Class by Zoom for Dominican Republic

4 years, 2 months ago by mukunda in Calendar Development

Hare krsna !

dear maharaj please accept my most humble and respectful obedience, all glories to Srila prabhupad.  

I am mukunda madhava das Disciple of Srila Virabahu Maharaj, I live in the Dominican Republic.  

We have a study circle and I would  like to have your association through a class by zoom and fb. 

We calculate that it would be  Monday, November 9 at 6:30 pm in the DR.

Your servant : mukunda madhava das .

Hare Krsna 

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna! AgtSP... Paoho. We need a little more warning. What about next week? 6.30PM DR time would be 4.30PM Nashville time. At 5.30PM we have to join another program. That is O.K. Who is part of the group? Kanishta, Madhyama, Uttama-adhikari? Brahmana, Ksa., Vaisya, Sudra? ?


New Schedule for Leading Kirtan on FMP

4 years, 2 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva 🙏 Please, accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

After coordinating with devotees who asked to participate leading kirtan on "Full Morning Program" the schedule is as follows:

  • MONDAY: HH Hanumatpresaka Swami.
  • TUESDAY: Anandamaya das, Karuna Mayi dd, Parama Karuna das.
  • WEDNESDAY: Yugala Kishora dasi, Alankrti dd.
  • THURSDAY: Mitravinda dd, Tarangaksi dd, Govardhana das.
  • FRIDAY: Abhinanda das.
  • SATURDAY: Isvari dd, Gandharva das.
  • SUNDAY: Candramukhi dd, Parasurama Avatara das, Rohini Kumara das, Priya Sakhi dd.

Regarding "Full Evening Program" (Gaura artik and Nrsimha Pranam kirtan), Anandamaya das confirmed that he will be in charge of coordinating with devotees who want to participate.

Gurudeva, we hope you are pleased with this new schedule 🙏

Your aspiring servant: Mitravinda dd.

TB - HpS likes it, but he is very liberal. We, Tom Brown, Buck White and the ASA Supreme Absolute Undifferentiated Commando (ASA - SAUC) are tough. Be sure that all the Kirtan leaders have read: etc.

(TB - It's really great!!)

Vyasa-puja Calendar de México

4 years, 2 months ago by dolores lalita chavez in Calendar Development


Por favor disculpe nuestras ofensas y torpezas.

Estoy tan apenada de enviar este mensaje para distraer su atención. Antes que nada, quiero agradecerle el esfuerzo por acompañarnos en el FMP y apoyarnos en nuestro proceso. Realmente es muy inspirador.

Quiero plantearle la situación que los discípulos en México estamos claramente divididos en dos equipos. Los organizadores nos han pedido unidad con miras a celebrar su gloriosa aparición de su Vyasa Puja, que esperemos podamos glorificar adecuadamente su personalidad, como usted se merece. En estos momentos, algunos devotos preferimos organizarnos de diferente manera y el otro equipo no ha contestado nuestros mensajes, al día de hoy. Quizás lo logremos más adelante. Y esperar complacerlo con nuestro insignificante servicio.

Durante este año, he sido objeto de ... algo de critica social.

HpS - Yo tambien!!! Super, super, super =

He leído sus agradables comentarios sobre la situación de las críticas sociales en el Yatra, y le he pedido a Caturamta Das sus comentarios confidenciales también, y veo que muchas veces, incluso en mi propio caso personal, surgen muchos conflictos por malentendidos.

Por muchos medios, tenemos que tratar de comunicarnos con los devotos y expresar nuestras preocupaciones y luego, a menudo, descubrimos un malentendido básico que puede corregirse.

Nunca se convierta en una víctima, sea siempre un bienqueriente, ¿no?

Hemos visto que ... algunos organizadores intentan limitar el acceso a usted.

HpS - HpS - Siempre es un problema en ISKCON y también en el mundo, pero estamos disponibles en clases, Blog, Kapi Dhvaja y visitas personales, por lo que cualquiera puede contactarnos que quiera. Por supuesto, es necesario algo de NoI-3. ¡Utsahan y Niscayenna!

Por tanto, la petición para su próxima celebración de Vyasa Puja es que se contemplen para los devotos de México: 14 minutos (no 10 minutos), para que ambos equipos podamos distribuir una exposición de 7 minutos equitativamente. Claro, si los devotos del otro equipo están de acuerdo.

HpS - Me parece bien. Diferentes devotos y grupos de devotos que se representan a sí mismos como un Templo de solo un grupo de amigos pueden ofrecer alguna glorificación del Parampara en el evento, ¿no?

