URGENT : TLC study time schedule

7 years, 9 months ago by Namacarya das in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Guru Maharaja,

in response to this:



I am not sure I will make it for Saturday's meeting where TLC study timings will be discussed.

For us ( NDD and ND) , weekends and mid-days are not practical. Friday or Monday evening will be good. So, let's see if that will be practical for others.

We do not want to be the obstruction. So if our feasible timings are not practical for other devotees, we will withdraw from the study group.
It is not that this makes me happy, but it will be difficult to commit if from the beginning I know there are some impracticalities. I understand that we are all in different time zones and have everyday duties, so is not easy to find a fixed time period for many meetings that fits the whole world.

Hoverer, if we do not make it to this study group, I am convinced that there is some other way to engage in Krsna-katha :-)


Your servant Namacarya das


ps: Your Start Meeting recordings do NOT have the download option anymore. Before it used to be there, now is no more.


HpS-ASA: Well, HK/HR, you did make it, and we did discuss all this stuff there. 1] We will all read http://www.vedabase.com/en/tlc/introduction, the Introduction, and then have discussion group next Saturday at 8AM ACT. 2] Everyone can/will write to the Blog with realizations, including Croatians and their Spice, and 3] We have another discussion group at 1pm ACT = 7pm Croatia time.

Is O.K?