Preguntas - PMD

2 years, 4 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Hot Topics

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Thank you for your prompt response, I hope you can soon receive the letter you asked me to do to clarify my situaton in the institution.

I have a few questions in my mind:

  • I heard in one of your recent classes that one should not go beyond the Guru's instruction. I have already received different instructions from you and have tried to follow them. In relation to this, this question arises to me: What is the essential service to which I must dedicate myself to serve Srila Prabhupada in this life?

ASA - AgtSP! Of course, that is to chant Holy Names under the shelter of Srila Prabhupada's guidance. In term SP's guidance is clear: Chant Holy Names 16-rounds, while following 4-principles strictly. Chant them as Kirtan during Mangal arati etc.

Jaya! Hari bolo.

  • In which Varna does the area of ​​communication fit? Brahmin, Kstariya?

ASA - ???? Even birds communicate? All four Varna's communicate but according to their natures.

Now questions about mental health

  • I remember that in a class you commented that one of your disciples who works as a geriatric psychiatrist said that you shouldn't talk to your patients about ghosts. I have also repeatedly heard that in India they associate mental illness with the possession of ghosts. What is the relationship between mental illness and ghosts?

ASA - As far as we understand psychopathology is caused by disturbed prana, intellectual misunderstanding and/or agitation from ghosts or other similar subtle beings.

  • Having a mental illness can interfere with the understanding of the stages of bhakti, I think, such as believing that you are advanced due to the symptoms you may have, such as confusing material madness with spiritual madness, it is complicated. What do you advise to be clear and not get confused on these issues?

HpS - Develop relationships with devotees that Krsna sends and follow the rules of Vaidhi Bhakti.

Keep a little history of your Bhoga offerings and send to us!

Your servant

Piyari Mohan das


Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Gracias por su pronta respuesta, deseo pronto pueda recibir la carta que me pidió hacer para aclarar mi situación en la institución.

Tengo unas preguntas en mi mente:

  • Escuché en una de sus recientes clases que no hay que ir más allá de la instrucción del Guru. Ya he recibido diferentes instrucciones de su parte y he intentado seguirlas. En relación a esto me surge esta pregunta ¿Cuál es el servicio esencial al cual debo dedicarme para servir a Srila Prabhupada en esta vida? 

  • ¿En qué Varna se adecua el área de la comunicación? ¿Brahmana, Kstariya?

Ahora preguntas sobre salud mental 

  • Recuerdo que en una clase usted comentaba que uno de sus discípulos que trabaja como psiquiatra gereátrico decía que no había que hablarle a sus pacientes de fantasma. También reiteradas veces he escuchado que en la India asocian las enfermedades mentales con la posesión de fantasmas. ¿Qué relación tienen la enfermedad mental y los fantasmas?

  • El tener una enfermedad mental puede interferir en la comprensión de las etapas del bhakti, eso creo, como por ejemplo creer que se está avanzado por los síntomas que se pueda tener, como confundir la locura material con la espiritual, es complicado. ¿Qué aconseja para estar claro y no confundirse en estos temas?

Su sirviente

Piyari Mohan das

IMPORTANTE - Mis disculpas - Piyari Mohan das

2 years, 4 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Hot Topics

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Deseo se encuentre bien al recibir esta carta. 

Primero, disculpe Gurudeva ya que esta carta va a ser un poco extensa. Quiero expresar lo que siento sobre lo que ha pasado por haber dejado mis medicamentos.

Primero quiero dejar en claro que siempre aprecié mucho a madre Guru Govinda. Ella sabe que estuve ahí para apoyarla, ya sea escuchándola cuando necesitaba apoyo, visitándola al velatorio cuando su madre falleció, dando atención cuando estuvo mal su hija y la verdad es que nunca deseé algo malo hacia ella, todo lo contrario, era como una mamá para mí, tal como lo ha sido madre Raman Reti, madre Priya Saki y otras grandes vaisnavas.

Me duele mucho lo que pasó, ya que nunca pensé que pudiera hacer algo así, no fue algo que planeé, fue todo debido a alucinaciones que tuve luego de dejar mi medicación, sería una locura explicar en detalle lo que pasó en mi cabeza en ese momento, no tiene sentido. No comprendo este aspecto oscuro de mi persona, siempre traté de ser amable y respetuoso, con los devotos y en especial con las devotas.