Tengo más de dos meses, así que dediquemos tiempo a trabajar en el evento pequeño mi pequeño.

Su inútil sirviente

Lalita Gopi Dasi



Please excuse our offenses and awkwardness

I am so sorry to send this message to distract your attention. First of all, I want to thank you for the effort to join us in the FMP and support us in our process of Krsna Consciousness. It is really inspiring.

I want to raise the situation that the disciples in Mexico are clearly divided into two teams. Organizers have asked us for unity, to focus on your glorious appearance of your Vyasa Puja on January 13th, when we hope can properly glorify your personality, as you deserve. At this time, some devotees prefer to organize ourselves in a different way and the other team has not answered our messages, as of today. Maybe, they will answer them, later. And hope to please you with our insignificant service.

During this year, I have been the subject of gossip and slander regarding myself. They may tell me that I have an inflated ego; but at no time I have discriminated and / or criticized any devotee. If it is the case of having a rude comment, I apologize publicly. My psychic structure has a very low self-esteem, due to childhood trauma. Therefore, I have an ingrained feeling of unworthiness, for me, everybody is better than me, in any way. I feel incapable of explaining philosophy well and I don't allow me to defend myself.

We have seen that some devotees take advantage of their position of power to block the service of others. And some have even given up and / or withdrawn from the movement due to the impossibility of staying in a direct dialogue with you. I hope we are not blocked this time. It is simple, they accuse us of being selective, when I think it is the other way around, we are the ones discriminated against.

Our condition of weakness to continue the process is present every day, and Maya is doing her job perfectly. Due to your mercy we are staying in this path.

Therefore, the request for your next Vyasa Puja celebration is that if it would be contemplated for the devotees of Mexico: 14 minutes (not 10 minutes), so that both teams can distribute a 7-minute presentation equally. Of course, if the other team agrees.

Your useless servant

Lalita Gopi DD

Urg.Clase Yatra Mendoza Paraná Argentina

4 years, 2 months ago by Bhakta Francisco in Calendar Development

Dear Gurudev please, if you wish, accept my humble and respectful obeisances Prostrate in the dust of Your Lotus Feet.

 All glories To Srila Prabhupada.

The Yatra Devotees of Mendoza and Paraná (Argentina) ask me if you can please give a Sunday class through your Zoom platform, this Next Sunday, or when you can, at 4 pm Murfreesvoro hour. Here I attach the email from Prabhu Dhenupal das in charge of the service.

 Thank you for giving me the opportunity to partner with you and my brothers and sisters in the wonderful daily programs.

 I tell him that the health of this body is quite low apart from esophageal cancer I have a neurological problem (Cerebellar Ataxia) a problem of involuntary and strong tremors that do not allow me to walk or sit, I am only lying on my stomach or on my side. shaking . The body is like that and the merciful Lord is reminding me.

 My material life dropped a lot, but my spiritual life grew much more ... I have better rounds better Gayatri I finished last week giving a weekly talk on The Light of Bhagavata and this week I start a on The Nectar of Devotion. Precisely for ISKCON Mendoza Paraná. That will take a few months. And classes of the Bhagavad Gita as it is on the facebook of Buenos Aires. Everything to be more than grateful.

 How Always waiting to be of service to your would-be servant.

Nanda raja das.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!! You are a real Sannyasi! Very soon back to Krsna. We follow your example. I just sent email to the address for Dhenu gopala Das.

Hare Krsna!!!!

Reply: Reorganizing Daily SB Classes

4 years, 2 months ago by srinivasacarya in Calendar Development

Respected Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I just read this letter from mother Isvari devi dasi: It is very nice to see how humble Spanish devotee men are, they simply hear Srimad Bhagavatam and are gentle in dealings.

I personally think you should not give up speaking on Mondays. Pre-pandemic days I used to relish hearing you almost daily in English but eventually you started delegating your days. May be Fridays, Spanish devotee men speak three Fridays a month and I can do once a month if you feel it is appropriate. Other than Harsh Prabhu and my family, there are rarely any Non Spanish devotees attending on that day. My only request is let there be English translation on that day. I would like to hear from regular attendees like Abhiram Thakur Prabhu, Lakshmanagraja Prabhu and so on.

Also, now you are doing Hawaii class only once a month, may be we should have Thursday sessions as well?

Your insignificant servant

Srinivasacarya dasa

ASA - AGTSP. Please organize the Friday classes. They seem nice. We seem to be locked into BOEX meetings at the time of class, but like to listen to the recordings later.

Thursday is nice for me to listen to other senior devotees giving classes!