Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I have recently listened to your lectures on scientific preaching. I am interested in learning more about this subject because I feel that it is related to my dharma. Maybe it is something that I can do for Krishna in the future.

I am currently living at the Krishna House in Gainesville, and I am enrolled in a Master of Education program at the University of Florida. I have a Master’s degree in Biology from the University of North Florida, and my current program is designed specifically for secondary science teachers.

When I first met the devotees, about 1 ½ years ago, I was taking a course in Advanced Evolution. I was thoroughly convinced that this was the mechanism by which species were created. It took some time for me to open up to the possibility that there is another explanation. I saw a presentation by Drutakarma prabhu on Forbidden Archaeology, and purchased his book Human Devolution. Unfortunately, I have not devoted much time to reading it yet.

For some time, I have left my questions about evolution behind, because I wanted to focus on strengthening my devotional life.  Now I am faced with these questions once again, because I am expected to teach the theory of evolution, and no other theory of the origins of life, in the secondary classroom.

I am planning to talk to one professor, who I believe is Christian, to find out what is permissible and what is not. I feel that I should be allowed to bring up some of the holes in the theory, the “loose ends” that don’t line up perfectly. I should be able to encourage critical thinking. But many people in my field are adamant that nothing other than evolution should be taught because it is the only truly “scientific” theory for life’s origins.

I find it a bit paradoxical, because I am also learning that we should be sensitive to the various cultural backgrounds of our students. We should present information in a way that relates to their experiences and prior knowledge. Yet while many of my students will have been raised with a belief in God, I am only allowed to teach an atheistic theory that promotes the idea that we are nothing more than matter, a fantastic accident.

Forgive me for taking up so much of your time, but after listening to your lectures I felt that you are very qualified to answer some of my questions. I have spoken to several different people about these issues, and I have received several different responses. Someone suggested that I should focus only on reading Srila Prabhupada’s books, because they are the most valuable and because there are so many. Another devotee, who works as a cellular biologist, said that he believes evolution is the best explanation we have, but he is willing to let go of his attachment to scientific evidence when it comes into conflict with spiritual knowledge. He also made the point that in order to fully understand the arguments for and against evolution, he would need to become an evolutionary biologist, and even then he would not know everything.

So I guess my main question is this: Is it a worthwhile endeavor to try and learn about the scientific arguments for and against evolution? Can I use this in Krishna’s service? Also, if you feel that it is worthwhile, I would like to know which arguments against evolution do you think are the strongest?

In addition to Human Devolution I have Rethinking Darwin and Life comes from Life. What other resources do you recommend? Can I find more information on the conferences you mentioned in your lecture on scientific preaching? Are there any conferences coming up in the near future?

I greatly appreciate your taking the time to consider my questions. I look forward to hearing from you, and perhaps I will even get to meet you at the Nashville Ratha Yatra! Hare Krishna!


Your Servant,

Laura McLaughlin

HpS - ASA - Jaya!    AGTSP.   Paoho.   You have many questions. Is it relevant to your service?    I would say that it is a little bit relevant at this point. Like looking outside to see if it is raining before you leave for school in the morning. Now just try to focus on getting the standard for first initiation, 16-enthusiastic rounds, 4-principles strictly, a regular morning and evening program, experimenting with different service, sankirtan, association.

Of course, along with this you have to go on living, eating, working, and looking to see if it is raining, but only by the time you are ready for second initiation will you really know if detailed investigation into evolution is your service.

It's a big topic.

I don't know too much about Druta. and Sadaputa. books. Also there is Nature's IQ which was nice.

In general, and I think first point is that there are FUNDAMENTAL flaws in the evolutionary theory the way it is presented, and second we have a SCIENTIFIC explanation from the Bhagavata.

1. We accept natural selection, that pressure from the environment eliminates or favors different offspring. Krsna learned in Guru-kula how to do selective breeding. It has been know in Vedic culture for 5,000 years, comes with the Vedas.

But evolution is another thing. Evolution says that a random mutation fits into the envirionment, nature, better than exisiting forms. But this means, and I have seen from the very beginning of Darwin's presentation this flaw was recognized and Darwin and Huxley were try to dance around it, that if we are going to call it "better" the environment already is supplying a higher standard. Where does that come from? "Nature" already knows the highest standard and favors those random mutations that fit better into "her" goal?

For example, we know the example of green moths and grey moths related to the industrialization of the English countryside. Today gray moths survive but then when the soot is cleaned up we are back to green moths. Which is "higher" on the evolutionary scale?

Do you see the BASIC flaw?

