CC 2.8.138.

7 years, 1 month ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other


Agt Guru Gauranga!

Hare Krsna Maharaja.

I wish You are perfect in all aspects.

Sadhana and principles all OK.

Is very interesting that the goddess of fortune are present there with the gopis. Then, how is the nature of the personal relationship that can't aspire like the young gopis have got?

HpS - ASA --  Hmmm!  They might be able to aspire, but rather than give up being Vaikuntha ladies, they hear of the Vraja ladies and glorify them.

Husband of all the gopis and goddess of fortune. Old gopis also?

ASA - Not exactly, although Madhurya rasa is the essence of all other Rasas.  He is the beloved son of the older Gopis.

Who are the goddess of fortune. The mothers that stay at home and don't go to secluded places?

ASA - The consorts of Lord Narayana in Vaikuntha.

Caitanya is visnu-tattva like said Srivas Acarya???

ASA -  No!!  He is Krsna, Himself, imitating Srimati Radharani.

I think all our movement is based in vibration (one kind of wave)(great devotees are like sharks in that waves, any can't stop)
Maha-mantra (sound and organ vibration), meditation (inner vibration). Spiritual energy (pure vibration), material energy (stopping the vibration of the Brahmajyotir with avidya, inactivity, darkness (zero vibration))
I have realized this, relating with the clearing of the temple. If one clean the temple with his heart, so nice, that attract people to come.
I always was thinking special vibration is impregnated with our service, thanks to the seva energy, but to unite this with the Gayatri and Krsna's flute, the increase of spiritual desire, desire for Krsna, real "I desire more and more...hahaha", is so beautifull and exotic.
The vice society of nowadays need that sex life, very interesting.

Scientifically, all is vibration, the same knowledge. 
I think that are seven islands, worlds, with seven seas, becouse are the representation of other wave vibration, other platfform of life-space-time vibration.
The yogis travel to the Universe through the waves vibrating in our energetic centers.
Travel to the energy, same like be in that space. We heard Maha-mantra to stay with Krsna.

Sorry my english.
I wish like to You Maharaja, is so nice speak about all this thinks!!

I will be attentive to Your twitter acount :)

Hare Krsns and Thanks for all Maharaja.

I will write to You soon explained other things about the last letter.


ASA - A. U. Mmmmmmmmmm.   A. U. MmmmmMmmmm.   A. U. MmMmmmmmmm.   Breath in as deeply as you can. Stretch you lungs, but don't hurt them, then with everything open as you can, as deep as you can chant, "Aaaaaa", then gradually contracting upward chant, "Uuuuu", then with everything, including mouth, closed let the final air and sound come out of the nose, "Mmmmm". The all closed up, don't breath bur meditate on the name, "Hara". Call to Her, "Hare!,  Hare Krsna!  Hare Rama!"

Until you have to breath again...  (don't have too".