Guru Maharaj,
Please accept my humble obeisances on this auspicious, beautiful day of Ram Navami.
I wish to inform you that after receiving Harinam diksha at Radha Damodara temple at Toubul,the birth place of Sripad Maharaj, every Sunday after Srimad Bhagavatam class, we go for Nagar Sankirtan and it is a real exalting experience for me.
HpS - ASA -- For everyone, no?!!
I wish to seek your blessings to make this programme more attractive and more meaningful . How best can we go about spreading the sweet Lord's name through these kirtans? We are a small group of devotees attending Srimad Bhagavatam classes regularly. The response has been indescribably sweet and blissful.
Ardently seeking Your forgiveness always,
Your humble servant,
Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi
HpS - In Manipur they already have so many nice elements in their Nagar Sankirtan, no? Many colorful flags is very important. Devotees chanting with pure heart (following four principles). Devotees dressed nicely, some maybe in costumes. Very nice flyers, booklets to hand out. Prasadam in bags. Stop and do some short dramas some times: Scholar and the Boatman, Bird in the Cage...
O.K? Send some fotos.