Itinerary urgent

6 years, 12 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



Thank U all so much for constantly being the source of my enthusiam.

Here is our proposal. And a request for all the readers of this wonderful blog


CMDD: taking into consideration the answer from HH HpS to JsD:

Maybe the Candra-mukhi Devi Das can be the central secretary for the Calendar for this HPS/ASA tour. 

It will be very nice that based on the itinerary that I will post bellow [below], all the devotees who want to make suggestions write to me, so we can discuss and then I will post here in the blog the final draft, in order to avoid misunderstandings.. we are ahead of time, I guess that all devotees are doing an excellent job. Thank U Gurudeva

A suggestion: Also I humbly want to ask that all the ladies who want to give us ideas for the Vaisnava ladies week (April 17th- April 22nd) in Chosica in honor to Sita devi, may also write to us, and together we can develop a great festival in coordination with the authorities from Chosica as well.

ASA - We would suggest the movie, "The Taming of the Shrew", with Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. Prabhupada said, (Vol. 22, page 533) that we can teach Shalespeare in our Guru kula. It has Spanish overdub and was very poplular and stimulating in Chile.

So much. A drama of Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening (PG 16). Print a booklet with BBT extracts.

Invite the Mayor, Ministers, President.

March 6th: Arrival 5pm, rest in Callao

March 7th: Beach walk: Meeting NIOS- Sattva Peru, comradely lunch

March 8th: Meeting with Ramon Mujica, First date option meeting with Minister of Culture: Mr Alejandro Neyra: The date is not fixed yet, bellow is another option for the meeting.

March 9th:  Interviews with disciples after breakfast.

                         Bhagavad Gita class in Wilson.

March 10th: FMP in wilson, Srimad Bhagavatam class as well

                     Initiations: 10 am, breakfast and then meeting with disciples, rest in wilson, and in the evening BG class in wilson, then return to Callao [JSD suggests iniations in the evening so everyone can join?]

March 11th: Internal meetings: the guests will be (actors, theater directors, painters, musicians, dancers, etc. (Venue: Beach house is a suggestion, not decided yet)

March 12th: Conversatory

March 13th: Press Conference: Art and the sacred, the venue is not yet decided

March 14th: Conversatory Art and the Sacred in Ruiz de Montoya [ASA: When?]

March 15th: Second date option meeting with Minister of Culture: Mr Alejandro Neyra. [Isvari DD suggests BG that night in Wilson and then spend the night and FMP on 16th. We think is good idea. I don't know what happened to Prahladananda Swami with the Vyasasana in Wilson but a long time ago there was a new one and we were the first to sit on it and the back legs broke and we were peacefully looking up at the sky. Maybe Sakata asura is hiding in Wilson]

March 16th March 18th: Chosica: Spiritual retreat in a club [ASA: When? Taming of the Shrew that night in the Temple?]

March 18th : In the afternoon return to Callao

March 20th: Flight to Cusco

April 17th- April 22nd:  Vaisnava ladies’ week

April 23rd – April 24th: Meetings with the team of Art and the sacred to finalize details

Thank U all so much Gurudeva and all the devotees in this wonderful blog.

Trying to be useful

Candramoonkey dd

(secretary mode)

HpS - We suggest that you just continue as keeping the official calendar so that it is co-ordinated and then we can work out details here with Abhirama Th. Das et al. Of course, our focus is book distribution!

Urgent! JSd Lima - Peru

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you are in good health.

HpS - Pretty good but Monkey was reading a medical book and thinks we might have Anthrax, Agina, Arthitis or Apoplexy. He hasn't got beyond the "As" yet.

I am very happy about your next visit to Lima.

Monkey (Tom Brown) - Will there be mangos? Should we bring our own water?

Looking forward to see you. Please forgive me for the long silence, lots of work and something at heart, at mind, feeling disappointed with some authorities attitude

HpS - Radharani has that problem with some of Her authorities also.

About your schedule, aspirants here, Juan, Miguel Angel, Rukmini and Lourdes, are asking me about the day for initiation, also authorities, you say saturday 10th march, so is OK. Also they are asking me to perform the ceremony. Will be very great to have the sacrifice for the evening program, in this way much devotees and guests can be present in this auspicious ceremony, getting also the invaluable benefit.

