Understanding Death (trying to)

3 days, 2 hours ago by Parasurama Avatar Das in Hot Topics


Dear Gurudev, I hope your health will be better.

HpS//ASA - Hare Krsna, So, agtSP, nice to get your association.

Health is about the same. Doing a lot, lot, lot of work with modern medicine, ayurveda and Krsna, and result seems to be there. We are learning what aspects of our body are functional and how to use this machine nicely then the new one that is sent by Krsna!

Firstly I want to apologize for the time without writing to you, it was difficult year cause my father, but now I'm feel more recovered.

HpS 👍

Today is a special day, it is your birthday and also my sister's death anniversary, also celebrated Smriti Sraddha for Trivikram (I didn't attend). I have been meditating for days on that you told me about talking to others about death, I feel that already it's time to be able to develop the idea and try to provide understanding on this topic, at least as far as I could.

As a result of what happened with Trivikram, I remembered something you told me a few years ago, the day you were invited to meet with Sanja Maharaha (HpS who is this???), you told me that you were fellow asrama, that like some disciples of Srila Prabhupada at some point they decided to leave. , the good relationship with some of their spiritual brothers made them return, which was your reason for accepting that meeting.

HpS - He took Sannyasa from Narayana Swami??

Personally, I was away from Trivikram, so it was not possible for me to know how he felt and perhaps help him. When someone doesn't want to be there, we can't force them, but I do think that being available is a good start for those who want to regain a relationship with SP, you and Radha and Krishna.

HpS - Our understanding!!

In this year, some things happened, I had conclusions after analyzing certain experiences. I decided to stay away from places and people with whom I don't feel good, not to have utilitarian relationships, where there is no concern for people, only for how we can be materially useful. I'm maintaining friendships with whom I've been able to do some services, I'm training in another judo club where I was able to give some books to my new teammates and give them prasadam.

I've a personal question, I would like to know if there is any particular instruction that you want to give me to do, anything that you think I should focus on (in addition to the things we should do).

Also want to express to you that you are someone very appreciated by me, very important, I think I felt I had to take some distance cause of that I experienced with my father, to avoid suffering in the same way with you, but that is not possible, what hurts will hurt. Do whatever you do to avoid it, cause we are people who develop affections and attachments and I think that in that sense it's better to have an attachment to someone who has helped us grow and develop consciousness, than in other things.

Always desired that Radha and Krishna bless you, your eternal servant Parasurama Avatar Das, Santiago – Chile.

(I send photos of my father, of a chapel that I pass by on the way to the Dojo, of my mates and of the poster of Radhika Raman's conference that I made)

HpS - Hare Krsna!! What we do is not so much important as how we do it!! If we chant 16-nice rounds a day, in heaven or hell, and follow four principles strictly daily, then our heart will be protected and step by step by step by... we will become preachers on the level of Narada Muni, by the merc of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Nityananda.

Get up early.

Get your rounds done.

Keep full morning program.

Prioritize the Sankirtan ideas the Super soul sends.

Meet with devotees after Breakfast and make plans for Sankirtan.

Never, Never, Never leave Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON.

The GBC, local authorities are a part of that.

We struggle to keep the institution proper. It is my institution because it is my spiritual master's institution.

Our experience of Srila Prabhupada must be direct through his books, instructions, deities, supersoul, devotees, Managers etc.

Then we must take first class responsibility to serve and offer correction to the Institution. but... more intimate is that we have friends in ISKCON and most intimate is our personal relationship with Srila Prabhupada.

Then we will all meet here and there from moment to moment.

Aflicción por suicidio

1 week, 5 days ago by Cruz Santa in Hot Topics, Other

Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias ¡Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Orando siempre por su bienestar, me disculpo por importunarle🙏, quisiera consultar sobre un tema que me aflige:

Recientemente una persona que fue cercana a mí, se quitó la vida.

Todo ha sido muy doloroso, pero lo que más me perturba es la forma en la que partió, temo el destino al que se dirige y quisiera preguntarle ¿Además de cantar los santos nombres, de orar por él, hay algo que pueda hacer para ayudarlo?

