Jayanta Das - Mail Man

4 years, 8 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krisna Gurudev. Pamho.

Acabo de recibir este email de Nityananda prabhu de Portugal.

Es una invitación para dar una clase de Isopanisad.

No se si ésta dirección de email será buena.

Se lo pasaré por whatsapp también. El blog es algo lento.

Su sirviente, Jayanta Das


Querido Jayanta prabhu, por favor acepta mis humildes reverências. Toda glória a Srila Prabhupada.

Como estás prabhuji? Como va la familia? Espero que todo esté muy bien con ustedes.

Prabhu, hemos creado un grupo de estudio de los libros de Srila Prabhupada online. Somos unos 18 en total de várias partes del planeta. Estamos estudiando ahora el Sri Isopanishad.

Tu crees que SS Hanumat Presaka le gustaria dar una clase del Sri Isopanishad al grupo. La plataforma online es la ZOOM. Si Maharaja estubiera de acuerdo le daríamos el link para entrar y también el podria invitar a los diferentes discipulos e seguidores de su lista de emails por toda parte del mundo.

Las clases las damos los Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes. El horário es a las 19,30 españolas.

Quando puedas pregunta a tu Guru Maharaja sobre el tema. Desde nuestro grupo haremos propaganda a todos los templos y diferentes grupos de whatsapp en España y Portugal

Un abrazo prabhu

Tu sirviente, Nityananda das


HpS - ASA -- ¡Gracias, Jayanta Das! Eso sería 12.30 para nosotros. Es correcto, pero ya tenemos la carga máxima de clases diarias.


¿Tal vez podríamos hacer su clase el viernes y repetir el contenido el viernes por la noche en nuestro horario regular?


¿Quién traduciría? ¿Es Zoom con un número de teléfono de EE. UU.? De lo contrario, no funcionaría para nosotros. Demasiados datos.


Mexico 31 May

4 years, 8 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

So grateful for accepting the transmission for ISKCON Mexico dated May 31.

I submit the topic proposal.

"Psychology in multicultural context"


1) What should be the psychology of the devotee who is in a bicultural situation in which he faces being Hare Krsna and being inserted in a situation that demands fruitive activity?

2) How to healthy reconcile the differences derived from the cultural variables between devotees?

3) What does it mean to assume the identification as Vaisnava in a context like today?


Your aspiring servant,

Govardhanesvari devi dasi

Member of the Administrative Committee, 

in charge of the Communications Department

HpS - Thank you... AgtSP. Multi-cultural, Australian Bushmen and Paris Fashion Designers??? Can you pick say three or more as you think best, different cultures that we should look at! Sounds like fun.

Mexico avances itinerario

4 years, 8 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja: 

Por favor acepte mis reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Informe sobre los avances del itinerario para México. 

Los horarios corresponden para Tennessee, México (horario de Verano) y Perú. 


Viernes 29

Sabado 30

Propuestos en KDh, para nosotros esta muy bien!!! Tambien los tamales para Sri Nrsimhadeva.

Domingo 31 

5:00 pm Tema: "Psicología en contextos multiculturales" 

Dirigido al público en general a través de gotomeeting* y facebook live de ISKCON México.

Invitan: ISKCON México 

*Gurumaharaja decidimos descartar Zoom para Su mayor comodidad y de los fieles seguidores de gotomeeting, se hizo las pruebas técnicas y funcionan muy bien. 

Más detalles sobre el tema de la clase en otra carta de ISKCON México. 


Lunes 1 

7:30 am Srimad Bhagavatam 

SS. Hanumatpresaka Swami

Martes 2 

7:30 am Srimad Bhagavatam


6:00 pm Tema: "La Educación y lo Sagrado" 

Dirigido al público, profesores y psicólogos de Krsna West y Proyecto Mantra a través de Zoom* 

Dirigido al público en general a través de facebook live de los anfitriones. 