Según el informe de la administración del templo, hay una denuncia y una orden de alejamiento, pero la policía nunca me ha notificado de ello. No puedo acercarme al templo ya que madre Guru Govinda está súper activa en los servicios del templo, me alegra saber eso, deseo que ella siga manteniéndose fija en el servicio devocional. Tampoco puedo comunicarme con ella por cualquier otro medio, ni cartas, ni teléfono, etc. Deseo se encuentre cada vez mejor, sanando la herida que ocasioné.

Yo no puedo hacer nada para que el tema legal se solucione, fue horrible para mi familia y para mi saber estas noticias, también fue fuerte recibir mensajes de amenazas de que me van a golpear, situaciones similares que viví mientras estuve hospitalizado, pero eso es otra historia. Deseo que el proceso legal llegue a su conclusión, ya que he parado mi vida con el miedo de hacer algo que pueda empeorar la situación. No ocupo redes sociales debido a ello, pero me piden que reactive mi vida en el internet por mi trabajo, me lo pide mi profesor de carrera, es un gran dilema para mi.

Hasta que esto no se solucione, no puedo hacer mucho. Siento que madre Guru Govinda todavía está muy afectada por toda esta horrible experiencia y creo que verme sería una experiencia traumática. Por ello he sido prudente y ni siquiera he hecho uso de mis redes sociales, a excepción de una publicación que hice en Facebook en medio de la crisis que tuve, momento en que mi mente no estaba bien, y luego cuando me hospitalizaron escribí una carta al blog en la cual también me encontraba en un estado insano.

Estoy en una situación muy complicada, por un lado no puedo ir al templo, no puedo hacer servicio para ISKCON, no puedo tener vida pública y no puedo hacer nada para que la situación legal llegue a su término.

A pesar que madre Guru Govinda dijo que ya me perdonó, yo todavía debo sanar esa herida. Me siento pésimo por el daño que generé en su vida y tal vez deba pasar mucho tiempo para que pueda nuevamente ir al templo, ya que ella no debe querer verme, y no sé cuanto tiempo tendrá que pasar para que esa sensación se apacigüe en su corazón. 

Por otro lado, me he dado cuenta de que estoy muy apegado al reconocimiento, a la fama, y cuantas otras cosas más. Gurudeva, ¿Piensa usted que esto sucedió solamente por mi karma? o ¿Será una prueba del servicio devocional para superar ciertos problemas (anhartas) que aún tengo? Le pregunto, ya que usted nos enseña que una vez iniciados, Radharani toma las cuerdas de nuestro karma, de nuestra vida, me hago esta pregunta frecuentemente. 

Gurudeva, no entiendo lo que me dice en relación a que no me sienta víctima. Claro, soy responsable por el hecho de tomar la decisión de dejar mis medicamentos y por mis malas acciones en el pasado que ocasionaron que esto sucediera. Mi psicóloga me ha dicho que en cierto modo también fui víctima de mi enfermedad. Y claro, usted me ha hecho ver que es un acto criminal violento, pero cuando estoy medicado no actúo de esa manera. No quiero que esto pase nuevamente. 

Entiendo que he sido muy pecaminoso en otras vidas y por eso he tenido estás reacciones, si no fuera por ello, no tendría cuestiones tan oscuras en mi sombra. Quiero superar esto, quiero liberarme de esto. 

¿Es realmente una violencia voluntaria?, yo no planeé hacerle daño a madre Guru Govinda, fue producto de un delirio en el cuál mi mente me hizo pensar que era correcto hacerlo. No estaba en una condición sana mentalmente, estaba en un estado alterado, ya que mientras estuve con medicamento ni siquiera pensé en hacer algo así. Por ello no entiendo lo de violencia voluntaria, ya que mi voluntad estaba completamente desvirtuada.

He pasado por muchas crisis espirituales, queriendo dejar el proceso, no sólo queriendo dejar la institución, si no el proceso en sí, sintiendo que es muy difícil dedicarle tiempo a las rondas, seguir los principios, que hablar de hacer más servicio. En el templo era sencillos, pero ahora es mucho más difícil, la mente y la mala asociación hacen efecto, a veces pienso en seguir otro proceso religioso. He estado mal, cada vez que pasa más tiempo me voy cubriendo más por maya, vuelvo a las tendencias que tenía anteriormente, me vuelvo más Piero que PMD. A pesar de estos quiebres de fe, Krishna es muy amable y siempre que estoy en esa situación, hace algo para que vuelva a estar fijo en las prácticas del Bhakti, pero cada cierto tiempo vuelvo a la misma situación.

