Dear Gurudeva,
Please accept my obeisance’s. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!
Here we are. A long lone time no writing here in the blog.
HpS - ASA -- AGTSP! That's what Mani-sati-sita Devi Dasi said in the last letter also.
Always following it. This has been a year of much traveling, looking for balance. Working with therapies, yoga, Ayurveda, Prasadam. Giving courses, etc. Also some Sankirtan book distribution traveling to Bolivia, learning natural building techniques.
In the long way to move from Bs As, very crazy life, to Cordoba, little bit less crazy life. First with the idea to go to the lonely hills, but then changing the idea to a more civilized place with more human interaction. Times of many doubts, very strong mind.
By moments reflecting in the materialistic perspective of life of how everyone is living as they are never thinking going to leave this body. Many times finding difficult to find some sense to this no sense theatre material world; other than make an inner transformation or help others in that way. Apathetic many times, but then finding light in connecting all as Krishna s gift. Trying to change the paradigm of my heart.
Principles are OK, 16 Rounds are Ok , but with a large debt. Chanting Gayatris, losing many.
HpS - ASA -- Our personal experience, again and again and again. Statement of scriptures... 15% weak/behind rounds = 15% suffering, 22% = 22% etc. We only neglect our rounds because we are STEWPID. I am stupid sometimes, chant bad rounds.
Last weeks getting more involved in looking for interested people for your preaching in Bs As, January, is like a dead month in Bs As, but we are trying to look for some possibilities with Rati manjari, Jhanava, and Dhanya Lalita.
ASA - Jesus says, "The Kingdom of God is only for the completely dead!". Looks like we have the right month.
Talking with some institutions waiting for their answers. There are some important people and institutions that are interested in you and in Jung and Psychology of Yoga Kundalini, but they are on holidays or closed in January.
ASA - That means they are PERSONALLY available.
Gurudeva, here I attach some photos of some encounters of meditation japa, Mantra Proyect,I was facilitating during this year.
Always remembering you in my heart and in my little intelligence,
Aspiring to serve you,
Madhavendra Puri Das
HpS - Well, its good to hear from you. Yes, KC is 97% internal work (resulting from a lot of external work).
Let's look maybe for personal meetings in January rather than institutional meetings, no? Also, if all the institutions are closed, the people left in BsAs may be very bored and looking for something different. Kundalini Yoga. . . Sex and Celibacy(?) .... Weird, but let's have lots of fun. Lets have a revolution. Lets get 15% of the BsAs population coming to our program. Three Radio Shows?
Nice pictures.