DTC 30(Th)

3 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC



Brother Ass's eyes are failing.

We push them a little now to write this DTC.

We wanted to talk with many devotees today but was not possible.

  • Morning program!
  • Hawaii class. Is essential for being healthy member of ISKCON.
  • Working with Raul Z. O. for the DTC-UT.
  • Packing for trip to Sta. Eulalia tomorrow.

Very difficult being in foreign country. Of course, the really, really big foreign situation is being in the external energy. 🙂

Finally able to get to some Blog letters.

Got three rounds to go.

Power was out twice this evening.


We really want to help devotees individually but can't do much. We only have to two hands and body is getting old, yet we can say that if you just surrender to the Holy Names, they will give you all enteligence how to fight for Krsna.


Hari bolo!

See you tomorrow.




DTC 30(Th)

3 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna. Aun esforzando conversar un poco con unos devotes de sus situaciones particular hoy!  Ayer afuera como dos tres horas para comprar la ropa etc que nececitamos para la queda en Sta. Aulelia. Clase por internet. Primero vez revisando todo el calendario con ArtD.  . . .  Hoy, clase para Hawaii, viene Raul Zeballos etc. 🙂


Hare Krsna. Still trying today to talk a little with some devotees of their particular situations!

Yesterday outside for two and three hours to buy the clothes etc that we need for the stay in Sta. Aulelia. Online class. First time checking the entire calendar with ArtD. . . . Today, class for Hawaii, comes Raul Zeballos etc. 🙂

DTC 28(Tu)

3 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

NgD writes:

"PAMHO Mahārāja 

How was your flight to Lima?

Are you at your new ashram?"


Thank you so much for your letter.


The whole trip was very intense, hard work and 90% according to plan.

We are in Lima for 3-5 days doing final physical, social, mental packing.

Then go to Ashram. Movie studio!

Four intense, productive hours with the Director yesterday.

How is the Radha Natabara Sankirtan?

🎢 🚋

DTC 22[we]

3 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

oink whoop we dead

eyes dead

import and letter from jamabavati devi dasi. hope to get to it tomorrow.


so many important letters.


Gave class in Spanish

Breakfast a Sundara Gopala Das home.

Went with CCD to get Psizer CoVid booster, glasses and a phone memory card.

B'fast lunch did not agree with us.

Phone work with Richmond.

1-1/2 hours with CCD and Aindavi Devi Dasi!

45-minutes with Gopi natha das for final electronics adjustments.

Collecting all the Prasadam left overs and distributing to the birds.


Hare Krsna Hare Rama.

No Kapi Dhvaja!!!

Take rest.


dtc 17[fr]

3 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

Good night!

Keep Krsna in your sight.

Yesterday we were exhausted, so we rested half the day.

Today we have some energy and used it all the way.

Now at half past eight we have Blog posts and Whatsapp, Oh so great, but we will turn off our brains and rest so we don't become fodder for the cemetery crate.


Hari bolo!

Good night.

Let us hide in the shade of Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet and be sure: https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/9/22/

DTC 13(Mo)

3 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!!



Our eyes are really strained. We see so many letters we would like to read, but it is 8.51PM on Radha astami and our body is finished. We opened several and glanced at them. Very important. Interesting, but no strength here. If we just chant Hare Krsna at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada we will get all knowledge what to do, who to be, no?

We have been working to pack for six months in a small town in Peru. We can take our under-the-set bag and two suitcases of 50-pounds each.

  • What should we take?
  • What is the essence of our office here?
  • What will we be doing there?
  • What things can we get there?
  • What things will get dried out if we do not take them?
  • How can we pack everything safely and efficiently?
  • How much do the cases weigh now?
  • Where can we even get good suitcases????


Listened to very nice class this morning! Very nice. but too weak to comment.

Did the final banking.

Made Radha-Krsna lunch: Two ripe mangos; chopped celery with Mrs. Desai's superexcellent home-made yogurt and fresh walnuts, salt and pepper; boiled split peas; frozen banana puree!

Now hot milk and Krsna book.

Hare Krsna.

Tomorrow we will try to finally close the suitcases, [It was extra big challenge to pack the camera and other valuable things in the cabin bag 🙂] and pack up the auto for six months [we should put the battery on a trickle charger timed to come on for one hour each day].

💪🦆 🦆 🦆 💪 Muscle Duck's Adventure in Travel to the South.