Mi psicóloga y psiquiatra están contentas con el avance en mi salud, estoy tomando la dosis adecuada de medicamento. Sigo teniendo control periódicamente con ellas.

Tengo mucho miedo de lo que los demás piensen de mi, de lo que digan, de lo que hagan, soy débil, frágil, pero soy devoto, bastante básico en mi práctica y devoción, pero soy devoto, quiero servir, no tengo duda de ello, solo que a veces maya me cubre casi por completo y eso se debe a la falta de asociación vaisnava y a la falta de sankirtan y realizar actividades de prédica.

Agradezco toda la ayuda que me han dado hermanos y hermanas espirituales, devotos y devotas en general y a usted obviamente, por estar atento a mi estado. Siento tristeza de no poder relacionarme con todos, y también de estar lejos de la asociación directa, estando en los kirtans, clases, fiestas, conversaciones confidenciales, servicio práctico, etc. Va a ser difícil mi reintegración a la congregación, pero si es lo que usted quiere Gurudeva, seguro así será, ya que el deseo de un devoto puro es lo más fuerte que puede haber en este mundo.

He orado el Señor para que envíe almas sinceras al lugar donde vive mi familia y hace unos días apareció un joven a quien hace un tiempo le distribuí un libro, y está muy entusiasmado por saber más del proceso de conciencia de Krishna y practicarlo, con esto pienso en que puedo vivir en este lugar, deseo que comiencen a aparecer más almas como él para poder reunirnos y hacer sankirtan, cantar el santo nombre, estudiar las escrituras, tomar prasadam. 

Disculpe Gurudeva por mis negligencias, mientras viví en el templo me creí un devoto avanzado, pero lo que pasó me ha hecho ver mi posición, no soy el más caído, eso es ego falso, soy solo un sirviente, como cada entidad viviente.

Hare Krishna

Su sirviente

Piyari Mohan das.


Hare Krishna Gurudeva

please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I hope you are well when you receive this letter.

First, excuse me Gurudeva as this letter is going to be a bit long. I want to express how I feel about what has happened since I stopped taking my medications.

First I want to make it clear that I have always appreciated mother Guru Govinda very much. She knows that I was there to support her, whether it was listening to her when she needed support, visiting her at the wake when her mother passed away, giving care when her daughter was wrong and the truth is that I never wished anything bad for her, on the contrary, she was like a mother. to me, as mother Raman Reti, mother Priya Saki and other great Vaisnavas have been.

It hurts me a lot what happened, as I never thought I could do something like that, it was not something I planned, it was all due to hallucinations that I had after I stopped my medication, it would be crazy to explain in detail what happened in my head in that moment, it doesn't make sense. I do not understand this dark aspect of my person, I always tried to be kind and respectful, with the devotees and especially with the lady devotees.

According to the temple administration report, there is a complaint and a restraining order, but the police have never notified me of it. I can't go near the temple as mother Guru Govinda is super active in temple services, I am glad to know that, I wish she will continue to stay fixed in devotional service. Nor can I communicate with her by any other means, neither letters, nor telephone, etc. I wish she are getting better and better, healing the wound that I caused.

I can't do anything to resolve the legal issue, it was horrible for my family and for me to hear this news, it was also hard to receive messages threatening to beat me, similar situations that I experienced while I was hospitalized, but that's another story. I wish that the legal process reaches its conclusion, since I have stopped my life with the fear of doing something that could worsen the situation. I do not use social networks because of this, but they ask me to reactivate my life on the internet for my work, my professor asks me to do so, it is a great dilemma for me.

Until this is fixed, there's not much I can do. I feel that mother Guru Govinda is still very affected by this whole horrible experience and I think that seeing me would be a traumatic experience. That is why I have been prudent and have not even made use of my social networks, except for a publication that I made on Facebook in the middle of the crisis that I had, a moment in which my mind was not well, and then when I was hospitalized I wrote a letter to the blog in which I was also in an insane state.

I am in a very complicated situation, on the one hand I cannot go to the temple, I cannot do service for ISKCON, I cannot have a public life and I cannot do anything to bring the legal situation to an end.

Even though mother Guru Govinda said that she already forgave me, I still have to heal that wound. I feel terrible for the damage I caused in her life and it may take a long time for her to go to the temple again, since she must not want to see me, and I don't know how long it will take for that feeling to subside in her. heart.