HpS - O.K. but we have heard that you Peruvians do human sacrifices. So they will get new bodies afterwards, right?

I wish to ask you to have a day for a meeting on education. On march I will be again full time at work, so for me will be all right monday to thursday at evening or saturday morning or afternoon.

HpS - Can you co-ordinate with the Gangamayi and the Isvari and the Abhirama Thakura? The basic calendar has been posted here. Just look at the last letters and use the "Calendar" filter and it should come up quickly. I mention this because the Junta de Wilson wanted some meeting and Abhiram had some artists to meet (want to go?), and Mathuresa Das may come.

Also young devotees, now parents, in Chosica are asking about a gurukula. They are asking Atmananda dasa (JpS) if will be posssible to use the former brahmacari asrama.

Despite all the stuff and mess, to my surprise last december Wilson centre authorities asked me to lecture again on Bg. So since last 31st december I am going again to ISKCON Lima. New year, new time. I am on january vacation at work, so taking advantage to go with Adi Lila every saturday and sunday to attend evening program, lead kirtana and associate with devotees, I was missing everything very much.

And now authorities asked me to teach again the Introduction to Bhakti-Yoga Course. I will do my best. Please give me your blessings to do well. I hope you and Krsna will be pleased. Also will be a great opportunity to teach ISKCON Disciple Course too.

Also I was very happy coordinating godbrothers and godsisters for the last Vyasa-puja, was a success! Aratik, puspanjali, pujas to you, SP and 6 Gosvamis; meaning of VP; your biography, your last year homage to SP, homages from disciples and lot of prasadam, mahaprasadam, cake. Thank you very much for the virtual connection. I personally count 132 different preparations among salty, sweet, salads and nectars.

I am working as teacher at secondary school, two years ago in History and Geography at one school I don't want to go anymore, last year in Arts, Religion and Civics at other now pleasent school. This year they want to hire me again.

Adi Lila is always doing noon offering and aratik monday to friday at Wilson. My son Krishna is 13 years old, going to 2nd grade secondary, learning with the Waldorf method. And now he is taller than me haha.

Thank you very much for having accepted me as your disciple, I hope one day I will be some useful.

Your eternal servant,

Jiva-Sakti dasa.

HpS - Thank you for the news. Maybe the Candra-mukhi Devi Das can be the central secretary for the Calendar for this HPS/ASA tour.   Then return from BsAs.  Then go to Goloka. You can teach science to the monkeys there!!!!!!    BooMM!

Houston visit

6 years, 12 months ago by aja.govinda in Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and your glorious service unto him.

I definitely plan to visit Houston when you are there and hope to get a glimpse of transcendence after purification in your holy presence in my otherwise mundane world. I will come again with the students here in Kingsville.

Your humble aspiring servant,

Aja govinda dasa

HpS - Jaya!   We also may have a mission for you as Messenger to the Undersecretary of HRD for India.  If you chant Japa and don't cows, ducks, pigs, frogs, snails etc then your life is transcendental. Watch for the magi gick!

itinerary BLOG urgent

6 years, 12 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category B, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Beloved and respected Gurudeva:


I have already read all the communications that LAD, ART, Isvari, wrote. As I told U in our meeting with LAD using skype... I was worried that if everybody write to U, we might make misunderstandings, double proposals and even tell U wrong information, and just try to satisfy their own programs rather to do a sane itinerary for U.

I have very good communication with Lad, art etc, even the Junta, Jaya Laksmi dd is secretary and she told me about the meeting that they want to have with U today.

So in order to make things more practical, I have already talked with all the devotees mentioned and tomorrow, or the day after I will send U like a first draft of your itinerary.

Just for U to know in Peru Palika dd is the treasurer of HpS's disciples and I am in charge of communications, so I will always try to make things easier for U.

Please kindly forgive any inconvenience.  I was waiting in order to present a decent itinerary. But I guess that it is about time

Thank U Gurudeva 

C U soon

Trying to be useful

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Thank you CMDD. Please send your idea of the current itenarary for Peru. There are also proposals, as you can see, from Gangamayi Devi Dasi and also we have some things we have not posted from Karuna-krsna Das. Mathuresa Das may also have some suggestions since he is also trying to come during this time.

