DTC - Tu/25

12 years, 2 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, DTC, Hot Topics, Calendar Development

   A  G  T  S  P !    (((paoho(((          Basically we are fighting for our life.     It started like around 6AM this morning.   We had to go into complete withdrawl and start doing Pranayama like anything, like we have never done before and anytime during our life.    It took about 10-minutes to get our right side open. We almost sufficated doing it.   Now, 8.42AM, its keeping about 70% open. We've COMPLETELY stopped left side breathing.

Srila Prabhupada's Maha-mantra Bhajan is playing in Nandulal Das' cellular.  Intense, deep, inhalation through the right side and blowing it out forcefully through the lips from intense diaphram thrusts.  We are trying to respirate our heart. It is INTENSE.

Hari bolo..    We don't know what's happening, but the most simple sane estimate that we can come up with is that Laksmana-agraja Das is dying and we have a strong Karmis connection with him. Our feet swelled up for no reason when he went into shock from the diabetes and colonic perforation.

Are we breathing for him?

Don't know but sure seems so.       Mind very clear.              Presence of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Nrsmhadeva very strong, clear!!!!!!!           We are servants.           We will keep you informed.  Please don't bother us.

Breathing has to penetrate.    Pratyahara in heavy effect.     Deeper.   Deeper.         Srila Prabhupada Mantra!!!! ! ! !      !           !