On the other hand, I have realized that I am very attached to recognition, fame, and many other things. Gurudeva, do you think that this happened only because of my karma? o Will it be a test of devotional service to overcome certain problems (anhartas) that I still have? I ask you, since you teach us that once initiated, Radharani takes the strings of our karma, of our life, I frequently ask myself this question.

Gurudeva, I don't understand what she is telling me about her not feeling like a victim. Of course, I am responsible for the fact that I made the decision to stop my medications and for my past bad actions that caused this to happen. My psychologist has told me that in a way I was also a victim of my illness. And of course, you have made me see that it is a violent criminal act, but when I am medicated I do not act that way. I don't want this to happen again.

I understand that I have been very sinful in other lives and that is why I have had these reactions, if it were not for that, I would not have such dark issues in my shadow. I want to get over this, I want to be free of this.

Is it really voluntary violence? I did not plan to harm mother Guru Govinda, it was the product of a delusion in which my mind made me think that it was right to do so. I was not in a mentally healthy condition, I was in an altered state, because while I was on medication I didn't even think about doing something like that. That is why I do not understand what voluntary violence is, since my will was completely distorted.

I have gone through many spiritual crises, wanting to leave the process, not only wanting to leave the institution, but the process itself, feeling that it is very difficult to dedicate time to the rounds, follow the principles, than talk about doing more service. In the temple it was simple, but now it is much more difficult, the mind and the bad association take effect, sometimes I think of following another religious process. I've been wrong, every time more time passes I cover myself more with maya, I return to the tendencies I had before, I become more Piero than PMD. Despite these breaks of faith, Krishna is very kind and whenever I am in that situation, he does something to get me fixed again in the Bhakti practices, but every so often I return to the same situation.

My psychologist and psychiatrist are happy with the progress in my health, I am taking the right dose of medication. I still check in regularly with them.

I am very afraid of what others think of me, of what they say, of what they do, I am weak, fragile, but I am devoted, quite basic in my practice and devotion, but I am devoted, I want to serve, I have no doubt that It is just that sometimes maya covers me almost completely and that is due to lack of Vaisnava association and lack of sankirtan and preaching activities.

I appreciate all the help that spiritual brothers and sisters, devotees and devotees in general have given me and to you, obviously, for being attentive to my condition. I feel sadness that I cannot relate to everyone, and also that I am away from direct association, being in kirtans, classes, parties, confidential conversations, practical service, etc. It will be difficult for me to reintegrate into the congregation, but if it is what you want Gurudeva, it will surely be so, since the desire of a pure devotee is the strongest thing in this world.

I have prayed the Lord to send sincere souls to the place where my family lives and a few days ago a young man appeared to whom I distributed a book some time ago, and he is very enthusiastic to know more about the process of Krishna consciousness and to practice it, with this I think that I can live in this place, I wish that more souls like him will start to appear so that we can gather together and do sankirtan, chant the holy name, study the scriptures, take prasadam.

Excuse me Gurudeva for my negligence, while I lived in the temple I thought I was an advanced devotee, but what happened has made me see my position, I am not the most fallen, that is false ego, I am just a servant, like every living entity.

Hare Krishna

your servant

Piyari Mohan das.

HpS - AgtSP. Thank you for this letter. I think you could have eliminated a lot of things that are redundant. Is this lack of focus a symptom still little bit wild mind?

I don't know how much you were responsible for your actions.

I think these things in the end are between us and Krsna and Guru, Srila Prabhupada.

Your letter, though, too long and not focused enough, seems very, very nice, in the first part. Very nice. I would suggest that you need to send a letter to the Temple President with a copy to us and Jagat guru Das asking about your situation in the institution.

I think that you have a relationship with ISKCON as an institution.

I think that you are as well situated as we are to make eternal progress in leaving this world!!

Very nice!

Thank you. Go ahead.

New Root Shoot

2 years, 5 months ago by chas d lind in Hot Topics

pamho, AGtSP!

A copy of our current media update for you Maharaja: 

 Good Morning from High Springs, Florida, the Hippie Haven for lost cool wannabe’s, though seriously this is not what I’ve contended, regardless, Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami did “coin” the vibes of said city...a grain wisdom is at the core.

First “official” day as a resident in the Sunshine state and still adjusting to our time change, a perfect moment to write on current events… completely bewildered. Of course in my meanderings this is par for the course, fortunately I’ve played before and know that “Bagger Vance” has my back.