Guru Maharaja, en esta situación la familia enfrenta gran dolor, confusión, culpa, mucho enojo (incluso contra Dios) y también mucho temor, pues incluso en la tradición católica se dice que debido a que el suicidio es un pecado grave, el suicida irá al infierno... 😞

Muchas veces, el corazón de los dolientes se tranquiliza un poco confiando en que quien parte, llegará a un destino superior. Pero en este caso no se tiene ese consuelo, por lo que la partida es incluso más dolorosa y aterradora.

¿Cómo podría uno encontrar consuelo ante este escenario?

¿Qué puedo decir a los dolientes ante ese temor que incluso yo tengo?

Él era solo un adolescente, no era devoto y, debido a su entorno, tampoco era muy religioso, pero en esencia era noble y bondadoso, nunca imaginamos que tomaría esa decisión... Llegue a pensar que quizá, si él hubiera estado más cerca de Dios, no habría tomado esa decisión. Luego observé que, aunque poco se habla del suicidio en nuestra comunidad, no somos ajenos a esa problemática. Así que me gustaría conocer un poco, para poder ayudar en caso de ser necesario.

Muchas gracias querido Gurudeva, implorando su guía e instrucción, siempre a sus órdenes

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Hare Krsna! Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances, Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Always praying for your well-being, I apologize for bothering you🙏, I would like to consult on a subject that afflicts me:

Recently a person who was close to me, took his life.

Everything has been very painful, but what disturbs me the most is the way he left, I fear the destiny to which he is headed and I would like to ask you, besides chanting the holy names, praying for him, is there anything I can do to help him?

HpS//ASA - AgtSP... Paoho... Chanting Holy Names in front of his picture and offering Mahaprasdam is super, super, super, no? Do it your self and with other devotees.

Of course, if he starts appearing in dreams with special needs you can respond to those.

Eg. One 24-year old devotee in Spain committed suicide (mental problems) and left some little children, babies behind. Her friends were all having dreams that she was feeling great guilt about leaving her babies, so they asked for permission to have a seance, and did it. She was present and all the girls together made a promise that they would see that her babies had lots of motherly love.

No, more dreams.

Guru Maharaja, in this situation the family faces great pain, confusion, guilt, a lot of anger (even against God) and also a lot of fear, because even in the Catholic tradition it is said that because suicide is a serious sin, the suicide will go to hell... 😞

Many times, the hearts of the mourners calm down a little by trusting that the one who leaves will reach a higher destiny. But in this case, there is no such consolation, so the departure is even more painful and terrifying.

How could one find consolation in this scenario?

What can I say to the mourners in the face of this fear that even I have?

HpS - Every situation is different. We see Vaisnava acharyas fasting and quiting their bodies to go to follow the Great Dancer, Lord Gauranga. This is suicide, no?

Every situation is different, but in general the Acharya's scriptures tell us it IS NOT A SOLUTION.

Best help is what we said above.

If Catholic there must be rituals. Say a Mass for him!!

He was only a teenager, he was not a devotee and, due to his environment, he was not very religious either, but in essence he was noble and kind, we never imagined that he would make that decision... I came to think that perhaps, if he had been closer to God, he would not have made that decision. Then I observed that, although suicide is rarely discussed in our community, we are not alien to this problem. So I would like to know a little, in order to be able to help if necessary.

Thank you very much dear Gurudeva, imploring your guidance and instruction, always at your service

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - Tell the family what is our perspective in our religion and look for the same thing in their tradition. Do the work! There is no mistake that you can make that you cannot correct!!!! If you do the work!!!

He thinks that he is the best devotee

2 weeks, 2 days ago by Namacarya das in Hot Topics

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

One who approaches the Supreme Lord to render devotional service but who is proud of his personality, envious of others or vengeful is in the mode of anger. He thinks that he is the best devotee. from SB 3.29.8 purport.

I understand this to mean that this devotee thinks that his understanding of sastra (SP’s instructions), his application of sastra, and his ideas of how to preach, cook, dress, etc. are better than some other devotees' consideration of the same points. 

That understanding/perspective/ideology may be good for him (and for some of the other people), but he forces down the throat it to all others. 

Addition to all this is when there are (seemingly) different instructions regarding the same topic.

Is my understanding right?

HpS / AgtSP. I think it is true of ourselves to some extent and others in ISKCON etc more or less, but I think there are other aspects to the persons Srila Prabhupada describes. Is very universal, and specific, point, no?


