Initiation. PabloParikrama

6 years, 6 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics, Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva!


Jay Guru and Gauranga!

I wish You are fine in all aspects Maharaja.

Upon initiation, I have spoken with the authority, Yadunandana Swami, to be able to initiate myself when you are here, if there is no problem with the discipleship course (it does not have to), and he has told me that not from him, there is no problem in the recommendation, and in that I am initiated, if you see it well.
I beg you to please accept me as a formal disciple initiated.

HpS - ASA -- Sounds fine to me. The Disciple Course should be simple and even useful.

Maharaja, I know very well that I am a demon ... yes, it is the type of body I have ...

HpS - But an amiable demon! <img alt="devil" height="23" src="" title="devil" width="23" />

But by one question or another, I have no doubt about Krsna and its powers. And for one question or another, I'm almost 100% sure that my time of not doing things right to finish.

HpS - ASA -- We also hope to improve!   All the faults we have cause burden to Srila Prabhupada!

In the same way that in the past I told you, I was not sure about the initiation, because I was not sure of doing things at the level of initiation on the street, alone and married. In the same way, I say to you, that now I am almost completely sure of being able to initiate myself.

About the trip to India and Peru, it is possible that I have to do some papers in Spain at the end of February, it is possible that I do not, but I do not think that I would risk going to Peru to return to Spain right away, so maybe I made a pilgrimage through India and Nepal until mid-February ... so maybe we will not see each other ... I feel very sorry ... maybe if you go to Manipur?

HpS - Yes, you would like that. They would like you!!  You could preach nicely.

I deeply regret all the problems that I give Maharaja, but really when I am alone, and I practice spiritual life, I am very well, even with the principles.

HpS - In general, we have to learn to be alone (with Krsna and Guru), even when we are with others. Our association is not perfect, neither is the association of others who are not pure devotees. So we all have to learn to get regular purification by full morning and evening program.

See you soon.