URGENT - Calendar Change - Mayapura Classes

4 years, 1 month ago by hps in Special Category A, Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Our classes for Bhaktivedanta diploma,

For the Mayapura Institute,


Will start next Monday, Feb 1st, from 16-18:30 IST, 4.30 - 7AM Nashville Time,

On Mahārāja Sagara and Lord Rama, SB Canto 9, Chapters 8 to 12.

Then February 15-19th will be Canto 9, Chapters 19-24.

We didn't post this first session on our cell phone calendar so we missed it.

Radhika-nagara Das was sharp enough to remind us. He is only 47-years old, young man!

To avoid the Zoom address going public and risking hackers joining, we will give the Zoom address to just a few people individually and most everybody else can watch it on Facebook.

So . . . who wants the Zoom address, especially for Facebook sharing?


Obviously we will have to concentrate on preparing our teaching material. We will not be able to join the FMP during those days, and our voice and mind will be exhausted after 2.5-hours of lecturing daily.

Thank you so much,

HpS, Brown Tom and White Buck

Hare Krsna