Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I hope you are in good health.
HpS - Pretty good but Monkey was reading a medical book and thinks we might have Anthrax, Agina, Arthitis or Apoplexy. He hasn't got beyond the "As" yet.
I am very happy about your next visit to Lima.
Monkey (Tom Brown) - Will there be mangos? Should we bring our own water?
Looking forward to see you. Please forgive me for the long silence, lots of work and something at heart, at mind, feeling disappointed with some authorities attitude
HpS - Radharani has that problem with some of Her authorities also.
About your schedule, aspirants here, Juan, Miguel Angel, Rukmini and Lourdes, are asking me about the day for initiation, also authorities, you say saturday 10th march, so is OK. Also they are asking me to perform the ceremony. Will be very great to have the sacrifice for the evening program, in this way much devotees and guests can be present in this auspicious ceremony, getting also the invaluable benefit.
HpS - O.K. but we have heard that you Peruvians do human sacrifices. So they will get new bodies afterwards, right?
I wish to ask you to have a day for a meeting on education. On march I will be again full time at work, so for me will be all right monday to thursday at evening or saturday morning or afternoon.
HpS - Can you co-ordinate with the Gangamayi and the Isvari and the Abhirama Thakura? The basic calendar has been posted here. Just look at the last letters and use the "Calendar" filter and it should come up quickly. I mention this because the Junta de Wilson wanted some meeting and Abhiram had some artists to meet (want to go?), and Mathuresa Das may come.
Also young devotees, now parents, in Chosica are asking about a gurukula. They are asking Atmananda dasa (JpS) if will be posssible to use the former brahmacari asrama.
Despite all the stuff and mess, to my surprise last december Wilson centre authorities asked me to lecture again on Bg. So since last 31st december I am going again to ISKCON Lima. New year, new time. I am on january vacation at work, so taking advantage to go with Adi Lila every saturday and sunday to attend evening program, lead kirtana and associate with devotees, I was missing everything very much.
And now authorities asked me to teach again the Introduction to Bhakti-Yoga Course. I will do my best. Please give me your blessings to do well. I hope you and Krsna will be pleased. Also will be a great opportunity to teach ISKCON Disciple Course too.
Also I was very happy coordinating godbrothers and godsisters for the last Vyasa-puja, was a success! Aratik, puspanjali, pujas to you, SP and 6 Gosvamis; meaning of VP; your biography, your last year homage to SP, homages from disciples and lot of prasadam, mahaprasadam, cake. Thank you very much for the virtual connection. I personally count 132 different preparations among salty, sweet, salads and nectars.
I am working as teacher at secondary school, two years ago in History and Geography at one school I don't want to go anymore, last year in Arts, Religion and Civics at other now pleasent school. This year they want to hire me again.
Adi Lila is always doing noon offering and aratik monday to friday at Wilson. My son Krishna is 13 years old, going to 2nd grade secondary, learning with the Waldorf method. And now he is taller than me haha.
Thank you very much for having accepted me as your disciple, I hope one day I will be some useful.
Your eternal servant,
Jiva-Sakti dasa.
HpS - Thank you for the news. Maybe the Candra-mukhi Devi Das can be the central secretary for the Calendar for this HPS/ASA tour. Then return from BsAs. Then go to Goloka. You can teach science to the monkeys there!!!!!! BooMM!