
11 years, 5 months ago by Analia in Other

Por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Ptabhupada

Estimado Maharaja, entiendo que no tenga internet, y que tal vez mis cartas son muy largas, pero he hablado con mucha gente, y me dicen que solo usted me puede ayudar, solo el maestro espiritual me puede ayudar en esta situacion,

                ASA - Tom Brown.   AGTSP.    We will help!

...lamentablemente estoy perdiendo mi fe y me aterra, lamento que no me pueda ayudar, solo le quiero decir que me tuve que ir de mi casa dejando a mis hijos con su papá............. gracias  


                  ASA - Tiene que descanzar temprano. Levantar temprano.  Canta muchas rondas y leer el libro KRSNA antes de comenza el dia.  Entonces KRSNA da la intelegencia como actual bien.  Vd no es Arnold Schwarzenegger, ni tampoco nada.  Tiene que entender su abilidad y la gente KRSNA ha enviado para ayudar Vd. realizar su servicio.

Hari Hari, Bolo! pabloparikrama.

11 years, 5 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other
Hare Krsna Maharaja!
Todas las glorias para Guru-Gauranga, Radha Govinda Candra!
Todas las glorias para todos los devotos!, ¿ los sentidos espirituales de Krsna ?, Hrsikesha?
Hola Maharaja, perdone el tardar tanto en responderle, me encanta responderle.
Espero que este muy bien Maharaja, en todos los sentidos.
Yo estos dias estoy con Varuna en vacaciones de verano, esta muy contento. Nos bañamos en el rio, este año no hay playa, jugamos, y comemos...y bañamos a Gaura-Nitay, Krsna-Balarama. Esta aprendiendo a cantar con divierte y quiere a Krsna, con eso yo estoy contento. Casi tiene 6 añitos.
Yo, con los 4 principios, me parece que me escoltan 4 Samurais,...pero no se cuantas rondas he cantado cada dia porque no he usado el contador, canto siempre que puedo, entre el trabajo y Varuna no tengo mucho tiempo, asi que llevo siempre encima un Japa de Rudrakshas al cuello, no tengo de Tulasi corto, asi que tengo miedo que pueda perder alguno de mis Samurais al no ser constante en el Vrata, el voto de Japa, canto.
La lectura muy flojo, otro miedo. Tengo que mejorarlo aunque solo sea media pagina al dia...intentare arreglar mis errores.
El Ashrama, esta en ; 40º 10´38.10´´ N...6º38´38.99´´ W, segun el google earth.  Toda esa tierra alargada y mas de la derecha es la finca, mas o menos.
Leo sus DTC y Blog, es encantadora su Asociacion, muchisimas gracias Maharaja.
Pienso mucho en mi Sankirtana, y en el hecho que no tengo una relacion practica con ISKCON, pero ISKCON esta en mi corazon, es lo poco que puedo sacar en claro. Ah! y que soy un ISKCONita.
Tengo deseo de utilizar las palabras de Prabhupada para el Cristianismo y otros pensamientos, me gusta transformarlas para darle otra forma, pero no tengo claro que puede significar. He pensado en cosas como ..." El corazon del Rosario ", o " El amor de Cristo " y fusionarlo con mis realizaciones de Japa-meditacion, o sobre el Amor. Tal vez podria interesarle a gente Cristiana, o Musulmana... No tengo nada claro. ¿ Pero, que otra cosa puedo hacer al no tener una relacion practica con ISKCON ?
             asa - agtsp...  we don't understand.....  to many "no"s.
Como siempre Maharaja, pocas cosas que decir, lo siento mucho.
Una cosa, que me he propuesto aprender Asana muy enserio, para asegurar mis fuertes sentidos en mi Sadhana-Bhakti Yoga. Si puedo decirle que he tenido muchas realizaciones gracias a Su Asociacion en el Sankirtan, muchisimas gracias. Haribol.
Haribolo!!, que bonita la historia de Harideva en Vrndavana, no?.
Muchisismas gracias. A Sus pies transparentes.
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna!!
                 asa - we try the google map.     more japa on beads.  take the time. its worth it.


11 years, 5 months ago by papanoel in Other

Hare Krisna

S.S Hanumat Presaka Maharasa, Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias. Todas las glorias a Sirla Prabhupada. Le escribe un aspirante a discipulo (sirviente).

Mis contactos en el Templo de Madrid son. Jagamohan Arabhu, Jaramara Hari.

Qreo que me recuerde pues me dijo que me parecia a Papanoel, le comunique que me faltaba ese amor sincero y fuerte pues S.S me dijo unas palabras las cuales me an hecho sentir esa fuerza que me faltaba. No se como dirgirme a S.S para estar bajo su dirección, le pido disculpas.

                  ASA - AgtSP.   We don't speak Spanish well.  Google translator will do that. Its nice to meet you. we hope to hear more.

Getting to the standard

11 years, 5 months ago by Bhakta Reilly in Other

Hare Krsna Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your apple blossom feet,

              ASA -  agtsp.  our obeisances to you.


I hope your health is doing well maharaja, I'm still here trying to sort out my own 16/4, as well as pre-med at BSU. Luckily I have been able to rise everyday to serve our deity's in the morning to cook; and take the remnants. There is some questions though I wanted to ask you as I'm unsure of what to do.

1. My oldest sister is still keeping meat in the kitchen (soup packets, chicken broth, canned meat, etc..) She has her own utensils for cooking on the stove but they've eventually interlaced with our cooking utensils over time (in the name of carelessness..). I'm not sure if anything I cook is sanctified... .. My father won't due much out of affection for her though!