The Calendar seems to be forming up very well, but there is still a lot of space. Of course, we need some flexibility because after we get to Peru there will also be new things developing. I guess it is like practicing for the Rasa-lila.

One point is that we do this job of "Diksa-guru" as a formality, but not a meaningless formality. Usually the principal Siksa-guru becomes Diksa-guru, but for us the Anjana Suta Academy is our more active preaching, Siksa-guru, institution. Our role as ISKCON Diksa-guru with our disciples is important. It is for us a great honor and makes us very humble. So, there is Diksa guru, (Secretary, Treasurer) stuff while we are in Peru and Siksa-guru stuff that then we feel should be the Anjana Suta Academy which is open to everyone, not just our devotees HpS has formally initiated.

Want to form an active branch of ASA in Peru? Can start organizing study programs under UG. It was never disbanded just suspended.

Of course, Jayapataka Swami, Virabahu Das, Bhakti-bhusana Swami all have there personal perspectives on these things just as you do.


Note: First picture CMDD, second picture Tom Brown.

Peru Calendario / Wilson

6 years, 12 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna.

Ententando co-ordinar bien con los lieders de Wilson, Lima et al,  enviamos la siguiente a la Madre Ganga-mayi Devi Das. Es buen resumen;


On Monday, January 22, 2018, 12:44:54 AM CST, GANGAMAJI D. D wrote:

Todas las glorias a sus Señorias Sri Sri Jaganatha, Baladeva y Subhadra'

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay'

Querido Maharaja, Hanuman Prasaka Swami, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies.

HpS - Y nuestra a suyas!

'Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada'

Permita comunicarle, con el respeto que Ud se merece responderé su primer punto. . .

Como segundo punto; es importante y estaríamos muy agradecidos nos conceda por lo menos una hora para poder conversar sobre temas  relacionados a sus discípulos y otros, sus discípulos  podrían estar presentes si asi Ud lo desea. Es bueno mencionar que en todas las oportunidades que Ud vino al Perú, hemos solicitado a madre Candra Muki dd, nos de su misericordia de quedarse en el templo y tener su valiosa asociación, pero desafortunadamente no se logró, debido a sus multiples compromisos.

Respecto a su calendario sabemos que llega el 6 de marzo, pero no tenemos información de su programa completo.

Por otro lado, le solicitamos se sirva Ud conceder una reunion antes de la clase del día viernes 09 de marzo y el día sábado 10 de marzo podrían ser las iniciaciones?...

Agradeciendo anticipadamente su gentil y amable respuesta.

Atte su servidora Gangamayi d d

HpS -Grrrracias! Prabhu, Madre, todos. 

Muchas gracias, muchas veces por su respuesta clara y rápida. Esto es lo primero que espero, es que podamos tener comunicación práctica sobre cualquiera de nuestras disensiones. Siéntase libre de escribirnos con copia a algunos Grhastha que crea que sean apropiados y nos involucraremos hasta nuestro límite.

. . .

Segundo punto, nuestro calendario. Creo que ha habido una confusión de que no nos hemos quedado en nuestros queridos templos de ISKCON mientras estuvimos en Perú. Cuando vamos a Chosica, nos quedamos en el cuartel general de sannyasi de ISKCON en la casa de Kanu-pandita y parece que nos quedamos en Wilson también en Lima. Sin embargo, cuando estamos en Lima nos hemos quedado más con Abhirama Das en Callao porque gran parte de nuestro Sankirtan ha estado en asociación con él y la Biblioteca Nacional, etc. Hay buenas instalaciones de Internet, impresión y alojamiento. Aparte de eso, no estábamos ni en Callao ni en Wilson a veces quedarnos con los invitados a los eventos de la Biblioteca en el hotel.

Es O.K?