Invitan: Krsna West y Proyecto Mantra

*Tienen una cuenta de zoom de paga y como Usted me indico los aspectos visuales serán por sesión y el audio por acceso telefónico a EE.UU.

Proyecto Mantra es el programa de prédica de Mahatma Prabhu, en México trabajan con Krsna West . 

Miércoles 3

7:30 am Srimad Bhagavatam

SS. Hanumatpresaka Swami

Las clases de SB estan de acuerdo a la gira, pero podemos ajustar, el final del tours siempre es mas exahusto, las pantallas causan cansancio. Como Usted disponga Gurumaharaja .

Muchas gracias por su misericordiosa atención y permitirnos viajar con Usted por Sud America, Es muy increible!!!!

Nos alegro mucho escuchar que esta pensando viajar con alguien en un futuro cercano.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd. 

HpS - Muy bien. Podemos afilar mas. Junio 4-7 es Symposium en Educacion Sastrica "en" Houston. Podemos hablar de estas temas en Mexico y organizar como los devotos Hispanyolicos puede participar en estos eventos.

[KDPC] Propuesta

4 years, 8 months ago by Gopi Radha Devi Dasi in Calendar Development


My obeisances dear gurudeva,

HpS - TlgaSP!! He suffered so much to build this movement.

Gurudeva, we know that you will have a virtual visit in Mexico from May 31 to June 3.

HpS/ASA -- We are planning on that!

We are attending to the recommendations of spiritual brothers from Peru and other nations for your care.

We received an invitation from the Krishna West and Proyecto Mantra preaching programs here in Mexico, so that you can give a virtual class to the academic public interested in psychology and education.

HpS - O.K.!

Mainly the invitation could be made to psychologists and educators. The topics they propose are: "Psychology and the Sacred" or "Education and the Sacred".

The transmission would be made through the Zoom platform and they have a paid account and telephone access through a US number.

HpS - Should work!

The proposed day is Tuesday, June 2 at 6:00 pm Mexico time. If the proposal seems good to you, we can confirm your participation and disseminate so that we have more academic participation.

HpS - We just put it (in pencil 😎) on our calendar. We will join. "Education and the Sacred" seems to be the better title. We can discuss this theme with different groups. We can discuss Sastric education with devotees or others who want to join us. On the 6th-10th of June will be the North American Sastra Mela, devotees from Mexico can also join that. Expect it to be 97.5% virtual.

My sons, Vidagdha and I, are very enthusiastic in serving Krishna, trying to get through this quarantine in the best way. Only service to Krishna gives us clarity of mind and keeps us engaged in constructive activities.

HpS - Hope your community relations become clear also! Since the time of the Azteca Mexico always has a history of violent political relations, no?

I would like in another letter to tell you about my experience giving virtual Srimad Bhagavatam classes to children. I hope to write to you soon.

HpS - Send this now! We want to put it in the next Viplavah!!!

Thank you very much for everything Gurudeva, we hope you are very well.

Your servant

Gopi Radha DD.

HpS - Jaya!!!!! Thank you. Best wishes to the next generation! We all need to move back to the villages and do sacrifice to have nice rain.

Argentina Calendar

4 years, 8 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna


All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

All glories to you Gurudev,

HpS - AGTSP.... The only qualification that I have as a "Guru" is that I am one of the sources that people have to access the Parampara. Of course, Srila Prabhupada is the Founder - Acharya for ISKCON, for all of us, as we just have to know our particular relationships under his service, no?

Thank you very much for your efforts in sharing Krsna consciousness with all of us and for giving us your asociation.

Sorry for the delay in sending you the estimate calendar for Argentina.

As for the schedules, if you think they could, they could continue to stay as before

Argentina Time:

6:30 am FMP (full morning program)

8:30 am (Srimad Bhagavatam class)

HpS - We discussed today, SB will be 7.30AM Argentina time, like usually in all ISKCON Temples?

