DTC Fr(4)

8 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC
Hare Krsna 2.34p.m. Imphal, Manipur. Just arrived. Now we drive to Thoubal. It's nice here. Krsna gives us all intelligence if we chant His holy names.

DTC Th(3)

8 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC
Hare Krsna! Hare Rama! Here we are in Mayapura dhama. How are you? After two months of intense work we had intense cold and fever for one day. One day coming, one day burning and sweating, one day going. Today we can walk about. Had quick initiation of Manipuri lady. Now she is Dhanistha Devi Dasi. Wife of pujari in Gopal mandir. How are you? Weather is nice here. ILS meetings are over. Few more meetings. Very good results. 11-rounds left from yesterday seven done today. Let's go for a walk. So many nice places to visit just on the immediate campus. Answered the recent letters and one of the older ones. Tomorrow at 5a.m. we leave for Manipur. Very exotic place. Come with us. Oink oink! Whoop whoop! Inspire people to read and distribute Prabhupada's books.

DTC Wed(2)

8 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC
AgtSP. Last night our throat was on fire, unlimited mucous coming out. Hari bol! Now we are almost recovered. Prahlada and Matji gave us carrot juice and others fruit. We staggered to the Bh. Vai. meeting with Atul and everyone. It was extremely productive. Sukadeva maharaja left. Friday we go to Manipur. The sun it shines the wind it blows, And from these things everyone Krsna knows.

Carta 1

8 years, 10 months ago by victorortizm1989 in DTC, Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja

No sé si se acuerda de mi, soy Bhakta Victor Ortiz de Chosica. Ahora estoy viviendo con mis padres en chosica. Tengo 26 años y desde hace 5 años estoy en el proceso de Conciencia de Krsna.  Acabe el curso de Introducciòn al BY con prabhu Laksmana - agraja y deseo iniciarme lo mas pronto posible , por lo que deseo cumplir con mis 16 rondas disciplinadamente lo cual no hago ,no me gusta cantar las rondas , me gusta el mangal artik , govinda, guru puja,cuando canto a la deidad siento una energía del centro de mi pecho que va a mi cabeza y se me eriza el vello , a veces va a mis ojos tambien ,y hago yoga todos los días el cual no puedo dejar por que me gusta mucho el yoga y me siento mal si lo dejo  , me ocupo todo el dia en servicio en el templo ,paro casi todo el dia en el templo o en algo que me ayude a ser una mejor persona , una de las razones es que me cuesta mucho cantar solo ,me gustaría cantar acompañado todas la rondas  o poder iniciarme sin tener que cantar 16 rondas ,por que quiero iniciarme mucho pero no me gustan las rondas, cuando estoy solo me siento mas débil y cuando estoy con mas gente siento mas fuerza. He hecho servicio en Miraflores y luego en Wilson, ahora en Chosica bajo la autoridad de prabhu Omkara. 
Estoy estudiando karate y tengo el cinturón marrón, posiblemente en un año puedo obtener el cinturón negro. Voy a Chaclacayo a practicar tres veces a la semana ,el karate me esta ayudando a desestresarme ,estar soltero me tiene muy estresado. Estoy deseoso de tomar un curso de canto o teatro. Practico yoga diariamente, aprendí con prabhu Prema Vikasa y lo practico diariamente una hora con mi mama y otras personas a las que les enseño en el templo  gratis para atraer gente . Mis padres se mudan permanentemente a Chosica y se están interesando en la filosofía, mi padre lee mucho los libros de Srila Prabhupada. Yo estoy leyendo el Bhagavad - gita.. ... HpS - Hare Krsna. Www.translate.google.com Your letter continued for a long distance after this but we could not read anymore. Thank you. I think I know who you are. You are a great soul but to be initiated you have to chant 16-rounds. It will be a challenge for you, but I think you can get the habit. Ask Laksmana and others fit help. Try chanting a few at a time. You need to develop more mind control. You can do it. Wet are still in Mayapura. We have a little fever now but we are fighting out. The ILS meetings are very intense, 1200 ± here. Your situation sounds very nice. Continue with but chant a fixed number of rounds, even one a day.

DTC Sa(27)

8 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC
Chanted five rounds. Was very purifying. We learned a lot. Now eight rounds finished. That's enough. One more on the way to the Samadhi for mangala arati et al. Still very quiet here, in the Guest House. Holds about five hundred guests. There are 12 such buildings. Loud howling outside from the jackals. Suka deva Maharaja gets up at 3a.m.so we can't turn on the light until then, but we can read the Kindle Ramayana on Bhakta Nokia 1502 and talk amongst us monkeys. We should write essays. The first one should be for Dr Samaresh.

DTC 27(Sa)

8 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC
Hare Krsna. Hare Rama. 1a.m. Maybe we can contact Saunaka rsi Das. It seems we are in the middle of the mode of passion. 1,200 delegates here at the ILS. Running from one program to the next. Dozens of coloured booths and handouts. Have to work hard to find some Sattva guna in all of this. No new letters at monkey warrior. Organized a separate SB class for Latin devotees yesterday. Seems like it will continue daily. Temple room is almost uninhabitable during mangala arati. Not enough fresh air for us. Pass out. Japa has such loud ambience that we cannot... ... Ocean of faults. Chant Hare Krsna and post to this Blog six times a day. Twitter is not working. Chant five rounds now!