusiastas, siguiendo estrictamente 4 principios, manteniendo programa por la manana y tarde y bien integrado con la Sankirtana de ISKCON puede tomar 1st initiation.

Jayapataca fuera mi siksa [guru] pero la verdad es q le escribi varias veces a su correo al grupo de face al correo de discipulos y no he resivido respuesta... asi q bueno Krsna controla.

su santidad de gustaria q me explicaran mas un poco acerca de q RADHARANI Y KRSNA buscan lo q es BALARAMA  incluso BALARAMA  mismo no entiendo disculpe mi constante ignorancia.

HpS - ASA - En el libro KRSNA podemos encontrar que los Vrijabasis son listos entrar en la Yamuna para salvar a Krsna de Kaliya, pero Balarama esta parando ellos, por qu El conoce el poder de Krsna.  No esutvo abajo de Yoga maya, pensando que Krsna es un muchacho pequeno.  Sacrifica Sus ecstacies para entender Krsna como El Todo Podero para tomar papel de Guru para los Vrijabasis.  En el CC dice que Krsna, el devoto de Krsna y servicio devocional, los tres, juntan y bailan y nadie puede entender perfectamente quien es encarga! La potencia de entender y la potencia de hacer cosas maravillosos de Krsna siempre esta competiendo.  Krsna conoce Sus glories y la proxima momento estan expandiendo y El tiene que entender de nuevo!


[Bh. Brian]


12 years, 8 months ago by Patrak das in Other

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and You

hare Krsna dear Gurudeva

here we are... we are still alive after this wonderful adventure in Chiclayo... Devotees were very nice with us... 

the day after we were in the beach.. by mistake we erased all the pics..but our sister could recover them...

so here are some pics.. to share with u and all devotees...

see u on monday in Lima.....

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP    paoho    This is Candramukhi dd????   We arrive in Lima on Sunday at 9.30AM in the morning on Santa Clauses sleigh.   He has some presents to give to good boys and girls in Lima that he forgot to distribute last Krishnas.

Photos are super, super, super!!!!!!!

Hare Krisna

12 years, 8 months ago by bhakta david in Other

Reverencias. (perdone la execiva confianza Maharaja) Si Yo pudiera tener Su mail, le contaria brevemente mi historia y los alentadores sueños que Krisna me dio con Usted y otros Gurus. ¿Puedo tener Su mail?

HpS - ASA --  Estamos respondiendo a cartas de Yahoo muy lentamente!   A veces ha pasado 6-meces!    Es mejor enviar cosas a esta direccion en la comenza y puede indicar la cosas que sea privados, no para circulacion.  Claro, si son cosas como robos de bancos vamos a directa Vd y su Karma a los autoridades.  Pero generalmete podemo comenza habar de cosas aqui y podemos editar cosas indicados de las cartas!       !                               !    Jaya!    TlgaSP!!!!    Y  todos los Vaisnavas!