dtc 21(wed)

2 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!!


Long day.

Japa from 1AM.

Mangala arati, Japa in the Samadhi.

SB class.

Two hours chanting and recording in the Bhajana Kutir!!!!

Interview and lunch at Atul Krsna Das home.

Letters for Dr. Samaresh and Asiatic Society.


Eyes finished.

Hare Krsna!!!!

Hare Krsna!!!

So many other important letters in the Blog but could not get to them.

Hope you are going on shooting arrows in the Sankirtan movement until you die.

dtc 6[tu]

2 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

we have chest pains, eye pains, ear lobe pains.... agtsp! paoho and bw. how about you.

today is second day of the symposium in new braja mandala. here are hector, claudia, hps, abhirama, raul et al.

also so much last minute work for the visit to india!

went to brihuega at 9am to get the results of our blood test. they took 60ml! result is that we have very good blood. there is an enquiery if we want to sell one quart a month for $275/month.

we need to rest a lot but guess we can give body more rest after oct 4th.

harsh, subra/ccd/dallas brahmacaris.

hari bolo!!!

dtc [fr/2]

2 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

today we gave blood at the clinic.

they told us just a drop but it was 20ml...

then another 20 ...

then another 20 .

amazing watching your blood flowing away like water.

then two, three, four hours with hector, abhirama, raul, claudia, ambarisa, jayanta...

what is the plan for this week, india, the movies.

then health 15% improved.

for five days with some unknown virus.

haw. haw. haw ray.

looked at the title of the posts in the blog and names of the posters and feeling desire to hear from them but our energy is not high enough to do that now.

h o p e our voice can last for one hour tomorrow to give SB class.

it is being broadcast.

thank you!

sankirtan. sankirtan.

it is an honor to be with you in the same band.


dtc mo(29l

2 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna. Hare Rama.

Sick as a (Goloka) dog.


Looked at all letter Titles and Authors.

Oldest six daze (days) ago.

Hare Krsna!


H A R E!


Rest. Water. Hari-nama-anu-kirtanam.

Will check Blog later.

DTC 17(Wed)

2 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP. Paoho. Our integration with the Yatra here, devotees, Kirtan, Arca murtis (!), Prasadam, DTC-UT, has progressed. Are we improving our service every day?

Our eyes and brains are tired. 9.13PM here in the country.

Rested a little more today.

Have about five bug bites. Think they are a little viral and our body was somewhat exhausted from fighting them.

Every time we lead a Kirtan we feel is chance to chant from deeper and deeper.

O.K. Good night!

Hari Bolo.

dtc su(7)

2 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.

Tom Brown, Buck White et al.

It is always hot here except from 2AM to 10AM.

No mosquitos but some flys.

Jayanta, Gadadhara Das et al got a screen for the window.

Every day meeting with Ambarisa, Vrsabhanu and Hari Vamsi. They all get big badges for Sankirtan devotees.

1st they will laugh at you. then they will attack you, then they will praise you.

we seem to have gotten to third phase.

now we have to be able to teach and guide people.

are you qualified.


Now is time to become qualified.

Movie is moving like an elephant.

We are trying to do things.

It may fail.

The consolidation of all our knowledge from ISKCON = trnad api sunicena... kirtaniya sada harih.

Our only hope.

Lose your nation, lose your wife, lose you family, house, car, job, but the Holy Names of Hari will be always at your side, to fight against The Witch to win everything back for Krsna.


Finally was able to answer a lot of letters.

Lot of letters to Sumanta Rudra, Yuddhisthira Govinda Das in Delhi and phone call, Raul, Pablo et al.

Jaya Dvaita Swami was here for four days. Got some of his association but he was very busy.

Can see some news in our Tweets.

Honoring Prasadam has never been better.

Ready Krsna book down.

Rounds caught up.

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama. Krsna can put you in the mode of pure goodness at any moment. The only requirement, no selfish desires.

Desire only to satisfy the dust of Braja at the lotus feet of Krsna.

O.K. Gaura arati...