Nuestro calendario para Perú está en desarrollo. Obtuvimos 450 cartas por mes y luego comenzamos este Blog: y ahora está en 150 / mes porque las respuestas básicas son públicas. Allí exijo que Jiva-shakti, Candra-mukhi, Laksmana, Abhirama, Isvari Devi Das y otros publiquen sus sugerencias y luego todos podamos trabajar en el calendario.


6 de marzo Llegada a Lima tarde e ir a descansar al Callao.

Séptima estadía en Callao y conversar con cualquiera de nuestras plans de Sankirtan con Sattva, NIOS etc. y camina en la playa. ¡El viaje desde Houston durará dos noches en tránsito!

Octavo todavía en Callao y reunirse con profesores responsables e incluso este nuevo ministro de cultura et al.

9, viernes, BG en Wilson (y sí, vengan temprano para más reuniones y discusiones si quiere). Quédate el viernes por la noche en Wilson?

10º sábado - Programa de mañana completo. Reúnete con todos, Discípulos, Iniciaciones? Entonces, probablemente regresemos a Callo para la residencia y las instalaciones de la oficina, pero podemos ajustarnos. P.ej. ven a programas matutinos muchas días.

13 - Conferencia de prensa sobre nuestro proyecto "Arte y lo Sagrado".

14º - Gran programa en la Universidad Jesuita. Por lo que sé, Abhirama Das siempre invita a todos los líderes de ISKCON a asistir a estos programas y ser integrantes como expositores todo, pero hasta ahora solo Karuna Krsna, Caturatma ha estado asistiendo.

15º: Ivari está organizando otra noche de BG en Wilson y podríamos llegar temprano con gran deleite.

16 - viernes por la noche hasta el domingo por la tarde 18 en Chosica para un festival cultural.

Domingo regreso a Callao

19º descanso

20º Cusco

21 ° La Paz

22a Chocha bamba

23 Sao Paolo

Del 24 al 30 - Campina Grande, GBC College ..

30 - 20 de abril - Argentina

20 ° Lima/ Cosica?

21 ° - 22 ° Chosica para el festival de Sita Devi

23 a 25 Lima

25 a 17:00 Lima a México.


Luego, tres meses de descanso ...

Puedes ver que hay espacio para más programas. ¿Qué sugieres?

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HpSwami Anjana Suta Academy

Urgente! LAD - Perú Calendar

6 years, 12 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaj. Pamho, AGTSP!
It will be great to have you soon in Lima, Peru. We look forward to your coming. As always there will be a lot of activity, but we do not want to tire you too much. That's why I think it's important to review your tour.


Apart from your hard work to move forward the program with the National Library, surely we will have beautiful programs in the temples. I would like to coordinate the programs specifically in the Chosica temple and our friendly university, La Cantuta, either on the days of your arrival or upon your return from Argentina, which suits you best.

La Cantuta continues to be a program that has to have sustainable results over time for the benefit of the devotees and students of the university. I am studying my masters in university, and if Krishna and you want it, this year I will try to work there to be able to make more concrete advances.

Regarding education in ISKCON Peru, the matter moves very slowly. I am concerned about my Bhakti sastri students who need to take their exam at the end of July. I hope we can solve that matter as soon as possible. The suggestion is that Mathuresh Prabhu be the examiner with a solid group of devotees to relieve him of administrative and academic work. I hope that in this visit of yours we can concretize something.

Later we will talk personally and I hope we reach good conclusions for the benefit of Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON.
I feel very well thanks to your mercy.


And I hope you are also very well in your wonderful service to Srila Prabhupada.
ys, LAD


ASA - Hare Krsna, LAD!!    Of course, we talked for about 15-minutes this morning and made some minor sugestions, and the larger one that when we come back we migh have a festival Women, the Classical Knock-out! or some other name and maybe include, Virgin Mary, Dulcanea, Taming of the Shrew and and and Sita Devi's appearance day based in Chosica.

Then of course the weekend of 16-18 March in Chosica, renting  a club, Jiyada, Jagat-guru, Mathuresha Prabhu, Jesuit friends from Lima. Maybe same title "Art and the Sacred - a Pilgrim's Progress".

So far, you, Abhirama, Isvari have written to the Blog about the Calendar. Hope Jiva-sakti and others will write if they have some ideas!