We accept natural selection but not that things are getting better by chance.

Nature itself may be changing. Then some thing will fit in better today and not tomorrow.

Second, Bertram Russell said that the most important idea in the 20th century in the idea of chance, because no one has the slightest idea what it means.

Push a mathematicion, statistician, biologist on this point, "What is a random event, chance mutation?". If you look in a basic book on statistics it will tell you that a random event is an event the outcome of which can not be detemined, "We are absolutely sure we don't know".

In Vedic philosophy this is called "neti, neti", not this not this. It is an approach or a retreat toward knowloedge.

Evolution is based upon random mutations, but why can we say they are random? Maybe there is a cause why all the mutations occur that we just don't know yet. It is another big area, but from basic to advanced study we find it is full of faults, a random event.

Nature must already have a goal, where do "random" events come from?

Such a coffee and cigarette and Colonel Sander's chicken headed philosophy of the origin of the cosmos?

Hitler, Goebels, "If you are going to tell a lie, tell a big one, because nobody would ever expect you to say such a big one".

Third and last major flaw that we see.

If the chunk or singularity had no competition, was all there was, then why did it change? Was is improving?  Was there a random event from some other source?

Then the alternative from the Bhagavatam. This is described briefly in the Gita more in the Second Canto etc. It is Sankhya. It is not understandeable to most Western intellectuals because they are conditioned to lower modes of mental activity. Their minds are absorbed in matter. We graduated 1st place in psychology for U. of California with minor studies in biology and electrical engineering. Then invited on on full fellowship to UCLA and Northwestern. Our mentor, Donald Campbell at NW pushed us with out own intelligence to look for wider perspectives. that lead okinawan karate, improvisational theater and YOGA....  SB...  Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami and Jiva Goswami.

Sankhya requires a change in perspective. We have to go from doing science (karma) to logical understanding of science (jnana) to contemplation, meditation in science (dhyana), to loving science (bhakti) to understand the deepest aspects of the source and operation of reality.

Meditation is only roughly taught in modern universities in the drama department in theater training as far as I know. Following the grand tradition of Stanislavskii and Viloa Spolin, "My LIfe in Art" and "Improvisation for the Theater" they offer practical methods of meditation for Western modern people. We use them in our ISKCON yoga.

What is the knowledge?

That Krsna expands as the Minister of Prisons, Maha-visnu. He sends the glass, cement, steel, wood, pnut-butter and BLUE PRINTS and PRISON RULES. Garbodaksayi visnu enters each prison as its Warden. Ksirodakasayi Visnu enters as the individual Guards.

Brahms in the Trustee who creates the individual cells etc.

The criminals, lunatics move in.

It starts from subtle to gross, from steam to water to ice.

The creation stories in the beginning are taking place when there are like maybe 100 gods and goddesses in the universe. It is a subtle level. More permament and substantial than gross matter. The blue print level. In a dream a women may have erotic connection with a snake and give birth to snake babies. This is the dream world. It is more "real" than the gross world. Read Carl Jung's Auto biography.

Then the subtle bodies from the demigod level start to produce more gross bodies at the semi-demigod level like Gandharvas (fairies), Dwarfs etc. They are magical powers to disappear etc. Then from them it evolves to ice, gross level, our level. Blue print becomes house.

This is a summary.

The details and the explantion of how to scientifically experience it are there in the SB.

We will submit this essay to the Spirit of Carl G. Jung with whom we are now having a dialog.  Thank you!!!!  We hope this was useful.

First thing is to get fixed deep in you heart in getting up early and getting your rounds done!!

Vraja bhandar

11 years, 4 months ago by radhacaranadasi in Other
All glories to Sri Sri Radhe Syam!!


All glories to you

please accept my humble obeisances 
Dear Gurudev
I apologize for not write before, I hope're very good, I've been reading the Kapi dvaja
 and at the moment i heard you are in America?.i tried to enter the blog many times but somehow my account got block,
but i sent you a letter  with Caytanya p. i couldnt see if you answered in the blog, so Tungavidya M gave me this email, but i couldn't sent maybe this mail it's espired.
 Day by day im getting more happy to be in Vraj, im still doing my service in the school: num 1. art classes, 
num 2. Now we are organizing a cleaning program in All Vraj, my rounds are getting better but I have to get better at organizing my time
 ..... I have a lot of work  between school work, sadhana and painting deities (this is the ways how can give to my gopal his daily ladhu). 
The association of Tungavidya M and her beautiful family is helping me a lot, one day we were talking and I asked to her that i dont know what to do?
 some Babas asked me to paint their temple deitie's, which are sometimes Silas and  i dont think that im cualified to touch them,
 They also asked me to paint the walls of Radha kunda which im planing to do as soon as we get donations for the paints, 
I feel very lucky to be here and everything
that daily comes from the  beloved Srimati Radharani its to sweet for me, I look forward to progress a little  in this year, when are you planing to come to Vraj? i have many places to show you. We hope to have your  asociation soon here.

