"Hare Krishna Gurudeva
Pamho🙏AGTSP!! It's Rukmini dd. On behalf of my family, thank you very much for your response to my letter and your prayers to my grandmother. She indeed had an auspicious departure. We have one last question, we'd appreciate your reply. When would you recommend us to perform the sradha ceremony? She left her body on June 10th.", Rukmini Devi Dasi
HpS- ASA --- We don't know how many days after the departure? Maybe a reader knows and can write. We recommend keep the departed on our thoughts, Bhuvar Mandala, because that creates an auspicius atmosphere for them.
Seems like having their picture and giving them Mahaprasadam at the Sunday feast is the best Sraddha ceremony. Describe the departed's qualities and chant HK//HR for them.
Thank you!