Actually, I’m also writing to break-in a gifted HP Elite X2 tablet/ laptop from Gopinatha Desai. Was a surprise just before departure. Gopinatha Prabhu was the person who requested a semi-concealed camera mount and tablet enclosure for the Vyasasana at the Houston Temple and we managed to get this done. What was more precarious time-wise was the 2 surprise requests(RQ,s): a Free Library Box for the book distributors, and Radharani’s Flower Bouquet armature for the Pujari’s. (please note Photo’s)

Since these RQ’s were for our outstanding devotional congregation and Loving Deities, I had to power through on these and have to thank my wife, Subhra, for her patience. We had 7 years of newly accumulated garbage, excuse me, I mean essential treasures and paraphernalia to pack in the “PODS,” shipping container we had delivered. I had not even sorted through my own closet, let alone breakdown my makeshift shop, lot’s to juggle and move! My next move will be with a back-pack and 2 duffle-bags.

Fortunately, all projects went smoothly and the Pods shipping driver came at the latest scheduled time. Lashed down tall stacks of boxes, laid out various school work boxes and hung a mattress, weed-eater and inversion rack off the framing beams, this Pod was loaded almost to the max. Throw in a dual-wheeled wheel barrow, 2 buckets of landscaping rocks and loose tarps and we’re stuffed. Inched the door closed and locked it up. It’s going to be real interesting when we open it next week.

Continuing our saga of our serendipitous-sashay, current dilemma’s with WinStream internet here has been real, “real.” It’s been 3 days of representatives jumping with song and dance just to get our temporary hold off our service… still waiting, 2nd time we’ve been told everything will be fixed by 7pm. Right! We shall see. Sad thing is how much technology has over run our lives in the “Modern” parts of the World. The convenience has a price and they know how to charge for it. We may post this devious document yet. (WinStream finally came through, left and right hands are now in profound unity)

Watching the (needed) rain pour down while Subhra pouts about the possible farmers market closure. Nice shower, keeping the Sunshine state hydrated, for now, the rains have ceased, usual on and off cycles here...fluctuating and calcitrant, such is the precise fickleness of Mother Nature.

Our Farmers have persevered the rain, we’re still going to procure the finest organics from High Springs locals, such honorable horticulture we may offer. The plain living and high thinking of our cultivators of Earth have the original place of our World right where it belongs… take nothing for granted.

More to share as time permits, we are now functioning as citizens here and know Sri Bhagavan has more plans to reveal…are you ready for the Lord’s spontaneity?

TB/BW - Hare Krsna!!! Is the Temple close. What is the community like?

URGENTE!!! Nuevo local para el Yatra de Arequipa

2 years, 6 months ago by raya_ramananda_das_hps in Hot Topics

Hare Krishna,


Su Santidad Hanumat Presaka Swami

Amado Gurudev

A nombre de la Asociación Cultural Bhaktivedanta, tenemos el honor de comunicarle acerca de la próxima inauguración de nuestro nuevo local para Templo de ISKCON, en la ciudad de Arequipa, Perú.

Esta ceremonia será llevada a cabo el día de hoy sábado 18 de junio del presente, a las 15:00 (hora de Perú); lugar, Cruz Verde 411, Cercado. Se adjunta programación.

Vamos a transmitir en vivo a través de nuestra página de Facebook: @iskconarequipa, donde podrá apreciar virtualmente la ceremonia. Pero sobre todo, quisiéramos contar con su cordial saludo y bendiciones para nuestro renovado emprendimiento espiritual de servicio a la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, el Señor Krishna. Por tal motivo, le solicitamos nos pueda hacer llegar un saludo por este medio, o al correo [email protected] o al WhatsApp +51927718398, para poder compartir con todos los devotos del Yatra de Arequipa e invitados; y posterior publicación en redes sociales y en nuestra página web

Muchas gracias, Guru Maharaj

Arequipa,18 de junio del 2022

Suyos en servicio,

Ramalila devi dasi


Raya Ramananda das



Hare Krishna,


His Holiness Hanumat Presaka Swami

Beloved Gurudev

On behalf of the Bhaktivedanta Cultural Association, we have the honor to inform you about the upcoming inauguration of our new ISKCON Temple premises, in the city of Arequipa, Peru.

This ceremony will be held today, Saturday, June 18, at 3:00 p.m. (Peru time); place, Cruz Verde 411, Fenced. Schedule is attached.

We will broadcast live through our Facebook page: @iskconarequipa, where you can virtually appreciate the ceremony. But above all, we would like to have your cordial greetings and blessings for our renewed spiritual endeavor of service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna.