2. In the Dhama; my little brother (Ryan/Narayan) was doing much seva at the Prabhupada & RM mandir, the vaishnava Pujari's gifted him several more deitys to the point where I was asking him what deity he was given each day (hahah..). [2 JBS deitys, 2 Gaura-Nitai Deitys, Pancha-Tattva set, 3 RK deitys, several Shila Giraja's, 2 Ladoo-gopals and a Nrsimhadeva deity]  I was quite pulling my hair out (and still am) because they require a great standard by pure brahmana vaisnava's only. We had to leave many of them behind in the dhama to rest at our apartment when coming back to the states.

Here, right now, we still have my original JBS deity's, Gaura-Nitai, ladoo-gopal, A Shila or two (?), and a RK deity [On closet shelves, next to the bathroom..] Now I've heard from what Srila Prabhupada said that Gaura-Nitai will accept all offenses even in a household of meat-eaters, but I'm definitely worried for the RK, Ladoo-Gopal and Shila's about the meat & sanctity of used utensils (JBS have always been merciful through the worst though). I was planning of packing them away "to rest" essentially (inside our deity box..) until better conditions arrive. However my little sister is very attached to them; if I try to convince her it's probably for the better (cause were just not that high-standard) she refuses. I don't want to neglect the situation and still feed the guilt, What do you think maharaja??

              ASA - AGTSP.   paoho.... you should only worship gaura nitai if there is meat in the house as you describe.   Keep the other Forms clean and safe and worship them at festivals in the temple.

3. What can we do about cow slaughter? It hurts to see them tortured worldwide in the most hellish of circumstances I can imagine. Is it really each cows Karma??

            ASA - Yes...

I've just eaten them all my life, and still just sit here comfortably sleeping & eating. Even dog, pig, chicken,(and now HORSE) slaughter.. etc.

            ASA - The more you do Sankirtan, the more you help them in the most practical way.  Hear more, preach more!!!

So I also hope your health is doing well, I was very happy to see you last time you blessed us with your presence here in Boise on Ratha-Yatra. I apoligize if I was acting particularly stupid when talking. Maybe if I actually tried rising at mangal-arati everyday I could get all my rounds done. Oh, I wanted to say on Animal Experiences in the Dhama, that my little brother NaRayan had a Nutella Crepe wrapped up in some paper from one of the prasadam stalls one morning, while him and my parents were walking back home they were cutting behind the Govinda's restaurant and watching some BIG monkeys (Hanuman monkeys I think?? They were pretty scary though!) when suddenly one of the big leaders dropped from a tree and sprinted towards my brother and put one hand on his prasadam-breakfast and another on his arm while hissing. They got in a slight tug of war (all the while my father yelling "GIVE HIM IT, DROP IT!!") until the monkey took the crepe and proceeded to throw it on the ground and devour it with all the other monkeys. My brother was shaken pale-white, but he was O.K., although he lost his prasadam that morning. hahaaha, Jaya.

              ASA-Bhavananda Das told me that Prabhupada told him, that sometimes, some of the 'Hanuman' monkeys go into villages and rape small girls!   Let's get out of here soon!!!

I'm missing Mayapur dhama and it's cows & dogs now, maybe one day In this body I can come back and serve there for you instead of come to just enjoy..

your fallen servant,

Bhakta Reilly (Reilly M. Grindle)

             ASA - Write down when you are getting up.  Make a simple graph and look at it. Improve it.

Jaya ASA Japa Forum!

Maharaj I am writing to thank you for japa program which helps me every day.

 also take this opportunity to thank all the devotees who participate in it.

    This program helps me to combat the onslaught of the ravenous senses.

              the chanting of japa is very nice with your association.

        Krsna's mercy. every day the process is a bit more clear.

today I'm listening to bhajans sung by Srila Prabhupada.   Amar Jivan, Hari Hari Biphale janama, Anadi Karama phale are gems. from bg 4.34 cannot argue with the spiritual master. I think that's all.  thank you very much Maharaj.  please forgive all my offenses your fallen servant George.

         hps - asa - agtsp.....   paoho.....   maya tatam idam sarvam....  bg 7.? ....  cited 'noi' 3 to show that enthusiasm means to use everything in krsna's service, by the instruction of the spiritual master.       george is a plenary potentate of the regent of spain, maybe, so we soon expect the king of spain to be joinning 'japa-joe' daily.  the reverse is true.  it is george's participation that has done much to keep us all together from 1.30-2.30am daily.

Jay Guru Dev, Jay Guru Dev.....Jay Guru Dev, Jay Guru Dev

11 years, 5 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Jay Guru Dev. Jay Guru Dev.

    We as as usual, no change, no progress. We fill...we static, no progress. Krsna, loves us
    but we are not able to take his love.

    Guru Dev, Caturmssya going to begin from 22 July, so want to perform strong 'vrata',
    so will take fruites for next 4 months, no grains. Will read more and more
    sastras....That's all.

    Time is moving very fast...............gaining nothing. Time laughs on me.

    We are always stuck in Vrandavana....always want to go only Vrandavana. Krsna is
    there only. He goes with his cows and friends very early in the morning in the forest.
    He sleeps in the noon, after meal under tree.
    Still waiting for Bhakti-sastrai to start.

    Kindergarten : As usual. No change.

    Jay Guru Dev. Jay Guru Dev.......Jay..Jay Guru Dev.

    Thank you, Guru Dev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

            HpS -  AGTSP.  paoho.
If you are not falling down you are making progress:

              Send us some news of little victories in advancing.