Sukra acharya.

If yes, …

This is the challenge in our bhakti circles. Of course, it is also a challenge in a whole world. But here I am talking about the obstacle in relations within the devotee community. 

Now… Could we (me included) try to put into focus, that this kind of ideology is bhakti in the gunas (as verses in this chapter of SB discuss)? That is better than no bhakti at all. However, if not being conscious of the setback, how will we (myself) deal with it adequately and advance?

This is a(nother) simple thought about a complex subject.

Would you like to comment?

Thank you!

Your servant Namacarya Das

HpS - Thank you. Is very nice topic, as usual. Astro Hungarian nature??

It is a topic repeatedly addressed in our Bhagavata philosophy. it is right there from the beginning in noi. especially texts 4, 5, 6 and then again in text 10, karmibhya parito harih....

so much advice there but basic is love god, preach to innocent, befriend devotees, avoid demons. then i take this to mean avoiding the demon, raja and tamas service, in devotees and befriending the service in goodness and pure goodness.


We bow our head down to regular devotees, but we don't offer dandavats.

Kanistha devotees we fold our hands and offer respects, but don't discuss Temple affairs in great detail with them.


VP Offering

2 weeks, 2 days ago by pnd in Hot Topics

Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept mu humble obeisances. [Or as you invented, Pamho :) ]

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and you!

I was always proud as I though I had some intelligence, but after meeting you and your disciples, fool like me becoming humbled and realizing I was proud without a reason.

Your association is always elevating and inspires to be more absorbed in devotional service and to become real devotee.

You always manifest humility which every devotee should develop. 

After last visit of you in Spain I realized you are most important person in my life. I am very honored to get your association. You are most dear person to me.

Thank you for tolerating me. I hope to be able to please you and always be engaged in Srila Prabhupada's mission.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS//ASA - AgtSP. We are devil 👹 but Srila Prabhupada is keep us engaged on a leash! You are like 65%, 75%... perfect? Overcome the obstacles, from many lifetimes!! Become great paramahamsa for Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON by his mercy and the mercy of Lord Nityananda!

Thank you.

Thank you all.

Best wishes for family and Yatra.

VP Question

3 weeks, 3 days ago by pnd in Hot Topics

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hope your issue with arrhythmia got better.

What prasadam would you like to eat on your Vyasa Puja?

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpSwami - ASA -- Hare Krsna. AgtSP. Paoho. Prasadam from Bhoga offered to Lord Nrsmhadeva in our Ashrama.

Have to see how He is inclined that day, but usually vegetable soup with some well cooked split peas, dahl, and a bit of rolled oats and little salt and black pepper.

O. K.?

(Your Ashrama is Our ashram)

Perspectives letter summary

2 months, 2 weeks ago by Carlos Rold in Hot Topics

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!

Please accept my respecfutl obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Here I go with the summary of my Perspectives letter

https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/15268/ :

I think the only guarantee is trying and trying to follow Srila Prabhupada with sincerity and at an honest pace, even if initiation is not achieved, the only guarantee is keeping doing service for Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada. Obviously, this is my speculation. I will continue doing my garland service for Iskcon Chile until God allows me to. I will continue trying to chant the 16 rounds and following the principles. I will continue trying to spread Srila Prabhupada's message and following your footsteps. I will continue making my music and developing my preaching style, and I will continue with my sankirtan and distributing Srila Prabhupada's books. This will be my path now and I will not think about initiation. I will always be eternally grateful for all the moments shared with you, for your teachings and instructions, for the direct and indirect services that you have allowed me to perform for you, for your disciples and associates. You will always be for me the most extraordinary, intelligent, pure and humble man I have ever known. I will always adore you as the father I always wanted to have. I will always adore the images of you and that photo that you once sent me to Chile. I will pass many time be listening to your classes on YouTube and Facebook, and reading your letters, and trying to support Nios Chile. You will always be with me because your voice and your teachings are a fundamental part of my inner world and I ask God please stay with me and don't let me go out from the process, to always keep me in Krishna consciousness.

Thank you very much Gurudeva,


Hare Krishna!

Your aspiring servant,


HpSwami ASA -- ... and now we are together in our gross 🐷🐖🐖🐖🌴 bodies here in Spain.

You are a rare human being.