For this reason, we ask you to send us a greeting by this means, or to the email [email protected] or WhatsApp +51927718398, to be able to share with all the devotees of the Yatra of Arequipa and guests; and subsequent publication on social networks and on our website

Thank you very much Guru Maharaj

Arequipa, June 18, 2022

Yours in service,

ramalila devi dasi


Raya Ramananda das

Vice president

HpS / ASA - Hare Krsna!! Yes, AGTSP!!! paoho.... This news makes us very happy! We are sorry that our mail-clerks, TB/BW could not get to this earlier, but there was no Priority Code from the current Kapi Dhvaja or FMP in the Title field, so they did not look at it immediately.

Still, very nice. Also Cusco has new center?? Very, very nice.

Very nice!

We found a picture on Google Maps. Is it correct? Green wall!

What makes a sacred space, sacred?

Sacred dialogs within the space.

Nice Chanting-Hearing-Chanting in Mangala arati. SB classes. Sankirtan!

Send us regular, interesting reports. Please make ASA a Sankirtan partner with your Hari Krsna center!

Rattling Mind Question

2 years, 6 months ago by jaynityananda in Hot Topics

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - All G L O R I E S to Srila Prabhupada.

In our previous conversation you commented the following:

"At the same time I'm eager for their blessings, but wanting to be recognized is this annoying voice in my mind that keeps on rattling."

"HpS - It will probably be there until the day you die, but if you engage in devotional service you will not be bothered by it."

What I would like to know is how this works in more detail. I was diagnosed as having ADD by a psychologist. And I do have the symptoms that are used to describe it. Does this mental attitude only last for this lifetime, which is how i understand your answer? Like as in the higher authorities turn off a button when the allotted time for punishment is done.

HpS - As I understand from psychology in the broader world and our Sampradaya, it is like having a banana shaped nose. You will have it until you die, and the mental attitudes are even more durable than the physical ones. They are the basis of the gross ones.

NoI 6 - Tad gada mula hantri, our Yoga is starving the root of the mental and physical "banana noses".

We are developing extreme love for Krsna. We begin to love our Deities. If someone where to steal Them we would not be able to move. We would collapse and stare at the floor. We don't realize how our WORK is developing an attachment to Krsna ('s Name, Form, Pastimes, Associates).

I always had the notion that this kind of mental state is only over when it is purified by my own efforts or by grace. I kind of lost my hope that it will be taken away as a mercy by the Lord in this life. [and i am not sure if i knew what to do with myself if He did. I wouldn't recognize my own mind anymore].

HpS - It will adjust as far as possible. Maybe go away, but it might stay, but then it will be insignificant. A cactus in the neighbor's back yard.

I argue that idea also by what i understand from the notion that we carry our desires and convictions with us in our subtle body from one body to the next. That is a kind of mental state too. What about an ADD kind of mind? That could actually stop?

HpS - Don't know. They may be inaccurately describing a banana knose as zuccini knose.

Looking forward to your reply.

🐱 Oink - Written by Sriman Buck White after consulting with HpS.

Hari Bolo, Hari Bolo!

Your aspiring servant,

Raghava Pandita dasa

[[[Nrsmha Bhoga]]] Balaram

2 years, 6 months ago by pnd in Hot Topics

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glorie to Srila Prabhupada.

Our son got born recently. His legal name is Balarám.

Balaram and my good wife Madana Priya dd are already back home for a more week. We are adjusting new everything :) So far everything good, wife is recovering although sleeping randomly due to care as he is active more during night.

We already took him to the temple for darshan of Sri Sri Nitai Gaura Candra. I read first going outside and for temple should be after 3 months, but in Slovakia we need to go often to doctor for checkups with him already from first days, so we took him to the temple of Ekadasi.

From brief look in astrology he may have some ksatria qualities and will love to analyse things. And seems he will be big eater and short temper after father. 🙂

Please give him your blessings so he will be good devotee and will assist in Srila Prabhupada's mission.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - Hare Krsna. ASA - Hare Rama. Oh, my gosh, what have you done! Another PnD. Grand parents, pleased.

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.

So nice!

...but who knows who he is and what is his Karma.

Abhimanyu was a WONDERFUL son. Arjuna was so attached to him and then... ... . !!!

We are no longer in the external story. We are in the internal story.

Be pure so you can give him purity!!!!

Thank you.

Be on you continent about 21st July.

Thank you very much.

All respects to Mataji.