New Preaching Field?

On Thu, 8/10/17, Trivikrama Swami
 Subject: Hare Krishna
 To: "Tridandi Sannyasa"
Date: Thursday, August 10, 2017, 11:42 AM
 Any comments on this?
 I'll comment that it inspires me to be
 a better person. It does so because
 it squarely address my fallen nature
 and at the same time gives me hope that
 I can rise above that nature.
 Ys TS
Hare Krsna, AGTSP!  Paoho...
Seems like great person. Read his profile in the Wikipedia. Another lecture is "Do I Believe in God?". We watched the first part and good insights. Maybe a hard copy of SB 1.9.26-28, Bhisma to Yuddhisthira about Varna-ashrama-dharma, and TLC would touch his heart.
We've printed thise SB purports as a separate booklet and it hits hard. After that we could go into so much more stuff on Politics and Religion.
Thank you.