please forgive me my offences .... and the lack of seriousness in letter..

i attached a picture of the madhukari monkeys
Radha Carana d
<img alt="" />
              HpS - ASA - AGTSP   paoho.  Oooof!                 So fortunate to live in Vrndavana.  Forget everything else we have ever learned and live in Vrndavana.     Seems you got through tothe Blog.   This is where we live.  Your news of Vraja is like nectar for us.   We hope to get to Vrndavana very soon.          Our respects to Tungav. DD and everyone....    Just the dust in Vrndavana is glorious.  Bad things are fine!    We can't see the picture!!
<table aria-role="presentation" cellpadding="0" class="cf hr" style="margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 5px;"><tbody><tr><td class="hw" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-right: 7px;"><img alt="559745_10153165192495183_1842588404_n.jpg" class="hv" src="" style="float: left; border: 2px solid white; padding: 5px;" /></td><td>559745_10153165192495183_1842588404_n.jpg
103K   View   Download  </td></tr></tbody></table>

A donkeys questions

11 years, 4 months ago by Bhakta Reilly in Other

Hare Krsna Hanumat Presaka maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your apple blossom feet,

          HpS -   AGTSP.   Paoho at your potato flower feet.

All glories to SP & Gauranga

Maharaja I've been working things out lately as things have cropped up in family life.. My father was sadly arrested a few days ago for digital fraud in his online trading. It doesn't look good. Because of this me and my siblings have been forced to move away. After a big family meeting my siblings have gone to my fathers grandparents house while I stay with my mothers grandparents for education in Boise. My grandather has very short patience although he's been kind enough to tolerate this situation, I'm grateful he has let me live with him for sake of college schoolwork, but it's been hard these few days avoiding eating questionable vegeterian food & onions/garlic.

All this crazy has encouraged me to do my 16-4, I've taken sri sri goura-nitai with me here and packed Jagganath, Baladeva and subhadra away safely with my other deity forms. I'm sort of sad my siblings will be going away, I told them they can make they're own choices in devotional life as to what they want to eat and do and we all may have to make some sacrifices for now.. My fathers grandparents are very inimical towards K-con sadly..

My mother is in Europe and wanted by police in the states. I respect her because she's my mother but I just cannot agree with her on many things. She's a devotee so I don't want to commit vaisnava aparadha. I wish her well..

But I remember the Gita and know this is just Karma and our reactions, also to not lament over things cause that's just ignorance. Family is just like the temporary meeting of strangers passing by. I've been taking steps to securing a GED and becoming a full-time student in order to secure student loans and grants for college. I'm hoping everything will be possible by your grace maharaja. I really just want to know your not upset with me over all the foolish things I've done.. ..

Sorry about all the crazy. But things seem O.K. now, I was very happy to help serve for Janmastami festival at the Boise temple and fast.

              HpS - ASA -  Wow!     AgtSP.        What a circus!     You never told us anything about this stuff before.    Well, we all have our Karma.     A lot of time this stuff runs in the family, being politicians or thieves or artists...   We can join Krsna.  He's a thief. Your response seems good so far.  You have nice friends in Boise to help you make decisions.  Try to keep the onion and garlic out, but the meat, fish or eggs is basically non-negotiable requierement.

I wanted to ask some questions though maharaja.

1). Why in this age of kali has man created such wonderful things like Internet, Radio, Computers, Phones, TV, Video cameras, airplanes, printers, electricity, 'Modern medicine to cure diseases', cars, etc. But don't seem to be something in previous ages?

             HpS - You look at miracle like the Pyramids of Giza and so many other things and it seems that they had this high-tech stuff, maybe geo-magnetizm, but was probably much more efficient and the demigods made a better general atmosphere. Don't need a lot fo this stuff on Hawaii.  Even the pigs were eating mangos in Hawaii.

Although besides the heavy petrochemical pollution it puts on Bhumi and her oceans, it gives everyone this great sense of mans "evolution" towards 'space travel', independance from any 'god', and the 'pursuit of happiness'.

             HpS - The demons acquire many mystical powers. Krsna lets them thing they are God!

