
5 years, 7 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja 

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

El monto total es 336 usd pero puede mejorar, estamos tratando de negociar. 



Salón con aire acondicionado 

Barra de bebidas 

El hotel tiene excelente ubicación, ventanas con cristales insonorizados, WI FI y otros servicios. 

No hay necesidad que NIOS haga algún aporte económico ya que Prabhu Gadhadara Gosai está esperando el código de reserva para pagar y lo que haga falta sus demás discípulos y aspirantes gustosamente cubriremos. 

Gurumaharaja Usted desea tener algún invitado especial? para saber si requerimos algún servicio más del hotel por favor. 

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente 

Asta Sakhi dd.

HpS - Aparece todo bien. Aun podemos ayudar con los gastos! Tenemos que pensar en que hacer. Si podemos invitar unos amigos especial, profesores, artistas, podemos promocionar Education y lo Sagrado. Vamos a volver de Peru y Argentina con bastante cosas. Posible un proyecto, no? Hay tiempo.

Urgente visita a Mexico

5 years, 7 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja:

¡Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias!

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

HpS - TlgaSp…. !.. !

Primeramente agradecerle por su constante ejemplo e inspiración y también ofrecemos nuestras humildes oraciones a Sri Nrsimhadeva para que proteja su labor de sankirtana y energía.

HpS - Somos un ejemplo de cómo un Gurú de buena fe, como Srila Prabhupada, puede usar un perro arrogante en el servicio de Krsna. Gracais sus oraciones. Los necesitamos.

Gurumaharaja hoy Domingo tuvimos reunión de hermanos espirituales, como resultado queremos presentarle la propuesta para su visita del 31 de Julio. 

Hemos visitado el hotel que se encuentra en el aeropuerto, está situado a unos escasos metros de la sala de espera y además de habitaciones cuenta con salones para reuniones, parece buen lugar!

HpS - Super!

Pensamos que puede ser una buena opción de hospedaje para esta oportunidad ya que no habrá necesidad de salir de las instalaciones del aeropuerto ni tomar transporte, realmente serán menos de 3 horas con nosotros y lo más importante es que queremos evitarle tolerar el terrible tráfico de la Ciudad de México.

HpS - Si aparece muy bien. Esperamos la migracion no es muy larga.

Habra una habitación para tomar un baño, tomar alimentos y descanso si lo desea.

Contaremos también con un salón privado con acceso a los discípulos y bienquerientes.

ASA - Kirtan!

Gurumaharaja anhelamos recibir su darshan y si Usted lo aprueba contar también con una pequeña plática "Diario de una Criatura Viajera" (Aventuras en Sud América).

ASA - Esperamos podemos presentar "Diarios de muchas Criaturas Viajeras".

Si nos autoriza haremos la reserva lo más pronto posible por cuestiones administrativas del hotel y también para evitar cualquier contratiempo. 

Una segunda opción es la casa de bhaktin Natyelli, su aspirante a discípulo, ella vive cerca del aeropuerto y está muy dispuesta a recibirlo.

HpS - NgD y la demas comentando que tenemos que invertir un poco dinero en estas cosas y obtener buen resultados. Podemos planificar.

Hoy tuvimos un lindo festival, celebramos el aniversario de los 47 años de la primera visita de Srila Prabhupada a México.

HpS - Grabando memorias de los quien eran alla?

Maharaja Kesava es el nuevo presidente del templo.

HpS - Los Agentinos son los mas inteligentes en America Latino, no? 😁

Quedamos atentos a vuestras instrucciones. 

Disculpe nuestras ofensas por favor. 

Su eterna aspirante sirviente 

Asta Sakhi dd.

HpS - Si, aparece alguilar un cuarto en el hotel y un salon es bueno. Cuanto cuesta? NIOS puede ayudar con los gastos. Solomente tenemos que mostrar un resultado. Tenemos ya muchos contactos acedemicos. Esperamos todos son bien. Jambavati Devi Dasi???

