Hare Krsna!.Pablo.Parikrama.

10 years, 10 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics, Other

Hare Krsna!


Agt Guru Y Gauranga!

Vivan Radha y Krsna!

Viva Gurudeva!

Hare Krsna Maharaja, soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de españa.

I wish You are soooo good in all aspects.

This letter I don´t know if is better be private or not.

The first think I want to say, is that Dandava ( Madrid Mandir ) had say that my principles are good, but I had explain to him that in 2013 I had broke 2 principles. Now is Ok but i don´t say that all was perfect all the year. I thinks he said good, but I want to say specificly.

The second think I want to say Gurudeva, I will not came back from Mayapura or India. All the thinks I see in the movement, politics thinks, make me burnt in fire. I don´t want be like that. We are very little devoties Vaisnavas in the world, and we are very very special persons, but my mind only can feel that in quite meditation ( Maha-mantra ). When I see the politics, I burnt, my mind is so weak. I hate politics thinks, always duplicities.

I don´t want thinks like this for the devoties, I want take shelter of the Dham and work under her shadow waiting mercy for the Rottweiler like me.

I always wanted be green veret, my father was also, and is my real profession in heart. They training us to be rottweiler, and now I know that I am one.

I only want chant Hare Krsna and try to have mercy of the Dham. My mind is always finding faults in others.

16/4 OK. Lecture some days not. Mangala arati some days later.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

At Your feet, Your fool fool servant.
Hare Krsna.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP Thank you for your letter. I think you are on the airplane now for India. You can only really enter the Dhama by following the instructions of Rupa Goswami, like Upadesamrta. Otherwise, we will be on the surface, like trying to taste the honey through the glass jar.

But it is also a fact that the Dhamas are very merciful. So, as you are sincere you should have nice experience in the Dhamas, but don't think that it is better than ISKCON Madrid, London, New York. We need both.