Narottama's New Letter

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, PAMHO AGTSP

How is your health?

How is Spain?

How you feel?

HpS/ASA - After, agtSP, 25-hours of hard travel with six devotees, we have reached Radha-kunda from Madrid.

Every place or cataracts, deafness, and dementia are increasing.

They are good friends.

Hope they push us to develop Radha Krsna Bhava.

Be with Nimai and Srila Prabhupada in Nadiya in our next body.

Sorry for being disapear this days, many stuff happend. Also I didn't pretend to annoy you with the not so important histories and little adventures of this little monkey.

HpS/ASA - 🐒

But the ones that are the most remarcable are this ones:

I have my tiket to Spain, I will travel there the 12 of November and I hope to bring some presents from a few brothers that can't travel there.

(I have worked a lot to get the money for all of that)

HpS - Seems like a very god investment!

I finally join in the moring program, I love to see you, and I feel very bad that in few or more time this bodly figure will no be able to see you any more.

Also I have one very strong experience with Jesus Christ, I even cry in that occasion, was... very strange, I usually don't have this tipe of experience with Jesus, maybe is because I have meet a few Mormons and seems to be that they are really nice people, also more they know about them I see that we have some things in common, what is your opinion about them????

HpS - Yes, of all the religions they seem the closest to K.C.

I also hope to do a working hollyday in Germany, I should get better at my german 😅 and with that I feel mych gratitude towards Krsna (as always one most do) but this time I think I could notice better his hand behind everything, since I arrive herr in Chile I have meet a lot of german people and many of them were very nice when I told them that I was traveling to there. I just need to make some adjusments to travel there and be able to get a job with devoties in the south of Germany, let's hope that the war don't go very far, I hope too for your blessings.

A few days ago I also got stolen in the store, nothing really serius but it's a crazy history to tell, Chile is turning a little bit more dangerous this days, maybe move to Scotland or something else will be very good for me.

Also I remenber one time that I tell you long time ago to send a few pictures from my Bhakti Shastri, I have not been able to send them, let's say that using a cellphone is not very good idea, spacially if the cellphone is not in a good condition.

(With the cellphone thing the last one broke very badly and now I'm with one that is not very good but I will love to show you the pictures in person if the oportunity is given)

And lastly I have not being very good with my rounds this lasts months, my own mind was my enemy for some time, now I think we make a truce or pact of peace, and chant while working is not also a very good idea, now I'm better but now I don't feel the "nice" experience while chanting probably I'm just thinking in other stuff, for now the only thing that really moves my hard heart is reading the Srimat Bhavagatam.

HpS/ASA - Seems are we go up everyday, more and more attachments come out.

So, we have to remove them eternally based upon our Japa work, illustrative stories from SB etc, no?

And yeah, I hope to see you in Spain, always I feel a little nervous while I writte you, I still remenber when I ask you why one feel like this with the spiritual master was something like "one still feels like a little demon" or at least somrthing close to that, is more present the felling of what you said rather than the actual quotas, one of the things that I more lament is lost the last phone, I haved tons of quotas of you, many of them I hope to get back.

I hope there they have a lot of phisical work to do (in Spain) I'm like Zhu Bajie, I usually enjoy good and abundant food before (or after) a good amount of work 😅😂

With few to nothing to add I say Hare Krsna and see you in Spain :D

HpS - 10:13AM in Radha-kunda. Our eyes have reached their computer quota.

Thank you, so much.

Hoping you see some strategy from Krsna for your part in this war with The Black Witch: