dtc 17[tu]

1 year, 3 months ago by hps in DTC


Hare Krsna.


Paoho & BW,

We watched a documentary on Bill Waterson who produced cartoon, "Calvin and Hobbs". It was very enlivening in terms of understanding how our Sankirtan of the Holy Names can progress in the current world.

Happiness comes from personal relations.

One time we visited Prof. Linus Pauling with H. H. B. S. Damodara Swami et al and it was fantastic how much personal relation Prof. Pauling had with the sticks-and-balls molecular model on his desk!

Worked more on DTC(UT) Spain with Ambarisa/Vrsabhanu Devi Das, Prof. Raul and ArtD. Making progress.

Wrote a one-hour letter for Daru Krsna Das in Peru about our perspective on the management problems.

Lost $32 to the bank for a late fee! We were sure that there was no payment due. Trying to manage our credit card makes us very suspicious that the bank posts the information with a little intention of manipulating us.


Conspiring? Paranoia?

Done 90% of the rest of the $$$ accounts and banking.

Reading and answering a lot of mail. We forwarded by Twitter a nice report from M. Subra Dasi from Florida.

Now gayatri, look at Blog posts, finish $$$, three last rounds, hot milk, 8PM NOI 9 with PSF!



We remember one study that we saw while we were in University. It was an investigation of how far any USA citizen was from the President.

The study asked random adults who they would contact if they felt they had news that was directly important to the President and everyone would agree that it was.

First a lot of people would know someone like a lawyer. Then he would know another lawyer who was involved with politics like at a state level, and s(he)it, would know someone in Washington and...

In general, it showed that no USA citizen was more than six steps away from the President.

Similarly, by being members of Srila Prabhupada's mission we have individual and institutional contact with people all over the world, from a KC perspective. People who don't smoke, drink, fornicate, gluttonize, gamble; and are conditioned by the intelligence of Sukadeva Goswami, Arjuna et al.

World's a mess ([Kali Yuga].

Keep you little candle going in the association of Srila Prabhupada. Bring it in relation to other candles, LCD, and make villages of light.

Thank you.

See you in classes.

Hope the Kapi Dhvaja is useful.

dtc 8[su]

1 year, 4 months ago by hps in DTC



agtSP.. the sailors were caught in a terrible six pushes storm.

it pushed them to vigor-ous-ly chant.. ''hk hk.. kk hh // hr hr.. rr hh'' strongly.


just about to sink when there was some break in the woosh.. and glimpse of a sheltered cove.







oooo0 0oooo

they beached the ABC and snapped it back into bath towel.

m/p/hps/ug/et-al threw up their meditation shelters and sat/curled up to rest/dream while wind blew.. storm cracked but at least they'd die with MM on their back.

when the storm cleared by the unseen hand of GOD


[holy spirit



[heisenberg's uncertain princely pals]]]]]]

they saw that the beach was a narrow margin to a GREAT FOREST of UN-KNOWN CHARACTER.

at least that's what the sign on a path lee ding in to it read.

in they went...

will they find SITA???

ask the 🐸 in the Blog if you want hear more.



dtc sa[7]

1 year, 4 months ago by hps in DTC



hare krsna! we are still alive and fighting. [about 73%]. guess that just like you.. we are engaged in a war with our conditioning.

we always get to Blog mail.

looked at the titles and author's names!!

fms.. sb workshop.. 45-minutes with NIOS Peru... ambo, ccd/subra [!], saranga, nayanamrta, amit, =gmgws=, neighbor monte [ii].

wonderful days.

popcorn and granola offerings.

tonight = 2-degrees centigrade

jaya nrsmha deva!!!!

please join us, hari bolo.

trying to be better servant of guru and gauranga!!!

🐵 🐒 🐒


dtc fr[22]

1 year, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

oink oink

whoop whoop.


we, tb/bw et al

are camped in boise, new biharvan.

it is a circus.

10,000 people have/are coming.

lokananntha das


rrd +++

ard, kgd/murari das+++, upendra+++, B'bhadra+ and so, so manny more.

brother ass is fighting with allergy reactions, and of course setting up camp site.

visit of yasoda/monica and cult of holy spirit festival was great. more work.. great results.

caught up on the blog 🐸


please write.

Festival here is chance to clarify our sankirtan (which dictates our calendar)

We will be showing DTC UT (India) final edit on Sunday night to Prof. Gupta, et al.


dct tu[19]

1 year, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

hare krsna!!!

arrived 24-hours ago from nashville, iskcon, to boise, iskcon.

getting our feet on the ground,

camp set up,

lot of work setting up for the festivals.

loka-bandhu rama das just arrived with our purnima puppet theater director, lokannatha das.

we will go to the Prasadam hall to sit with them

and then

evening program.

maybe, maybe, maybe for Blog posts later!!!!

Hari Bolo!!!

dtc 5[tu]

1 year, 5 months ago by hps in DTC


🙂 🙂🙂

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama,

| Jaya Radhe, Jaya Shyama! |

Death is starring us in the face.

Has our Hari-kirtan any semblance of manifesting the Form, Character, Associates, and Pastimes of Radha Shyama Sundara?

In our daily life, our Bhava includes so many things: Neighborhood, Nation, Friends and Community.

Now it is at 6.00PM. Darkness is coming.

We are alone in our little, old, rickety cottage.

. Hare Krsna .

We just want to live in a physical ambience that will keep us as a little, little, choir mouse at the feet of His Divine Grace, Srila Prabhupada.

Who's life is adventure and fun at every moment in the service of Lala and Lali!, and Sri Vrndavana Dhama!