Reverencias al Maha-rsi Das, Uddharana, Adhoksaja!!!! Laghu... y La Asta-sakhi Devi Dasi / Manasa-ranjana Das, Vidagdha..... mucho mas!!


5 years, 7 months ago by abhiramdas in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!! 

Last week I had a good meeting with Professor Juan Dejo of the Antonio Ruiz de Montoya Jesuit University, he suggested changing the general name of the event: EDUCATION AND THE SACRED TO EDUCATION AND SPIRITUALITY, we have talked with Miguel Polo, Walter Leon and others about the name. Miguel suggests SPIRITUALITY AND EDUCATION, but Walter and another professor consider that EDUCATION AND THE SACRED is a good name because for them true education is a sacred act, particularly for me the name EDUCATION AND THE SACRED is well to preserve the traditional format: PSYCHOLOGY AND THE SACRED, ART AND THE SACRED and now EDUCATION AND THE SACRED, what is your suggestion? What is the suggestion of the members of the blog?

ASA - Thank you!! See you in 9-days! I think 'spirituality' is too general. In English 'sacred' is good. It was Ramon's idea, but maybe in Spanish you want another word. I like Walter's thought!

 As for the calendar there are still some meetings to define, I think that Monday will be 100%, even so, the dates are already reserved.

Within the dates reserved for the talks are included a meeting with the Rector of the National University of San Marcos, a meeting with the Rector of the Ricardo Palma University and a meeting with the Ambassador of India. Next, the Program proposal:


Sunday 9

10:15 pm: Arrival in Lima

Monday 10

• 4.30 a.m. Full Morning Program (FMP) in ISKCON Callao.

• 8.00 a.m. Meeting BOEX

• 13.00 Lunch, Calendar and Meeting NIOS-Perú

• 17.00 Dialog with Hector Bejar

Tuesday 11

• 4.30 a.m. FMP

• 9.00 a.m. Meeting MOE-Peru

• 16.30 Promotional video recording

Wednesday 12

• 4.30 a.m. FMP

• From 10.00 to 13.00 pm, Discussion on Spirituality and Philosophy of Education with Miguel Polo, teachers and students (Faculty of Letters UNMSM).

• 18.30 Program in Bhakti-vriksa Nimai-Nitai with Purushatraya Swami


• 4.30 a.m. FMP

• From 12.00 to 14.30 Conversation with Walter León and professors on The Sacred in Education and Education in the Sacred

• From 16.30 Visit to Wilson ISKCON for meeting anyone, and at 18.30 Gaura arati and B.G. Class.


• 4.30 a.m. FMP

• From 12.30 to 15.00 Discussion and lunch with students and teachers from the Faculty of Education of the PUCP

• 18.00 Departure to Chosica


Monday 17

• 4.30 a.m. FMP

• 11.00 1st Conversatory

• 16.00 2nd Conversatory

Tuesday 18

• 4.30 a.m. FMP

• 11.00 3rd Conversatory

• 16.00 4th Conversatory

• 22.00 Departure to Bolivia

From Wednesday 19 to Monday 24 SANKIRTANA IN BOLIVIA

Monday 24

• 5:30 am Arrival in Lima

• 15.00 Discussion with Ramon and Eduardo

Tuesday 25

• 4.30 a.m. FMP

• 11.00 5th Conversatory

• 16.00 6th Conversation

Wednesday 26

4.30 a.m. FMP

From 12 to 3 pm Discussion on Philosophy of education with Miguel Polo, teachers and students

Thursday 27

• 4.30 a.m. FMP

• 11.00 Juan Dejo S.j. Univ. Ruiz de Montoya Conscience and Education.

• From 16.30 Visit to Wilson and at 18.30 Gaura arati and B.G. Class.

From Friday 28 to Saturday 30 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM IN CHOSICA



From 25 to 30 in Lima, these dates will be used for meetings that could not be done and to refine the details of the October Sankirtana.

