Some answers

7 years, 11 months ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

All Glories to Srila Prabhupad

All Glories to the Sankirtan movement by Sri Krishna Caitanya

Dear Guru Deva I hope you are fineness and thanks for holding on the path to learn how to surrender to Krishna's mercy.

There some topics to if you like I want to know.

1. About fast on Ekadasi: why the honey bee must be avoid?

HpS - Very nice to hear from you. Now you are 38-years old. Are you going to take Sannyasa?    I don't know why we avoid honey on Ekadasi. Maybe because it is strong food and the idea is to let the body rest on Ekadasi, no?

2. About association: when we have friends favourables to Krishna consciousness and then they take initiation iskcon away, what's better to do and to avoid on the relationship?

HpS - Text 4-6 of NIO talk about that, no?   It depends on the particular situation. Maybe they are Kanistha adhikari and they just don't have a mature idea of ISKCON, Diksa etc. Maybe they are Indian and their family are devotees of Ramanuja acharya so they have taken diksa in that line but all appreciate Srila Prabhupada as the current Acharya of all Vasinavas. Very particular.

Thanks, actually I keep on siksa programming by CDM (congregation development ministry) and we are try to  make a program parents and Childs for. According to your learnings. We like to help with some tools on this works. I organise some samskaras for congregational's devotees.

I would like to chant the holy name without offences and just by the shadow of your lotus feet.

PostScript: We are waiting for the baby name still. (Of the previous letter)

Thanks to much, your crew member: Aniruddha Krishna Das

HpS - Please, what is the question about Baby Name. We have not seen the previous letter. Maybe because we were traveling!  We will be in Mexico for six hours June 21st!