Jay Radhe! Hare Hare!.Budanath.

8 years, 2 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics, Other


Agt Nitai Nimai!!!

Hare Krsna Maharaja!    I´m Budanath das from the little mountain.

HpS - We live on Hillcrest Dr.  It is not even a little mountain, but the view is down hill in all directions. Maybe we will live on Govardhana soon and get back to our service to Radha and Krsna in spiritual bodies!

I here, too, it's cold, fog.

I would like to share with you a little my thoughts. I, as always, sometimes better, sometimes worse, but out of mercy, growing in Krsna consciousness.

If God, Krishna, is a person, then, a person like me who walks half mystical half-devotional paths (I recognize that it costs me to be pure). When objects begin to lose their literal meaning, when things and people tell you things, and they communicate things to you from other people, some not physical (I do not mean ghosts in bodies of people, I know the differences), but that reality begins to have another sense of time and place, without past or future, better no pre post concept, only line concept of contacts.

Is this a stage of the personal fulfillment of the powers of Krsna, and then, perhaps, of the realization of Krsna and his associates?

HpS - The way you describe it, it could be. It is such a different state of consciouisness that with such a little description we can't say if it is Spiritual of Material.  Sounds useful!!

Is this why, if it is true, that you first have to make friends with Krsna's associates, God, in order to access Him?

HpS - If by "God" you mean Maha-visnu et al, yes we most likely will get realization, contact with them first, but Lord Caitanya gives a glimpse of Radha Krsna right from the very beginning.

If true, this process is a shadow of the original mystical process that is the association of Krsna ???

HpS -  Huh?

These are things I ask myself, that I want to share with you, I imagine looking for advice and revealing the mind confidentially, like old acquaintances, friends. And respect and pride for your advice, your listening, like that of an old friend, because although I am so stupid, one way or another I have these concerns.

Is it in the purest state to go mad spiritually?

HpS - Socrares said that to ordinary people it would seem that way, but to good Christians and ISKCON Dudes it would be comprehensible.

I have to admit that I am not reading anything lately, but I try to meditate on Krsna and the teachings of Prabhupada with the things that happen to me every day. In general, my life is quite mystical, but many times I am afraid that it is only an illusion and not a real spiritual advance.

It is a fear, only that, I do not want to complain about Krsna, he has always behaved with me beautifully, it is just that I am afraid of being stuck or confusing Krsna's association with the material magic of Krsna.

If I speak without precaution I would say that Krsna is happy with me, that is why he lets me advance, but his friends who do not feel as committed as Krsna, tell me that I have to improve a lot, a lot, that I am very ugly for Krsna to see me.

Thank you for all your work, for being there teaching us the sweetness of Krsna's association and for answering the letters.

That goes well, I hope to write before next time.

Hare Krsna

Jay Radhe Jay Krsna Jay Vrndavan

HpS - Read a little of CC daily!!!!!  Five minutes befor each meal, read something. It becomes and addictive habit. Then you will have an intimate counsel, because, yes, we can get caught on the mystical material platform, for billions of lifetimes!  Don't miss Prabhupada's association.