DTC Mo(18)

9 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC, Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


paoho.   Here we are in the Restaurant of the Barcelona, ISKCON, Temple at 6.56AM. Brother Ass is little distressed in and lungs and eyes, but pretty good for a 67-year old ass.
The Book Release and Symposium on Education is mostly finished. We just totaled the expenses as best we could and it was $4,500. Details soon.
Now we are arranging to pay for the printing and shipping.

Madrid visit, for six days, was intense and productive. We found the last available copy of "Journey to the West" in excellent, scholarly, translation in Spanish by Editorial Siruela and are now carrying it to Migule Polo in Peru. We have 15-Bharata-samskrtis with us, and went on Hari-nama Sankirtan for two hours.

Of course, MANY meetings with friends and Disciples and classes on NOI etc.

Now, after super-fast train from Madrid to Barcelona. Suffered alot because was tired and could not lie down.
O.K.   Time for class.   Kapi Dhvaja has to go.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.      Are Srila Prabhupada's books going out?   Are the SB classes and Japa going on???

DTC Mo(18)

9 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC, Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


paoho.   Here we are in the Restaurant of the Barcelona, ISKCON, Temple at 6.56AM. Brother Ass is little distressed in and lungs and eyes, but pretty good for a 67-year old ass.
The Book Release and Symposium on Education is mostly finished. We just totaled the expenses as best we could and it was $4,500. Details soon.
Now we are arranging to pay for the printing and shipping.

Madrid visit, for six days, was intense and productive. We found the last available copy of "Journey to the West" in excellent, scholarly, translation in Spanish by Editorial Siruela and are now carrying it to Migule Polo in Peru. We have 15-Bharata-samskrtis with us, and went on Hari-nama Sankirtan for two hours.

Of course, MANY meetings with friends and Disciples and classes on NOI etc.

Now, after super-fast train from Madrid to Barcelona. Suffered alot because was tired and could not lie down.
O.K.   Time for class.   Kapi Dhvaja has to go.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.      Are Srila Prabhupada's books going out?   Are the SB classes and Japa going on???

DTC Mo(18)

9 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC, Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


paoho.   Here we are in the Restaurant of the Barcelona, ISKCON, Temple at 6.56AM. Brother Ass is little distressed in and lungs and eyes, but pretty good for a 67-year old ass.
The Book Release and Symposium on Education is mostly finished. We just totaled the expenses as best we could and it was $4,500. Details soon.
Now we are arranging to pay for the printing and shipping.

Madrid visit, for six days, was intense and productive. We found the last available copy of "Journey to the West" in excellent, scholarly, translation in Spanish by Editorial Siruela and are now carrying it to Migule Polo in Peru. We have 15-Bharata-samskrtis with us, and went on Hari-nama Sankirtan for two hours.

Of course, MANY meetings with friends and Disciples and classes on NOI etc.

Now, after super-fast train from Madrid to Barcelona. Suffered alot because was tired and could not lie down.
O.K.   Time for class.   Kapi Dhvaja has to go.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.      Are Srila Prabhupada's books going out?   Are the SB classes and Japa going on???

DTC Mo(18)

9 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC, Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


paoho.   Here we are in the Restaurant of the Barcelona, ISKCON, Temple at 6.56AM. Brother Ass is little distressed in and lungs and eyes, but pretty good for a 67-year old ass.
The Book Release and Symposium on Education is mostly finished. We just totaled the expenses as best we could and it was $4,500. Details soon.
Now we are arranging to pay for the printing and shipping.

Madrid visit, for six days, was intense and productive. We found the last available copy of "Journey to the West" in excellent, scholarly, translation in Spanish by Editorial Siruela and are now carrying it to Migule Polo in Peru. We have 15-Bharata-samskrtis with us, and went on Hari-nama Sankirtan for two hours.

Of course, MANY meetings with friends and Disciples and classes on NOI etc.

Now, after super-fast train from Madrid to Barcelona. Suffered alot because was tired and could not lie down.
O.K.   Time for class.   Kapi Dhvaja has to go.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.      Are Srila Prabhupada's books going out?   Are the SB classes and Japa going on???

DTC Sa(9)

9 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC





Prabhupada !     Paoho....    12.08AM. Just got up. Fighting sore throat fever. Eating pretty light. Girivaradhari-gopal Das and Sriman Harsh Pradhan arrived. We did a lot of work on the Book Release. So hot here you can't walk on the stones without shoes.
Now we are preparing to receive Dr. Samaresh's Taxi. He and Mataji just arrived at the airport and now they are trying to contact the driver and then about 45-minutes travel to the ISKCON Glory of India Cultural Complex. She pulled a ligament so we have to see how she can traverse incline.
O.K. Japa!
Press-relations, Temple Administrator, Yuddhisthira Govinda Das, has been an million dollar help.
Harsh is our room-mate. He is pacing back and forth chanting Japa.
Param vijayate Sri Krsna Sankirtanam!

DTC Th(7)

9 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

A G T S P !        paoho.

Room 11, ISKCON Glory of India Vedic Cultural Complex Guest House.

T I R E D!      Some headache.      Stomach, diaharrea 1%.      So, so, so much work today for Book Release, Spain Calendar, Daily Sadhana, Jet Lag, Personal Instructions.

We sit in the General Mess and take a little fruit and then save the rice, beans, tortillas and vegetables in our pot for lunch.
Eating once a day with little fruit in the morning and cow's milk in the evening.

Bhakta Umesh, maybe 40-Bhaktas in the Temple, dress in Yellow, washes our clothes etc.

Dr. Mukundakam Sharma agreed to be Chief Guest for the Book Release and Education Seminar. He was Justice of Supreme Court and now Director of several Trusts and President of a very prestigious University in Delhi. We are paying air fare and accomodation for six very senior scholars from Dehli and at least three or four more are coming from other parts of India.

Prana Das and HpS will be representing the opinion of the Rupanugas.

Also, worked on visiting Vrndavana with Dr.  and Mrs. Samaresh. She has never gone before.

Time to sleep.

Thank you so much for helping us be of some service to ISKCON!

Tommorrow Harsh and Girvaradhari Das arrive. We will put them and Rturaja right to work. They have to get a copy of the letter to Dr. Lokesvara and then go directly to his office. He is Director of the ICCR (Indian Counsel on Cultural Relations). No foreign organization can do cultural programs in India without their permission. Also they organized several banks to help Saunaka Rsi's Oxford Center projects.

Good Night!

Hare Krsna  /  Hare Rama