Report and Invitation from Richmond

Respected Maharaj,

Please accept our humble and respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! 

For the pleasure of your Holiness, we would like to share some of the updates from Richmond Yatra:

 - After some hurdles, our Temple Project is moving forward. Initially, our site plan application was rejected by the county. After months of re-work and in addition to a lightning plan for the parking lot we are ready to re-submit the modified application to the county.

 - Upon approval, which usually takes about two weeks, we will initiate the construction of, driveway, Parking lot and other areas on the temple site. Which will take about a month.

 - Upon completion, we will apply for the inspection and occupancy permit. The whole process should take about 2-3 months.

HpS-ASA -- 😐 Super. AgtSP.

 - Apart from the temple project . . . regular, nourishing Krishna conscious activities are going on including - Multiple weekly Sangas like Bhakti Vrikshas, Bhakti Shastri, Saturday Feast, Festival celebrations, Kids Sunday School etc.

 - Srila Prabhupada is sending many new sincere families to assist and serve in the Temple Project and services.

HpS/ASA - 🙃 Su, Su, Super!!!

With above being said - We sincerely, on behalf of the whole yatra, would like to humbly request your holiness to visit us, and we very much desire to have another grand celebration - City Harinaam, Public inauguration of the temple with a cultural program etc., in presence of your Holiness.

Maharaj, we are made up of your mercy and we would like to be in your shelter and remain as your

your servant

Divyanam Das

HpS/ASA - AgtSP! We are just a peanut in the belly of an elephant compared to the mercy that Srila Prabhhpada is giving us. Now we are in Mexico. Riding the waves of the Spanish solar winds. Rama navami in The Capitol, then 3rd-11th April in Houston.

All this is in the Kapi Dhvaja (www.JayaRama.US/new.htm).

Such and excellent periodical.

Then we will return to our Base Camp in Murfree's Boro, Tennessee, and try to take a look at future travel etc from a basic platform.

Actually it is becoming impossible for us to travel with out an attendant, and with some extra facility. Even then it is a lot of work, yet that is what we want, no? To be constantly sacrificing for Krsna rather than Lord Banana.

So, let us stay in touch.

More Temple Yatra News.

Then we can develop programs!!

We need the help of the Rich Mound Yatra like anything.

Still remember you all in your gumshaws at Radha Kunda. 🙃

URGENTE Viaje a Mexico

Hari bool TLGASP Reverencias

Esta carta sera corta, Voy a Mexico para estar en la ceremonia y verlo una ultima vez, asi que ojala Krishna me permita verlo allá, estoy emocionado, todo lo del viaje ocurrio muy rapido y por arreglo de Krishna.

Hari bol :D

This letter will be short, im going To Mexico to be in the ceremony and see you a last time, so I wish Krishna let me see you there, im excited, all the idea of travel travel happend really fast and for Krishna's will.

Hari bol :D

HpS - AgtSP. Very nice to see you, but "be in the ceremony". What does that mean? To be initiated?

Have you been a Candidate for six months? We forget. We are getting too old to initiate.

NMD - Houston Calendar

1 year, 10 months ago by hps in Calendar Development


3/Mo - Arrive IAH at 9.45AM

5/We - Rasa-purnima

7/Fr - CCC (Caitanya Cinema Circle), release DTC-UT USA!

8/Sa - Ecstatic Home-program in Katy (North Houston) at home of Devendra Krsna Das and esteemed family.

9/Su - Sunday Festival

11/Tu - Hobby to Richmond on SWA.

  1. We will meet with a director of the Jungian Center to look for collaboration in this Jung and Bhakti-siddhanta work.
  2. Probably give Morning Classes.
  3. A nice Guru-tattva conversation with Radha-krsna Das, Sarva-bhauma Das et al.

Horario Ceremonia de iniciación

1 year, 11 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Bienvenido de regreso a esta parte del mundo. Que el Señor Nrisimhadeva lo bendiga.

Estamos felices de saber que muy pronto tendremos su santa asociación.

El lunes 28 de Febrero viajaré a Monterrey con prabhu Arya-Srestha y una hermana de Perú. Por favor concedanos sus bendiciones para poder tomar su vapuh apropiadamente y poder servirle en su misión de Sankirtana. 

Respecto al calendario de Ciudad de México que presentamos por este medio, tenemos algunos detalles que nos gustaría hablarlo en persona ya que tendremos la oportunidad de verlo. 


Prabhu Hari Lila, su esposa y prabhu Kuvera ya hicieron la reserva de hospedaje a unos pocos pasos del templo.

HOST: Akinchana Krsna prabhu.

Algunos devotos de Chile se quedarán en el templo y otros con sus amigos devotos. 

Tratamos de hacer arreglos con los devotos que nos contactan. 


Ramanavami 30 de Marzo 

SS. Bhaktisundara Goswami tiene 4 aspirantes que desean unirse a la ceremonia, Maharaja estará presente y desea conocer el horario. 

El templo considera que puede realizarse al medio día, le parece bien Gurumaharaja? Me dicen que si Usted prefiere más temprano también está bien.

HpS - Hare Krsna. AgtSP! In your next life you will be in Goloka? Hope Krsna sends nice people to meet in your trip from Mexico to Monterrey. Take some books to give them!

If possible seems best to have the initiations as early as possible, right after SB class, and then all breakfast together. It is Thursday. Best to do Brahminical activities early.

Yet, it is Rama navami and we are fasting until noon, so we could have Rama-lila kirtan until the Deities go for lunch and then have fire sacrifice and join the Raja bhoga kirtan.

Whatever Bhakti sundara Swami wants. He comes from very cultured Arabic heritage.


Muchas gracias por su misericordiosa atención.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd 


1 year, 11 months ago by hps in Calendar Development


Just bought a SWA ticket from Houston (Hobby) to Nashville on 11th April.

Then I guess we stay in Nashville for a l*o*n*g time.


See you soon!

1 year, 11 months ago by i8themaha in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna!,

Dear Maharaja --

Yes! I will be in Houston. I will be there looks like from March 1st to the 4th...if that works!!

But also you're going back to the Boro after you get back from Mexico? Hopefully I could see you there again as well?

Looking forward to seeing you!

Your servant,

Jaya Hari Das

HpS - AgtSP!! 1-4th seems fine to us. Ask NIla Madhava!!!!

Accomodation after 3rd April is under discussion.