2). If the moon is really in vedic astronomy extremely far away, why do astronauts and scientists claim to have gone there to a dead rock and collected samples? In fact "China" is planning to visit the moon at the end of this year..

          HpS - Look at BG 8.25.  Sometimes P'pada talks about this subtle aspect of the moon and going there and other times going to the gross aspect. The distances then depend on which destination you are talking about.     Big topic.     Many people thought that the gross trip involved cheating.  Maybe the first one was faked and others were real...  I think if you look for Moon Hoax on the YouTube you will drown in an ocean of problems with the trip.

with all forgiveness your fallen servant,

Bhakta Reilly G.

HARI BOLO! PabloParikrama.

11 years, 4 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other
Agt Srila Prabhupada!
Agt Guru y Gauranga!
Jay Radha Govinda Candra!!!
Hare Krsna Maharaja, pamho.
Soy bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de España.
Hola Maharaja, espero que se encuentre muy bien en todos los aspectos.
Me gustaria informarle un poco de mis ultimos acontecimientos.
               asa - nos gusta oir.
Yo sigo con las 16 rondas y los 4 principios.
              asa - alla akbar.
Programa completo. La lectura, ahora que tengo a Varuna, varia mucho pero un poco floja...ummm, lo intentare arreglar, pero he estado leyendo el 4 canto para poder participar en NIMSAR BhV cuando pueda ser posible.
              ASA - Super.  Puede leer un poco y explicar a Varuna por su modo.
Hay una cosa que olvide decirle; desde hace ya varios meses, Virginia ha vuelto a permitir que Varuna vuelva a ser vegetariano otra vez...Jay!!, me alegro un monton. El tambien esta muy contento.
                                            ~ super ~
Me alegra mucho comunicarle que, creo, he solucionado bastante mi problema de relacion practica con ISKCON, ya que por fin me he decidido a comunicarle a Madrid
Mandir que me gustaria volver a vivir en el ashrama y hacer servicio para Gaura-Nitay, principalmente para mi beneficio, dado que Ellos no me necesitan mucho. Pero espero poder complacerlos.
           ASA - Es bueno hacer una programa para un tiempo fijado, eg. voy a quedar para una mes, y despues revisar todo.
Aun tienen que comunicarme formalmente que me aceptan, pero Jayanta me ha informado que soy bienvenido, asi que no creo que haya problema....Jay!!!.
La verdad es que tengo muchas ganas de empezar esta nueva etapa otra vez, ya que, creo, lo necesito mucho. Ojala Gaura Nitay me permitan estar a su lado siempre haciendo servicio al lado de muchos Devotos.
En el ashrama ya estarian Isvara Das, no le conozco, y Jarikhanda HPS, Jay!!, creo que va a ser muy bonito, varios devotos para los programas..Jay!!
Espero que esta noticia le alegre Maharaja, y me permita acercarme mas a Usted, estar mas cerca de Diksa con Usted.
Estuve unos dias en el festival The Holy Name festival, en Nueva Vrajamandala. Solo me preocupe en el Santo Nombre, y debo decir que tuve una experiencia asombrosa, saboreando largos Bhajanas y dulce asociacion de Los Santos Nombres, Praladhananda Maharaja, Sacinandana Maharaja, Yadunandana Maharaja,.....e increible Devotos. Pude tener una experiencia muy viva del canto congregacional con devotos, como un arma mistica y yuga-dharma, el lugar de habitat de los Santos Nombres. Heche mucho en falta
Su asociacion Maharaja, y de otros devotos.
Sin mas Mahajara, a Sus pies.
Muchisimas gracias por todo.
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna.
                        asa - !!!   !!!  .....    !     bueno pasando tiempo en madrid, pero aparece bueno participar en asuntos familiar con la granja tambien...  poco a poco un buen plan, exoterica y esoterica!


11 years, 4 months ago by jaynityananda in Other

Hare Krishna gurudeva, please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Can you clarify why mother Sita is lamenting in the asokavan, while asokavan, according to the name, is a place without soka, lamentation?

I hope this meets you in good spirits.

Your servant,
Raghava Pandit das

             HpS - ASA - AGTSP...  paoho.     We don't know exactly.  Tricky question.  You should become a lawyer.   Please look at  , like the last paragraph.  Some light, no?   Maybe Her lamentation is Asokavan.

Hare krishna maharaj

11 years, 4 months ago by Victor141 in Other

Hare Krsna, Victor.  We have deleted the letter, but it did not seem anything too confidential. Please excuse our mistake. Mostly we publish whatever comes to the Blog, so you can use a pseudonym or generalize offerings and then we can give a general response.  Thank you!!