The talks are with:

• Teachers of the School of Fine Arts of Peru (confirmed)

• Teachers and students of the University of Music (confirmed)

• Teachers and students of the Montessori pedagogy (confirmed)

• Consortium of Catholic Educational Centers (confirmed)

• Members of the National Council of Education CNE (to be confirmed)

• Responsible for the Waldorf pedagogy (to be confirmed by Patrak d.)

• Post-graduate professors from the University of Education (to be confirmed by Laksman-agraja d.)

• Teachers and students of the Jaime Bausate and Meza University (to be confirmed by Candra-mukhi d.d.)


That's all for now Gurudeva, excuse my limitations and the involuntary delay.

Hare Krishna, your useless Servant, Abhirama Thakura dasa.

HpS - ASA - Very nice! We can add more details as it develops. Sankirtan.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


La semana pasada tuve una buena reunión con el profesor Juan Dejo de la Universidad Jesuita Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, el sugirió cambiar el nombre general del evento de: LA EDUCACIÓN Y LO SAGRADO a LA EDUCACIÓN Y LA ESPIRITUALIDAD, hemos conversado con Miguel Polo, Walter León y otros acerca del nombre. Miguel sugiere ESPIRITUALIDAD Y EDUCACIÓN, pero Walter y otro profesor consideran que LA EDUCACIÓN Y LO SAGRADO es buen nombre porque para ellos la verdadera educación es un acto sagrado, particularmente para mi esta bien el nombre LA EDUCACIÓN Y LO SAGRADO para conservar el formato tradicional: LA PSICOLOGÍA Y LO SAGRADO, EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO y ahora la EDUCACIÓN Y LO SAGRADO, cuál es su sugerencia, cual es la sugerencia de los miembros del blog.

En cuanto al calendario aún hay algunas reuniones para definir, creo que el lunes va a estar al 100%, aun así, las fechas ya están reservadas.

Dentro de las fechas reservadas para los conversatorios están incluidas una reunión con el Rector de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, una reunión con el Rector de la Universidad Ricardo Palma y una reunión con el embajador de la India. A continuación, la propuesta de Programa:


Domingo 9

10.15 pm: Llegada a Lima

Lunes 10  

·        4.30 a.m. FMP

·        8.00 a.m. Meeting BOEX

·        13.00 Almuerzo, calendario y Meeting NIOS-Perú

·        17.00 Dialogo con Héctor Béjar

Martes 11  

·        4.30 a.m. FMP

·        9.00 a.m. Meeting MOE-Perú

·        16.30 Grabación de video promocional

Miércoles 12  

·        4.30 a.m. FMP

·        De 10.00 a 13.00 pm Conversatorio sobre Espiritualidad y Filosofía de la educación con Miguel Polo, profesores y alumnos (Facultad de Letras UNMSM)

·        18.30 Programa en Bhakti-vriksa Nimai-Nitai con Purushatraya Swami


·        4.30 a.m. FMP

·        De 12.00 a 14.30 Walter León: Lo Sagrado en la Educación y la Educación en lo Sagrado

·        Desde las 16.30 Visita a Wilson y a las 18.30 Gaura arati y Clase de B.G. WILSON


·        4.30 a.m. FMP

·        De 12.30 a 15.00 Conversatorio y almuerzo con Alumnos y profesores de la Facultad de educación de la PUCP

·        18.00 Salida a Chosica


Lunes 17

·        4.30 a.m. FMP

·        11.00 1er Conversatorio

·        16.00 2do Conversatorio


Martes 18

·        4.30 a.m. FMP

·        11.00 3er Conversatorio

·        16.00 4to Conversatorio

·        22.00 Salida a Bolivia

Del miércoles 19 al lunes 24 SANKIRTANA EN BOLIVIA

Lunes 24

·        5.30 am Llegada a Lima

·        15.00 Conversatorio con Ramon y Eduardo

Martes 25

·        4.30 a.m. FMP

·        11.00 5to Conversatorio

·        16.00 6to Conversatorio

Miércoles 26

4.30 a.m. FMP

De 12 a 3 pm Conversatorio sobre Filosofía de la educación con Miguel Polo, profesores y alumnos

