DTC Mo(18)
paoho. Here we are in the Restaurant of the Barcelona, ISKCON, Temple at 6.56AM. Brother Ass is little distressed in and lungs and eyes, but pretty good for a 67-year old ass.
The Book Release and Symposium on Education is mostly finished. We just totaled the expenses as best we could and it was $4,500. Details soon.
Now we are arranging to pay for the printing and shipping.
Madrid visit, for six days, was intense and productive. We found the last available copy of "Journey to the West" in excellent, scholarly, translation in Spanish by Editorial Siruela and are now carrying it to Migule Polo in Peru. We have 15-Bharata-samskrtis with us, and went on Hari-nama Sankirtan for two hours.
Of course, MANY meetings with friends and Disciples and classes on NOI etc.
Now, after super-fast train from Madrid to Barcelona. Suffered alot because was tired and could not lie down.
O.K. Time for class. Kapi Dhvaja has to go.
Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. Are Srila Prabhupada's books going out? Are the SB classes and Japa going on???