7:30 p.m. FEP (afternoon class)

What is your opinion, is it good not to change the schedules since there are several devotees already accustomed to them?

There are also already confirmed for classes on Sunday May 10 (Cordoba) and Sunday 17 (BS AS)

Devakinandana Das will help with the connection of the different platforms to transmit over the internet.

(facebook, go to meeting, zoom)

Madhavendra puri will coordinate the translators for the classes

(Sarad bihari, Madhavendra puri, Nikunja bihari, etc.)

Vrsabhanu nandini will coordinate the devotees to sing in the programs.

Singer for FMP

Saturday May 2 FMP ------------------------------ NIkunja bihari das

Sunday May 3 Fmp ---------------------------- MAdhavendra puri Das

Monday May 4 FMP --------------------------------- Hanumatpresaka Swami

Tuesday May 5 FMP ------------------------------- Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

Wednesday May 6 FMP --------------------------- Kirtida dd

Thursday, May 7 FMP -------------------------------- Rati manjari dd

Friday, May 8 FMP ------------------------------- Ambarisa Maharala Das

Saturday May 9 FMP ------------------------------ Nikunja bihari das

Sunday May 10 FMP ------------------------- Madhavendra Puri Das

Monday May 11 FMP ------------------------------ Hanumatpresaka Swami

Tuesday May 12 FMP ----------------------------- Vrsabhanu nandini dd

Wednesday May 13 FMP ------------------------ Kirtida dd

Thursday May 14 FMP ----------------------------- Rati Manjari dd

Friday, May 15 FMP ---------------------------- Ambarisa Maharaja Das

Saturday May 16 FMP ---------------------------- Niunja Bihari das

Sunday, May 17 FMP -------------------------- Madhavendra puri

Monday May 18 FMP ------------------------------ Hanumatpresaka Swami

Tuesday May 19 FMP ----------------------------- kirtida DD

On May 5, the day of Jayananda Prabhu's departure, could you give a seminar on humility?

HpS - Yes, I think I may even have a slide show that we used in Vrndavana when they asked us to speak on the same topic!

May 6 Nrsimha Chaturdashi, "The devotee's refuge in Krsna and facing difficulties"

May 7 appearance of Madhavendra Puri, mysticism and ecstasy

Thursday is our www.e-sanga.org day so someone else, you, can give the class!!

May 11 Ramananda ray, "Art and Love Mysticism".

Any thematic suggestions for classes or seminars that you want to offer so we advertise them?

HpS - If it is O.K. we will do SB at 7.30AM BsAs time on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, and Evening Class on Tuesday, Friday ar 7.30PM and Sunday at any time. Thursday only the Hawaii class.

We could coordinate an open talk with the public with Carlos Rua (USAL) inviting students from the university. suggest any topic?

I have also spoken with Maxi Peralta (Jungian Psychologist) in the same way you could do an open talk, suggests some topic (anxiety perhaps).

could you give some talk in some forum about yoga and spirituality

suggest some topic for advertising. (madahavendra puri can coordinate this)

Guru dev you have contacted Bernardo nantes about the video call with Sonu Shamdasani and or for a personal chat with Nantes. please let me know if I have to contact Bernardo or help.

Thank you

Your servant Ambarisa Das

HpS - ASA --- We are still trying to fix a date to talk with Prof. Shonu. Certainly let us say hello to Maxi and Prof. Rua and then maybe we can write up a proposal of work that we can discuss with Bernardo!!