Jueves 27

·        4.30 a.m. FMP

·        11.00 Juan Dejo S.j. Univ. Ruiz de Montoya Conciencia y Educación

·        Desde las 16.30 Visita a Wilson y a las 18.30 Gaura arati y Clase de B.G. WILSON


Del viernes 28 al sábado 30 PROGRAMA EDUCATIVO EN CHOSICA



Del 25 al 30 en Lima, estas fechas se emplearán para las reuniones que no se pudieron hacer y para afinar los detalles del Sankirtana de octubre.

Los conversatorios son con:

·        Profesores de la Escuela de Bellas Artes del Perú (confirmado)

·        Profesores y alumnos de la Universidad de la Música (confirmado)

·        Profesores y alumnos de la pedagogía Montessori (confirmado)

·        Consorcio de Centros Educativos Católicos (confirmado)

·        Miembros del Consejo Nacional de Educación CNE (por confirmar)

·        Responsable de la pedagogía Waldorf (por confirmar por Patrak d.)

·        Profesores de post-grado de la Universidad de Educación (por confirmar por Laksmana-agraja d.)

·        Profesores y alumnos de la Universidad Jaime Bausate y Meza (por confirmar por Candra-mukhi d.d.)

Eso es todo por ahora Gurudeva, disculpa mis limitaciones y la demora involuntaria.

Hare Krishna, su inútil Sirviente, Abhirama Thakura dasa.

Hawaii Class Thursday

5 years, 7 months ago by Ramananda in Calendar Development

HH Hanumatpresaka Swami will give class on Thursday, May 30th, continuing the history of Dhruva. Dhruva becomes so much in tune with the Supreme Personality of Godhead that when Dhruva restricted his breathing the whole universe stared to suffocate. Such was the weight of his influence. Join us in listening to Hanumatpresaka Swami class this Thursday at 6:00AM Hawaii time. Here's how:


Dial-in number (US): (319) 527-2528

International dial-in numbers: https://stme.in/i/esanga

Online meeting ID: esanga

Join the online meeting: https://join.startmeeting.com/esanga

For 24/7 Customer Care, call (877) 553-1680

Itinerary Urgent

5 years, 8 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Beloved Gurudeva


This is a proposal, please give us feedback. This itinerary was made in coordination with ARTD. 


June 9th: Arrival 10:15 pm

ASA - Aero Mexico!! One suitcase full of Sarees! Recording equipment! Exotic books... Monkey and Piggy... Chica-morada Prasadam..

June 10th: Lunch and work meeting NIOS Peru 1:30 pm

June 11<sup>th</sup>: Bhakti Vriksa Iskcon Callao 7pm.

June 12<sup>th</sup>: Philosophy of Education First Conversatory

June 13<sup>th</sup>: : Philosophy of Education Second Conversatory

June 14<sup>th</sup>: : Philosophy of Education Third Conversatory

ASA - Can we go Friday after noon to Chosika (A different kind of town)? Hear the doves cooing? Go for Gaura-arati and see a good movie?      

June 15<sup>th</sup>: Srimad Bhagavatam in Wilson, after breakfast Chosica

June 16<sup>th</sup>: FMP in Chosica, reception in chosica (Gurupuja) special program for Father’s day.

June 17<sup>th</sup>: Philosophy of Education Fourth Conversatory

June 18<sup>th</sup>: Philosophy of Education Fifth Conversatory

June 19<sup>th</sup>: Philosophy of Education Sixth Conversatory

ASA - Wow! A lot of conversatorios! What are we conversing about??? Who has so much to say? We fly to La Paz at oo.25 on the 19th, so no programs in Lima on the 19th.

June 20<sup>th</sup> – June 24<sup>th</sup>: Bolivia ASA - La Paz to Lima, arrive at 5.30AM, so programs all day.

June 25<sup>th</sup>: Philosophy of Education Seventh Conversatory

June 26<sup>th</sup>: Philosophy of Education Eigth Conversatory - ASA - Piggy talking with Monkey?

June 27<sup>th</sup>: Bhagavad Gita in Wilson

June 28<sup>th</sup>: Chosica

June 29<sup>th</sup>: Educational Encounter in Chosica

ASA - Consult with the Gandharva Das, no? We thought that this program would also go on during the first weekend in Chosica?

June 30<sup>th</sup>: Educational Encounter in Chosica

July 1<sup>st</sup>: Departure to Argentina ASA - 9.30AM

Your eternal servant

Candramukhi dd

ASA - You seem to be really stressed! Have fun! If we are destined to be raped and slashed with knives, or marry the next President of Peru, it will happen. We can try to adjust the situation to the best of our ability, but our power is limited, but we can always adjust our relationship to it.

We can use our Karma for Krsna!!! Jaya! Humour is the essence of conjugal Rasa and CR is the Adi-rasa, so basically everything is fun, funny. You Mother can laugh at the cancer!!! Etc! We have tried it to a great degree. It works. Death is SOSOSOSOSO scary!!!

Hey! You don't trick us Gopal!! We see through your costume!

CALENDAR - Our main focus is Education and the Sacred, no? Not Philosophy of Education. We can have full morning and evening programs, no? Kirtan, Lecture, Kirtan, Prasad!! Can't we go to Wilson more? Can we go in the afternoon before the traffic and let devotees know we will be there? Then come back after the traffic.

With Gandharva Das, Mataji, you, let's design a fun program for the weekends in Chosica. Is Yugala kishora Dasi still working with the kids? Others? We will try to bring stuff from The Goswami Academy in Houston. Lima-Houston Children's Friendship Society! Cooking classes? Uncle Gismo art workshops.

Miguel Polo, Walter Leon, Hector Behar, Ramon Mujica, Eduard, Oscar/Anna, Nitya-kishori. Light of the Bhagavata movie. Rector of San Marcos. PREPARATION OF THE EVENT IN OCTOBER. Designing Solaris. Education Encounters both weekends in Chosica (A different kinf of city).

Design clothes for Radha and Her Boy-friend, what's His name??? Waitin for the next generation of Calendars!

Argentina Calendar - Urgent-

5 years, 8 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna


All glories to you guru dev

We have already bought the bus tickets to be all your stay in Buenos Aires and help in your sankirtan there, I hope to be useful.

ASA - Make many movies better! Interviews.

We are talking to Rati Manjari in Bs As, Nikunja Bihari in Mar del Plata, and with Madhavendra Puri and Vrsabhanu Nandini here in Cordoba to get interviews, good contacts to discuss and present yours ideas to them.

Nikunja Bihari is organizing public presentations with academics and universities during his stay in Mar del Plata. We, along with Madhavendra and Rati Manjari, are focusing on specifying interviews and encounters with people of interest to project something into the future and build a link with them.

HpS - Education in the higher standard of life will save the world. At least those who don't fight being saved.

Within the devotees and guests will be organized the certified seminars of the Light of the Bhagavata, teachings of Lord Caitanya and nectar of instruction as mentioned in the previous letter.

HpS - Got the books?

Also all this will be communicated to the disciples of Hps in a what s up group.

Argentina Calendar

1 arrive to Bs As, Argentina from Lima, Peru

1 to 16 of july Buenos Aires

16 to 22 of july Mar del Plata

22 to 24 of july Buenos As

24 depart from Bs As, Argentina to Lima, Peru

Any indication, instruction, idea, advice to better develop these activities?

Thank you guru dev for your efforts, enthusiasm, happiness and for engaging us in the service of this beautiful sankirtan to please your Guru dev Srila Prabhupada.

your servent Ambarisa m das

HpS - What will the kids do?