Hare Krsna


todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

todas las glorias a usted Guru Dev

Muchas gracias por sus esfuerzos en compartir conciencia de Krsna con todos nosotros y por darnos su asociacion.

perdon por la demora en enviarle el calendario estimativo para Argentina. 

en cuanto a los horarios si a usted le parece bien podrian seguir manteniendose como hasta ahora 

Horario de Argentina

6:30 am FMP (programa completo de la mañana) 

8:30 am (clase Srimad Bhagavatam)

19:30 Hs FEP(clase de la tarde)

Cual es su opinion, es bueno no cambiar los horarios ya que hay varios devotos ya acostumbrados a ellos?

tambien ya hay confirmados para las clases del domingo 10 de mayo (Cordoba) y el Domingo 17 ( BS AS) 

Devakinandana Das va a ayudar con la coneccion de las diferentes plataformas para transmitir por internet. (facebook, go to meeting, zoom)

Madhavendra puri va a coordinar los traductores para las clases

(Sarad bihari, Madhavendra puri, Nikunja bihari, etc)

Vrsabhanu nandini va a coordinar a los devotos para que canten en los programas.

cantor para FMP

Sabado 2 de mayo FMP ------------------------------NIkunja bihari das

Domingo 3 de mayo Fmp ----------------------------MAdhavendra puri Das

lunes 4 de mayo FMP--------------------------------- Hanumatpresaka Swami

Martes 5 de mayo FMP -------------------------------Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

miercoles 6 de mayo FMP ---------------------------Kirtida dd

jueves 7 de mayo FMP-------------------------------- Rati manjari dd

viernes 8 de Mayo FMP -------------------------------Ambarisa Maharala Das

Sabado 9 de mayo FMP ------------------------------Nikunja bihari das

Domingo 10 de mayo FMP -------------------------Madhavendra Puri Das

Lunes 11 de mayo FMP ------------------------------Hanumatpresaka Swami

Martes 12 de mayo FMP----------------------------- Vrsabhanu nandini dd

Miercoles 13 de Mayo FMP------------------------ Kirtida dd

Jueves 14 de Mayo FMP----------------------------- Rati Manjari dd

Viernes 15 de mayo FMP ----------------------------Ambarisa Maharaja Das

Sabado 16 de mayo FMP ----------------------------Niunja Bihari das

domingo 17 de mayo FMP --------------------------Madhavendra puri

Lunes 18 de mayo FMP------------------------------ Hanumatpresaka Swami

martes 19 de Mayo FMP----------------------------- kirtida DD

El 5 de mayo, el día de la partida de Jayananda Prabhu, ¿podría dar un seminario sobre humildad?

6 de mayo Nrsimha Chaturdashi, el refugio del devoto en Krsna y enfrentando dificultades

7 de mayo aparición de Madhavendra Puri, misticismo y éxtasis

11 de mayo Rayo Ramananda, arte y misticismo amoroso.

Alguna sugerencia tematica para clases o seminarios que quiera brindar asi los publicitamos?

podriamos coordinar una charla abierta con publico con Carlos Rua (USAL) invitando a los estudiantes de la universidad. sugiere algun tema ?

tambien he hablado con Maxi Peralta (Psicologo Jungiano) del mismo modo se podria hacer una charla abierta, sugiere algun tema ( la ansiedad tal vez).

se podria dar alguna charla en algun foro sobre yoga y espiritualidad

sugiere algun topico para la publicidad. (madahavendra puri puede coordinar esto)

Guru dev usted se ha comunicado con Bernardo nantes acerca de la video llamada con Sonu Shamdasani y o por un a charla personal con Nantes. por favor hagame saber si puede serle de ayuda o contactar a Bernardo Nantes

muchas gracias

su sirviente Ambarisa Das

Evenng Class Today - May 2 (Satuday)

4 years, 8 months ago by hps in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

HpS will be giving the Amrta-tarangi class on SB 2.2 at 8.30 Houston time. Join at.

Web log in - https://zoom.us/j/92551288435?pwd=Z2xRUVQyb1g3eGQrWlJFaENMaGNXZz09 - Password: krishna

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/balimardana.das/ 

Telephone - Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 436 2866 or +1 253 215 8782 - Webinar ID: 925 5128 8435 - International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/a3fNA5bmp